A Revolution Has Started (Guest Post)


So once again, the “peaceful Democracy” progressives, disguised as Democrats take to the streets to cause chaos, to pull Trump supporters out of cars and beat them and to destroy property to show that they are peaceful and disagree with the majority of Americans about the direction of this country. The display or rioting and violence, mostly in the urban areas of BLUE states shows the pathetic desert that has become the progressive agenda. There are many in the media and the Democrat party ( but I repeat myself) that had their panties in a wad because Donald Trump did not declare that he would accept the results of this election. Since then, Trump has been pummeled by the progressives as being a homophobes, racists, misogynists, and the left wing media has instigated much of what is now occurring. They loudly proclaim that Trump will ‘destroy our country and democracy”. This is interesting since Hillary along with colleagues like George Soros have done the best they could through this administration and policies they held to destroy our government for the vision of the New World Order.

Immediately upon winning the nomination, the Left was attempting to invalidate the election. Although the votes were in and Trump won, the Left continues to undermine the results because it did not turn out the way they wished.

In the media, VAN JONES, a socialist Muslim, declared that this was a “whitelash”, a pushback by whites on a black President. Jones didn’t explain that Obama was elected twice with white votes, or that more Blacks and Hispanics voted for Trump than any other Republican in history. Jones even came out the next day and claimed Trump wanted to put Muslims and Hispanics into internment camps. Does anyone. Other than low information Clinton supporters really believe this”. Of course, CNN, where Jones works happily trotted this garbage out to further divide the electorate. Is it any wonder that 85% of this country no longer trust the media?

Another fallacy being pushed hard by the media is that Hillary won the popular vote. She only received 47.7% of the vote, while her opponents garnered 52.3%. For those in the past who were educated in math other than social justice understand that is NOT a majority. Juan Williams seems to think that battering the public with the idea that she won the popular vote will change it. It won’t. Of course this is the same Juan Williams who is so upset with things that Trump has said in the past, but declares that Bill Clinton’s philandering and the corruption of Hillary is not important. I suppose to Juan Williams it is also not important than a majority of Americans rejected the Hillary ideology as being detrimental to the citizens of this country.

Once again, the Dems have failed to convince the American people that the concepts that have will work for America. So they now have decided that taking to the streets like some third world country will changes the results more to their liking. Insults, riots and violence will not change the outcome. The vast majority of the American people will not allow it. Those of the globalists Soros machine, and our poorly educated young adults have been taught that riots and violence should be a first resort. Calling for the assassination of Trump, or even more perverse, the rape of the First Lady-elect is not going to accomplish anything but causing more anger and the dissolution of the Democratic Party as a whole. The Soros paid protesters are never sure why they are rioting, but this elite army will protest for an agenda that is not even in their interest. Insulting all those who disagree with them and causing the silence of the majority of Americans is the attempted end result. It is up to the American people to make them understand that the end is upon them. Along with the corrupt media, the American people will no longer be held captive to “political correctness”. We will no longer be silent in the face of the temper tantrums that these parent coddling youth have had will not change the opinion of anyone, and the cry-ins that they feel are helping are showing that our youth are weak, and nowhere near the rugged individualism that shaped this country into what it is today.

We hear of children crying and having traumatic episodes because Trump was elected President. They didn’t get traumatized by the words of Trump but by the words of the parents who expect the government to live their lives for them.

There are those who plan to fully implement the main goal to make a statement of political instability to make it impossible to govern. They scream all about the mean words of Trump, but nothing has been said about the destruction of what these liberal socialists have said or done. They claim there are many instances of Trump supporters who have attacked progressives. I want to see one that hasn’t been proven a hoax. CNN is the leader on making this hoax go nationwide, and yet no stories on the Trump supporters whi have been pulled out of their cars and beaten, or a high school girl who was attacked because she was a Trump supporter. Or a school in California, where a teacher was attacked by members of another school who wanted to bring the protest to her school Where are the stories, mainstream media?

The leftists that have been spurring on these riots are the same ones who drone on about “peace” and “Love Trumps Hate”. They are now using the “Love Trumps Hate” signs to pummel Trump supporters. We even have CEO’s of major companies telling their employees to leave if they support Trump.
Absurdly, the West Coast is planning to secede from the Union. Like a little child, they didn’t win, so it’s time to take the ball and go home and cry to one another. Sorry, most Californians think is it a stupid idea, and will fight it. If you do secede, do I get to play helpless victim and take you to court to help me resettle in another country, like the United States?

Until groups like ANSWER.com, MOVEON.org, and other Soros groups are shut down for insurrection, and the media and Hollywood celebrities are made to understand that if the socialist New World Order that they want so much takes over, they would be the first to go, the only answer is for the American people to push back.

The American people will push back, as much and as hard as it takes. Count on it.

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The rioters,vandals,looters,arsonists and hooligans all need to just leave america were getting tired of your stupid tantrums please just crawl back under your rock where you came from and never ever show your ugly pig faces here again

Talk about unpopular HRC’– Fully 65% of registered voters dislike Trump. HRC got him elected. Trump is clearly the most unpopular Prez-Elect in American history.
He’s been disliked as a Dem,. as an Indie, and now as a Populist.

He’s created more violence than he’s received.

Favorite license plate Vote Trump, Nobody Has To Know. That’s what happened.

Semper Fi Thank you for your service RJW Captain USMCR

@Rich Wheeler:
To borrow someone else’s line, your sour grapes are turning to whine!

@Bookdoc: No sour grapes–I didn’t vote for either. You know damn well how unpopular Trump is now and always has been.
It’s truly a joke that this guy is Prex–a bad joke at best. A nightmare at worst.

@Rich Wheeler:

He’s created more violence than he’s received.

What violence has he created? Are you implying that the attacks against his supporters are his fault because they supported him? No, Rich… the left is creating the violence right out of the fact that they have no answer for the public realization that liberalism provides no benefit for the vast majority of people. So, they plan to beat people until they agree. Sounds like some other political movements that ended in violent disaster.

President Trump needs to direct the IRS to conduct investigations into the tax-exempt status of these left wing propaganda organizations. They do nothing but promote one political ideology and attack others. That would be poetic justice.

Leftists claiming Trump is responsible for the violence and riots that leftists are displaying are analogous to the wife beater who tries to claim with a straight face, “I didn’t punch her. She hit my fist with her face!”

When the left wins elections, they demand the right submit to every hare-brained scam they want to impose, declaring any opposition is “obstructionist”. When the will of the people throws the left out of power, then we are told “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”.

Can you imagine the shrieks of outrage if a group of Trump supporters were caught on video pulling a black man out of his car then beating him as they taunted him for having voted for Hillary? Yet we have video of a group of black men engaging in such thuggish behavior against a white man while sneering about about the victim voting for Trump…and the media turns a blind eye.

And the left has the umitigated gall to claim the right is fascist.

@Rich Wheeler:
Well then, you either neglected your civic duty or you voted for one of the ridiculous loser candidates. You also OBVIOUSLY believe all the crap the lsm feeds you. Have fun in your misery-I’ll be sitting here laughing.

@Bookdoc: I’m anything but miserable Doc. As a New Yorker, I along with most, have been laughing at Trump for decades–the gift that keeps on giving. What amazes me is the 1/3 of the country—people like you–that buy into his outright B.S,

Doc Pete The guy’s a classic bully. I’ve seen em all my life and so have you.
As a Marine Officer I call him out for the coward he clearly is–degrading McCain while he can’t remember which bad foot kept him from Viet Nam service. Disgraceful.

@Rich Wheeler:

As a Marine Officer I call him out for the coward he clearly is–degrading McCain while he can’t remember which bad foot kept him from Viet Nam service. Disgraceful.

Rich, I doubt you are still a Marine officer. I suspect you are only using that as an Honorary title, not a real one. He didn’t degrade McCain, you’re making that up. It is well known that McCain collaborated with the enemy while a POW, but I personally find no fault with that as there is no way he had any info that, if revealed 5 years after being captured, would have any negative impact on US operations. You continue to talk about Trumps honesty while throwing out your own dishonesty about Trump. There is no evidence that a bad foot kept him from service in Viet Nam. Even if he had not received a 4F rejection, there is no evidence that he would have been sent to Viet Nam. Do you personally believe that everyone that received 4F rejections were just draft dodgers? What about persons that are exempted because the work in civilian operations that support the military? Are they draft dodgers also? I’ll bet you strongly supported Bill Clinton who was clearly a Felony draft dodger. He didn’t even bother to get a physical rejections, he just went to the Soviet Union to dodge the draft. Then you helped get him elected to 2 terms as president, even after knowing that he had raped several women. So let’s drop the charade that character matters for Trump when it never did for Slick Willie.
I guess you’re supporting Ellison for DNC chair. He’d fit right in.


Talk about unpopular HRC’– Fully 65% of registered voters dislike Trump.

How do you know that? I believe almost all of the ‘facts’ about the election are made up. There is no way they can know what they ‘claim’ to know.

If I go into a polling booth and cast one vote, how do they know how old the person was that cast that vote? How do they know what color I am? How do they know my age? How do they know what my level of education is? In fact, just because I went into the booth, they don’t even know if I actually cast a vote for anyone. When you can answer that question for ‘every’ person that voted, then we can start to believe. I don’t think you could get any one of the answers correct and neither can the ‘pollsters’ . Remember most of these numbers are reported by persons with an agenda and I’m quite sure they can make the numbers fit their scenario. Do you remember the story about the doctoral student in a university that had to do a doctoral thesis? He decided to do his thesis on the subject: If I do my thesis on the question of: Can I prove that my thesis is correct if that’s what I want to prove?” And surprise, his thesis did, in fact, prove that he could prove his thesis.
I could make the statement: While the voters in this parish are 95% in favor of Trump, the vote only showed an 81%- 19% margin because only 50% of registered voters showed up to cast a vote. The ones that did not show up were mostly Mexicans that had been allowed to get fake ID’s, but were afraid they would be caught and deported if Trump’s people at the polls saw them and called the Homeland Security people. But, I wouldn’t write that because I couldn’t prove it, but it would not stop the liberal media from publishing that story. The ones that were not Mexicans were old men wearing Burqa’s so they could not be caught and deported.
Why be concerned about truth, liberals have never used it as a criteria.

@RedTeam: rt You are back with your long winded crap about Mexicans with fake ID old men in Burgha haunting your Parish– Mac consorting with the NVA Haley going back to India– Obama a Muslim not born in the U.S it goes on and on Why do we bother?.

Once a Marine always a Marine

So here’s the guy to whom your President Elect has offered the job of National Security Adviser, sitting immediately to Vladimir Putin’s right. (It’s interesting trying to figure out which heavies in the photo are Putin’s official body guards, which are Russian Mafia, and which are waiters. Some look like they might be doing double duty. Flynn seems to have on his happy face.)

And here’s Admiral Michael Rogers of the National Security Agency, explaining the DNC hacks and Wikileaks coordination in terms anyone should be able to understand: “It was a conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect.”

The effort was successful. Can you figure out which nation the “nation-state” in question is, and what that “specific effect” was?

Probably not. Though there were an abundance of clues, there hasn’t been much figuring out going on over on the right lately. Nor is there any indication it’s likely to start anytime soon. Donald Trump’s Son-in-Law, Jared Kushner, Could Get Key White House Role? No problem. Why would anyone think this could be a problem?

All it takes to distract from such issues is some babble about Mexican rapists, or the need to investigate Hillary Clinton again on one thing or another. Meanwhile, you’ve got a new administration ready to cozy up to an authoritarian Russian leader who invades and occupies neighboring nations, buzzes U.S. naval vessels, and interferes with U.S. presidential elections; you’ve got a clueless President Elect on whose behalf he interfered, with foreign business entanglements nobody can even guess at because he won’t show you his tax returns. (“We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia” was surely a misstatement.) You’ve got his kids who are going to take over the running of those businesses, but don’t worry, there’s no chance anyone is going to have access to insider information about policy or anything—unless it comes up in casual family conversation. Astonishingly, people don’t even seem to care.

The left is insidious. Totally despicable. Devoid of redeeming characteristics. This is a new lesson plan in San Francisco:


That’s not education; it’s indoctrination. That’s teaching kids that our system of government is worthless. But, it’s what the left does when they lose; tear down all around them as “punishment” for other people living with their eyes and ears open.

The American system worked; despite having all the support of a corrupt media, the President of the United States using all the assets he had at his disposal, including taxpayer dollars and the Department of Justice, the voters rejected a candidate that was THE most corrupt to have ever been considered. We now have a President-elect with real-world (not revolutionary book-learning) experience that is considering people for his administration based on capability, not ideology.


The effort was successful. Can you figure out which nation the “nation-state” in question is, and what that “specific effect” was?

As despicable as hacking and revealing stolen information is (like the NYT revealing Trump’s private tax returns? Oh, no… THAT’S OK), you do realize that what brought Hillary down was… THE TRUTH? All the hacked emails revealed how the DNC and Hillary were lying and corrupt, accusing others of racism while being racist themselves. Hillary revealing she lies to the public, telling wealthy donors one thing while having a different message for the stupid, manipulable masses.

When the left is playing that game, they have to MAKE UP the information, like Dan Rather and CBS did in 2004. Wikileaks revealed FACTS about the lying scumbags that are Democrats.

All the left has in its arsenal is anti-Constitutional ploys and lies. That doesn’t seem to be working anymore. You may want to try a new game, something like being honest with the American people and initiating policies that benefit citizens, not the illegal immigrants they want to use as a voting bloc, then discard as they have done all other minorities.

That “racist, racist, racist” thing is wearing thin, as well.


You can downplay it and evade reality all you like but Trump is discreetly responsible for much of the uproar as he’s fanned racism from the word go as well as incited violence on a daily basis.

The fact that he’s now loading up his team with blatant racist, white supremacist, and Putin buddies isn’t going to help.

As far as the protesters go, they should go home and focus on particular issues rather than their scorn of Trumps election-just as the tea baggers should have.


You can downplay it and evade reality all you like but Trump is discreetly responsible for much of the uproar as he’s fanned racism from the word go as well as incited violence on a daily basis.

No, he isn’t. YOU on the left are responsible for every bit of it. You had no response to his policies and proposals but to accuse him of racism and now there are morons that believe it being manipulated by leftists wishing to destroy the nation.

Trump is not racist, has not done anything racist and should not be called racist. But you miserable leftists have no idea how to make a failed ideology more attractive than economic growth and opportunity so calling him racist and whipping up weak minds is all you can muster.

No, make no mistake, AJ, you and the rest of the leftist useful idiots are the source of the violence and Obama, Hillary, Soros, Sharpton and the corrupt media are keeping the flames fanned.

The only good to come out of this is the prominent display of just how worthless all of the left actually is, as if 8 years of failure wasn’t enough.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

No, he isn’t

Bill, you are no more than an intrusive and lying troll. And I didn’t read past yopur “No, he isn’t” because it’s the same old lying crap you always pull. You are no more than an ignorant school kid playing your stupid “is not” “is too” game. You are a fraud, a phony and you utter nothing but lies.

Funny thing how not a single regular here backs you up. Trump ran a very racist and decisive campaign. That is just a fact. He incited violence on a regular basis and that is another fact. He is now loading up his cabinet with people with histories of white supremacy and blatant racism.

Bill, people by and large hate the pu$$y grabber in chief (let me guess, he never said that?). He goes into office with a record level of disapproval. Folks didn’t vote for him because they liked him but because they disliked the other more (understandably not the only variable).

Interesting thing Bill, all those things Romney and Rubio and Haley and the long list of others said about Trump (fraud, con artist, dangerous, on and on and on-and yes, they really did say those things) were true then and they are true today. This is the very same racist, sexist, pu$$y grabbing, wage stealing, violence inciting, egomaniac that he was then.

It is going to be a long and painful 4 years (if he last that long) and based on the way he’s starting out, I can’t imagine the crowds in the streets calming.

The worst thing about trump is that his disgusting demeanor will be normalized.

@Ajay42302: You are the PERFECT example of what is wrong with this country and the source of the racism, hate and violence plaguing society today. All you can do is lie and lie is all you have done. When challenged on a lie, you run away.

So, give up. You lost. You had nothing and nothing is what you get in return. Your support for the community organizer and then the corrupt liar has decimated your party of America-hating racists. Well, you can’t say your weren’t warned.

Yeah, it’ll be a painful 4 years… then another 4…. then 4 more. For YOU. Because you will see all your lies and failures fully exposed. Enjoy the ride, idiot.

Democrats hated Ronald Reagan, too.
Especially the fact that so many of their own (the ‘Reagan Democrats’) voted for him.
But he was such a powerful force that Iran gave up our Americans they were holding hostage for 444 days.
Gave them up the day Reagan was sworn into office.
So, that’s how he affected the world.
How is Donald Trump affecting the world?

Syria and Assad are aligned with Russia.
Obama had fought them both in a stupid, feckless, weak way that was destabilizing.
Trump knows when there is no way to win in a deal.
He will walk away from trying to depose Assad.
Let Russia stabilize his regime on its dime.
IF they want US help in getting ISIS inside Syria, they can ask for it and then Trump can favor them with our cooperation.
After all, it is ISIS we want to destroy out of that area, right?

The PM of Japan wants a more powerful Japan because of China.

Trump does, too.
Japan will happily pay more for it’s own defense.

Ford has said it will keep its plant in Kentucky, instead of moving it to Mexico.

Canada‘s PM is now ready to renegotiate NAFTA. The Keystone pipeline is back on.

Mexico, at one point, said it, too, was ready to renegotiate NAFTA.

Iran said their ”deal” should be kept to every letter. This is good because, they have already broken it many times over. So, it can be put up for re-negotiation.

Unlike Reagan, Trump will work for a dollar a year.
He is trying to keep lobbyists out of his gov’t.
(Retired Gen Flynn lobbied for Turkey, so we’ll see if he makes an exception there.)
IF Romney agrees to do anything in gov’t (his wife’s health is bad) I hope it is fixing the VA. He did very well fixing the Olympics, so….

@Rich Wheeler: Well Rich, America has spoken and Trump is President Elect. As bad as you make Trump out to be, clearly America felt hilldabeast was worse. The EC clearly is a trounce for Trump!! I know you voted for neither and respect you decision. From one Vet to another, I thank you for your service and hope Veterans Day was tolerable. It’s a tough day for me.

@Common Sense: The E.C was hardly a trounce. Less than 90,000 change in 3 states–0f over 120 million cast would make Trump a loser. The election was very close–both extremely unpopular
Best wishes to you DOC. Semper Fi

@Common Sense:

As bad as you make Trump out to be, clearly America felt hilldabeast was worse.

Here’s the kicker. Hillary is gone. History. Now, we have to contend with a serial liar, racist, pu$$y grabbing con man that considers Trump University and screwing hard working Americans out of their pay as “good business”, a man that incites violence, advocates women who are sexually harassed at work to “get another job” and is filling important positions with racist, con men and cronies.

Hillary being as bad or worse or whatever is no longer part of the equation. The oncoming Trump train-wreck is.

@Ajay42302: You lie about everything, I wonder if you actually are an AJ.

@Ajay42302: So then your saying hilldabeast is worse than all the accusations you make about President Elect Donald Trump?? How truly ignorant and empty the Democrat Party must be to put forth such a poor candidate. Why or how did Trump beat her?? One reason is that democrats and hilldabeast listened to their own self created MSM and drank their own deadly kool aid. Another reason is that hilldabeast is a treasonous liar who left soldiers on the field of battle to die, lied about it over their dead bodies, and then tried to destroy the evidence!! Another reason is that she had no accomplishments and or platform. Demoncraps need only to look in the mirror to understand how they failed!! When Trump was in the dump three weeks prior to the election hilldabest could not move her needle from 45%, that was a clue that America didn’t want such a witch. Finally America rejected the idea of a liberalist Supreme Court!! You lost big time and you need to deal with it because it is reality!!

@Rich Wheeler:
Wouldn’t it be great if because of Trump’s election we get our republic back? California is already talking about how to distance themselves from Washington and take by State’s Rights. Funny that when Red States do this they are called racists. I’m not even mad though, maybe this will show democrats how important it is to decentralize government. As far as I’m concerned, California has every right to run their State the way they see fit, as long as they agree that every other State has the same right. California gets back 78 cents for every dollar they send to Washington. That doesn’t sound right to me. Maybe California will now join the Convention of States. A presidential election shouldn’t be this divisive. Power should reside with the people and the States, not a bunch of buffoons in DC.

@Rich Wheeler: 11

Once a Marine always a Marine

Have you volunteered for Iraq? or is that just a ‘saying’? You think a Navy man doesn’t still have strong feelings about their service?

You are back with your long winded crap about Mexicans with fake ID old men in Burgha haunting your Parish

And you totally missed the entire point of my post. So I’ll make it simple for you. How can anyone say with certainty that 65% of the voters ‘dislike’ Trump. I will still contend that in the process of me going into a voting booth and voting, that there is no public record of the event and how I voted that can be said with certainty. So I’ll ask you simply, if I went into the booth and voted for Trump and that polling place only recorded one vote for Trump that day, what can you say with certainty about me? Was that vote by a person over 76 or under 70? Was it by a gay person? Does that person eat meat? Did that person vote for Trump because he ‘liked’ him or did he vote for Trump because he was the only Republican running for president? I will say again, that all these numbers you see passed around by the press are total BS. Maybe I ‘really’ like Hillary but just couldn’t vote for a Dimocrat.
It had nothing to do with Mexicans with fake ID’s.

@Greg: Wow greg, you sure are wound up about who Trump appoints. Did you have any problem when Obozo appointed a traitor, John Kerry, as Sec of State? Did you have a problem when a person without an American birth certificate was being sworn in as president of the US? Are you in a tizzy about the potential for a Muslim becoming chair of DNC?


Russian leader who invades and occupies neighboring nations, buzzes U.S. naval vessels,

And all this happening on Obozo’s watch. And tell us all what he has done about it. Don’t be shy.


Astonishingly, people don’t even seem to care.

Let me guess, you’re talking about how much the Clinton’s have raised in cash since Hillary has been Sec of State, selling her influence, and you’re saying no one seems to care. You’re probably right.


Bill, you are no more than an intrusive and lying troll

ok HoJay, you’ve outstayed your welcome. I realize that Soros is still paying his trolls, but when reality sets in, he’ll be gone, his money will be gone, and your employment will be over.

@Ajay42302: Oh, and HoJay: you’re wrong about this too:

Funny thing how not a single regular here backs you up. Trump ran a very racist and decisive campaign.

racist no, decisive, yes. Regular, I think I qualify on that, something which you do not, and I certainly agree with Bill, even though he’s a deplorable. You’ve only been here about 3 months and will only be here for a short time in the future, Soros will realize he lost soon, (some Dims are dimmer than the others) and stop paying his trolls. So let me say bye, bye before you go. Surely you don’t think anyone takes you for anything serious, nope only a paid hand, like that busload of Rioters apprehended heading toward Chicago yesterday, all on the Dims payroll. “He is now loading up his cabinet with” just how many cabinet posts has he filled to date?


pu$$y grabbing,

Just curious HoJay, since you seem to have a problem with that, just what is it that you grab for? Are you under the impression that most women aren’t interested in what men want to grab?

@Common Sense:
Once again, Hillary is yesterday. Trump is the reality today.

We could argue the train wreck of GWB and why or how Kerry or Gore got beat but that wasn’t really the issue when Bush and his lapdog congress crashed the economy or led us into war against a country that didn’t attack us.

Donald Trump is an immoral and despicable person, a con artist, racist, sexist egomaniac. You and your ilk bought this son of a bitch and Lord help what remaining democrats to keep this shyster in check and then help recover after he’s gone, just as we helped the country rise above the Bush ashes.

@ajay42302: Booo, hooo, hooo, hooo. What a whiny little crybaby liar.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Bill, poor poor ajay42302 is really having a hard time dealing with reality!!

@Rich Wheeler: Rich you might want to check out how the EC works. Even if 10 million more had voted for Hillary in California, Trump would still have the same number of electoral votes. Trump didn’t campaign there, he knew there were a majority of losers there. The country doesn’t work on the principle of letting the wolves decide how to carve the sheep, here, the sheep get a voice in the decision. Cal sure has a winner in Feinstein, don’t they? But at least they got rid of Boxer and replaced her with someone even worse. (But I’m sure she is the darling of the Dims out there.)

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

As despicable as hacking and revealing stolen information is (like the NYT revealing Trump’s private tax returns? Oh, no… THAT’S OK), you do realize that what brought Hillary down was… yada yada yada.

…Which is how you evaded addressing any of the legitimate issues in #13 that any thoughtful person should immediately recognize as serious warning signs.

It’s the same diversion Trump strategists used throughout the entire campaign, from the republican primaries until election day. Serious questions about Trump? Let’s talk about Clinton’s email instead. With constant assertions that The left lies constantly, and You can’t trust what the media says thrown in for good measure. Never mind the fact that Trump repeated blatant lies and attacked the characters of every opponent he encountered—republicans and democrats alike—every time he opened his mouth.

@RedTeam, #27:

And all this happening on Obozo’s watch. And tell us all what he has done about it. Don’t be shy.

It was part of Putin’s effort to manipulate public opinion in the run-up to the election. Are you truly not smart enough to figure that out? Do you imagine Vladimir Putin is incapable of political strategy? Are you so clueless you believe the proper response to such deliberate provocation would have been a shoot-down, which could have rapidly escalate into war with Russia?

You’ve just elected a president who is nowhere near as cunning as our Russian adversary. Things will be all nice with Russia, now that Putin’s Choice will be in the Oval Office. It will be a new dawn of Russian/U.S. relations. All we’ve got to do is let him do what he wants. It will be great!

And hey, that national debt problem… Your blue collar billionaire proposes to quickly print up and spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure projects while simultaneously cutting taxes—all to stimulate a recovered economy that is currently in no need of such emergency stimulation measures. It’s a plan to artificially create another short-term boom that can only end in a disastrous economic crash—because flooding an economy with cash is an unsustainable emergency stimulation measure.

Obama did it, right? He did it because he took office in the midst of an epic-scale economic emergency. The national economy was in shambles; around 7.9 million American jobs had been lost from 2007 to 2010. The world appeared to be on the brink of global economic depression. That’s a point at which you take such emergency measures. You don’t do it when the unemployment rate is down to 4.9 percent.

The right pays minimal attention to reality, and what they do pay attention to they figure out incorrectly. This is going to have consequences, and they won’t be the doing of Obama, or Clinton, or Democratic Party policies.

@Greg: Greggie, missed one small part of reality. Donald Trump is the President Elect. If he’s as bad as you say, then how in the world could the demoncraps and hilldabeast not win??


Once again, Hillary is yesterday. Trump is the reality today.

er, uh, HoJay, you’re the one that seems to be missing that point.

Donald Trump is an immoral and despicable person, a con artist, racist, sexist egomaniac.

Your kindergarten class needs to change it’s method of teaching temper tantrums and sniveling, you need a review and maybe some additional training before they let you graduate. Geez, they don’t expect much out of kindergarteners anymore.

and Lord help what remaining democrats

Er, ah HoJay, it won’t be the Lord that DNC Chair Ellison will be looking to for help, it’ll be Allah. (yes, I know it’s a bit much to expect a kiddiegartener to know that, but we should raise our expectations a little)

@Greg: 36

It was part of Putin’s effort to manipulate public opinion in the run-up to the election. Are you truly not smart enough to figure that out? Are you so clueless you believe the proper response to such deliberate provocation would have been a shoot-down, which could have rapidly escalate into war with Russia?

but, but, but, you seem to have a problem with what the Russians are doing only if Trump is the president when it happens. Since Obozo is in charge, it’s not important? Symbolism doesn’t matter?

And hey, that national debt problem… Your blue collar billionaire proposes to quickly print up and spend a trillion dollars and spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure projects while simultaneously cutting taxes

I’m guessing you don’t think the infrastructure needs any work? Most Mayors and governors would disagree with that. Obozo has had no problem running up the debt since he has added more debt than all the 43 presidents combined prior to him. But then you’re probably been protesting all that debt created under Obozo and all the people he has put out of work while doing it. But don’t worry, that’s gonna be under control now, we have an American coming back into the white house.

The national economy was in shambles; around 7.9 million American jobs had been lost from 2007 to 2010.

I’m quite sure that your failure to point out that this economic shambles was caused by the failure in the mortgage market due to all the unbacked mortgages that the Clinton Admin had put in place was just a minor oversight, I’m sure you don’t mind giving Clinton the credit for his economic disaster along with the dot.com bust that took place during the last year of his admin . Nope, I realize you want the correct person to have credit and we certainly have no problem recognizing the shortcomings of the Clinton Admin. Okay, next………….

@Common Sense: Yeah, like so many other liberals, AJ was saddled with a corrupt, incompetent liar and has to make up lies about the opponent to convince themselves they aren’t as stupid as they actually are.

@Greg: You didn’t ask any questions; you just rant on about your imaginary concerns, like is it a problem if he has his son-in-law in his White House… which is not a problem, as long as he is competent, which he is.

@RedTeam: We are not talking Cal Trump won by 10k in Mi 15k in Wi and 60k in Pa—HRC wins those 3 she’s Prez—PRETTY SIMPLE. REALLY.

FA Reactionariy Trumpeteers like yourself., Bill, and July 4 act like your pied piper is a damn choir boy. You close your ears to what he ACTUALLY says. Blame the free press for printing his statements
Live in an alternative Universe–don’t realize your emperor is without clothes.

@Common Sense:
You and your sockpuppets can utilize the Hillary eye poke to exonerate your con man for a while but soon you’ll have to come up with a new gig-which I’m sure you will.

I see you’re wasting no time is the attempt to normalizing racism. You’re obviously in good company.

@RedTeam, #39:

You’re hopeless. You don’t even recognize the inconsistencies of your own bullshit. I’ve listened to rants about Obama’s deficit spending to break the recession for years, and the danger of the growing national debt, and how Russia was a dangerous aggressor that must be stopped at all costs, and now you’ve flipped 180 degrees on every damn point and you don’t even seem to know it.

@Greg: So now you’re trying to be a comedian? Kinda late to change gigs. You think I ‘was’ for Obama’s deficit spending and now I’m opposed? You’re the one that brought up the subject of Russian planes buzzing things and no one doing anything about it, you seem to think that would be terrible if Trump allowed it, but ok since it’s Obozo that is allowing it.
Try to keep up.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ~Mark Twain~

An illustrative fable

@Rich Wheeler:

We are not talking Cal Trump won by 10k in Mi 15k in Wi and 60k in Pa—HRC wins those 3 she’s Prez—PRETTY SIMPLE. REALLY.

What? you don’t consider Cal’s votes to mean anything? I could use the same information and map to make the opposite argument. Just a few votes in Va, New Hamp, Minn, Ill, and a couple others and we would have had a Tsunami instead of just an earthquake. Popular votes are meaningless in presidential elections, too many dead folks and illegal aliens voting. So the votes that didn’t matter in cal also didn’t matter in Mich or Penn. only the votes that were actually made counted.

I find it interesting that all of those that thought the Republicans were going to be such poor losers are now such poor losers.

@Greg: Losers? get over it. Didn’t mommy teach you to accept defeat graciously? Such whiners……

@Ajay42302: What a libturd you are, I don’t have to exonerate Donald Trump, he won the Presidential Election. It’s you who must stick your dick in the mud to exonerate hilldabeast!!


I see you’re wasting no time is the attempt to normalizing racism.

Were you recruited from Africa? The only racism I’ve seen in this election has been by the Dimocrats, but then losers usually have to have something to blame. What you really are is a: ok get ready for this………..LOSER

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

Trump had publicly vowed not to settle the lawsuits and suggested at one point during his presidential campaign that he might reopen the school, which closed in 2010. He told supporters at a May rally that he would come to San Diego to testify after winning the presidency.

Yeah, sure he will. Did anyone actually expect him to defend himself in court, where it would all be on public record?

Also, the USA TODAY database of court records shows today’s settlement is unique in its size. While there may be larger settlements in Trump’s lawsuits that are shielded by non-disclosure agreements or sealed records — notably his divorce from Ivana Trump, which remains under seal despite attempts by the media to obtain the records during the presidential campaign — the $25 million payout is by far the largest Trump’s empire has paid out to someone.

He also said he would make his tax returns available for inspection, once the audit is over. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that promise to be kept, either.

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