Hillary Clinton: Where George Orwell Meets the Borg…


A few months ago, with his usual hyperbole Donald Trump boasted that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and his supporters would still vote for him. Sadly, I think he’s probably right. What’s becoming more apparent every day however is that Hillary Clinton could probably make the same boast with equal accuracy.

Why do I say that? Well, the first point is that Clinton is the nominee at all. Given the disaster Libya has become, given the events of Benghazi in 2012 and her proven lies about it, given the fact that ISIS is a direct result of the Obama Administration’s exit from Iraq – during her tenure – one has to wonder how she even made it past the first set of primaries. How is it that there was no other candidate who could come even close to beating her? While the cards were in fact stacked in her favor, while Bernie Sanders appealed to a small segment of the Democrat party, elsewhere there was never any real clamor for another candidate. Ask yourself, if Benghazi had been a GOP operation, would the Secretary of State overseeing it have been the GOP nominee four years later? Can you imagine the withering attacks he or she would have endured from the press? No chance they would have survived past March. Can you imagine the grilling a GOP Sec of State would take if he told the parents of one of the dead a lie just moments before telling her family the truth, then turned around and lied to the nation? Of course… but Clinton had to face none of that.

Next, her email problems have been in the air for years. It’s obvious to anyone other than the willingly blind that she set up that server for the specific purpose of hiding her correspondence from the prying eyes of Congress and pesky reporters with the FOI requests. And as has now been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, she lied to Congress and the American people and maybe even the FBI about her handling of Top Secret information. How is it possible that supporters feel that someone who has such little regard for American secrets should be in charge of the entire American intelligence apparatus? The security apparatus? The justice apparatus? Can you imagine the press coverage if a Republican was responsible for a breach that may have caused the death of an Iranian scientist helping the United States? With Clinton, little more than crickets.

How about the Russian Reset? Clinton famously kicked off the Russian Reset which was supposed to begin a new cooperative friendship between the US and Russia. Since then Russia has been anything but friendly. They’ve hacked American government computers, used gas as a weapon to intimidate Europe, they’ve threatened the Baltics and they’ve been harassing American diplomats across Europe. And don’t forget, a year after she left office our new Russian friends invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, That certainly seems like she built a strong foundation of friendship.

And finally then there’s the Clinton Foundation, that billion dollar vehicle largely funded by groups – read Wall Street banks and Middle Eastern governments – who are ostensibly anathema to her basic “principles” of support for the middle class and poor against the rich and support for gay rights. The fact that the foundation seems to be little more than a vehicle for enriching the Clintons, and is now under investigation by the FBI, New York, Washington and Little Rock seems to bother no one on the left.

Getting back to the shooting of someone on 5th Avenue. Hillary Clinton is not Donald Trump. While they both may be lying, manipulative Democrats, that’s not the point. He sits at the head of a cult of personality that animates thousands of people to show up for his rallies. She is at the head of a borg where the hundreds of people who attend her rallies look as if they are punching the clock and can’t wait for the end of day whistle. If he were to die the air in the Trump movement would dissipate quickly and the GOP would find itself struggling to find a replacement who could carry the party to victory. If, on the other hand, Hillary Clinton were to die the Democrats would simply push her corpse to the side, take down the generic Clinton logo and put in her place the next functionary and things would move forward as if nothing had happened.

And that’s the point. Hillary Clinton is not inspiring anyone. She is taking her turn. She is the opposition of anything that is proffered by the GOP, regardless of who they trot out. (You may think their demonizing is Trump specific… It’s not. Remember what they did to Mitt Romney.) Like the mind numbed audience in Apple’s debut commercial in 1984… or the zombies in book itself, Democrats step in and vote for whoever is on the ticket, regardless of who that person is. And in this case of it’s Hillary Clinton. It’ doesn’t really matter what she’s done, what she’s “accomplished’ or what she stands for – if anything – the only thing that matters is that she’s not the Republican. If there was video of Clinton shooting the guy on 5th Avenue could she really still get elected and would the robot Democrats vote for her anyway? If the guy was wearing a Trump shirt I’m pretty sure they would. One has to wonder what the playing field would look like if the GOP had nominated a real conservative to oppose the borg…

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Then Hillary must be the Borg Queen and the rest just do her bidding without fail then they want to have us all assimulated to do the same

Funny, but ever notice how the Borg embody all the feminist ideals? eradication of sexes, end to marraige, negation of having to have children, equal pay of zero, etc. etc. etc.

The borg are the end resulf of feminism and IOT… 🙂

thats if the people survive the population collapse that has been anounced.. even more so if you think that the average age of one group is near 50, and the others are near 25-20…


“While they both may be lying, manipulative Democrats, that’s not the point.”

No, Vince, that IS the point. Republicans control more state legislatures than not, control the US House of Representatives AND the US Senate, and who do THEY nominate? A “lying, manipulative Democrat.”

If you think that Democrats have taken control of our political system… HOW’D THEY DO THAT?

And if you REALLY believe that they DID, then you also have to believe that Democrats would ALSO prevent you from having a Constitutional Convention, which would be the ONLY way you’d be able to change the rules of the game, so-to-speak. Either way, YOU’RE SCREWED!

“…the only thing that matters is that (Hillary’s) not the Republican.”

Wow, Vince! Do you think that’s a one-way street?

How many Republicans do you think voted for Obama because they wanted to give HIS ideas a chance? Remember McConnell’s pledge that making Obama’s a one term presidency was Republican’s top priority? THAT was the only thing that mattered, as Congress has gotten precious little done in the past eight years save try endlessly to kill the Affordable Care Act.

More Democrats vote for Democrats than not, and more Republicans vote for Republicans than not – that’s how it is. The battle isn’t over people whose minds are already made up, it’s over people who haven’t yet decided. And this time around, it isn’t so much the media that is killing Republican chances, it’s that loose cannon of a mouth Trump has that’s doing all the heavy lifting.

I’ve said all along that Trump is a Democrat, and Republicans nominated him INSTEAD OF A CONSERVATIVE! How did you EXPECT that to work?
That IS the point.

How is it that there was no other candidate who could come even close to beating her?

Either Hillary ”has something” on every other Dem, or the Dems really had no bench!
The Reps bench was, and still for the future, is deep.

How is it possible that supporters feel that someone who has such little regard for American secrets should be in charge of the entire American intelligence apparatus?

Do Hillary’s supporters look past their own unenlightened self-interest in throwing in behind her?
I doubt it.
Free this, free that is about as far as they look.
Secrets and lies are beside the point.
She’s offering them more freeloading time in their lives.

And finally then there’s the Clinton Foundation, that billion dollar vehicle largely funded by groups – read Wall Street banks and Middle Eastern governments – who are ostensibly anathema to her basic “principles” of support for the middle class and poor against the rich and support for gay rights.

Hillary touts herself as an Obama 3rd term.
That will be even more disastrous for the middle class.
I have to doubt, however, that she could possibly be more divisive between the classes than Obama.
As to the gays, there are some aware enough to realize Hillary has made her choice for Islam over homosexuality.
The two cannot co-exist.
Of those who are aware, most have switched party to support Trump.
A large rump of homosexuals are unaware of anything political and will support Hillary out of traditional party loyalty.

One has to wonder what the playing field would look like if the GOP had nominated a real conservative to oppose the borg…

If you ever want to see what that’s like, you have got to change the primary system that allows crossover voting!
In each state it varies.
I left CA partly because it would obviously become a one party (Dem) state eventually the way they set up the ”top two” primary.
Two Dems and no Reps on ballots!
In Utah only registered Reps can vote in their primary/caucus.
Who won in a landslide in Utah?
Sen. Ted Cruz 79% of the vote.

Hillary is worst then Obama ever will be since like most all liberal leftists socialists she rejects our Constitution

@Spurwing Plover and Nanny G:

Too bad you DIDN’T know nearly as much about Donald Trump – the guy YOU were responsible for vetting BEFORE he tricked the rest of you into nominating him – as you evidently THINK you know about Hillary Clinton – someone who you were NEVER going to vote for, no matter what.

WHY do you suppose that is?

WHY would you fail your OWN due diligence responsibility regarding who YOU vote for in favor of meticulously vetting someone you’d never support?

It doesn’t make any sense.

You’ve become tripped up in the mistaken impression that elections are all about NOT voting for who you DON’T want elected, while the truth is the exact opposite.

This STUPID virus of an idea has even infected Congress, where the new order of business is no longer to govern successfully, it’s to insure that your opponents CAN’T govern at all.
Thus government is paralyzed.
You learned before that shutting down the government doesn’t work for you, no matter how noble your intentions are… or didn’t you?
So what’s next?

There’s a major difference between Hillary and the Borg.
Star Trek: The Next Generation was pretty well received in its day.
People loved the show and talked about it for days afterward.
Nobody’s going to see Hillary.
She was in Scranton and had a crowd of, generously rounding up, maybe 3,000 people.
It looked more like 1,000 to me.
But, the way the media crops that photos leaves the TV viewers thinking she has a real Trump-sized crowd.
Not true, folks.

Wow. Only Four People Line Up to See Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in Pennsylvania

Notice the use of blue screens.
The cameras hone in on the crowd in such a way that it looks like it might just go on and on.
It doesn’t.

From OP:

Given the disaster Libya has become, given the events of Benghazi in 2012 and her proven lies about it

Now we know more of her lies about it thanks to Judicial Watch.

Smoking Gun Email Found… PROVES Hillary Left Benghazi Victims to Die

Clinton left Americans to die in Benghazi.
The email is at the link.
An urgent email from Panetta’s Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to top Clinton deputies asked for help as the attack unfolded in Benghazi and stated that forces were ready to move to assist them.
The email was sent during the early stages of the eight-hour attack at 7:19 p.m. Washington time on Sept. 11, 2012, after the first wave of the attack on the diplomatic outpost but before the mortar strike that killed former Navy SEALs Ty Woods and Glen Doherty.
This email proves that there was time and that there were forces available to assist in the Benghazi attack that resulted in the death of four Americans: Ty Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Ambassador Chris Stevens.
This email is proof that the Obama administration lied about its ability to send forces to assist in Benghazi.
Spinning a false narrative to assist in the re-election was just more important than four American’s lives.

Stop worrying about how Trump expresses himself and start worrying about what Hillary does.

read the animal farm. he was right, all the books by ann ryan were right we are done.

@Larry Morris:

What else can you expect from a political system that allows the mediocre majority – the center of the bell curve of whatever metric you choose – to not ONLY govern itself but to govern everyone else as well. They are led like dumb animals on the way to slaughter, riled up by Trump’s incendiary rhetoric and mesmerized by Democrat’s promises of free everything. How else can we be approaching such a dreadful choice in November? Collectively, we have accomplished just this and no better because this is precisely who we are, and to drive home the point, each side blames the other as if all of the fault lays on the opposite side of the isle. We deserve exactly what we get. We reap what we sow.