When “D” stands for dementia




The democrat party is old. Really old. As he headed out the door, Harry Reid remarked that in 2020 the democrat party would be an “old folks home”:

“It depends on who’s running. It appears we’re going to have an old folks’ home. We’ve got [Elizabeth] Warren; she’ll be 71. Biden will be 78. Bernie [Sanders] will be 79.”

Old. Unfortunately, the graying of the democrat party is really starting to become painfully obvious. Dementia is insidious. It creeps up on you surreptitiously. It began showing up a few years ago when democrat Hank Johnson (D) expressed a concern about Guam:


democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) believes she is part American Indian

Nancy Pelosi (D) thinks George Bush is still President

hillary clinton (D) wants to do away with men


And Maxine Waters (D) wants Donald Trump impeached because Vladimir Putin is invading Korea.

Notice that she had trouble with that city in Syria? I’ve heard that Waters thinks Aleppo is one of the Marx Brothers.

A mind is a terrible thing to lose. And to think that this is the future of the democrat party.

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People were talking about how shallow the Dem bench was when it was Hillary or Bernie.
There are a few young pups trying to break through, however.

Keith Ellison is a mere 53.
Thomas Perez is a mere 55.
Vincent Tolliver is only 49.
Sally Boynton Brown is confused as to her DOB, she might be 40 or 41.
Raymond Buckley is 58.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg is a young 35.
Jehmu Greene, commentator, is only 44.

So, then you watch them “eat their own.”
Ellison is Muslim which disqualifies him says Perez.
Parker says the DNC nominating process was illegitimate.
No one has heard of the rest.
And Ms. Greene has never had elected job, so it 100% untested.

Their bench is no bench at all.

Al Gore while visiting Monicello Thomas Feffersons home while refering bust of some of the founding fathers WHO ARE THESE GUYS? Obama and his 7 extra states Gore claiming he invented the Internet or was the insperation for LOVE STORY No wonder the demacratic symbols a donkey but still its more intellegent then these liberal demacrats

Spurwing Plover and Nanny G About 25% of the posts on FA.
The main voices of this reactionary site–lol

Dr.J.. I consider you much too smart to be taken in by Trump. He is ignorant of history, science, philosophy, art, without decency, grace or class. He’s got a vocabulary of about 100 words–a real jerk. I know you don’t buy into his act.

Ted Cruz: ‘The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan’ { he is 100% Correct ]

Sen. Ted Cruz blasted Democrats, saying their party is the one rooted in racism. “The Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan,” Cruz (R-Tex.) said in an interview on Fox News on Wednesday. “You look at the most racist — you look at the Dixiecrats, they were Democrats who imposed segregation, imposed Jim Crow laws, who founded the Klan. The Klan was founded by a great many Democrats.


I posted a link to this article over at Gab.
Hope to see a few new posters here as a result.

Dont even think the dems are giving up on their political offices now that they get all the great designated senior parking spaces! They took over all the expectant mothers parking by posting PP lobbyists at the sign.
And hey they are not dead they just dozed off quit checking for a pulse.
Obama this thanksgiving pardoned their necks, except for Nancy’s hers is now tied somewhere around her lower vertebrae.
While trying to log into the internet and failing the password twice you can overhear the aide tell them where the password is
“It’s taped under the modem,”
they ask, “Am I spelling this right? T-A-P-E-D-U-N-D-E-R-T-H-E-M-O-D-E-M?”

Great Post Dr. J

@Rich Wheeler:

He’s got a vocabulary of about 100 words–a real jerk. I know you don’t buy into his act.

Let’s test your vocabulary Rich. Is McCain a ‘hero’? If you say ‘yes’, then write a definition of the word ‘hero’. While we’re into it, try defining ‘songbird’ also.

If the media was an actual reportage organ instead of a tentacle of the Democrat party, the Democrat party would already be extinct. Such abject stupidity and disregard for facts and accuracy would doom them. As it is, by sheer virtue of the fact that the corrupt media protects them, the stupidest people in the nation share half the power in the United States.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich I worry for you the POTUS was mentioned once in the post, mostly in passing, is he living rent free in your brain, is everything now a praise of Trump, must be hell reading your grocery list.
Get a grip, reclaim your sense of humor.

@Rich Wheeler:

I consider you much too smart to be taken in by Trump. He is ignorant of history, science, philosophy, art, without decency, grace or class. He’s got a vocabulary of about 100 words–a real jerk.

I’ll bet you don’t even think he’s successful at business. Right?

I’d be curious to see if any of these folks are taking aricept or namenda

@Rich Wheeler: Which begs the question, if PRESIDENT Trump is as out of touch as you say then how bad a candidate was hilldabeast?? President Trump has proven to be much better than candidate Trump and the more he upsets the alternate radical left the more he proves his abilities!! The real shame is how demoncraps are making such fools of themselves. The most important reason Trump won was the Supreme Court and I hope and pray he gets to fill two positions!!

@Common Sense: Trump doesn’t get it. He can’t come in and take over
He can’t silence the free press .He can’t silence the judiciary. He can’t rule by fiat. This is a Democracy not a Monarchy–54% of the electorate voted against him. Be careful DT.

@Rich Wheeler: Wrong Rich, Trump gets it better than our politicians, demoncraps, and the press. That’s why he got elected President of the United States. He is doing everything he can to keep his promises to the American people and I support his efforts. Yes there are bumps and yes demoncraps will try to silence all those who don’t support their radical liberal views. Have you not seen the news and who are the haters, news flash it’s not the Trump supporters!! The way the Demoncraps have acted will only solidify the Trump base and expose the radical left for who they are. Trump will win the battle to protect Americans, just because the Circuit court who has been reversed more than any other sided with the liberals is just a speed bump and the law and the Constitution will prevail!!

@Rich Wheeler:

a Democracy

? As in ‘and to the Republic, for which it stands’? RW did Senator Blumenthal serve in your outfit in VietNam? I understand it might have been after you had left before he arrived. What do you think about his Marine service in VietNam? Was he in a ‘danger’ area, or was it relatively safe where he was? Someone said he may have ‘misspoken’ about his service in VietNam, but he didn’t want it to ‘impugn’ his integrity. What do you think? You didn’t see him over there, did you?

@Rich Wheeler: Trump doesn’t intend to “silence the free press”; there is no free press. There is left wing propaganda. Trump intends on calling out the liars, and THAT is a full time job.

He doesn’t intend on “silencing the judiciary” either, but the 9th Circus is not exactly “judiciary”. It is a liberal mouthpiece that gets over 80% of its decisions overturned, because they decide based on ideology, not the law.

The left is so afraid it has lost its grasp on power (it has) that they are desperately overplaying their hand and exposing their illegal nature. Like Obama’s excessively liberal agenda which showed just how failed liberalism truly is, their whiny, cry-baby infantile fits over losing the election will further prove that no one in America wants this kind of oppression brought upon them.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Bill You are a true Trumpist that buys into his B.S
The majority of the American people truly abhor this crass, classless charlatan. It will become more and more obvious as time goes on and reactionaries like Bannon and Flynn are brought down.

Common Sense The fools so far are the Republicans who are afraid to tell there King he is without clothes. I believe this will change as DT continues to stumble badly.—take your nose out of Fox and breathe.

DT–Did you notice where Congress determined there was no merit in DT’S 3-5 million voter fraud claim–“investigation” not gonna happen.

@Rich Wheeler: So RW, was that Blumenthal that had your back?

@Rich Wheeler: He has to take over its what we elected him to do.
The free press is dead, they forgot to fall over now they are just propaganda puppets.
No we want the Republic to operate as designed, not like Mr Pen and phone.
We also want the promises made to be kept and he is trying, thats what is freaking out the Rinos and Dems, promise the moon and stars deliver nada.
The 3rd branch is to judge the constitutionality of the law not make it up as they go along, Equal not superior branches each having their positions clearly defined in the constitution.
The 9th circuit has a terrible reputation including banning the american flag on t-shirts.

A tip from the irreverent people of Scotland—how to resist Donald Trump.

@Greg: Love it “Keep pissing him off and he’ll wind up in a padded cell.”
The Scots got him pegged. An arrogant thin skinned wanker.

@Rich Wheeler:

Bill You are a true Trumpist that buys into his B.S

The fact that the liberal media is biased is not “his BS”. That is established as fact. Remember the “Journal list”; so-called “journalists” that had organized together to coordinate stories to support Obama? How about the “golden showers” tale the media jumped on and spread as fast as they could. Dan Rather? Remember his little prank? CNN ran interviews and panels with and about Trump’s sexual harassment “victims” for days on end, only to find out NONE of them had any credibility.

No, not BS. Remember what your polls got you in 2016?

@Greg: Love it “Keep pissing him off and he’ll wind up in a padded cell.”
The Scots got him pegged. An arrogant thin skinned wanker.

That’s the kind of patriotism and love for America we have come to expect from liberals. I wanted to see Obama succeed because his failure would put us… well, where we are right now. I want to see Trump succeed and he has already produced positive results DESPITE and IN SPITE of blind, hateful, spoiled cry-baby, irrational obstruction.

The left hates America, sadly it just can not be said any other way. obama was a scurge upon America though had he actually tried to improve conditions, he would have been successful for America.

obama chose instead to sabatoge America any way possible. We are seeing the consequences of his hatred for America and will see in the days, weeks, months and years to come the extent of the radical damage he inflicted upon this nation and its citizens.

I say let the left continue in their deranged fanaticism. They are an irrelevant party and their demise will be a blessing for America.

@Rich Wheeler: In other words, he can’t be like Obama?

@another vet: Did Obama try to silence and discredit the free press and the judiciary?
No–but Hitler did.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, Obola and the Demoncraps controlled the MSM and thanks to Slimy Harry he filled the Judiciary with liberal members. Thats classic controlling. Unfortunately they drank the MSM and forgot to listen to America’s needs and President Trump and the Republicans control the legislature and the White House. How could that possibly happen Rich??

@Rich Wheeler: Rich really have you paid attention at all in the last 8 years?
Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.

Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.
Look at the Cheryl Attkisson case when she was tracing guns running to terrorists done by the last administration.

But if you play nice you can get the daily menu for the whitehouse, real deep juicy inside information, often reported on MSNBC.
But but but now its Trump so its worser

@Rich Wheeler:

Did Obama try to silence and discredit the free press

He didn’t need to silence them, they were a chorus for him. Look at the condition he left our military. Half of the planes the Navy have are grounded due to lack of money for maintenance. First time since WWII that the Navy can’t deploy a carrier due to lack of maintenance. When Ike was in office, he kept 13 carriers operational at all times.

No–but Hitler did.

not true. There was no free press for Hitler to silence.
Do you really think the Fake News industries, such as CNN, are doing Dims a favor? Seems as if everything they do works against them.
You don’t really think the 9th court of appeals decision is going to hold up, do you? You don’t even want them to, you want safety for the citizens of the US also, don’t you?

I notice you are avoiding my question about “Always a Marine, that combat vet, Blumenthal. Wonder why?

Does anyone know what the correct word or term for people that are actively working to cause the failure of the government of their country is?
I know I’ve probably heard the word thousands of times, but somehow it is hard for me to say. Seems as if several of them have taken up residence near by and are posting quite regularly.

I think the word for the person might be traitor and the action might be treason. Anyone know for sure?

@Rich Wheeler: Well, since you mentioned it, Obama and his administration attacked Fox News constantly. His DOJ indicted James Rosen… for NOTHING… just so they could tap his phone… and the phone of his parents. He also tried to kick Fox out of the press briefings.

Remember Obama insulting the entire Supreme Court when they failed to abide by his will?

Obama used the power of the federal government to attack law abiding political opponents… like Hitler did.

Hitler had no “free press”. Like Obama and the Democrats, he had a Ministry of Propaganda, whose job it was to keep bad news about the government away from the public eye and to create stories to make the government and the Exalted Leader appear infallible.

I would hope we stay free enough to voice opinion without prosecution, not for the chipping away of the Constitution. There are those that take the call of resistance way too far. This Antifa group dressed in all black, faces covered, inciting riots assaulting people.
I would like the bill for any destruction caused by protestors sent directly to the permit holders including clean up as the left are a pile of slobs. Also the warning that anyone covering their faces during protests are subject to immediate arrest. Those type are not there to be peaceful.
A strong response to gypsy rioters will get through to them as they have no ability for civil discourse, smashing out window, fires ,throwing bricks and rocks, no bail but a speedy trial. Might prevent them from driving to the next protest or conservative speakers forum and starting crap.

This is all the left has at this point. They are no longer relevant. Things will get ugly and more ugly as time goes on…..

@Common Sense: Look for huge voter backlash in midterm 2018—Repubs out in House and Senate.
Trump’s hubris will bring him down just like Nixon. He’s got less than 45% support now and yes July 4 American it will get worse.
There is a majority against Trump and they won’t be silent.
Trump has shown he loves conflict and he’s gonna get It.

“People can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism It works every time.” Donald Trump OR Hermann Goering??

RT That would be the “loyal opposition” looking to bring change through the ballot box. I believe Trump will bring himself down Pride comes before the fall Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler:

There is a majority against Trump and we won’t be silent.

when is that going to become evident to the public. Right now it looks like a bunch of sniveling cry baby traitors to the country. Lot’s of sore losers. Are you saying you are one of the cry baby’s?

@Rich Wheeler: He sure as hell did. Remember his SOU speech where he bashed SCOTUS? Remember his treatment of FOX. Remember how journalists, and liberal ones at that, claimed he was worse than Nixon? Remember his calls about getting in peoples’ faces who disagree? “Bring a gun”? AttackWatch.org ring a bell? It’s either selective memory or revisionist history on your part. I also don’t recall seeing any conservatives rioting in the streets destroying property or physically attacking people after Obama was elected. If you want to compare anyone to the NAZI’s, check out the behavior of your left wing amigos. They are acting like the Brownshirts.

There are two groups of lefties, the ones committing the violence and the ones supporting it either by carrying out the acts or by encouraging it through open support or by remaining silent. Demographically, the former are young whites and minorities. The latter are upscale liberals, mainly whites , living in their well protected white communities far from the violence they seek to incite. I imagine you guys are all giddy because the Chicago four who kicked the shit out of the special needs person all pleaded innocent. After all, it wasn’t their fault.

@Rich Wheeler: We shall see. You are also the one who told us repeatedly that Hillary was going win in a landslide and that the dems were going to win back control of Congress with a super majority. As a matter of fact, you told us that Trump wouldn’t make it past the Texas and Florida primaries. And you said that Wikileaks “didn’t have squat” on your candidate’s (Hillary) campaign. You were so far off in your “expert” political predictions that your credibility in that area is on life support if not permanently shot.

@another vet:

that your credibility in that area is on life support

actually, it’s dead. But he’s got Blumenthal watching his back.

@another vet: You are way off I concurred with polls that had HRC up 3- 4 points–she won by 2 48-46–Never said Dems would win super majority–said it would be close which it was at 52-48.
I predicted Trump could do well early but didn’t think he’d win nom—did you?.
Never said anything much about WikiLeaks one way or the other.
I do believe there has been improper activities between Trump admin and Putin admin,–more will be revealed.

As you know I never supported HRC. Truthfully, I and many others hoped DT would act more presidential when he took office,–He hasn’t.
I do think many clear headed Repubs will bail on him over the next 18 months.

@Rich Wheeler: You say there is a majority against Trump but I don’t see it. What I see is a bunch of loud alternate liberal left libturds doing what they do best. As with the election, there is a silent majority that supported Trump and he is executing the agenda by which he won this election. You can’t equate an out of control circuit court ruling in the 9th circus court and demonstrations by those who didn’t vote for him in the first place as a majority at all. What is really happening is the Trump base is being solidified by the ignorant Aholes demonstrating and destroying property. Your credibility when it comes to forecasting is below zero Rich.

@Common Sense: As shown my forecasting has been pretty good. Was very close to the final HRC 48 DT 46. DT like BHO has a strong base but it’s well under 50%. The way you badmouth all Dems you shouldn’t be surprised when so many call The Donald a loud mouth carni act etc.

@another vet: My all-time favorite was Obama imploring his loyal following to send the White House emails and messages that non-believers were circulating so they could be “corrected”. This goes beyond Nazism; that is full-on Soviet and it revealed the same far left paranoia about the truth leaking out that all despots share.

@Rich Wheeler:

final HRC 48 DT 46.

So you predicted HRC would win the electoral vote by 2%. Are you under the impression that you were correct? I’ll bet DT thinks he got the most electoral votes.. most of the country would agree with him. Libturds might not. McCain gets to be a larger turd every day.

Hey, how did you like Sessions first ‘official’ act, to dismantle all the rules requiring transgender rest rooms. Now Obozo and Tranny will have to use their own restrooms. The public won’t be footing the bill for their private ‘mood’ room. No coloring books for Trannies.

@RedTeam:48-46 final tally I was damn close. Don’t act stupid RT–Trump can’t help himself with his early morning tweets–You can.
I told you there would be no “investigation” of DT’S 3-5 million voter fraud claim.
What do you think of the gay Conservative with the Black boyfriend whose been making the rounds on Fox News? He seems to be real popular with your Base.

BHO is leading the good life after 8 years in W.H. Trump will be lucky to last 2. He’s too thin skinned.

Another Vet Where did I say Dems would win a super majority in Senate?

How bout posting my predictions after Comey announced he was REOPENING HRC investigation just before the vote—that gave DT the E.C. WIN but still left him 2points back in popular vote.

Don’t think WikiLeaks nearly as harmful as Comey. Believe more will be revealed about Trump/Russian connection.

Bottom line—2 unpopular candidates struggling to the finish line–glad to say I didn’t support either and still don’t.

@Rich Wheeler:

Here are some of your predictions about the election. Time didn’t permit me finding the comparisons you made between Trump and Goldwater.

Trump is dead man walking–in his case screaming Look at ELECTORAL COLLEGE HRC has 270 needed without Ohio Fla or N.C.–Start drinking the wine now–relax

Yelling and screaming, saying he’ll blame them if he loses Landslide under way Senate and House lost.

He may not even make it till Nov.Down 10 points in today’s Fox poll. Bye bye Donnie Your 15 minutes are up.

A stroke you say? HRC Up 7 points and leading in the swing states, including red state Georgia. The smell of desperation is rising from the right.

Where is Trump gonna get 270 and 66 million? It’s just not there

By the time this is over The Donald will have massively hurt The Party Of Lincoln. Loss of The Senate and most likely their hard earned House majority

We’ll wait for the Nov. results, which will surely provide a 3rd straight defeat. Only question is– How bad?

As for Wikileaks, your comment to me on the matter:

Assange DOESN’T HAVE SQUAT Another maniacal egotist like Trump.

Two other predictions of yours I forgot about that didn’t happen:

beliece 3rd Party vote WILL approach 15%–by far the largest since Perot.

Dems won’t have contested Convention–Repubs will

I predicted Trump could do well early but didn’t think he’d win nom—did you?

Yes, and I admitted to the mistake a long time ago and said I wouldn’t underestimate him again. But I try not to have an ego and am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, unlike others who lie about it and or change the subject.

So back to is it back poll numbers? Have they corrected methods since the election?
Well this line has fallen off the rails, the dems are ancient crones out of touch with voters dementia a probable, but the old fools not ready to give up power like Hillary delusional.
Trump is much more popular than the polls show, even in Europe, expect LePenn and Wilders. The left has forgot what was cooking on the stove and the house is burning down, damn they should have been on Meals on wheels.

@Rich Wheeler: 48-46 final tally I was damn close. that’s 48 for HRC, as best I can do math, the final tally was Trump 57, HRC 43. But I’ll recheck. Yep, that’s correct 306-232 equals 57-43.

I told you there would be no “investigation” of DT’S 3-5 million voter fraud claim.

We all know that 3-5 million is likely a low number, but since Trump won, what’s the point? The Dims sure don’t want the true numbers to be revealed. It has been estimated that at least 1 million illegal votes in Michigan alone. Think about that. 1 million extra votes for HRC and she still lost. They didn’t want those numbers to be revealed so they dropped the recount.

What do you think of the gay Conservative with the Black boyfriend whose been making the rounds on Fox News?

You’ll have to give me a little more info, I haven’t heard anything about it. But then I don’t try to keep up with the gay crowd, that’s your purview. I’ll let you follow that.

BHO is leading the good life after 8 years in W.H

ditto, more of the gay crowd. Keep up with them.

that gave DT the E.C. WIN but still left him 2points back in popular vote.

EC win? wasn’t that what counted? Who was counting ‘popular’ votes and why? They didn’t determine anything. Maybe more libs should get their tuition refunds for lack of proper education on civics.

2 unpopular candidates struggling to the finish line–glad to say I didn’t support either and still don’t.

I guess you were spending your time hanging with that famous Marine combat vet, Blumenthal, right?

@RedTeam: Politics 101 We are referring to the final projected popular vote POLLS. Final tally was 48-46 very close to final predicted popular vote which I believe was 49-45 by RCP. Agreed that Trump won final E.C vote 306-232

Have you stopped watching Fox? Good move

More voter suppression from Repubs than illegal votes from Dems. Any way it’s over DT won E.C. by 74 and HRC won popular vote by 2.9 million Congress says MOVE ON. I agree.

Blumenthal was wrong in claiming V.N service but at least he served unlike “I can’t remember which bad foot kept me out.” DT

@Rich Wheeler:

Politics 101 We are referring to the final projected popular vote POLLS.

No, WE weren’t. Why talk about meaningless numbers. Trump wasn’t working for popular votes, they didn’t mean anything. He needed :Electoral votes to win. That’s like in an auto race when you are working to complete a lap, when completing didn’t mean a damn thing, only finishing first counted. That’s like going out with a girl and getting a kiss, but she goes home with your buddy. Only one thing counted and it wasn’t ‘popular votes’. So why talk about them? Does beating a dead horse give you a lot of satisfaction?

Have you stopped watching Fox? Good move

Usually watch Martha, then Bill, then Tucker, then Hannity, every day. If there’s some gay guy running around that I’m supposed to have noticed, no one pointed it out. I guess some folks just have a sensitive gaydar and keep it highly tuned. That’s what hanging with Mercy for Animals will do for you, I guess. What’s this gay guy’s name and what is it that you especially like about him?

and HRC won popular vote by 2.9 million

Won? is that the word you’re looking for there? She ‘won’ something? Consolation prize, maybe? She might have gotten popular votes, but she didn’t ‘win’ anything.

Blumenthal was wrong in claiming V.N service but at least he served

wrong? is that the word you’re looking for there? Doesn’t ‘lied’ fit the situation? He ‘served’? Are you sure? Tell me about that service? Do you, or do you not, believe persons should be disqualified for military service for medical reasons? Do you think there is something ‘dishonorable’ about being medically disqualified? Is that better or worse than lying (excuse me, being ‘wrong’) about your service?
Let’s see, Hillary finished 2nd and ‘won’ something, and Blumenthal was ‘wrong’ about his military service and still did something honorable, but being medically disqualified is ‘wrong’, but it’s dishonorable? I still think you should be working on your tuition refund, you got screwed on that.

.I think he either ‘lied’ about this, or was ‘wrong’. Not sure what Dims terminology is today.

In two largely favorable profiles, the Slate article and a magazine article in The Hartford Courant in 2004 with which he cooperated, Mr. Blumenthal is described prominently as having served as captain of the swim team at Harvard. Records at the college show that he was never on the team.

In an interview, Jean Risley, the chairwoman of the Connecticut Vietnam Veterans Memorial Inc., recalled listening to an emotional Mr. Blumenthal offering remarks at the dedication of the memorial. She remembered him describing the indignities that he and other veterans faced when they returned from Vietnam.

“It was a sad moment,” she recalled. “He said, ‘When we came back, we were spat on; we couldn’t wear our uniforms.’ It looked like he was sad to me when he said it.”

Ms. Risley later telephoned the reporter to say she had checked into Mr. Blumenthal’s military background and learned that he had not, in fact, served in Vietnam.

Wrong or Lie, dims have a hard time knowing the difference.

@RedTeam: Was Trump “wrong” or did he lie when he said crime rate was at a 47 year high?
I’d call Trump a Barnum and bully. A con man that bullies anyone that doesn’t buy his one man act.
I think Trump faked the bad foot to get out–then he bad mouths Mac–sleazeball.

@Rich Wheeler:

Another Vet Where did I say Dems would win a super majority in Senate?

You did predict a wash out in Congress after one of those MSM bursts having your nominee up by 12 after one of Trump’s numerous missteps. Like I said, I don’t have time to scrounge up every little comment you made throughout this election cycle but the ones I posted support my claims. It all points back to this comment I made with special attention to the second sentence:

Yes, and I admitted to the mistake a long time ago and said I wouldn’t underestimate him again. But I try not to have an ego and am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, unlike others who lie about it and or change the subject.

I guess you were spot on in all of your predictions and the rest of us low life shit bags don’t know anything. I can see why you look down us.

@Rich Wheeler:

What do you think of the gay Conservative with the Black boyfriend whose been making the rounds on Fox News? He seems to be real popular with your Base.

What are we supposed to do… hate him? Nah… we’re not the liberals here.

Don’t think WikiLeaks nearly as harmful as Comey. Believe more will be revealed about Trump/Russian connection.

I don’t think any of it was harmful. WikiLeaks didn’t reveal anything no one didn’t already know. Liberal lemmings were going to vote for Hillary no matter corrupt and incompetent she is. She lost because she is a terrible candidate and person.

More voter suppression from Repubs than illegal votes from Dems.

Oh? How many votes were suppressed? How about a number. How about the results of some studies, as the illegal immigrant vote was based on.

Oh, LOOK! They caught her! The only illegal immigrant that voted in the entire nation! Whew… glad THAT problem is solved, because since liberals denied this even happened, good to have the only person that did it.

Perhaps the worst case of voter suppression was the lying polls and predictions issued by your very own corrupt liberal media. More and more we see that liberals didn’t bother voting, either believing the skewed polls or expecting their illegal immigrants to do the job for them (as with everything else).

Trump a bully? He’s not the one sending gangs of idiots out to burn and riot to prevent a gay immigrant from speaking. He’s not the one sending maniacs out to block the Secretary of Education access to schools. YOU support the bullies; the whining, cry-baby sore losers trying to destroy our nation.

Is the cow lawyer preparing his 2020 campaign? Are you still a Cliftonite?

So, I make ALL the comments?
Rich has made 11 comments here.
I’ve made 2 or 3.
Poor Rich.

Dem leaders are really old and decrepit.

Conservative immigrant Milo Yiannoplois is only 31 or 32 and has, not A black boyfriend, but as many black boyfriends as he can get.
His name is now being attached to various FREE SPEECH bills.
Some for whole states, others for various universities.
That’s quite an honor.
Berkeley’s worst leftists managed to shut down one speech by him but, in doing so, gave him a national forum.
His book’s (Dangerous) pre-sales jumped up 1237% overnight!
Everything the Dems have tried lately has backfired on them.
They are old.
They are ineffectual.
And they are turning on their own.

@Rich Wheeler:

I think Trump faked the bad foot to get out–then he bad mouths Mac–sleazeball

faked a bad foot? When I had my military physical, the results were reviewed by doctors. How do you ‘fake’ a medical problem with a foot? Bad mouths Mac? How do you bad mouth Mac? Exactly what did Trump say about Mac that was not true?

@another vet:

I guess you were spot on in all of your predictions and the rest of us low life shit bags don’t know anything. I can see why you look down us.

AV, I was communicating with RW about the election and my recollection of his predictions is that he basically missed everyone. He still thinks Hillary ‘won’ something. I missed it when she was being sworn in and naming her cabinet. He certainly never thought Trump would get the nomination.
He thinks Blumenthat was ‘wrong’ about his military service in Viet Nam. I think he lied. Big difference. He thinks Mac was a ‘hero’, I think he was a Navy pilot with the misfortune to get shot down. Nothing ‘heroic’ about getting shot down.

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