Desperate to smother the issue of Hillary Clinton’s physical debilitation and her “deplorables” remarks the media has take to slapping Ivanka Trump around with past quotes from her father.
Interview implosions are not specific to cable news. Sometimes, they happen in print. In fact, when they do, it’s almost more shocking. Here’s a good example.
Ivanka Trump has been really, really pushing her big pet project, paid maternity leave, for a while now. She even got her father, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, on-board. One major step in pushing her agenda has been media appearances. This morning on Good Morning America, she delightedly talked about how employees of the Trump Organization enjoy paid leave already. That got thoroughly debunked by the Huffington Post, but her one-woman campaign to talk about maternity leave with big outlets soldiered on.
Well, OK, but it’s also time for someone to ask Chelsea Clinton some questions about her father. Chelsea has already stated that she’s never seen her mother, who she first describes as “infatiguable”, as tired as she is now. Not sure I know how an infatiguable person can get tired. Anyway, there are a few questions that Chelsea really ought to answer.
One- your Mom said every victim of sexual assault needs to be believed. Do you believe Juanita Broaddrick when she said she was raped by your father? Do you believe the witness who described what she saw that day?
“She was crying,” recalled Norma Rogers, a nurse who worked for Broaddrick, who at the time was a nursing home administrator volunteering for then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton’s 1978 gubernatorial bid.
“And the thing I think I remember most is that her mouth was all swollen up. It was cut. … Her pantyhose were all ripped,” Rogers stated in dramatic, lengthy new testimony.
Rogers drove Broaddrick back home after the incident. This week, she recounted that emotional drive. “I think we stopped at least twice to get ice. I would go up and get fresh ice and put it on her mouth because she was trying to keep her face from bruising and looking like something bad had happened to her, you know. It was just crazy. The whole situation was just crazy.”
Second- do you think your father is “still d*cking bimbos at home”? Colin Powell is highly respected by democrats.
Colin Powell wrote in a stunning email that he doesn’t want “to vote for her” — an apparent reference to Hillary Clinton — in part because her husband is “still d—ing bimbos at home,” according to the hacker website DCLeaks.
“I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect,” Powell told Democratic donor Jeffrey Leeds in the email leaked on the site.
“A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still d—ing bimbos at home (according to the NYP),” Powell added.
The email appears to be a reference to Hillary Clinton — and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
The July 26, 2014, email came just days after The Post, which Powell appears to cite, reported: “Bill Clinton reportedly has a buxom blond mistress who visits so often when Hillary Clinton isn’t home in Chappaqua that the former president’s Secret Service detail have given her an unofficial code name: Energizer.”
Third- Do you think Monica Lewinski is, as your mother suggested, a “narcissistic looney tune”?
Fourth- Colin Powell described your mother this way:
“A 70-year-old person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational…”
What do you think of that?
Finally, your father’s campaign called these women “bimbos.” Do you think they’re bimbos?
Well, Chelsea? What say you?
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Richard Wheeler:
I will make this easy. Based on past posts you’ve obviously been keeping tabs on who the Trump supporters are. Most of the posters here are. I will provide a partial list based on this thread and others: Pete, Common Sense, Ditto, Bill, Red Team, Randy, MOS #8541, Nan, Nathan Blue, July 4th American, Spurwing Plover, Songbird, Voteoutincumbents, DrJ, Mully, and afrdg (can’t recall his exact screen name but you know who I’m referring to). There are others but that is 16, an even number, to make this easy. According to you, half of Trump supporters are deplorable. Of the list I just provided, which 8 do you consider deplorable?
@another vet: RT IS #1, self admitted Bill, MOS, Spurwing Plover,Nan, Common Sense, Mully, Ditto There are certainly more. Remember, they consider it a badge of honor.
Robert Gates said today “Trump is unqualified and unfit to be Commander In Chief.” Should be obvious to all.
I think it depends what the word “deplorable” means. Kind of like what “is” “is”. It’s a very sad day in this country, in this modern age, when a Presidential candidate is smearing millions of people this way. Smear the candidate but not the citizens.
As far as asking Chelsea questions about Bill’s sex life, it is inappropriate as are the same kind of Ivanka. Ask Ivanka about her business experience and her father’s policy proposals. How does Ivanka manage to run a business and take care of her kids? I would really like to know. How is that going to work with women who are not wealthy?
It is fair to ask Chelsea about her role at the Clinton Foundation and what exactly she does. What percentage of it is spent on people, what programs & results etc. She did clean house a while back. I wonder what that was about?
Personally I find the most revolting legacy and cultural destruction by Bill Clinton is not his personal sexual behavior. It is that he brainwashed a whole generation of girls to think that oral sex is not sex.
Young girls went from being pressured into intercourse too early to being told BJs are not sex and then came cultural acceptance. I know millions of teen boys are very happy about that. I have 2 daughters and we had some conversations about it. I had to explain what a BJ is to one of them when she was in kindergarten with her 2nd grade sister in the car too. I believe in being completely honest about sex. A boy on the school bus asked her if she gave them. I had to do some pretty quick thinking to answer that. Gee, if it is not sex then how can you get STDs?
@Richard Wheeler: Rich, my badge of honor is the fact that I will do everything I can to prevent a treasonous liar from entering the White House as President. All you do is smear Trump with NO evidence he has done anything even close to hilldabest. It was hilldabeast that called hard working Americans deplorable and from I can see is that her supporters, at least 50% are illegal immigrants, welfare whores, and disgusting people like Soros and the MSM. I will wear the badge of deplorable and sleep well knowing I’m not the one who helped put hilldabeast in the white house. Sorry Rich but your the one with the problem now!!
@Richard Wheeler: Never have shown me one reason why Trump is unqualified Rich. All you do is whine about not liking him. Prove to me he is unqualified!! I’m betting you can’t.
@Richard Wheeler:
You do understand what is deplorable to Hillary, right? Someone who worked for a living and supported his family. Someone who does not live on welfare. Someone that has served in the military services. Someone who stands and honors the American Flag during the National Anthem. Someone who is not ‘d*cking bimbos at home. Someone that does not refer to women that have been raped as bimbos. That’s who the deplorables are. I’m proud to be a member. I’m surprised you wouldn’t want to be in that group.
He may be correct, but even if that is not the case, he is certainly imminently more qualified than someone that would not even provide military support for the embassies that she was responsible for.
Tell you what, Richard. Give us a list of Hillary’s specific qualifications for CinC. I’ll bet you don’t even come up with one. (I predict you completely dodge this one)
@Common Sense: 18
It’s not ‘salary’ it’s ‘allowance’.
@Greg: 19
Don’t you think she should have posted her answers with those questions? Aren’t her answers just as important as Trump’s?
@Common Sense:
I don’t think Greg is a paid troll. Reason I don’t think so. Usually, once a troll gets identified, he gets terminated and disappears. Remember ‘Tor’, remember ajay something? remember truck driver John? Notice they’re not around any longer. Greg is too dumb to be hired as a troll. He probably couldn’t pass the ‘cut and paste’ exam.
@Greg: 24
So you and he are too stupid to know what the word racist means.
@Greg: 25
And your boy Obozo has allowed all of this.
@Greg: 31
Finally down there where the bottom dwellers: Obozo and Hillary exist so they might get a step upward.
@Greg: 34
Yes, but certainly not about you. There’s not a chance.
@Greg: 37
Ask Ambassador Stephens family, ask the family of the other’s she let die in Benghazi. Who has Trump let die? Strange how you can ask so many questions about things you don’t know about Trump, but can’t answer a damn thing about the Hillary.
@Ajay42302: 43 hey, you’re back. That suspension didn’t last long enough, next time you screw up, it’s over. They only give you one chance then your paydays stop permanently. Remember, you’ve been notified.
@Ajay42302: 45
And I suppose you want someone to believe Hillary cares about the military and vets? She doesn’t even care about her ambassadors. You need to pick some better ‘cut and paste’s’ or you won’t be here long. You and Greg seem to be using the same cut and paste supplier.
@Richard Wheeler: 46
So Hillary is saying about 38 MOH recipients are ‘deplorable’. Yeah, I agree that’s what she would say.
I suppose ranting about anti-Clinton propaganda memes is all the right has got at this point, because there’s little or nothing positive to be said about their candidate, and more flashing red warning lights than they had in the control room on Three Mile Island. Trump has got the right’s number, and Putin has got Trump’s number, because he’s way the hell smarter.
Trump’s son: Tax returns ‘detract’ from political message
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): Both HRC and DT are unqualified to be POTUS. I won’t vote for either and 25% of the electorate and some intelligent FA’ERS AGREE with me.
What’s your excuse??
Common Sense Many Americans more qualified than I have posited that DT is unqualified and unfit to be POYUS–IF you’d like I’ll post their names–it’s a long list as I’m sure you know.
BTW DOC Long ago I suggested you not call a sitting Prez derogatory names–unbecoming of a Navy Corpsman. Think you listened for about 10 minutes.
Semper Fi
@Richard Wheeler: Still haven’t posted one comment as to WHY DT is unqualified. Hilldabeast committed treason. I know your not voting for either but a vote for anyone but Trump IS a vote for hilldabeast!! I will call a sitting President anything I want, it’s my opinion only. I have earned that right having served my country, being a disabled veteran, and understanding what a black racist looks like. Sadly he is our president but not for long, period. Once again, I need one reason why DT is NOT qualified to be President. Should be easy given all your negative comments. Just one Rich, can you provide that. I need proof as to why. Tax returns is NOT a reason and you know that.
@Richard Wheeler:
Why don’t you hold the sitting Prez to that standard? People earn respect, Obozo hasn’t earned ANY!
First, you’re not being honest. You know very well you’ll vote for Hillary. Doesn’t matter how many ambassadors we lose, it’s all the same to her.
My excuse for what? Voting for Trump? He’s not Hillary. He won’t appoint liberals to the Supreme court. He’ll approve the Keystone pipeline and put people back to work. Something Hillary promises NOT to do. But she does promise them welfare.
So you don’t personally have a reason, it’s only because someone else said it. Just as many, or more, have said Hillary is not qualified. Obama is still not qualified. When did ‘qualified’ start to matter?
So you thought it was terrible when Trump complimented Putin, but now here you are, complimenting Putin. We all agree that Putin has been a far better leader for his country than Obozo has for this one.
@Greg: Greggie you ignorant troll, it wasn’t Trump who gave away 20% of our uranium reserves to Putin. You know who did it and yet you continue to act stupid. Kind of like the morons who really thought Trump’s son shot a triceratops. Then again you believe Obola’s lies like a good idiot even when he is PROVEN wrong and when caught you refuse to admit it. Back to mommy’s basement after she cleans you poopy diapers with a tooth brush!!
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): Is this Ajaj plant really Greggie with another screen name?? He certainly talks like the moron but then again they are puppets without a brain!!
You should check the facts before you believe the story. (Which of course is a totally useless suggestion, because nobody who supports Trump is the least bit interested in the facts about anything.) I’ve posted the facts concerning the uranium deal more than once. Nobody gave away 20 percent of our uranium. The sale of interest in the company to Russian investors—which Hillary Clinton was in no position to either approve or disapprove, because that’s not how the approval process even works—didn’t include an export license. They can only sell it here.
@Greg: Say you are correct,why should a foreign entity profit from US resources? If left up to a vote would you allow that?
@Common Sense:
He’s certainly a paid troll, but I doubt if he’s the same person. I suppose the blog doesn’t allow one persona to use two screen names, but just guessing.
@Common Sense:
Hey, it’s not an ACT. Stupid people can’t ACT.
@Richard Wheeler:
Like to the 120 retired generals and admirals, 14 MOH recipients, and Clinton’s former CIA Director who endorsed him and the vast majority of currently serving military personnel and Veterans who support him over Hillary? Your selective “reporting” strongly indicates that you are stumping for Hillary.
@another vet:
AV, RW is just embarrassed to admit he’s stumping for her. He would like everyone to think he has better judgment than that, but alas, he doesn’t. Yes there is no doubt he is stumping for her.
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): Actually you are the one too embarrassed to admit your support for Trump–understandable.
I never indicated my support for either of these unqualified candidates-Like many in the electorate I’ll be voting 3rd Party–
A.V. For every General Officer who supports Trump there is one who supports HRC and one who distains both. Same can be said for former cabinet officers.
Think you’d agree we have two terrible choices Why vote for either?
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): Thanks man, it’s like hilldabeast and saying I don’t remember and that’s supposed to be a alibi for high treason?? She left soldiers on the field of battle to die, she lied over their dead bodies, and then lied trying to cover it up. I do hear a lot of blah blah blah about how Trump is NOT qualified but yet NOT one reason even when I ask for it!!
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
Trying to make sense out of your incoherent gibberish is becoming an increasingly tall order. Was I suspended? For comment #43? What? Wait, yiou can’t answer because I didn’t answer something or, or, or something akin to such abject stupidity?
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
Seems I wrote something about how the rabid and unhinged right just lies and lies and lies and continues to keep debunked lies going regardless of facts or reality.
Hillary handed the GOP’s ass to them on Benghazi, several GOP leaders even admitted it was all political, it was brought out that the Rs refused funding for security, 14 similar attacks with around 60 killed under GWB (but that’s okay), and here you are regurgitating that same fake GOP invented scandal that blew up in their faces
And by your logic, one must either believe that Trump’s all in on taking care of our Vets and Americans or, or, or whatever nonsense about Hillary and of course, “Benghazi”?
Just wondering, are you the kettle or a moderator, or both?
@Ajay42302: See 82, Common Sense answered your questions before you asked them. Is your stupidity painful?
@Richard Wheeler:
I’ve said I will vote for him. Support? I’ve contributed no money, have not posted any signs, have not voted for him. If you had gone to a reputable school, you wouldn’t have to be so confused on what the word ‘support’ means.
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
So, Common Sense regurgitating the same ole worn out Benghazi GOP talking points like a trained parrot is your credible source?
What’s next, Obama crashed the economy and not Bush because Bill says so? Saddam attacked us on 911 because, well, just read what Mully wrote?
Your trite rubber/glue crutch struggles to rate elementary.
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): This moron is a Greggie libturd plant!! Maybe they are one in the same. Their ignorance certainly is!!
@Richard Wheeler: Richard, other than your rants you have not provided me one piece of solid fact that disqualifies Trump to be president. I know you don’t like him and that’s ok. You say he is NOT qualified I can’t go along with that. I’m asking for proof.
@Common Sense:
FA reminds me of a “Gilligan’s Island” or “Mork and Mindy” sitcom, profoundly dumb in every way but every now and then something comes out that just makes you laugh out loud.
Yeah, as in ‘reading something HooJay wrote’. Yep, a real knee slapper.
That’s because you’re not accustomed to being up to that level. Go back and see if you can get back up to last.
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): @Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
Let’s take a look of what you’re responding to:
Now, that’s funny as hell and yeah, you’re probably right that I’m ” not accustomed to being up to that level”.
That’s like “Everyone Loves Raymond” material and you look like a Barney Fife who just shoved his pistol in his holster.
Go ahead and say something else, you’re killing me.
@Ajay42302: #92 See, that would have been an excellent time to present some actual facts and really put old Red in his place. Boy, I’ve been waiting for someone to do that.
But, instead you avoided the chance and just provided more of your same old cowardly crap. You disappoint me.
Hey Barney, that was Common Sense that said that, not me. I would say you’re confused, but you’re not. It’s just your natural state.
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
No my incredibly slow friend, I said that in #92. CS said “you have not provided me one piece of solid fact that disqualifies Trump to be president.”.
Are you 2 competing for most stupid? Maybe a Gilligan award?
@Ajay42302: What I am saying is true, what’s sad your such a libturd that all you can do deny it!!
@Common Sense:
Yours isn’t a true or false statement. It’s just jaw dropping stupid.
@Ajay42302: Poor dickheads like you should learn to read!! No wonder you vote the way the MSM morons tell you!!
No, he said that in 88. You’re still lost. You’re going to have to start climbing harder to get back up to last place.
I understand your other brain cell will approach the one functioning one, trying to get a spark to help you get back up to the bottom. Did you get paid for your off days, or don’t they pay you while suspended?