snowflakes, free speech, violence and death threats against Trump

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The best of the left is on display.

Well, you have a right to say these things, but you don’t have a right to say them without accountability. Death threats against the President (and President-elect) are Class E felonies.

Ironically, liberals rail against hate speech.

Hate speech codes and hate crime statutes have also become popular to postmodern liberals, though these are especially ripe for exploitation at the whims of whoever wields power. The theory behind the laws is that an accused’s motivation matters deeply — defacing private property with a spray-paint mustache is a crime, but defacing private property with a spray-paint swastika is a hate crime. Critiquing Hamas’ actions is simply speech, but critiquing Hamas’ actions because you dislike Islam is hate speech. Threatening to kill someone is bad, but threatening to kill them because they’re gay is extra bad.

They want hate speech (yours, not theirs) criminalized. They want the freedom to stick all this in your face.

They’re all for clamping down on cyber-bullying but only as a means of suppressing the free speech of conservatives.

They want to be free to destroy your property.

They want to be free to beat Trump supporters.


The same vermin out there protesting Donald Trump’s election, calling for his assassination, rioting and destroying the property of others, needing hand holding, time off and counseling following the election, bullying and beating Trump voters and making death threats against Trump are the same dirtbags who want a safe space from your free speech, want to be protected from bullying and being beaten, screamed at you for not supporting obama, are against cyber-bullying and want hate speech (yours, not theirs) criminalized.

And not one of them grasps the irony. This is the legacy of obama, liberals and democrats.

It is, for lack of a better word, deplorable.




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The secret service has a twitter account…. forward the first one to them, they are in charge of protecting people and inciting someone to kill a president is ILLEGAL

Look at the all those sore losers throwing their little tantrums screaming and yelling and those thugs beating a innocent need to rot in prison for 30 years or more and they feel like marching just move south across the border with mexico keep on going through cenetal and south america until they reach the oceans then just keep on going

These Leftists (look up who prints their signage: socialists, communists, Soros) all-of-a-sudden want ”pure” democracy instead of a representative democracy.
Turkey’s ”president” Erdogan refers to pure democracy as the way he got complete power, he ”let” the people vote until they put him in on top, now it stops.
Egypt’s ex-leader and Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi spoke of ”pure” democracy as ”one man, one vote, ONE TIME,” once he got into office.
America’s Leftist fools think somehow that fate would not happen here.
They are wrong, it would.
And, as that person pulls the strings of his front person, they would put that puppet into power never realizing what useful idiots they’d been.

But, thankfully, we have an Electoral College to balance out our power among all the states instead of allowing a few big cities to push everyone else around.
Ours is going to remain a “Representative Democracy,” a Republic.

And, as always, the Liberals want someone else to do the dirty work and take the punishment to get what they want.

Standard Libral mantra: “Someone (else) should do something!”

they need to get a job. portland had 24 buses on the street. these are buses used to transport rioters and not protesters. so who is going to pay for the expensive cleanup?
who is paying these assholes- the clinton foundation and the terrorist pres.

Wasn’t it Trump and his reality government kowtowers advocating taking to the streets with pitchforks and such in the event that Hillary won?

Wasn’t it Trump who tossed out assassinating innuendos for Hillary and her judge appointees in the event she won?

And wasn’t Trump who promoted his followers to be free to beat the hell out of his hecklers, punch them in the face, ect?

@Ajay42302: I doubt it! Show one riot by the right or shut up poor loser.

No worries these are the anti gun folks.

Instead of closing GITMO, we should expand it and fill it with these turds. Individually, they need a safe space to shield them from hurtful words that could hurt their feelings. When they gang up, they are the bravest warriors on the planet… until someone makes a move at them.


Wasn’t it Trump and his reality government kowtowers advocating taking to the streets with pitchforks and such in the event that Hillary won?

Well, no. Actually, it wasn’t.

Wasn’t it Trump who tossed out assassinating innuendos for Hillary and her judge appointees in the event she won?

Well, no. Actually, it wasn’t.

And wasn’t Trump who promoted his followers to be free to beat the hell out of his hecklers, punch them in the face, ect?

Well, no. Actually, it wasn’t.

Wasn’t it AJ that joined the other spoiled little crybabies and stamped his/her feet, threw a tantrum and began continued making up lies to try and convince his/her putrid mind that he/she actually has a valid point to make? Why yes… it most certainly was.

@Ajay42302: Nice try loser!!

Liberals are extremely poor losers. Just wait until the Republicans change the rules in the Senate like the Dems did when they had the majority. I can hear the screaming now.

@Randy: Well, they believed their own propaganda. They believed there actually was proof that Trump was a racist and misogynist and could not imagine that he could be voted for. They failed to realize not everyone is as stupid as they are. They believed that being granted a title is an “accomplishment” and the reason all evidence pointed to multiple incidents of gross incompetence and corruption is because everyone else is mean. Here, too, they failed to imagine some people actually HAVE intelligence and can read and digest facts.

So, they wound up disappointed and pissed off. Waaa.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Well said Bill. Democrats need only look in the mirror to understand why they lost!! They drank their own Kool Aid from themselves and the MSM who they and Soros fund. News Flash, that’s not America!! If Trump is all those evil isims that liberals make up and America is full of millions of deplorables then how in the world could libturds be so flawed as to pick a candidate that can’t even beat him??

The media, where the Left gets their news/narratve, took Donald Trump literally but not seriously.
The voters who supported Donald Trump took him seriously but not literally.
(Peter Thiel of PayPal came up with that.)
And it’s a very good observation.
Paid protesters as well as paid trolls are whipping up false controversies.
Their liberal media spreads it around for them.
But the vote was taken, the winner announced.
It’s time to make whatever adjustments you need to make.
(Take a hint from all those lefty celebs who are reneging on leaving the USA. THEY note his promise to LOWER their TAXES.)
Bottom line, what will change for you?

@Randy: HoJay won’t be around long, I’m sure his ‘official’ employment ended with the election, so he’s on his own now. You’ll note he hasn’t provided any links to any of the things he credits to Trump. Bye HoJay

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Wasn’t it Trump and his reality government kowtowers advocating taking to the streets with pitchforks and such in the event that Hillary won?

Well, no. Actually, it wasn’t.

Wasn’t it Trump who tossed out assassinating innuendos for Hillary and her judge appointees in the event she won?

Well, no. Actually, it wasn’t.

And wasn’t Trump who promoted his followers to be free to beat the hell out of his hecklers, punch them in the face, ect?

Well, no. Actually, it wasn’t.

Well, actually it was. It really really was. Some dishonest resident troll like you on a deceptive racist hack site doesn’t change that reality.

This is the direction our society was heading. These snowflakes bought and paid for by clinton and soros ( this info came out last night) don’t have a clue about life. All they know is what they have been taught in progressive schools. They are so ignorant they can’t understand if Trump can do what he says, they will benefit.

@Ajay42302: Actually, no, he never did, just like he hasn’t been racist. Sorry you and your liberal vampires lost your opportunity to create a 6/3 revisionist liberal majority in the Supreme Court. Sorry you lost your chance to move closer to socialism in the United States. Sorry you lost your chance for 8 more years of eroding the Constitution so that government can more closely align with other oppressive governments.

Oh… make that NOT sorry.

You and other liberal lizards should look back upon your one and only tactic of spreading lies about the opposition in lieu of offering anything that benefits anyone but themselves and find a new strategy. Of course, that would put lying cowards like yourself out of business, wouldn’t it?

@Ajay42302: Show us or shut up!


Hardly, my racist friend.

I predict daily scandals that would make the Bush years look timid. The uncontrollerable and obnoxious egomaniac will sling constatnt atacks and insults to minoroties, women, and our allies. He’ll continue his disdain for the 1st Admenment, due process, etc.

No, the arguments of racism are hardly over.

It will be interesting to see how this shyter plays out in future elections. Time will tell.

I would throw a suggestion out. Working folks may want to consider pulling their 401K out and storing the cash in hidden Mason jars.


No, the arguments of racism are hardly over.

No one believes they are. They are the only thing the left can do to hide their miserable failures. Here’s a suggestion: go back to the Constitution, work within the laws and stop fielding incompetent, despicable, criminal, lying candidates. Maybe you can have a share of power again, one day, if people like yourself are purged from the party and adults take over.


President Donald Trump. Get used to it.

You seem to follow suit with your resident trolls in eye poking while dodging my response. Trump invoked violence and advocated harm and protests in the event he lost during his entire campaign. Your spewage here only elevates your hypocrisy.

As for the eye poking, I somewhat get the excitement of the all white guys celebrating in pickup trucks waving their Confederate flags.

Its going to be a rocky term and the devison is far from over.


As for the eye poking, I somewhat get the excitement of the all white guys celebrating in pickup trucks waving their Confederate flags.

Stupidity such as this is what cost you your liberal utopia. The ignorant use of racism as a means to promote political support, such making the accusation that only white guys supported Trump, was a serious flaw in your party’s violent, fascist, racist campaign to try and install a corrupt, lying criminal in the White House.

Thus, the only reaction the left has to stupidly losing an election… roll out the violence. You can lie your way into the White House, especially when the failure of liberalism is so blatantly obvious that even the liberal media can’t cover it up anymore.

I will be enjoying your misery.

@Ajay42302: If Trump was so so bad as you try and make him, how bad is hilldabeast and the libturds that thought she would win?? Demoncraps need to look in the mirror and realize the reason Trump won was because you drank the MSM kool aid and thought hilldabeast would win!! Maybe next time you put forth a real candidate and you could possibly do better!! Looks like though, the left is going all out radical and that makes Trump’s election even more valid!!

Why is it racist for 56% of whites to vote for Trump, but not racist for over 96% of blacks to vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012?

If Trump voters are the racists, why are there no videos of Trump supporters ganging up and beating on black Hillary voters? We have numerous videos of Hillary supporters beating on white Trump supporters from both before and after the election. How is that not racist?

Once again, the left projects their own beliefs erroneously on their opponents.

@Ajay42302: You also predicted that Hillary would walk away with it. So far you are batting zero.

@DrJohn: I doubt any counselor could stand to be in the same room with AJ for more than 5 minutes. If the counselor did not reinforce the motives for AJ’s hatred, AJ would simply accuse the counselor of being a racist, then run away.

I doupt very much if realty will ever sink into the heads of these idiots their so brainwashed by the leftists collage professors they cant tell whether their coming or going

@Spurwing Plover: So true. Just watched This Week with George Stephanopoulos (first time in 4 years, just to watch him cry) and the lefties were falling all over themselves telling us how Donald Trump now has to abandon what he said and follow the Dimocrats wishes. I think George was on the verge of tears.

Just keeps getting better….

Talk of Bolton as Sec State…Guliani as AG…..Carson as Sec Ed….Conway as Chief of Staff….(notice the left assiduously avoiding mentioning the glass ceiling being broken by the first female campaign manager of a winning presidential campaign?)

Cannot wait for my tax rate to drop from 39.6% to 28%. The repeal of obamacare. The US refusal to be bound by the Paris climate scam. Border security. Judicially responsible SCOTUS nominations, rather than leftwing hacktivists (provided McConnell doesn’t cuck out to Schumer).

@Pete: I like it all!! I like Nipalitano for Supreme Court Justice as well. The supreme court pick is critical to stopping the left wing liberal agenda!!

Academia Responds to Election Result

Across the country, colleges have responded to Trump’s election by pulling back into childishness like a turtle into its shell. At this point it would be impossible to exaggerate the absurdity of campus snowflakes and the leftist educrats who aid and abet their refusal to grow up:

•  The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)

•  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.

•  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.

•  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)

•  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach.

Under leftist control, higher education is becoming a daycare service.