Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker returns to the US to score some cash

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ahmed fake clock


You remember Ahmed Mohammed the fake clock maker. He was the kid who took a 1986 Micronta clock, opened it up and stuck it into a pencil box and brought it to school looking for a reaction.

He got exactly what he and his father were after.The kid was arrested as the device did resemble an explosive device. Ahmed continued to maintain that he had invented the Radio Shack Micronta clock and pencil box:

Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker was widely praised, including one bonehead President of the United States:

Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker did get to visit the White House and meet with the too quick to jump on phony racism President, but only as part of a group as the dopey President attempted to extricate himself from the pile of manure he leaped head first into.

In case you were wondering the what the point of all this effort was, wonder no more. Shortly after Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker was identified as Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker it was announced that the family was moving to Qatar. They did move to Qatar but returned to Irving Texas in June for “summer vacation.”

In case you’re not familiar with the language, “summer vacation” is Arabic for “I’m going to sue your ass off for the stupid thing I did.”

Citing a pattern of disproportionate disciplinary actions for black students in the Irving Independent School District (ISD) and a history of anti-Muslim sentiment in Irving, the lawsuit alleges that Ahmed was discriminated against based on his race and religion. It also claims his Fourth Amendment rights were violated when he was interrogated by police and principal Daniel Cummings for over an hour without the presence of his parents before he was arrested.

Ahmed’s family no longer lives in Texas. They moved to Qatar in October. But in June, they returned to Irving for summer vacation. That’s when they hired Hutchinson & Stoy, the Texas firm also representing a Baylor University student who claims the school ignored reports that she was raped by a football player.

Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker was widely hailed as a celebrity among the ignorati. Josh Welch is still waiting for his 15 minutes.

Josh Welch, a white Maryland kid with ADHD who was 7 years old when he was kicked out of school for chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of a pistol and pretending to shoot other students with it, must be puzzled.

Where’s his White House invitation? Where’s his chance to start networking at Facebook? His parents were forced to hire a lawyer and spent a year and a half just trying to get the suspension erased from the kid’s record. They were repeatedly refused.

Ahmed the Fake Clock Maker is a publicity hound, but he comes by it honestly. He is cut from the same cloth as his father, who twice has run for President of the Sudan. Dad also asserted that the Curious Clock Caper will help spread Islam in America:

Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, father of ‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed, shared another 9/11 ‘Truther’ Facebook post, only this time in Arabic, claiming that the clock incident will lead to spreading Islam in America.

The kid is a fake and a phony who built nothing, yet read just about any account of him (including the WaPo account above) and you won’t see one word of that. This was a setup right from the beginning and it was and is all about the money.






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Only liberals celebrate this kind of trash. Only liberals honor the mothers of thugs who fight with police, illegal immigrants the leach off the American taxpayer, Muslims that hate America and filth that want to destroy our economy.

If this suit moves forward, let there be no doubt which side the leftists will come down on.

Speaking of lawsuits, two of the families who lost sons at Benghazi have sued Hillary.
As part of the DISCOVERY process they can insist on every email, every meeting, every ploy, every plot and even where she was, where Obama was and why Obama never signed a ”Cross Border Authorization,” if he really wanted the military to get into Benghazi.

@Nanny G:

As part of the DISCOVERY process they can insist on every email, every meeting, every ploy, every plot and even where she was, where Obama was and why Obama never signed a ”Cross Border Authorization,” if he really wanted the military to get into Benghazi.

Yeah, they can ask and they can insist. I hope they are briefing their grandchildren so the fight can be carried on by them. Obama and Hillary are stonewalling, dodging masters. Justice and accountability mean nothing to them.

Him and his lawyer need to get booted out of america enough of these miserble leeches suckling off the body of lady liberty this little snot his parennts and their lawyer need a one way ticket to the south pole for life

Hmmm how about 400 million?

And Hillary the Hag want to hold gun makers liable just like with that pea brain judge in the Sandy Hook incident the Vulture the Shark and the Donkey are Partners in Crime America needs a limit on trial lawyers and stupid judges

according to the turd, he has lost his ability to be creative. maybe it is time to drag his sorry muslim ass back to what ever rock he came from. his attorney-can find several legal reviews that could be conjectured as treasonable

America has too lawyers and too many leeches wanting to suck off americas life blood this little snot and his family needs to go and take the lawyer with them

@MOS 8541: he has lost his ability to be creative.

Just like all Muslims.
I love (NOT!) when they try to take credit for ”inventing” Algebra when all they did was enslave some Indians (India).
Or that they claim to have ”invented” medical science when all they did was enslave some scientists in Middle Ages Europe.
How about those domes?
They enslaved some Byzantinians who designed and built them
The Muslims had no idea how to engineer a dome that would withstand weather and wind.

This kid ripped up an old radio, threw it into a briefcase, made sure a few sires were sticking out and it was ticking, brought it to a public school then tried to cash in.
I hope he can’t even recover his legal fees.
I hope a jury laughs him out of court.

This should be an interesting trial. I wonder how Ahmed is going to explain this as he is claiming how traumatized and frightened he was.


“It was kind of cool getting arrested”