The left wing media is playing checkers. Trump is playing chess.



Well, they finally did it. The left wing media got its wish. It got hold of a Trump tax return. Leaking tax returns is a felony, but we’ll not dwell on that. Instead, let’s remember that a few days ago someone whose name rhymes with stickolas pistoff urged the IRS to illegally leak Donald Trump’s tax return and voila! it got leaked and Rachel Maddow pounced.

With great fanfare she tweeted:

Be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes.

Her monumental scoop turned her into a monumental pooper scooper.

On her Tuesday show, Rachel Maddow teased a scoop: She had Donald Trump’s 2005 tax returns. It was the first time his federal returns would be released.

Small digression: MSNBC’s Maddow didn’t have them. Investigative reporter David Cay Johnston got them, and went on her show to talk about it.

Anyway, when she finally revealed what was in the taxes, it was not a huge deal. Trump earned about $150 million in income in 2005, and paid $38 million in taxes, thanks to the alternative minimum tax, which he wants to kill.

Of course, CNBC had to add:

This gives Trump an effective tax rate of about 24 percent, which Johnston pointed out was roughly equal to what he and his wife, who are an upper middle class couple, pay.

Thing is, it’s a much higher rate than paid by either barack obama or Bernie Sanders. The democrat socialist icon, Senator Freebie, paid a paltry 13% in taxes.

And also let us hark back to some of the things thrown at Trump. Hillary Clinton:

During the September 26, 2016 presidential debate, Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speculated that one reason Donald Trump might not have released his tax returns is that “he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes.”

Clinton said, “So you’ve gotta ask yourself, why won’t he release his tax returns? And I think there may be a couple of reasons. First, maybe he’s not as rich as he says he is. Second, maybe he’s not as charitable as he claims to be. Third, we don’t know all of his business dealings, but we have been told, through investigative reporting that, he owes about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. Or maybe he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes. Because the only years that anybody has ever seen, were a couple of years where he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license. And they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.”

The NY Times:

The New York Times reporters wrote: “Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.”

What this episode does is effectively kill the “How much did Trump pay in taxes?” story. Trump paid $38 million in taxes for 2005, most of it in the form of the Alternative Minimum Tax. Once you know Trump has liability under the AMT, you can be pretty much certain that he will be subject to it every year. That means he pays his fair share.

Back to Slate:

Trump’s tax returns, whatever information they happen to contain, constitute a major scoop. Maddow’s social media team ensured the highest possible ratings for that scoop. But if ever a story should have been delivered in a stentorian, fuddy-duddy, nonpartisan manner, this was it. In positioning it as a grand revelation, a vital step in comprehending Trump’s corruption, MSNBC created an exceedingly cynical spectacle. By playing into the network’s loyal liberal audience’s fantasy that there exists a Trump silver bullet, it instead delivered Trump a positive news cycle—the guy pays taxes! Who knew!—amidst the debacle of the AHCA, along with more evidence that the media is aligned against him.

Maddow’s debacle was widely mocked. Among my favorites:

As has been noted on this site already, one cannot help but recall this epic moment:

Rachel Maddow has long been a smarmy and smug know it all. All I can say is

Schadenfreude! Paging Mr. Schadenfruede!

We’ve learned something today. We learned once again that while the left wing media is playing checkers, Donald Trump is playing chess.




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Just like the old anti drug commercial went THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS you watch enough of this old cow and your brains are toast

MSNBC had not thought it through.
Their hosts (and ex-hosts) owe tons of back taxes!×436.jpg
Al Sharpton = $4.5 million.
Melissa Harris-Perry = $48,581
Toure’ = $59,712
Joy Reid = $4,948

What else do all these tax cheats have in common.
They are all “people of color.”

The government requires you to provide your personal information for the purposes of taxing you, in return they promise to protect this information.
To insure this they have made it a felony to do what Mr. Madcow did after she purposefully promoted it. She willfully and with malice committed a felony.
Even had Trump himself mailed them to her but did not give her permission to use them on the air, she should be jailed and fined. Not saying he did because she named her source. After a 20 minute raving conspiracy that the documents she touted did not lend any proof of. What next peeping to see the president wearing a robe? Openly broadcasting the content of leaked classified communications?
When do we begin to make examples of these types?


Openly broadcasting the content of leaked classified communications?

Well, they’ve already done that. Remember the phone conversations leaked? The left doesn’t care if the burn down the country as long as they get Trump.

So, whiny leftists… happy now? Let’s just see.

DJ 3/15/2007 Trump asks for 2 more weeks to provide proof of Obama Admin surveillance of Trump Towers. I’ll check back on the 29TH.
How’s that investigation of the 3 million “fake” votes for HRC coming along–when would be a good time to check back on that one.
You had this guy pegged from the get-go–an egotistical, paranoid, liar.

Kitt Maddow’s a fool Trump set her up.
Talk about jail time–How bout falsely accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Towers I’ll check back in 2 weeks–expect he’ll ask for ANOTHER extension.

Happy St Patricks Day Go Irish

@Rich Wheeler: Only he didn’t falsely accuse Obama; the surveillance has been confirmed. Just as the rampant left wing voter fraud has been verified.

So, how’s that Russian connection working out with you sore losers? When will you be getting back to is admitting what’s a lie THAT was?

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, you live in California, there are millions of illegals in California. Do you really and honestly believe that illegals did NOT vote in the last presidential election?? Rich, I know your smarter than that so be just as honest with your answer. No one knows how many voted I will concede that but frankly who really gives a rat, Trump lost California to the democrats but he won the Presidential Election and he is our President. You have to concede those facts as well.

Those Standing Rock anti pipeline protesters have spoiled the land several dumpster loads of trash human wastes and abandoned pets then setting fire to their camps while opposing the pipeline then they all drive home in the fossil fuel powered cars to their homes with maybe fossil fuel heated and then click their remotes to watch some mindless enviromental programs or crappy enviromental themed movies like AVATAR,NORM of the NORTH,A INCONVENT TRUTH Etc. Iron eyes Cody the weeping indian is weeping still

@Common Sense:

Do you really and honestly believe that illegals did NOT vote in the last presidential election??

The majority of dems believe illegals should be able to vote anyway so they applaud voter fraud to begin with and would actually welcome the fact. It would mean their “get out to vote” efforts with illegals paid off this election.

There have been studies showing illegals voting (Old Dominion University for one) and others claiming to have debunked the claims (Harvard for one). The Harvard study stated there was a ZERO chance of illegals voting. And that is the “study” used by the leftwing “fact checkers” and MSM to make the claim there was no illegal voter fraud. Unless there is a full investigation, we’ll never know how much voter fraud there is but to claim there is none like the left does is absurd. It’s not like they are going put all the evidence out in the open.

One of the left’s many problems is that according to the document they despise most, the U.S. Constitution, the President is chosen by the EC not the popular vote. Had their felonious candidate spent her time trying to win the EC as opposed to winning the popular vote in a state that she was going to easily win, California (Trump won the popular vote in the rest of the country), perhaps the results would have been different. As for the illegals voting and their loonie left supporters in California, the Calexit can’t get here soon enough.

@Common Sense: Rich, you live in California, there are millions of illegals in California. Do you really and honestly believe that illegals did NOT vote in the last presidential election??

CA had an unprecedented 72% of all adults vote for President.
It was massive voter fraud.
Only the tip of its iceberg got caught.

But then they reverted to type in the very next election, last week.
Only 11% bothered to vote.
That’s more like CA.

@Common Sense: Where’s the beef? Trump throws stuff out then can’t back it up–You’re the one who should be smarter DOC.–The last thing undocumented care about is voting Actually my brother in law is undocumented and voted for TRUMP–same abrasive personality. I actually don’t know if he voted but he loves the guy lol

Nan–do you reallly buy Trump’s BS tweets? Sad

AV yada yada yada 3 MILLION?? What happened to the investigation.

@Bill: ‘ the surveillance of Trump Tower by Obama has been confirmed. BY WHO ?? Hannity

@Rich Wheeler: Hillary is going to win hands down. The dems will retake Congress. Trump is a liberal who will back away from everything he ran on. The Republicans repressed voter turnout. Conservatives didn’t like Obama because they’re racist. Yada yada yada. The investigation into the voter fraud hasn’t happened yet and I don’t expect them to turn up too much because it’s kind of hard to prove after the fact. Common sense will tell you that if illegals voted, they did so in areas where it was encouraged and where they could get away with it, i.e. dem strongholds. But keep on insisting there is no such thing as voter fraud. You’ve been wrong a lot lately and are in obvious meltdown mode over Hillary’s loss. Any proof the Russians hacked the election or that Trump never paid taxes? Any updates on the murder conviction of the Minnesota cop you accused of executing a black motorist?

@Spurwing Plover: It was 853 dumpsters of trash the environmental warriors left behind, all that needed to be cleaned up before the spring thaw and rains washed it into the river they “said” they were there to protect.
That did not include the stuff set aside for recycle and 12 abandoned dogs.
Those that can be identified should be made to pay at least in part for the over 1 million dollar cost to clean up after these activists. I hear Stein got donations in excess of what the election recount cost.

@another vet: Never said there was no voter fraud–gotta ask my Trumpeteer brother in law if he voted
No proof Russians hacked the election. No proof Obama ordered surveillance of Trump Tower-No proof 3 million illegal votes for HRC. I’ll check the Minn xtory
That was easy—-OUT

@Bill: #4 I know, I was being a brat. Something was also reported about him being in a robe, I wonder if they want him trotting about in the buff?
Was Trump speaking to the PM of Australia about refugees before or after he moved into the Whitehouse if his phone was not tapped how did the classified contents get to the press? I know the lib press is running like scalded cats from earlier reports, trying to blame Levin but…

@Rich Wheeler: Russian connection confirmed by whom?

@another vet: Trump’s playing a dangerous game. He was upset Sessions recused himself from Russian investigation and took away victory lap Trump wanted to take after his speech to Congress–so Zero Dark Thirty Sat morn he fires off 4 outrageous tweets which cannot be substantiated. He’s the damn Prez not some hot shot frat boy–grow up man.
Did you see him with Merkel? wouldn’t shake hands–blames Fox for his British spy gaffe–Fox won’t even back Napolitano’s ridiculous claim. Example of your #1 above.

Semper Fi Happy St. Patricks Day Thanks for your service

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, Trump is our President by wining the election period!! Of course there where illegals that voted and you know that the illegals here in California voted and they voted for hilldabeast!! How many is anyone’s guess so no one knows for certain. Maybe a federal voter ID would be a solution to the problem!! You should be in favor of that!! To say this causes voter suppression is pure garbage!!

@Bill- Deplorable Me: @Bill- Deplorable Me:See my #15–
Now who confirmed Obama directed surveil of T.T?

@Rich Wheeler:

No proof Russians hacked the election.

Glad to see that you finally rejected the claims made by your party and their MSM propagandists.

No proof Obama ordered surveillance of Trump Tower

Something caused him to fly off the handle and make the charge. It came out of left field as there was no warning or build up to it. He obviously believed he was- rightly or wrongly. Four possible explanations:

1. He read accusations from conservative pundits and took their assertions to be true without investigating the claims first.

2. He found out about the two FISA’s and rather than making the charge that Obama (either personally or through a surrogate) tried to order surveillance of Trump Tower, he said Obama did order surveillance of Trump Tower. That is assuming of course that the second FISA was rejected like the first one was.

3. He based his charge on classified information that we don’t have access to because it was probably obtained through classified electronic collection means. This was alluded to yesterday when Spicer dressed down the fake news reporters from CNN. This would put Trump in a bind because he can’t publicly present his evidence without compromising classified collection means.

4. Given that a few days after he made the charge Wikileaks dumped their CIA Vault 7 documents showing new electronic surveillance means as well as more examples of the Obama administration eavesdropping on Merkel and sticking their nose in the 2012 French presidential election, it is possible that Assange gave him something they got their hands on that they didn’t release in their Vault 7 dump.

What we know is that there were two FISA requests for surveillance of Trump Tower, the first of which was denied. Two Obama mouthpieces (Rhodes and Carney) also lied when they claimed POTUS couldn’t order electronic surveillance. I posted the law on another thread. People normally don’t lie if nothing wrong happened. Of course lying was such a way of life for that administration I will concede that in this case they may have lied when they didn’t have to.

I will wait for all the facts to come out before passing judgement unlike those who ran with the “hands up don’t shoot” lie before the facts came out. Time will tell if Trump is bluffing with a pair of deuces or if he has a royal flush.

@Rich Wheeler: There is no doubt Trump was the subject of surveillance. We know this because of the last minute steps Obama took to assure the information would be leaked out. And it was leaked out. So, there is ample suspicion to pursue the source of the leaks and the surveillance.

The surveillance was based on a false accusation… the accusation that Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary. THAT accusation was based solely on the HOPE that something besides the failure of liberalism caused Hillary to lose. The HOPE that it was not Hillary’s corruption, incompetence and dishonesty that cost her the election but evil Russians supporting evil Donald Trump.

Trump has plenty of reasons to suspect Obama would wiretap him; he has a history of it. However, other than the desperate hope that there was something besides liberalism itself to blame for the failure of liberalism, there was NOTHING indicating Trump colluded with the Russians. Nothing.

But the accusations persist. Because if the accusations fail, there is but one explanation for Hillary’s failure is… Hillary.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Enjoy your life with Trump, on fantasy Island Bill.
I’ve always agreed that HRC is the only Dem that could find a way to lose to Trump.

@Rich Wheeler: Uh-huh. WHO resides on Fantasy Island?

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Trump-Spicer–and extreme Trumpeteers like you Bill.
NOBODY else believes Obama ordered surveil of Trump Tower -not even guys like Pence, Nunez or Ryan are on your Island

@Rich Wheeler: Nor do I believe OBAMA ordered the surveillance. Just like he didn’t “order” Fast and Furious, the IRS attacks, the lies about Benghazi, the surveillance of journalists, the attacks on gun manufacturers or the massive purchases of pistol ammunition that made it expensive and scarce for the public. Not in a written order, certainly. But it is all his responsibility.

So, why did the left perpetrate the “Russian connection” lie… is STILL perpetrating it… when it never had any foundation or after it was disproved? Why can’t you honestly evaluate your failure and take REAL corrective action (rather than seeking out new “villains” to rally your base by attacking)?

Donna Brazile, despite her emphatic and adamant denials, confesses that she was lying all along.

The Democrats are the party of corruption and lies. THAT is their problem. Does anyone doubt these slimes would wiretap political opponents if given the opportunity? Obama had the opportunity AND the means.

Yeah, I am totally convinced he was involved.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Like I said– only extreme Trumpeters believe it..
BTW Your disposition and demeanor are eerily similar to our tweeter in chief..

Randy–Do you believe Obama ordered surveil of Trump Tower?

Any of you folks grow up in NY? I lived there till I was 22 and Marines based me in So Cal–My home was about 20 miles from Trumps’
Knew guys like him–we called em bullshitters.

@Rich Wheeler: Actually, The left is playing a dangerous game. All of the critical information is in Trumps hands right now. Remember the IRS leaks. Look at all of the current information that is floating around concerning elected officials and prominent lefties. Trump has already made the MSN look like fools. What is he instructed the IRS to go after all of those lefties who owe taxes. I think there would be quite a stir. What if they catch just one person who leaked the CIA information. That is treason. What if that person was prosecuted and recommended for the death penalty. I bet leaking would dry up real quick.

@Rich Wheeler: Now you can call him President of the United States because he beat hilldabeast in the last election!! Reality may be difficult for you Rich but you where a Marine so I know you can handle the truth!!

@Randy: Rich will likely eat his words just like he should have after Donald Trump slaughtered hilldabeast in the last Presidential election!! See the electoral college results for proof. I am betting Trump is setting these moronic libturds up just like he owned them during the election!!

@Common Sense: Doc–If you think Trump’s 304-227 was a “slaughter” what does that make BHO’S 332-206 and 365-173??
Trump’s CURRENT 37% approval the lowest at this point since poll first taken in 1945.
Expecting any good news for DT ON Monday?.

@Rich Wheeler: Ummm Rich, how much did the polls say hilldabeast would win by?? Now you quote a poll ran by liberals and expect me to believe that?? Sorry Rich, I am smarter than to believe a liberal polls with such a poor track record of reality. Face it Rich, hilldabeast did get slaughtered by Trump based on the odds and you know it. My home is within 20 miles of Mexico and that doesn’t mean I know anything other than there are illegals costing California billions while veterans are dying tin the streets.

@Rich Wheeler: Like Obama’s artificially high approval ratings, Trump’s artificially low approval ratings are based on the same thing; left wing propaganda. Obama accomplished nothing but the media promoted a booming economy and foreign policy successes. Currently, the media fails to report a growing economy, creation of manufacturing jobs and progress in controlling illegal immigration.

Like your beloved polls, popularity as determined by ideologues is meaningless.

Bill and Doc Only polls that count were the final E.C count in o8-12 and 16–Absolutely clear who performed the best—-stop digging

Has ANY President Ever had a worse day than Trump 3/19/2017?

@Rich Wheeler:

Has ANY President Ever had a worse day than Trump 3/19/2017?

Here are at least seven and these are just the tip of the iceberg:

Abraham Lincoln- 4/14/1865

James Garfield- 7/2/1881

William McKinley- 9/6/1901

FDR- 12/7/1941

JFK- 11/22/1963

Ronald Reagan- 3/30/1981

GWB- 9/11/2001

But I guess we don’t think the same.

@another vet: Touche–Haven’t heard from you lately
Do you think Obama Admin ordered surveillance of Trump Tower?
Do you think BHO should sue him back to Queens and his daddy’s million dollar loan?

Bill and Doc Fox News poll has DT at 43% job approval–more fake news? can’t trust those damn Conservatives–though Kudos to Fox for firing that hack Napolitano and refusing to back DT’S bogus surveil claim.

@another vet: Thought you had more guts AV–You can’t say DT was wrong on his surveil claim? Guess I had you figured wrong Sergeant.

Repubs will claim win you say?? NUTS
This will not be forgotten next week or next month

@Rich Wheeler: Nothing new or earth shattering was revealed today. Tomorrow both sides will claim victory. Next week no one will care or talk about it. To imply that this is a worst day than an American President (more than one for that matter- Lincoln, FDR, and GWB) having to deal with the deaths of over 2,000 Americans is downright nuts. You have gone off the deep end and have become a sensationalist.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, another factoid of the term slaughtered would be the fact that Trump won 3,000+ counties in the US and hilldabeast won 57!! Tell me this isn’t a slaughter and you will confirm the obvious bias you have!!

@Rich Wheeler: Today it was confirmed there was an investigation during the election and there is some type of ongoing investigation, do you think with the leaks to the press (some classified)that he was not surveilled?
His stupid tweeting did nothing but shine a light on the cockroaches. The Press is less than psychic They were the ones that exposed this whole police state tactics scandal. Trump does not owe an apology, some NSA or FBI leakers need to see the inside of Levenworth.

@kitt: You Trumpeteers are all hopeless—how bout a throwback

RIP The GREAT Chuck Berry

@Rich Wheeler: Try Slick the day he had to admit getting a hummer in the White House. Trump’s day went pretty well other than the libturd MSM being the libturd MSM.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, were you able to keep your health care plan and your doctor? If so, how many people were able to keep theirs? Their is too much information floating around in the media that could not have happened if there had not been some surveillance. Since it is illegal to do that, it is not likely to be readily available. Many people will be eligible for prison time. I expect any surveillance will be buried deeply. The Obama administration requested twice to set up surveillance on Trump. Is your idol so ignorant he would not have found another way than FISA?

@Rich Wheeler: Well Rich, we didn’t figure you wrong. You have not had a rational thought since you started posting. You truly drank the Obama Kool Aid. If anyone looks back on the posts and predictions you have made in the past year, you have never been right once. You just continue to post obscure comments that can not have any thought behind them. You continue to laud your military experiences, but always fail to remember how the system works. Does that mean you followed brainlessly every order given to you? I know for a fact that AV is a highly intelligent man who saved many lives in Iraq through his ability to turn faulty orders into productive and safe missions. He never lost a man to death or injury. What about your leadership experiences Rich? Were you so good that you assume you have the right to criticize a man who actually demonstrated real leadership?

@Rich Wheeler:

Has ANY President Ever had a worse day than Trump 3/19/2017?

Every day from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017 was worse.

Like the Nobel Prize, liberals have rendered your popularity polls worthless.

Obama had Trump investigated since July but no surveillance. Is that your belief?

@Rich Wheeler: You know I would rather see Cruz and his wife be taking this crap. From 1966

@Randy: You heard what all the intelligence agencies said about whether Qbama Admin ordered surveillance of Trump Towers.
You heard Trump’s 4 tweets..
You gonna believe Trump’s lies—that would be truly “brainless”

AV– same question

Bill– same question.

Thanks Kitt

@Rich Wheeler: Rich did you believe Obola when he told America if you like your health insurance and/or doctor you can keep them period. Do you believe 6-7 million Americans LOST their care. Did you believe Obola when he said shovel ready jobs?? There are so many lies that Obola and Hilldabeast told America but yet you stood with them. AS far as this investigation goes, it’s NOT over Rich so unless you know more than those doing the investigation I would say your blowing a bunch of hot air. It could turn out Trump was misinformed and therefore wrong. Life goes on Rich!!

@Rich Wheeler: Talk about gutless. You refused to address any of the Presidents I listed who had worst days than Trump allegedly did yesterday (which is your own partisan personal opinion not fact) which is what I responded to initially before you played the typical strawman routine in your response to that. Comey said there was no evidence that Obama ordered Trump to be WIRETAPPED. He also said that POTUS couldn’t order it which is a lie. Have you bothered reading the law? I posted it on another thread.

Like I said, we think differently. If you think accusing Obama of ordering a wiretap and then being told there is no evidence to support it (which everyone pretty much knew to be the case beforehand) is worst than getting news of two thousand plus casualties in a single day at Antietam, Pearl Harbor, or multiple locations on 9/11 than so be it. If you don’t want to respond to the question, than so be it. Based on past experience, no surprise there.

@Randy: Some people look out for the troops’ welfare. Others are more concerned with placing their heads up some “higher being’s” fourth point of contact because that is who they are beholden to.

@another vet: Du you not understand #36 “touche” as in “you ‘got me there”?
RE—Trump’s outright lies—you say?

Props to Fox for pulling Napolitano and clearly stating there is no validity in Trump’s malicious tweets re Obama surveil of Trump Towers.

@Rich Wheeler: Obama has surveilled numerous people, with and without probable cause. He also approved of the IRS attacking conservatives. He also approved running guns to Mexican cartels.

So, whom should I believe; Trump, who is RIGHT far more than he is wrong or Obama who is not only a liar of legendary proportions AND named an even BIGGER liar as “the most qualified to be President in history”?

Hmmmm… that’s a tough one.

@Bill- Deplorable Me: Well said, Rich and his liberal cohorts have NO memory when it comes to the vial and disgusting record of their beloved and failed leaders. Thankfully America in an overwhelming fashion sent them packing and liberals just can’t deal with this reality. The idea of illegal votes only appeal them if it favors their cause. Reality is that President Donald Trump overwhelming beat hilldabeast and the liberal ideology and America has changed course to puy America and Americans first!! My proof of an overwhelming victory lies in the electoral college results and the reality that out of 3,181+ counties in the US, President Trump beat hilldabest in all but 57!! America must keep the faith in President Trump and put down the radical liberal left movement!!

@Rich Wheeler:

Du you not understand #36 “touche” as in “you ‘got me there”?

No I didn’t so that explains my response to you in my 49.

Trump’s outright lies—you say?

If there was zero surveillance of Trump Towers, then Trump lied assuming he wasn’t basing it off of bad information. If one of Obama’s underlings ordered the surveillance with his knowledge, then he allowed it to happen which is the same as ordering it yourself the only difference being that he can say it wasn’t him that ordered it. It’s a coward’s way of making something happen and then not taking blame when you get caught which he is good at. He did the same thing when he launched into his anti-police tirade that helped wind people up to riot and kill police officers. He can claim he didn’t pull the trigger but he helped stir the pot that led to the riots and killings. Bottom line is that the MSM reported that there was surveillance in order to promote the debunked Trump-Putin conspiracy based on their “sources” who were most likely Obama flunkies. The information that came out, such as Flynn’s name, could have only been obtained through surveillance. The issue is far from over.

As for the Gallup poll you referenced, Politico (left wing site) has Trump at 52% and Rasmussen has him at 49%. You cherry picked the poll you used to push your narrative just like you used to take the poll that had Obama’s highest approval rating and quote that as opposed to the ones that had him lower.

@another vet: ‘Debunked Trump Putin conspiracy.” Not so fast my friend—Director Comey has put that back in play.
All agencies have clearly said there is no evidence that Obama Admin surveilled Trump residence—Trump said they did–he lied outright–also called BHO “sick guy”–Obama should sue the egotistical loud mouth.
For what its worth 3 most recent polls 3/19 Gallup DT 37% approval 3/15 Rasmussen DT 45% approval 3/15 Fox DT 43% approval–When was politico you quote released?

Could you tell Doc that Trump’s 2016 E.C win was not as big a “slaughter” as BHO’S EC wins in 2008 and 2012.—he refuses to believe the truth on this—-Thanks Richard Wheeler

That BHO header???? FUNNY Is he surveilling me?– RW

@BHO: Politico came out on the 15th of March. Rasmussen came out today and has Trump’s approval at 50%.

Former NSA Director James Clapper, an Obama appointee, and acting CIA Deputy Director Morrell, who supported Clinton, both said there was no evidence of collusion between Team Trump and the Russians. The FBI has been investigating this claim since the summer. Comey also stated the Russians figured Trump was hopeless in August figuring he was going to lose (I guess they bought off on the fake news too). So, where’s the evidence of collusion? And it seems to me in order to prove or disprove the charge some form of electronic surveillance would be needed. The Russians also stated they had contact with members of Team Clinton. Unless they are being investigated too, this was all politically motivated. No doubt the Russians sought to, and did, meddle in the election. Unfortunately under Obama we meddled in Israel’s and France’s so we kind of lost the moral high ground on that one.

If Obama sues Trump, perhaps Bush should sue everyone who accused him of blowing up the WTC. Perhaps Romney should sue Reid and Obama over allegations he didn’t pay taxes. Perhaps Trump should sue Hillary and the NYT for claims over his taxes. No one here (including you and I) knows what evidence, if any, Trump has to support his allegations. Until that comes out one way or the other, I am not ready to accuse him of lying. Amazing how the left lies about others and views it as okay, but when one of their own (possibly) has it done to them, watch out.

Can you guys tell me the difference between fake news and alternative truth? LOL

Does Spicer know? how bout KellyAnne?

Should we now believe “The failing NYT.”


All agencies have clearly said there is no evidence that Obama Admin surveilled Trump residence

No, they keep saying “to their knowledge”… not that it doesn’t or might not exist. There is a reason why WaPo and NYT were reporting “wire taps”… it’s because the administration was LEAKING that information to them. Now they want to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Or were they lying with fake news?


All agencies have clearly said there is no evidence that Obama Admin surveilled Trump residence

No, they keep saying “to their knowledge”… not that it doesn’t or might not exist. There is a reason why WaPo and NYT were reporting “wire taps”… it’s because the administration was LEAKING that information to them. Now they want to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Or were they lying with fake news?