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The Greatest Show (of narcissism) on Earth


OK, I admit it. I didn’t watch it. Intentionally. It is an insufferable spectacle of ego, self-righteousness, narcissism and one more outlet for brain dead liberal pontification. Nor was I planning to write anything about it until I hit one article.

Still, the post mortems are hilarious.

They do this (thankfully) once a year. Once. There was the predictable and expected Trump bashing. We learned that there is a new Axis of Weevils- between Tehran and Hollywood.

The Iranian government praised the makers of Oscar-winning movie “The Salesman” on Monday for boycotting the Hollywood awards ceremony in protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s travel ban on Iranians and people from six other countries.

I really got a kick out of this:

Although U.S. courts suspended Trump’s ban on people entering the United States from seven majority Muslim nations, Farhadi said he would not attend the Oscars, to make a political point against what he called the “oppressive travel ban”.

Which is immediately followed by:

Despite rigorous censorship by Iranian authorities, Iran’s filmmakers….

Once a year they do this and they still can’t get it right.


There was the Steve Harvey moment- the epic failure of naming the wrong picture as the winner of the Oscar. The Academy also killed off a still-living producer. And they call Trump incompetent. The thing that pushed me to write was a statement by Viola Davis:


Right. Those who spend their lives making believe they are someone else know what it means to live a life. My father was a WWII combat vet. I assert that he knew better than this pampered twit what it meant to live a life, and he’s far from being the only one.

Let’s see what it means to celebrate what it means to live the life of a celebrity.

For all the Oscar nominees, it means a gift bag. A very expensive gift bag- worth somewhere North of $100,000. Among the goodies:



Others took exception to Davis’s remarks:

I have a question for Davis and her self-glorified colleagues- who among you said “Please don’t give me the gift bag worth more than $100,000 and instead feed the poor or help veterans or the homeless with the money instead.”?

You, Viola Davis?

Veterans, the hungry, the homeless – they can’t afford your style of celebrating what it means to live a life. Neither could my Mom and Dad. They were too busy providing the best they could for their children.

I have nothing but contempt for Hollywood celebrities.

Here’s more of what it means to celebrate life Hollywood style.


Now we finally know who was responsible for the Best Picture screw-up

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