I can’t forget this. I lost friends and patients that day. Too many look back and are highly critical of events that followed without recalling the emotional and mental state of the nation in the aftermath. Many use those events as political wedges now, ignoring their own support for actions at the time. We are fortunate to have had the right man at the helm at the time.
We did not ask for this. Anyone blaming the US for it deserves a thrashing.
And we must not forget the evil that is capable of committing such an atrocity. It lives yet today, and our current CIC does not have the will to exterminate it.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
I hope we as a nation never forget 9/11.
It took Bush about a minute to determine that was terrorism. Now, we have people who actually LISTEN to the terrorism-deniers who claim commemorating the unprovoked and inhuman terrorist attack of 9/11 as “insulting”.
Hillary is one of those who stick their wet finger in the air to determine which way to take national security. No doubt, if asked about 9/11, she would reply, “I don’t recall.”
Just like with Pearl Harbor this s a date that will live in imfimy these scum sucking reptiles kills many more with their planes and did’nt give a darn about their victims and thinking this will give this passage to heaven but on that date they want to that other place where the real Great Satan lives
The inability to call what we face what it actually is will result in more attacks as we have seen as of late. We do not have the type of American spirit we had following December 07,1941 to annihilate the enemy.
Instead we have a milk toast CIC that sides with the enemies of America and apologizes to the rest for who and what we are.
And we have developed an upcoming generation that is ill prepared to take on those who would want to conquer our Country…..
@old guy: Sadly to say, many have.
@another vet #5 –
While it is sad so many have forgotten, and these numbers will increase in the years ahead. It should be expected. One of my first team leaders, Dave, said the same. Dave’s one of the best operators I ever met and known. He left naval service in 1994 before the birth of his first daughter. Tempted to return after September 11th, Dave didn’t, saying his place was with his family. It is something I understand fully.
Hillary was overcome with emotion at the 9/11 site and could barely stand. Her team is saying it might have been heat flashes. Who says the globalists aren’t patriotic.
The son of a bitch who allowed this to happen on his watch exploited it to con us into war against a country that did not attack us. slaughtering some 4000 young men and injuring 10s of thousands more, costing us $tillions while leaving us to contend with his quagmire.
Never forget!
@Ajay42302: Lying cowardly idiot. Do you never tire of exposing yourself as the cowardly fool you are?
I tire of insignificant ankle biting hecklers like you and redass with your constant childish gibberish and dishonest distractions, particularly on matters of this importance. Normally, it’s much easier to play along with your nonsensical threadjacking which is only to disguise your deplorable demeanor. On this subject, your vile disgusting spewage is harder to tolerate.
I guess that’s a win for you.
wonder where these asshole football players ,raising their fists during the national anthem were on 9/11.
ever notice that none of these looser ever spent time in the service of their country. right boozing , illiteracy, papers prepared for them, unlimited sex and drugs-really a great contribution to America.
I know where I was when the first plane crashed into the tower, and the second. entire fire companies were destroyed, yet within no time the American Flag flew above the bubble and smoke. An Irish farewell to those passed:
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Really. Well, all you have to do to end your ceaseless whining is provide the verification of the points you propose when asked or stop making false claims. However, what you do is run from your points like a frightened little girl while accusing others of posting things they never posted.
You should either convert yourself to an adult debater or go back to your Soros training facility for re-education. I don’t think you are capable of taking the adult route. Let’s just see.
Go to hell you dishonest and disgusting piece of garbage. I have absolutely no intentions of responding to your bigoted ugly nonsense again.
I saw on the web that a professor at Saddlebrook College in CA was tearing down the Remember 9/11 posters. I have no patience for these fools. But the MSM love them. There are many countries she could move to, please let her go.
@Ajay42302: Boo hoo, poor little coward that makes false accusations about posts then runs away from accountability. Poor little whiny liar doesn’t like to be called out for being a cowardly liar.
Aw, now you made me feel bad.
@Ajay42302: Bush didn’t cause, nor fail to prevent 9/11, son.
Not sure if you’re for real or not, but you should take a break. You only support those you disagree with, as many think your “side” is delusional and indoctrinated with hate…like a white supremacist, or something.
Point: you’re disproving your cause with each kiddy rant you post.
Take a nap.
And that’s a liberal talking point provided by Jon Stewart and Democrats, not by rational thought.
Have your opinion about 9/11, sure…but please have YOUR own opinion.
You were conned into BDS, and it worked.
By your rationale, you must think Obama was born in Kenya…
@Nathan Blue:
It happened on his watch. That’s a fact
Well over 4k killed and tens of thousands injured. Another fact. It was the most expensive war in history. Another fact. Its a fact that it’s still a mess and its a fact that it made for a breeding ground for ISIS. It is also a fact that much of the intellligence, intimidation of generals, and questionable sales pitch to the public will forever be questioned.
To say my argument questions my belief in Obama ‘s birthplace is just utterly stupid and makes no sense on any front., just as your above claim that it makes me a white supremacist. Its no more than some childish spin that seems to run rampant here.
For you to make such illogical comparison and inject such non sequitur, surely you must truly hate your mother and engage in hedious crimes?
The first world trade center attack happened on Bill Clinton’s watch. It failed only because they didn’t have enough explosives. All the planning and prep for the second attack happened under his watch. So I guess he let it happen as well.
BJ admitted he had more than one opportunity to take care of bin laden. He chose to not do so. Get your facts straight there Ajax…..
@Ajay42302: By your very own “logic”, Obama is to be held responsible for all deaths, injuries and expenses incurred on HIS watch. Right? One thing you cannot possibly pawn off on anyone but Obama is the rise and spread of ISIS. Obama is personally and totally responsible for their growth and strength as he ignored all advise and recommendations and pulled out our security forces keeping them at bay on Iraq. Further, every terror attack carried out by ISIS “on his watch” are all totally his responsibility. Right? Must be… you said it was so.
Obama also bears full responsibility for the dismal economy and collapse of race relations… on his watch, you know. Plus, his actions caused it.
The weak tea argument of blaming Clinton omits the question of what GWB was doing those months prior to the attack. It’s also interesting why Bush expressed such little concern in taking out Osama bin Laden, even letting him slip away at Tora Bora.
But all that aside, Bush and Company orchestrated and executed the Iraq invasion with manipulated intelligence and a disregard of facts. In several countries, Bush and Cheney would be arrested for war crimes.
It’s utterly false to blame Bill Clinton on Obama for invading a country under the premise that they attacked us or had WMD which they did not.
Obama can be credited for taking out bin Ladin and making significant success in the war on ISIS, just another area of clean up of his gross incompetent predecessor.
@July 4th american:
Then surely you are thankful that Obama and Hillary did?
That’s kind of your game, junior…funny how you didn’t pick up on having your own “illogic” shot back in your face.
Done yet, Ace?
Not sure you understand how little you have to say, kiddy rants and all. The “Bush did it” fallacy isn’t logical, and your only clinging to a false ego-idol bottle fed to your kiddy little lips over the past two decades.
I’m kind of looking forward to see what other stupid things you have to say, for entertainment’s sake.
What else you got? Let’s move on to the Koch Brothers and Waterboarding…but let me watch a few reruns of The Daily Show to see just how well-thought out your proclamations are NOT going to be…
You might want to do some research and learn about why, and how, we actually went to war with Iraq. Your internet meme above isn’t accurate, in case you care.
@Ajay42302: Your full of shit asshole!! 9/11 occurred because Slick Willie took away our on the ground assets in the Middle East and therefore radical islam flourished. Now Obola allows them to freely come to America!! The events on 9/11 where schemed long before Bush took the Presidency. In addition you moronic ass, Bush went to war with the approval of Democrats and Republicans who looked at the same intel Bush relied upon. There WAS WMD there weather you like to admit it or not. Crawl back to mommy’s basement now!!
@Ajay42302: Prove Bush manipulated the intel or I’m calling you out for the moron you are!! BTW idiot, hilldabeast and 70+ demoncraps looked at the same intel and voted in favor to go to war!!
@Ajay42302: Obola and hilldabeast are treasonous liars who left men on the battlefield to die and then lied about over their caskets!!
@Nathan Blue:
There seems to be some “playbook of stupid” that is so consistent with the loyalist here. You make no sense on any level and just spew out abject buffoonery.
We were attracted on GWB’s watch. He lead us into an unneeded and expensive war against a country that did not attack us. He left office with the economy in free-fall.
Now, if you want to act like a dumbass and deny that then there’s nothing I can do about that. If you want to blame Obama, the Clintons, and Democrats for the gross incompetence of Bush and today’s so-called conservatives, have at it.
If you want to play the Bill/Redman/Mully/Common Sense/most every other sockpippet here ” for entertainment’s sake” and deny reality, deny facts, deny the very words you say, and deny what’s in black and white print in front of you, you have that right as well but I think I’ll pass.
As I’ve said so many times, you just cannot reason with a Trump licker. Most of them are very deplorable people and there’s no rationalizing with people of that caliber.
@Ajay42302: You need to get it said Ayay, your time here is limited. You only have through Nov 8. You already signed up for unemployment? I haven’t heard your latest on Hillary’s health problem yesterday. They still working on your ‘statement’? Will it be a ‘sympathy play’? Have they come up with the official excuse as to why she won’t be able to participate in the debate? Let us in on the inside skinny. 4/23/02.
@Proud Racist:
I’ve been fighting rancid bigots like you long before Bill Clinton and with the good Lord’s willing, I will be after Hillary as well.
You really are into that licking business, is that something unique to lib turds?
Not hardly, with a birthdate of 4/23/02 that’d put you as about 14 years old. Clinton’s term ended before you were born. Didn’t your mommy tell you?
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
Then from your own reasoning and of course, with the good Lord’s willing, that will give me years and years to work for human decency against rabid racist, neo-Nazis, and immoral opportunist such as the Trump clown car.
@Ajay42302: No, when people grow a brain and get mature they begin to use those newly acquired skills. You’ll get there, just wait your turn.
@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables):
The cure to racism and bigotry per a bigoted and racist troll from a bigoted and racist hack blog (to jump ahead of your predictable childish rubber/glue default, uh, no, I’m not talking about me but rather you and your band of bigoted merrymen). How reassuring?
@Ajay42302: Chirp, Chirp, me too…..me too….. Chirp chirp
@Ajay42302: You are talking about Americans who support Trump and sick hilldabeast describes them as deplorable!! Are you really this stupid??
@Ajay42302: Hey moron, prove Bush lied to support your idiot rant!!
I know I’ll regret this, but could you possibly point out to any of us WHO ever said Iraq attacked us? I mean, besides ignorant liberals that lack the intelligence to discuss topics factually, who ever suggested Iraq was attacked because they attacked us?
As far back as 1997 the Clinton’s and the Democrats were promoting deposing Hussein for the sake of deposing him. How is it that Bush “lied” them into supporting the war on terror carried on in Iraq?
Also, if you could, please express how anyone posting here has given you the cause to deem them racist or bigoted? Could you accomplish that fete?
If you don’t… well, you know.
@Bill: Hey idiot, he looked at the available intel which was significantly degraded thanks to Slick and concluded they had WMD, which they did as proven later. The Intel was wrong but he and demoncraps including hilldabeast concluded that the US should go to war. He did NOT lie and it was post 9/11. Hind sight out your ass is 20/20 NOT!! Sorry Bill not aimed at you but the Ajay moron
@Common Sense: @Ajay42302: Still waiting on proof but likely you have none!! Bush did NOT lie. Now hilldabeast left men to die on the field of battle and DID lie over their dead bodies for political gain!! I have video of that!!
@Common Sense:
Not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?