When the walls were closing in on hillary clinton, several of her staffers were subpoenaed to testify under oath. Five were granted immunity: Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel, Bryan Pagliano and Paul Combetta. Some after an FBI interview and some before. Despite that, Combetta and Pagliano pleaded the Fifth and refused to testify.
Now Michael Flynn seeks immunity in return for his testimony but the Senate Intelligence Committee has refused.
The Senate Intelligence Committee has rejected Michael Flynn’s request for immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, congressional sources told NBC News.
President Donald Trump‘s former national security advisor’s lawyer was told the move was “wildly preliminary” and “not on the table” at this point, a senior congressional official told NBC. It does not necessarily rule out immunity at a later date, since the Senate investigation is ongoing.
Flynn, who resigned after only weeks on the job, also offered to speak to the Justice Department in exchange for protection from prosecution, according to NBC. At this time, there is no indication that Flynn is admitting guilt to any crimes.
You can’t blame Flynn for wanting it:
In a statement Thursday, his lawyer Robert Kelner said no “reasonable person” would get questioned in “such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurance against unfair prosecution.”
It was the Department of Justice who granted immunity to the Clinton 5. Now it is time for DOJ to similarly grant Flynn immunity. If not, then he pleads the Fifth. It allowed the Clinton 5, as well as Lois Lerner, to skate.
Without any doubt democrats would seek to shred Flynn’s credibility about what he might have to say about his being unmasked by obama administration officials. They are doing their absolute best to gum up the works. Besides, probably every single former staffer in the obama administration has Flynn’s transcripts already and so does the FBI. Had he done something illegal, they wouldn’t be needing him to testify anywhere. Additionally, Flynn is the victim of a crime- his identity was unmasked and then leaked to the press.
So if they want his testimony, it’s immunity or nothing. What’s good for the goose, you know.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Agreed. If you find the source it will lead to the criminals in our government. Follow that leak and it will expose the rotten core. Whoever they are.
Expect different standards applied in these cases than in “innocent” people being granted preemptive immunity or pleading the 5th repeatedly that were associated with the Clinton crime syndicate.
And the response from DrJohn will be “fake news”, how dare I quote the president and his men.
@PhillipMarlowe: I guess you don’t see the difference in the DOJ offering or granting immunity in order to get someone to testify and someone WANTING to testify but wanting immunity from whatever might be attempted to be used against him (such as accusing him of doing something wrong when just taking to people he should be talking to).
But, then again, liberals have lost all use or respect for the law or justice.
Flynn should talk to Scooter Libby if he does not ask for immunity.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: Nothing intelligent there, Bill -D.
@PhillipMarlowe: As is your habit.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: As is my habit?
So, the words of Flynn, Miller and Trump are nothing intelligent.
Got it.
@PhillipMarlowe: No, YOUR words offer nothing intelligent. Only the hate-driven liberal spray based on mob-ruled accusations.
Obama has had Trump (and, therefore, the other candidates, most likely) under illegal surveillance since 2015, grasping at straws to find something… anything… that would provide the weak, corrupt, useless group of candidates the left had to divert attention away from their unsuitability. So, what have you found, using every asset, legal or not, to probe law abiding American citizens for politically useful fodder? Zip.
The conclusion to draw is that Trump and his team are the squeaky-cleanest team imaginable. Another conclusion to draw is that Obama and his ilk are fascists, using the power of the government to attack political opponents. He showed this in the attacks on AP journalists, James Rosen and the IRS targeting attacks. Your little pack of hyenas trying to bring down and impeach Trump aren’t investigating Russia’s interference into our elections… they are just desperately trying to find something…anything… to try and depose the legally elected and legitimate President of the United States. All because they are sore losers and failed legislators.
And you support them.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: So, what’s the explanation for your deplorable lying BillyBoy.
Stupidity or drugs.
Maybe instead of immunity, Trump can grant Flynn a retromingent pardon for all past and future transgressions.
@PhillipMarlowe: What are the lies and how do you provide the “accurate” information? Until you do, facts are facts.
So, Flynn turned his knowledge and experience into a lucrative enterprise. So? What does any of that have to do with Russians? Your desperation is silly.
Meanwhile, Hillary made millions on advances on books that tanked, millions on selling US influence as Sec of State and a half mil on selling the Russians 20% of US uranium… which you have no problem with.
Kind of smacks of blind partisanship. And ignorance.
@Bill- Deplorable Me: Hillary. I thought she lost the election.
But anything to distract from the hypocrites running the White House.
Whatever happened to atrumps health care plan?
What ever happened to Trumps plan to destroy ISIS on day 1?
What ever happened to Trumps tax plan?
Whatever happened to Trump’s (fill in the blank)?
You have been played for fools.
I’m glad ONE of you crybabies finally came to that realization.
Speaking of “distractions”…. Russia.
Trump is destroying ISIS, making more progress than Obama did since he turned them loose (show us where he said he would destroy them on day 1), his tax plan is in work, jobs are coming back to America, manufacturing is up, consumer confidence is at a 15 year high and let’s just watch Obamacare die the horrible death it deserves.
Looks like lyin’ Susan Rice got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, doesn’t it? Trump was right… AGAIN.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: You must be taking the strongest dose of LSD that any human body can tolerate.
That or either Ted Kazinsky is an altar boy compared to you.
BTW, you and Trump are the ones who think Hillary won the election. How else can one explain your fantasies.
@PhillipMarlowe: Your stupidity reigns supreme.