When “D” stands for dementia




The democrat party is old. Really old. As he headed out the door, Harry Reid remarked that in 2020 the democrat party would be an “old folks home”:

“It depends on who’s running. It appears we’re going to have an old folks’ home. We’ve got [Elizabeth] Warren; she’ll be 71. Biden will be 78. Bernie [Sanders] will be 79.”

Old. Unfortunately, the graying of the democrat party is really starting to become painfully obvious. Dementia is insidious. It creeps up on you surreptitiously. It began showing up a few years ago when democrat Hank Johnson (D) expressed a concern about Guam:


democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) believes she is part American Indian

Nancy Pelosi (D) thinks George Bush is still President

hillary clinton (D) wants to do away with men


And Maxine Waters (D) wants Donald Trump impeached because Vladimir Putin is invading Korea.

Notice that she had trouble with that city in Syria? I’ve heard that Waters thinks Aleppo is one of the Marx Brothers.

A mind is a terrible thing to lose. And to think that this is the future of the democrat party.

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@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Is the cow lawyer preparing his 2020 campaign?

Who is the ‘cow lawyer’?

What do you think of the gay Conservative with the Black boyfriend

Who is this? I watch all 4 shows on Fox every night and haven’t even seen this mentioned. Wait, maybe being ‘gay’ is not a big deal on Fox but is on the Fake News channels. Yeah, I’ll bet they’re trying to make the Conservatives look as if they discriminate against gays, when it’s the Libturds making the big deal out of it.


Who is the ‘cow lawyer’?

That would be Clifton Roberts, the “candidate” RW wants us to believe he supported instead of casting his vote for Hillary.

@Rich Wheeler:

Who is the ‘cow lawyer’?

Did Obama lie when he said, ” If you like your doctor, you can keep you doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance… PERIOD!”? IF Trump lied (he was mistaken and later clarified), which lie caused the American people the most harm?


I was communicating with RW about the election and my recollection of his predictions is that he basically missed everyone.

1. Hillary would win easily.
2. Trump wouldn’t get the nomination.
3. Trump wouldn’t make it until November 10th.
4. Dems would take back Congress.
5. Wikileaks didn’t have squat.
6. Republicans would have a contested convention.
7. Third party candidates would get 15% of the vote.

0 for 7.

For the record
Bill — Roberts is not a lawyer

RT — Conservative gay activist Milo was on Tucker’s show as was gay journalist Chadwick—a pattern perhaps? Tucker a pretty boy for sure.
You and DT in agreement on Mac—“songbird” who wasn’t a hero. Does ANYBODY here agree with that? You say Obama is gay and Michelle a transvestite–Any FA’ers agree on that? A.V? Randy?

AV My final popular vote prediction was within 2 points

Kitt I’m working to keep a sense of humor–you do the same

I predicted the demise of Flynn who lied to Pence–Trump /Russian connection under investigation

How bout this–Trump does so poorly Dems take House and Senate in 2018.

How long will Bannon last?

@Rich Wheeler:

You and DT in agreement on Mac—“songbird” who wasn’t a hero.

Rich, tell me which act did Mac do that was ‘heroic’. To be a hero means to perform an act of heroism. What was that act that Mac did? I only need one. I’ll bet you performed more ‘heroic’ acts on the ground in Viet Nam than Mac Did. I find no fault with Mac being a songbird. I’m sure he did what he had to do.

You say Obama is gay and Michelle a transvestite–Any FA’ers agree on that?

Do you really think there is ‘some doubt’ about that? Remember when George was on here? He said his gaydar was sounding when Obama was present (as on tv). Why do you want to deny it? Does it make him less a hero of yours if he’s gay?

@Rich Wheeler:

I predicted the demise of Flynn

Did you predict the sun will rise tomorrow? Will the Oroville dam hold? Is Jerry Brown your ‘hero’? Should he have asked the federal gov for money after just informing them he might withhold federal money owed to the gov?
I predict Moonbeam will beam again tomorrow.

@RedTeam: You seem to have the gaydar RT. Did it tell you Megyn Kelly was a lesbian? That was your most bizarre assertion to date. Does her husband and 3 kids know this?

@Rich Wheeler: Gotta love how you leftists can turn on the homophobic gay-bashing whenever someone fails to fit into the niche the left has designated for them. Good old tolerant left.

Interesting contradiction here; what happens if you lie in the Trump administration? You get fired. What happens if you lie in the Obama administration? You get promoted to UN Ambassador.

Trump will not tolerate failure like Obama did, who rewarded it.

@Bill- Deplorable Me: Gay bashing? You had failed to answer RT’S query about Milo. So I mentioned Carlson appearance.
Flynn wasn’t fired by Trump who continued to support him. He fell on his sword. Obama fired Flynn
Hope Petraeus gets the post—a great leader.

Why won’t Trump release his tax returns to reveal his dealings with Russia? Stonewalling didn’t work for Nixon and it won’t work for the equally unpopular Trump–he’s got political enemies on the right and left that want to bring him down.
Better to get it all into the light right away Trump would get the last laugh if he’s clean.

Manchurian Candidate??

@Rich Wheeler: A

V My final popular vote prediction was within 2 points

The only correct prediction for this election was that Trump would win and the Republicans would retain control of Congress. Any other prediction was wrong. Had I have made the same prediction you did, I would admit I was wrong and move on. But if in your mind you were right, then I guess in your mind you were right.

@Rich Wheeler:

Did it tell you Megyn Kelly was a lesbian?

Megan who? Don’t know of a ‘megan kelly’. I’m pretty sure it’s you hanging out with the gay guys, ‘see….Mercy for Animals’…..guy? You don’t have a problem with gays do you? why do you bash them so much? What would be wrong with Obozo being gay? Isn’t that an honorable thing? Who’s ‘Milo” that a hero of yours?

Flynn wasn’t fired by Trump who continued to support him.

More of your imagination.

AV said:

The only correct prediction for this election was that Trump would win

and RW certainly was not predicting a Trump win. In fact, RW, you still seem to be under the illusion that HRC ‘won’ something. I’ll bet if you asked her what she won on election day, she wouldn’t be very happy.

@Rich Wheeler: Yeah, gay bashing. You are implying Tucker is gay, based on his appearance and on the fact that he interviewed a gay man, as if there is something wrong with that.

If Petraeus is Trump’s pick, you leftists will endeavor to destroy him as well. It seems the left doesn’t care how much harm they do to the nation as they try to “get back” at Trump for not being a trashy, corrupt liar like Hillary.

@Bill- Deplorable Me:

Yeah, gay bashing

Bill, as you well know it’s only bad to be gay if you’re a conservative. It’s the norm for those on the left. RW hangs out most weekends with that gay guy that founded Mercy for animals, has even carried rainbow flags with him in Pride parades.

Now that RW has officially endorsed Patraeus, I’m sure he’s forgotten he was also big on Flynn.

@Bill- Deplorable Me: As RT has pointed out I have absolutely no problem with gays–some of my best friends. Also think the Mexican people are particularly warm hearted and kind.

Your buddy RT claimed Megyn Kelly was gay and now says he doesn’t know who she is–laughable. He doesn’t wanna know who Milo is—Should we start calling RT Bubble Boy?
BTW RT I never said anything good about Flynn I endorsed the MARINE Generals Mattis and Kelly. Semper Fi

“Trashy corrupt liar” A perfect description of Trump–every day gets worse for him

AV I’ve admitted I was wrong on many election predictions. Had a lot of company.

@Rich Wheeler:

Your buddy RT claimed Megyn Kelly was gay and now says he doesn’t know who she is–

Well, I think I’ve heard the name, did she used to be on tv or something?

I have absolutely no problem with gays–some of my best friends.

LOL, heard that all my life. Nothing wrong with being friends with black people, I have some friends that are black.
That’s the standard method of setting someone apart because they ‘different somehow’. “Some of my best friends are ****************”

He doesn’t wanna know who Milo is

Ok, so let me in on the joke: is “Milo” code for Gay?

“Trashy corrupt liar”

yet you’re still unable to tell us of any lie from him.

Would you like a link to that tuition refund form that I mentioned to Greg? You might want to wait a little longer tho, it includes calculations for interest for late payments.

RW, while you’re not doing anything, you never did answer my question: According to what I find on the internet. California requires no proof of any kind to register to vote, or to actually vote. You do not have to know how to read or write, and you do not have to state your name. Is that true?

@Rich Wheeler:

“Trashy corrupt liar” A perfect description of Trump–every day gets worse for him

Yes, and the Democrats, sore losers and cry babies all, are behind it.

Obama promised Russia he would be able to bend over backwards for them after the 2012 election. He and Hillary sold them 20% of our uranium. Obama stripped out missile defense out of Eastern Europe in order to impress Putin. Yet Flynn’s perfectly legal phone call has the left up in arms. You people out do your past hypocrisy with every passing day.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Yeah, they do.

@Rich Wheeler:

Why won’t Trump release his tax returns to reveal his dealings with Russia?

Who gives a rat’s ass about Trump’s tax returns. I can’t believe that you are naive enough to think that even if Trump were to release his tax returns it’s going to show enough detail for anyone to know about his financial dealings. Amount of income, amount of deductions, taxes owed. That’s all mine shows.

equally unpopular Trump–

Nixon, unpopular? do you realize that he carried 49 states in 1972? That hardly could be in the ‘unpopular’ category. Maybe you were thinking of McGovern who carried one state that year.

Manchurian Candidate??

why did you bring obozo up?

@RedTeam: Perhaps he brought up the previous president our Manchurian Candidate cause that fool just wont go away, like somehow they can reinstate him. Perhaps he also is suffering from dementia, dude you had your 8 years quit your organizing riots.

@Rich Wheeler: Stonewalling worked well for Obama, Holder and Hillary. Why do you denounce it now?

He should NOT release his taxes. The media is now so corrupt and so vehemently anti-American that they cannot be trusted to deal objectively with information. Look at how they ignored the Clinton’s making a million dollar “charitable” donation… to themselves.

@Bill- Deplorable Me:

The media is now so corrupt and so vehemently anti-American

There are many with the fake news organizations that would sell out America for one word of praise from the Dimocrats. I have never known there to be so many in this country that do not like America.
Obozo’s latest moves should be clear proof to anyone (yes, I know liberals don’t have any sense) that his sole purpose is and has always been to destroy this country. I’m not sure who (other than Soro’s) is funding Obozo’s anti-American organization, but we now know that he has a clearly stated policy of undermining the US Government. He needs to be imprisoned for treason.

Let’s see Trump and his Trumpeteers RT and Bill
Out to get you
The media
The judges
The Intelligence Community CIA AND FBI
All Democrats
Many RINOS like Mac, Lindsey, Jeb, Marco more to come
BHO while vacationing in the Bahamas
Who can you trust??

Nixon–like Paranoia has set apon you–lock your doors and windows—LOL

@RedTeam: They have always been twisted anti-american traitorous band of backstabbers, we can pretend shock.
I am disappointed with Trump allowing the bus to roll over a General, how soon he will find out this is the beginning not the end.
RW its not paranoia its a fact the Obama deep state recorded and made transcripts of private conversations, no warrant, no illegal activity. Just spied on an american citizen and war veteran. Then leaked it to the press, also illegal.

“deep state recorded” Treason? WTF
Too much “I Spy” for you folks.

How bout a throwback video Kitt


Amen, this has obamas fingerprints all over this. obama is a traitor, period.

The consequences of committing treason has a penalty.

@Rich Wheeler: It ain’t the Republicans running around in a panic. It’s not them that are hiring protesters to create anarchy at rallies.

Nixon–like Paranoia

you mean like, there are traitors in this country that are out to destroy it?
I’m sure it’s okay with you that someone in the government, whether CIA or NSA or whatever, that is leaking secrets to the press. Since it’s a ‘gotcha’ on a Republican, the left has no problem with it. I don’t like traitors to the country, no matter what colors they wear.

I notice you were not able to tell me what that ‘heroic’ act that McCain did was.

Have you received your tuition refund yet?

You already joined OFA? I understand it may be affiliated with MFA.


@Rich Wheeler: Liberals sure sang a different tune when Podesta and the DNC had their lies and corruption exposed, didn’t you?

No principles, no morals.

@Rich Wheeler: What they did was unconstitutional, illegal, yes it was those that didnt think they would like the new boss.
If not the spy network then who? do you have an answer how they got a transcript? Why would they be listening in on his phone conversations? Open your eyes, listen to what they say use your own reasoning powers. The phone call was in Dec who ran the government then?

@RedTeam: The Repubs. are in total disarray–a bunch of buffoons with no idea how to run the Govt.–left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing–Flynn lies to Pence .KellyAnne and the poor press sec..like deer in headlights passing lies to all who will listen.
Blame the Dems—that’s the ticket.
Sat Night Live ratings are soaring–hilarious

BTW rt bill kitt Don’t you think bashing Mac is a fools journey? Proclaiming Megyn Kelly gay? Saying BHO gay and his wife a tranny equally stupid. How bout proclaiming the greatness of Dick Nixon? Alternative Universe it seems

Bill You holier than thou right wingers look like fools–Trump has never had any morals and you’re clinging to him–why?

Even Putin thumbing his nose at Trump buzzing our ship and cruising just off the east coast–says Trump’s all air

@Rich Wheeler: RW, you really do deserve a tuition refund. They really screwed the pooch with you. Treason? do you know the definition? I’ll help you out. Treason: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family

whoever leaked the information from the phone call certainly did that. Obama’s new organization is set up for that.

But then you also don’t know the definition of the word ‘hero’ either. Didn’t you go to that tuition refund form site that I directed you to?

@Rich Wheeler:

BTW Don’t you think bashing Mac is a fools journey?

Seems as if you are really struggling trying to come up with that heroic act he performed that makes you think he is a hero.
Don’t believe you can come up with any examples of me ‘bashing’ him.

greatness of Dick Nixon

I’m surprised you are now proclaiming the greatness of Dick Nixon. But I guess when you take 49 states in an election, it does help. I’m sure if he were still around he’d appreciate your kind words.

a bunch of buffoons with no idea how to run the Govt.

you rather have a buffoon trying to learn the correct way or a community organizer that already knows how to betray the country? I guess he’s a ‘hero’ to you also.

Proclaiming Megyn Kelly gay? Saying BHO gay and his wife a tranny equally stupid

what’s with you bashing gays suddenly? I thought you were an admirer of gays, seems as if you would be delighted to discover friends and acquaintances are gay. Being gay and liberal seems rather synonymous and a hallmark of the Dimocrat party. I’m surprised you don’t consider me honoring them by pointing it out to you. Though I’m equally surprised that you didn’t already know it.
As for Obozo and Tranny, surely no one is surprised by that. Well known.

What was that heroic act again? I think you overlooked telling us about it.

ATTN: RW List of possible Heroic acts of John McCain for you to select from:

1. Was born
2. Grew up
3. Attended Naval Academy
4. Became a Naval Aviator
5. Got shot down on a mission
6. Broke both arms when he ejected
7. was captured by enemy
8. spent 6 years in Hanoi Hilton
9. was occasionally tortured
10. occasionally was known to have talked with the enemy
11. achieved rank of captain during 23 year career
12. became civilian
13. became Senator
14. Has done all he can to undermine Republicans
15. Leader of gang of eight.

There it is Richie, select one or all that you think constitutes Heroic actions.

Do you need that link to tuition refund form?

Glad to be of help.

I do think they are running around like a bunch of bafoons, where is the legislation to get rid of obama care they ran on that for 6 years. Mac is an old poot that has been documented meeting with terrorists. The same Obama funded and armed to try to overthrow Syria after they made a mess of Libya and Iraq.
He, Lindsey and McConnell. all need to join the Dems in the old folks home.
He referred to them as the brave fighters, pffft


Just wondering RT, his 2008 nomination was omitted. But, I think it could be easily lumped in with #14. Undermining Republicans elected obama in 2008..

@RedTeam: It’s that #14 that sticks in your craw RT Let it go. You’ll see more clearly that, unlike your hero “can’t remember which foot it was” Trump, Mac is a man that served his country honorably for more than 23 years–THAT’S A HERO.

@Rich Wheeler: If chatting up terrorists is honorable for your standards,,

@kitt: The incomparable Marvin Gaye–THANKS

Mac, like many others, was looking for fighters who could bring down the brutal dictator Assad. Obama should have obliterated Assad.

@Rich Wheeler:

country honorably for more than 23 years–THAT’S A HERO.

So everyone that served 23 years should get a silver star or a medal of honor?
So I gave you a list of 15 significant events in his life and you were not able to identify either of them that put him into the ‘hero’ category?

Is your refund on the way yet? Knowing what they did for you, they probably understand that the old ‘check is in the mail’ will keep you off their backs for a couple of years. After all, you didn’t even think about a refund until I pointed out that you are due one.

@Rich Wheeler:

Obama should have obliterated Assad

i disagree, it wouldln’t have looked good for Obama’s strategy to lose to the terrorists.

@RedTeam: You’re wearing thin on your college jokes. Got any new material? You’re home schooling hasn’t done much for you.
Have you been watching Saturday Night Live–hilarious skewering of Trump and Press Sec–ratings are highest in many years–might help hone your flagging comedic skills.

15 events and not able to identify EITHER of them. Is that your Mom’s home schooling?

@Rich Wheeler:

15 events and not able to identify EITHER of them. Is that your Mom’s home schooling?

No, the word either should not be in all capitals. More ammo for your tuition refund request. PS: RW, either is singular, any is plural.

Have you been watching Saturday Night Live–hilarious

Yes, but childish jokes are not nearly as funny after you reach maturity. You’ll find that out, one day, maybe.

You’re wearing thin on your college jokes

Jokes? I’ll bet your college won’t take it as a joke when they realize how much they owe you.

So you still can’t figure out just what it is that makes McCain a hero in your eyes. Maybe you know some secrets that haven’t been revealed.

I know you hate to ask, but I’ll get that link posted so you can get your request underway.

@RedTeam: Did your mom tell you to use either when choice is between more than two? I thought you said she was a smart woman. You’ve proven to be a very slow learner RT. You didn’t get any smarter after your home schooling. Were you able to graduate from high school?
Please publish the link–I’d love to get a refund. Thanks

I’m sure you are glad to see Conservative gays like Milo getting to speak out on Fox. Trump is very much pro gay rights–good for him. Understand Milo and Friends scheduled to air on Fox this September. Expect he’ll feature Log Cabin Repubs.–your Gay Conservative Organization. Trump is their poster boy and received their highest award for support.

@Rich Wheeler:

Did your mom tell you to use either when choice is between more than two?

Yes, she did, when the option is to choose only one of many. If the choice is two or more, then the correct word would be ‘any’.

Were you able to graduate from high school?

Actually I got a State Dept of Education High School Equiv certificate rather early in life, before my class graduated.

I’m sure you are glad to see Conservative gays like Milo getting to speak out on Fox.

Who is this ‘Milo’? your new ‘best bud’? I’m not sure I know of him. But then you’re the one that keeps up with gays, so it’s no wonder you would be all caught up with excitement, even going so far as to tune into Fox to watch him (or it).

Trump is very much pro gay rights–good for him

As I said, gays seems to be your specialty. Oh, now I remember, Milo is that guy that runs “mercy for animals’ I’d forgotten you said he was ‘conservative’. .

Understand Milo and Friends scheduled to air on Fox this September.

So you’ll be a Fox regular?

your Gay Conservative Organization

Your? as in ‘you–Rich? “

Trump is their poster boy

Yes, I heard he tries to help the handicapped.

While I have the link handy, I’m afraid the directions for filling it out is over 10 words long, so you’re going to need assistance with those. I’ll check for someone local to you for that.

“@RedTeam: “check for someone local to you for that.” What? lol
RE either. Never used in example you gave. One of those or any of those would be correct–bet your mom knew that.

I’m pretty much a Fox regular now. Also watch CNN. Enjoy evaluating the different perspectives.

Trump says leaks are real–news is fake. His sense of humor similar to yours RT

@Rich Wheeler: Glad to hear you’re finally getting on the Trump bandwagon. All sensible people do, sooner or later.

“check for someone local to you for that.” What? lol

Have you suddenly decided to be the ‘grammar police’ for FA? I generally attempt to be correct but am not a stickler, especially considering some would be confused if correct grammar were used. But, just for you, I’ll redo that sentence: originally: ” I’ll check for someone local to you for that.” revision: ” I’ll check for someone local, to you, for that.” Now I guess you’re much happier, but you keep that up and it might reduce your tuition refund.

I’m pretty much a Fox regular now. Also watch CNN.

So you’re a ‘facts vs fiction’ guy?
Trump really reemed the fake news guys today. They’re still sizzling. Even Dan Rather is commenting on how bad his news reporting was back in the day. He compared his scandal with watergate.
I’ll get that link posted right away.

@RedTeam: Trump’s bandwagon is heading over the cliff. Only true cultist Trumpeteers will go over with him.
You’ll love the cover of Time mag. Trump’s become a laughing stock.

Talking of purveyors of fake news–where’s KellyAnne? She still being counseled?

Looks like Trump is gonna bring in The Fat Man to kick ass and take names–maybe replace Priebus as Chief of Staff–LOVE IT

@Rich Wheeler:

Trump’s bandwagon is

kicking ass and taking names. Yep, Trump has already done more in 1 month than your idol, Obozo did in his first year, and that’s even with the Dims still refusing to approve all his appointees. Wow, think how good it’s going to get when he gets his whole team in place.

Looks like Trump is gonna bring in The Fat Man

Who is the Fat Man? Since it’s someone you seem to know well, and I haven’t heard of, I suppose he’s from the Gay Crowd.

@RedTeam: For someone who supposedly watches the news you are incredibly slow and uninformed.
BTW If you’re gonna quote me use the whole quote. Dishonesty doesn’t suit you any better than anyone else RT. Being a Trumpeteer doesn’t give you license to lie.

BTW It seems the Conservatives are the one’s cozying up to the Gay Crowd–been in the closet too long.

@Rich Wheeler:

BTW If you’re gonna quote me use the whole quote.

I did quote the entire quote, that I intended to quote.

For someone who supposedly watches the news you are incredibly slow and uninformed.

Well, I certainly have learned from watching the News that almost all of the news networks and newspapers are totally dishonest. Apparently you still haven’t learned that.

BTW It seems the Conservatives are the one’s cozying up to the Gay Crowd

Maybe ‘gay’ just isn’t important to me and I don’t label folks that way, and maybe it is ‘ole liberal Rich’ that has a problem with ‘gay’ unless they have an L behind their name. (L for Liberal, of course). Milo is that Mercy for Animals gay guy though, right?

@RedTeam: Lets bring you up to speed
Milo Yiannopoulos–Gay Conservative speaker making a Fox News tour
Nathan Runkle Executive Director Mercy For Animals
“The Fat Man” Chris Christie –about to accept post in Trump’s inner circle
Shep Smith Gay anchor at Fox
Peter Theil Openly gay speaker at Repub Convention
Log Cabin Repubs Gay Repub Organization

It’s obvious that the GOP is entering the 21st Century in it’s open acceptance of Gays.

@Rich Wheeler:

BTW It seems the Conservatives are the one’s cozying up to the Gay Crowd

.Kinda disappointed that being gay must be so important to someone that thinks he’s a liberal and above and beyond thinking that ‘gay’ is different. I hadn’t notice all these people as someone you label as Gay. I’d generally just refer to them as ‘people’. Though I will confess to knowing that you were a Yuge fan of that gay guy that runs your animal organization. I recall you and the rainbow flag/banner on your FB page. Very impressive.

Shep Smith Gay anchor at Fox

Gay you say? I knew he was a liberal for some reason.

Peter Theil Openly gay speaker at Repub Convention

Never heard his name before.

Log Cabin Repubs Gay Repub Organization

You saying ole Honest Abe was light in his loafers?

Milo Yiannopoulos–Gay Conservative speaker making a Fox News tour
Nathan Runkle Executive Director Mercy For Animals

You sure you don’t have these two reversed?

“The Fat Man” Chris Christie –about to accept post in Trump’s inner circle

Does being ‘fat’ rank above or below ‘gay’ on your scale?

Wow, you libs are much more prejudiced than I would have thought by the attempted drivel you spew.

Did you submit your form yet?

@RedTeam: Fat ranks way below gay–no excuse for obesity—undisciplined and lazy.
Thought you’d want to know about leading Gay Conservatives–fastest growing demographic in Conservative/Republican Party.

You were gonna send me the form..

@Rich Wheeler:

Fat ranks way below gay–no excuse for obesity—undisciplined and lazy.

:Would you post the results of your study on that? I don’t think I’ve seen those numbers. So is it ‘your opinion’ or ‘scientific fact’ that obesity is caused by being undisciplined and lazy?
By your statement, you seem to imply there is ‘an excuse’ for being gay. So what is this ‘excuse’ and is the ‘excuse’ the same for all gays? I guess you’ve also made a study on this. Would you publish the results? What surprises me, though, is that you claim to be liberal, but also claim someone needs an ‘excuse’ for being gay. Is there a conflict there?

Thought you’d want to know about leading Gay Conservatives

Not at all. Do you feel they need a qualifying label? I can’t get over your obsession with ‘gay’. I guess that all started when you met the Mercy for Animals guy.

You were gonna send me the form..

Didn’t I post a link above? I guess you were so involved in your ‘gay’ study that you missed it. I can repost it.

No excuse for being obese–leads to heart disease, diabetes, bad back etc—related medical bills costing taxpayers a bundle
Gay–no excuse needed.
Gays/Conservatives forging an alliance under Trump Presidency.

Repost it.

@Rich Wheeler:

No excuse for being obese–leads to heart disease, diabetes, bad back etc

If you’re NOT obese, you don’t have to worry about heart disease?
if you’re NOT obese you don’t have to worry about diabetes?
if you’re NOT obese you don’t have to worry about bad back?

related medical bills costing taxpayers a bundle

Is that an example of liberal thinking? why are an obese persons medical bills costing taxpayers anything? Wouldn’t their insurance company normally be on the tab?

How does the medical expense thing work in California? I would have thought it was the same as most of the country. I guess the high percentage of gays out there (according to you, I haven’t made a study) make medical payments taxpayers expenses.
I know I’m on medicare and my medical payments don’t cost the taxpayers a dime. I’ve already paid my premiums for complete insurance coverage and the taxpayers are not involved at all.

Gay–no excuse needed.

right, their choices have never cost anyone anything, right? Aids would have existed ‘without’ them being involved? No medical costs to taxpayers over that little fiasco, right?

Gays/Conservatives forging an alliance under Trump Presidency.

Soooo…. Gays/Conservatives are two separate classes? I thought the mantra of Libs was that Gays were the same as anyone else, so why/ how do they ‘team up with’ someone else, if they are ‘someone else’.

Repost on the way.

@RedTeam: If you’re fit don’t waste time worrying about any of conditions mentioned. Just keep doing what your doing.
If you’re obese start moving and eat less crap–OR start worrying how you’re gonna get to all those medical appointments.
I never said there was a high percentage of gays in Cal. You call it Gayfornia. I’ve heard there’s a large percentage of closet gays in the South–Jimmy Swaggert types

@Rich Wheeler: I never said there was a high percentage of gays in Cal. You call it Gayfornia.

I’ve heard there’s a large percentage of closet gays in the South–Jimmy Swaggert types

So you think Jimmy Swaggert was known for being gay? You might want to ‘google’ that.

So now you’re back tracking and saying that being fat might not be the reason someone gets heart disease or diabetes? You sure seem to be confused.
So, even though you have made this study about how many gays are around and who they are, you reached no decision on Gayfornia? Seems a big waste of time.

So you backed off the claim that being fat costs ‘taxpayers’? So I guess you want me to conclude that you’re implying that AIDS didn’t cost the taxpayers anything either.

@Rich Wheeler: Actually he tweeted “fake media is the enemy of the American people.” SICK— deleted
Is this guy unstable?

@RedTeam: The obesity epidemic we face definitely costs the taxpayers in higher medical costs. AIDS cost the taxpayers-It’s-been eradicated in U.S. Obesity problem getting worse. Trump should work on that.

Trump calls press “enemy of America” Hold on. He’s plagiarizing Nixon.

Late night comics are having a field day–ratings skyrocketing Trump may single handedly make T.V. GREAT AGAIN

@Rich Wheeler: Let’s see if I understand you:

The obesity epidemic we face definitely costs the taxpayers in higher medical costs.

heart disease caused by obesity costs taxpayers, but heart disease caused by other reasons do not cost taxpayers? I’m sure you’ve got some logic behind that, but it escapes me. Can a doctor tell if a fat person has heart disease because of being fat, or because of heredity, or some other reason? Or if person has heart disease and is fat, is it the fat that caused it, or could the person also have gotten heart disease even if he had never gotten fat? Same for diabetes. But if the doctor determines the fat was what caused the heart disease, then the cost is put on taxpayers, but if it’s for other reasons, it doesn’t cost taxpayers? Now, I may be wrong, but I’m just going to suggest that your logic or reasoning may be just a little questionable. I actually don’t believe fat induced heart disease should be charged to the taxpayers any more so than hereditary induced heart disease. But then, you’re a lib and I know you see the world through gay colored glasses.
I’m not sure when AIDS got wiped out in the US, but the Communicable Disease Center in Atlanta still ‘thinks’ it is a problem. Maybe you want to double check that before you march for MFA.


Part of ‘Make America Great Again” one step at a time. At least you acknowledge he’s doing what he said he would.
Watched a video today from back when Obozo got elected. He was saying he wouldn’t be taking a vacation for the next 8 years. He must have forgotten about that.

@Rich Wheeler:

Actually he tweeted “fake media is the enemy of the American people.”

Ohhhh, so you think ‘fake media’ is ‘good’ for America….h;mmmm, yeah, I can see your point of view…….

@RedTeam: The fake news er alternative truths are coming from Spicer and Conway

@Rich Wheeler:

Actually he tweeted “fake media is the enemy of the American people.”

So you think someone using Twitter is a problem? Wonder what Twitter thinks about that.

The fake news er alternative truths are coming from Spicer and Conway

You forgot to include Richard Wheeler, he’s spreading some fake news about AIDs being eradicated in the US.
Would you cite a source for that earth shaking news?