Obama could stop these attacks if he really wanted to

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If you contract appendicitis there are a couple of routes which can be followed theoretically. One is to remove the appendix surgically. The other is to treat the symptoms, i.e. administer pain medications and antibiotics. The proper approach to to vanquish the disease. Surgically remove it. The other approach is to treat it symptomatically- and that could kill you.

ISIS is a disease. obama has decided to treat it symptomatically. As John Brennan made clear yesterday, it’s not working. And people are dying for it. In the face of an adversary, obama wants us to change the way we live to accommodate ISIS and radical Islamism. We have to do soul searching. We have to change our language. We can’t say “radical Islam.” We have to be acquiesce to them so as not to offend.

There are warning signs and for the life of me I do not understand why obama is ignoring them.

The internet.

On this video, at about 4:05 in:


“…I’ve got people who we know have been on ISIL websites…”

There it is. Doesn’t it seem logical to pay attention to those who are frequent visitors to ISIL websites? Hello?

Facebook- again

If someone’s on your radar pay attention to their posting on Facebook. Omar Mateen telegraphed his intentions on Facebook.

Mateen’s final post was a warning: ‘In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa’.

Body armor

Four years ago, following the Aurora shooting I wrote a post here titled “Body armor was the key”:

Why would someone be buying multiple weapons, large amounts of ammunition AND body armor within a short period of time?

The body armor was the red flag. Had someone been asking the right questions about the body armor this shooting might have been prevented.

Omar Mateen was asking about body armor and bulk ammunition. The gun shop owner called the FBI. The flag doesn’t get much more red than that, yet nothing happened, probably because of political correctness. We can no longer say something if we see something because we’ve been browbeaten as bigots by the wretched regime.

A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks…
“We sat around lunch thinking, ‘What were they doing around the neighborhood?’” he said. “We’d see them leave where they’re raiding the apartment.”

I saw a person on TV say that he saw many packages being delivered to the house where Syed Farook and his wife established a bomb factory.

And why didn’t they say anything?

They “decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.”

You will remember that CAIR called for the reform of FBI training to accommodate them and obama obliged. He had the FBI training material purged of anything which might offend Muslims.

 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch has released hundreds of pages of FBI memos and other documentsrevealing that, in 2012, the agency purged its anti-terrorism training curricula of material determined by an undisclosed group of “Subject Matter Experts” (SME) to be “offensive” to Muslims. The excised material included references linking the Muslim Brotherhood to terrorism, tying al Qaeda to the 1993 World Trade Center and Khobar Towers bombings, and suggesting that “young male immigrants of Middle Eastern appearance … may fit the terrorist profile best.”

Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood killer, similarly escaped scrutiny. It appears likely that this has contributed to the mass killings.

The symptoms of the ISIL disease? Violence, persecution and death in Syria, Libya and Iraq, the refugee crisis and the radicalization of Muslims here and abroad.

Obama’s approach? Treat the symptoms. Force us to change the way we live. Make us absorb the pain. Force us to absorb and pay for the refugees. Put us at risk to diseases being carried in by refugees. Force us to change the way we speak. Take guns from law abiding citizens.

obama did say we could absorb more attacks. Thus we have this perfect storm of situations:

  • The FBI cannot properly vet the 10,000 person refugee stream into the US.
  • The CIA Director tells us that the refugee stream is being used to put operatives in place.
  • obama wants to accelerate the refugee stream. hillary wants a 500% increase in the number of Syrian refugees that cannot be properly vetted.

Whose side are these people really on? Why isn’t obama really acting on the obvious and effective means of anticipating radical attacks?




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The left really are more interest in their own agenda based upon emotional ideology instead of rational reasoning.

Omar Mateen was asking about body armor and bulk ammunition. The gun shop owner called the FBI.

The article does not say who was called, but I also understood it was the FBI and Adell was interviewed by them. As was pointed out to me on another post, Adell didn’t have Mateen’s name (I thought, too, that he had) but don’t gun stores have surveillance cameras? Did anyone bother to look at that?

Like speaking with practically any liberal on any contentious subject, you cannot get them to research a topic or even read a link provided for fear of what they might actually learn. How this administration has treated terror investigations and prevention is no different.

I’ll not giver up a single right or privilege because someone is too chickenshit to possibly unmask their own prejudices.

@Bill: Perhaps Comey will be the fall guy. He is supposed to be known for being independent and doing what is right. Dump him and put a political hack in there and that greatly reduces the probability of the FBI recommending that Hillary be indicted for the crimes she committed with her server.

Obama could stop these attacks if he really wanted to

Really? And how, exactly, would that be done, considering that the most recent involved a natural born U.S. citizen, who purchased his murder weapon of choice in a perfectly legal fashion? Which provisions of the Constitution do we need to throw out? Because we’re talking about “political correctness.” A lot of people raised holy hell about something as obvious and innocuous as data mining. They want results, but they don’t want to be personally affected by the means needed to achieve them. They don’t want lunatics to buy or possess lethal weapons, but they don’t want to be inconvenienced in any way by the delays and routines that would be necessary to reliably detect the lunatics.

Exactly how is the Magic Billionaire expected to manage this? Maybe he’d care to share a few details of his super-secret plan with the people he wants to vote for him.


Your post indicates, yet again, the sheer unadulterated dishonesty of leftists. Had you read any of the information that has come out regarding Mateen’s actions prior to his muslim terrorist attack, combined with his father’s YouTube videos praising the Taliban, his pro-jihadi sentiments after 9/11, his attempt to buy body armor and bulk ammunition, and his Facebook postings, you would easily and objectively see how profiling this muslim terrorist could have prevented his evil jihad attack.

Were we not pushed by vacuous leftist anti-profiling political correctness, we could treat this cancer properly.

1. Pass a Constitutional Amendment that prohibits sharia in the US. It is fundamentally incompatible with our Constitution.

2. End the willful blindness and call it islamic terrorism, and stop worrying about whether or not muslims will be offended by calling these murderous muslim acts what they so clearly are.

3. End the childish stupidity of blaming guns for the acts of muslim terrorists. Blaming the guns used by these scum is analogous to blaming the car driven by the drunk who runs over and kills pedestrians.

4. Commit to the complete annihilation of ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and all other muslim terrorist organizations. Start by ending the insanely worthless ROE that wastes time wringing hands over potential impact on the environment caused by military action.

5. Classify CAIR and all similar groups as political front groups for muslim terrorist activity, and cease the mindboggingly stupid practice of using their deceitful propagandists as national advisors on islam. Our current behavior in this regard is analogous to inviting Tokyo Rose, Leni Riefenstahl, and Lenin to advise the US on how to deal with the Imperial Japanese, the Nazis, and the Bolsheviks respectively. Utter madness. CAIR and similar muslim propaganda groups should be treated with the same disdain, disgust and disrespect as the KKK and the nutjobs of the Westboro Baptists

5. Aggressively investigate and shut down terrorist financing and logistical operations through vigorous legal action.

6. Enact a complete moratorium on muslim immigration until all terrorist organizations are destroyed.

7. Begin an immediate national strategy to develop complete energy independence from the muslim Middle East. Work with our western allies to attain the same goal for their nations.

8. Immediately rescind the idiotic Iranian nuclear deal, and reimpose and intensify all sanctions against the thugs who are the world’s foremost sponsors of muslim terrorism.

9. Surveil mosques and deport all imams who give support to muslim terrorists.

10. Investigate the financing sources of any and all groups that propagandize for pro-muslim/anti-American activity. (Environmental groups would be a great place to start.)

You cannot treat a disease until you acknowledge what it is.

@Pete: I assume you realize your plan is the antithesis of the Obama strategy and could be viewed by a Liberal court as prejudicial and biased against a nebulous enemy whose identity is protected by executive edict.


Of course. The historical parallel to the current leftist position on inaction against the clear aggression of islam is seen in the anti-war propaganda from the left pre-WW II while the nazis had an alliance with the soviets. It was not until Hitler broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union that the traitorous left did a diametric flip demanding the US go to war against Germany. Not, of course, due to any patriotic concerns about the dangers of nazism to the US, but because their leftist leader Uncle Joe was being attacked.

It is EXACTLY the same dishonest position from the current crop of anti-American leftists who deny that islam is the issue in these terrorist attacks against Americans, while shrieking that the NRA, Christians, and conservatives are responsible for these muslim attacks. The left today is blaming the sheepdogs who the leftist sheep have worked to marginalize and browbeat for the muslim wolves killing off parts of the sheep herd.


10. Investigate the financing sources of any and all groups that propagandize for pro-muslim/anti-American activity.

Come on now, there is no way this administration will investigate its own finances or those of the DNC!

@another vet –

The question of this post is, “what will it take for Obama to recognize the threat of ISIS, AQ and their affiliates pose and make policy changes?” Simply answered, he will not change policy. His belief system and inherent character traits will not allow him to make those changes. If he was to decide tomorrow we going to hunt down every ISIS member and kill them all, it is equivalent to say, GW Bush deciding Iraq was a lost cause and executed a policy of cut and run. Bush, much to his credit, believed in victory and believed Iraq is where we make our stand. Our fight is their fight; our success is their success. If we fail, Iraq will become a cesspool. And, we are reduced to fighting an asymmetric, rear guard action. Furthermore, the infighting on all other policies become immaterial because we failed to take care of Job #1.

The two presumptive nominees are pretenders much like the current officeholder. The three believe in the “lite” approach while their rhetoric suggests they believe in the hard, all-in approach. Until we recognize the threat, expect more incidents.

@Pete, #5:

Your post indicates, yet again, the sheer unadulterated dishonesty of leftists. Had you read any of the information that has come out regarding Mateen’s actions prior to his muslim terrorist attack, combined with his father’s YouTube videos praising the Taliban, his pro-jihadi sentiments after 9/11, his attempt to buy body armor and bulk ammunition, and his Facebook postings, you would easily and objectively see how profiling this muslim terrorist could have prevented his evil jihad attack.

His profile DID lead to investigation, didn’t it? He was the subject of a 10-month investigation by the FBI. He was found to be involved in no criminal activities, nor was there anything suggesting criminal acts were being contemplated. There was no evidence suggesting involvement with extremist organizations. Consequently, the investigation was closed. Why would it not have been?

The FBI can’t keep every individual who at some point has become a person of interest under perpetual surveillance when there’s no legal justification for doing so. If you want to keep a perpetual open file on every citizen that has at some point done something that is considered suspicious, you’re going to need an entirely different body of laws, and you’re going to need a Gestapo instead of an FBI. You’re going to need an environment where a citizen’s inquiry about the bulk purchase of ammunition or the availability of body armor will lead to a telephone tap or a knock at the door.

1. What would be the point of a Constitutional amendment prohibiting sharia? We already have the foundations of our laws, and sharia plays no part in it. People don’t get to have their own special little legal system as an alternative to U.S. laws. If you’re inside the United States, you’re subject to the same laws as everyone else.

2. There is no willful blindness. The fact that the sort of generalized persecutions that some people call for are being strongly resisted aren’t the result of willful blindness. They a result of seeing clearly what such persecutions actually are, and how counterproductive they would be.

3. Nobody is shifting blame from Muslims to guns. The fact of the matter is that homicidal psychos of any persuasion can get their hands on high-performance killing tools far too easily, and that many easy-access advocates reflexively shift the blame away from that all-too-obvious point to something else. Existing regulations in no way impeded Omar Mateen’s purchase. My conclusion is that this means something is inadequate about existing regulation.

4. Commit to the complete annihilation of ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and all other Muslim terrorist organizations? And then what? Raise our magic wand?

In case you haven’t noticed, the Obama administration has been conducting a war against Islamic terrorists since August 2014, which the effing GOP has yet to authorize or acknowledge. If they’ve got specific alternative strategies they believe is better, they should clearly state and advocate them. “We should WIN!” is not an alternative strategy. It’s a mindless slogan, like “Make America Great Again.” Want to put 30-40 thousand American boots on the ground in the Middle East? Then say so. Say so from the podium during a campaign speech, so people will have some clue what they’re actually voting for. Say what you believe this will accomplish in the long run, and explain how you intend to pay for it.

5. Shut down terrorist financing and logistical operations through vigorous legal action? Are you unaware that the Obama administration has been working toward that end already? Far more than legal actions have been undertaken, too. This is a video of a U.S. airstrike on an ISIS currency depot. That stuff floating down after the blast is burning currency. Maybe Trump could have incinerated it instantly with a blast of hot wind, from either end.

6. That would be a blanket generalization elevated to the level of institutionalized religious persecution, wouldn’t it? We generally try to avoid deliberately pissing on our nation’s fundamental principles.

7. Begin an immediate national strategy to develop complete energy independence from the Muslim Middle East? I thought Trump wanted to “Take the oil!” What this is actually a call for are subsidies for the fossil fuel industry and a rolling back of environmental protections. Given the lifting of the ban on exports, it’s also a call for allowing the energy industry to export non-renewable domestic resources to make a quick buck now at the expense of the nation’s future.

In any case, U.S. domestic energy production has already greatly increased, and great strides have been made in the direction of greater energy efficiency. My 2015 Equinox is averaging 8 mpg more than the 2000 Blazer it replaced. My electric consumption has been much reduced with the advent of higher efficiency lighting.

8. Immediately rescind the idiotic Iranian nuclear deal… and they’ll suddenly have incentive to produce a bomb before the next U.S. president is through the next term of office. Or maybe they’d just buy one from North Korea, which has a far more unstable and twitchy government. I keep reminding myself that Iran, like Iraq, is Shiite, while the trouble is mostly coming from Wahhabist extremists.

9. A reasonable thought. I suspect that there’s already surveillance. The nature of such activity intelligence-gathering activity usually means that it keeps a very low profile.

10. Again, why would someone think that isn’t already happening?


what will it take for Obama to recognize the threat of ISIS, AQ and their affiliates pose and make policy changes?” Simply answered, he will not change policy. His belief system and inherent character traits will not allow him to make those changes.

Exactly. His version of reality and reality are polar opposites. He told us AQ was decimated, near defeat, and on the run. They’ve been assessed to be at their strongest since 9/11. His recent similar comments about ISIS’s plight were directly contradicted by his CIA director this week. Every time he says the world is the safest it has ever been, there is another terrorist attack right around the corner or a report that directly contradicts his statement.

Bush, much to his credit, believed in victory and believed Iraq is where we make our stand.

He was a real Commander-in-Chief. He made some mistakes, but didn’t have the ego Obama does and corrected them. That is the sign of a good leader.

Let’s look at our track record since WWII:

Korean War- Started with a Democrat who had the intention of winning. Won by a Republican.

Vietnam- Started with a Democrat who didn’t seem to prioritize winning. Ended by a Republican. No victory.

Desert Storm- Started with and won by a Republican.

GWOT- Started with a Democrat (first WTC bombing). Verdict still out but losing ground.

Afghanistan- Started with a Republican. Verdict still out.

Iraq- Started with and won by a Republican. Victory squandered by a Democrat.

Iraq II- Started with a Democrat. Verdict still out.

Cold War- Started with a Democrat (either Wilson or FDR depending on when you believe it started, I say Wilson). Ended by a Republican, although all the Presidents in between deserve credit (even Carter) with special mention to Truman.

It clearly tells a picture. If you want the best chances for a war to end in victory, go ‘R’, although even that may be questionable now.

@another vet, #11:

No, that is NOT what Obama said. That’s what the right is claiming he said, once again ignoring historical accuracy to make a bogus political point in the present. This works, when your audience relies exclusively on highly biased “news” outlets for information, and has the attention span of a fruit fly.

This article is from October, 2014, as the U.S. backed coalition to take on ISIS was being pulled together: Obama on ISIS: Expect ‘long-term campaign’

Here’s a video from the same date, providing a fuller context.

“This is not a classic army in which we defeat them on the battlefield and then they ultimately surrender. What we’re also fighting is an ideological strain of extremism that has taken root in too many parts of the region,” Mr. Obama said. “This cannot simply be a military campaign. This has to be a campaign that includes all the dimensions of our power. We have to do a better job communicating an alternative vision for those who are currently attracted to the fighting inside Iraq and Syria.”

And this video, from FOX News, dated September 8, 2014: White House reportedly planning years-long campaign to destroy ISIS

A campaign that could be expected to last for years—even beyond Obama’s own term of office… That’s what was properly understood from what he was saying. The only thing they got wrong was the assumption that the GOP would support his efforts against an external enemy, rather than refusing to do anything at all and turning the fight against ISIS into a political football.

If you’d ever bothered to listen to him, you might know what he actually said. Instead of history, you’ve got a right-wing political propaganda construct.

@Greg: #4 The Obama administration says all terrorist investigations must be closed in 6 months, records have been purged, This guy has had a long history including cheering the fall of the twin towers.
How did he pass a background check for a security position? Why wasnt he fired for harassing a fellow employee? Its an environment created by this administration.
But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, “DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border”, border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.
This is Obamas legacy spread the death.

He doesn’t want these attacks stopped he loves when they happen he has libs trained to reach for our rights.

@Greg: “He was the subject of a 10-month investigation by the FBI. He was found to be involved in no criminal activities, nor was there anything suggesting criminal acts were being contemplated.” So, as you kick and scream and whine about further gun control… “common sense” gun control… what would you suggest be enacted anew that would have prevented this shooting? Investigating a guy as a potential terrorist without being able to focus on his ideology doesn’t seem to work (aside from his Taliban-supporting father, the violent teachings of his Imam, his open support for radical Islam, his Facebook rants and his violent nature, he was a pretty good guy), what will work to prevent the next attack? Calling a weapon by a different, inaccurate name and banning it, though it is used in only a tiny percentage of crimes? Closing a “loophole” that has led to 0.0% of crimes? More campaign rhetoric?

All that is clear is that the left wants the misery to continue so it (like immigration reform) can be used, over and over and over and over for good political effect.

@Bill: These types of firearms have been around a long time. Notice that the terrorists didn’t manage to get their hands on them until Obama came around. Also notice how we went 7 plus years of being terrorist attack free on our soil after 9/11. All of that came to end once Obama took over and decided that manmade global warming was the biggest threat facing our nation. And ISIS? They’re a bunch of JVers. The problem is a lack of effective strategy. And like David said, Obama’s ego simply won’t let him admit his strategy needs to be redone.

@another vet: David also mentioned how worthless Trump and HRC are re effective plan to Defeat Isis.
Meanwhille Trump approval hovers 30_35% fires campaign manager This guy Manafort looks and acts like he’s iight out of The Sopranos.
HRC approval 35-39%

Obama today Gallup APPROVAL 53%

Re meaningful gun control—The NRA says jump–Repubs say how high? This organization controls the debate holds Repubs in fear–they have NO give.

Re man made global warming–your side fares as poorly as Trump

@Richard Wheeler: Neither are President right now. You can make excuses for Obama’s failed leadership, but it doesn’t change anything. My dogs, if elected, will take the fight to enemy to destroy them. As Patton said, the only defense is a good offense.

The Gallup poll is further proof of our Nation’s decline.

If our elected leaders could be trusted to uphold the Constitution, there wouldn’t be a need for the NRA.

@another vet: One day, we will get serious about wiping out ISIS and begin to put a serious hurt on them. When we do, like a wounded animal, they will strike back wherever and however they can with these random attacks. We will definitely have to up our game considerably to minimize the damage until they are destroyed (not convinced to like us).

Maybe take some of the people assigned to targeting conservatives for their political positions and assign them to analyzing terror data. Of course, we we don’t remove the “anti-Muslim bias” filters, all that would be pointless.

@Richard Wheeler: Here’s the plan: assemble the intelligence and military experts and have them develop the plan… then execute it. No more timing events to elections or worrying about who’s feelings are hurt. Find and destroy the enemy; we know WHO they are. Trump may not have had access to these people or the intelligence yet, but Hillary has NO excuse for following Obama’s blundering path.

@Bill, #14:

Investigating a guy as a potential terrorist without being able to focus on his ideology doesn’t seem to work…

There’s some doubt about the nature of radical Islamist terrorist ideology?

This latest political meme—that terrorism can’t be stopped because Obama won’t say “radical Islam”—has got to be one of the stupidest yet to come along. Seriously, do people actually believe anti-terrorism investigations are being conducted without full consideration of that context, simply because care is being taken not to generalize and alienate the entire Muslim community, and not to provide fuel for the anti-Islamic bigotry that’s already apparent?

The Obama administration knows full well that alienation of the greater Muslim community and anti-Islamic bigotry only serve ISIS recruitment efforts.

People like Donald Trump either aren’t smart enough to figure this out, or don’t give a damn because the associated anger and fear can be harnessed to further their own political aspirations.

@Richard Wheeler: Can’t stay on topic can you Rich!

@Randy: I leave that to Greg and Bill who go on seemingly endlessly.
” Good Job Cory” DT 5/25
“Cory You’re Fired.” DT 6/20
How are you Colonol?


This latest political meme—that terrorism can’t be stopped because Obama won’t say “radical Islam”—has got to be one of the stupidest yet to come along.

He won’t say it and he won’t admit it is what is attacking us. Take the Mateen transcripts just released. Is anyone actually believing that every reference to Islam being redacted is denying ISIS propaganda? Hell, that’s MORE propaganda… “Look how stupid the Americans are! They don’t even know who is attacking them when we TELL them!!”

In fact, it was so critical to redact it that later, when they took some flak, they released the UNredacted version.

How we have a single powerful ally anywhere in the world is amazing. Obama projects stupidity, hypocrisy and weakness by the boat loads.

@Bill, #22:

Do you believe putting all emphasis on Mateen’s self-depiction as an Islamic martyr is somehow a less useful recruiting tool to ISIS than evidence suggesting he was a mentally unbalanced individual who was deeply conflicted about his repressed homosexuality?

I strongly suspect the first angle is the one that ISIS can get the most mileage out of. Yeah…let’s give them that to work with. Because…you know…Obama.

@Greg: I have a shocking revelation for you, Greg… ALL murderers are mentally unstable. ALL radical Muslims are mentally unstable. They would not be able to justify what they do in their own minds if they weren’t.

However, it is FAR MORE important to identify accurately who is committing the crime and the missed details that could have prevented it tha furthering the left wing anti-gun agenda, especially since the anti-gun agenda enhances the terrorists’ agenda.

Just a note to the left; notice how we can discuss the distinct possibility that Mateen was gay WITHOUT implying all gays are terrorists? Gosh, accuracy is a marvelous thing.

Just a note to the left; notice how we can discuss the distinct possibility that Mateen was gay WITHOUT implying all gays are terrorists?

I believe this same sort of rational thinking should apply equally to Muslims. For many people it doesn’t, and I believe that is being encouraged and politically exploited. There’s great danger in that sort of politics, just like there’s danger in the words of a hateful Muslim imam or hateful Christian preacher. There will always be unbalanced, violence-prone people who will take such lunacy as instructions.

Any early theories about who these people will turn out to be? Three arrested outside NYC after weapons cache, ballistic vests found in vehicle Potential Islamic terrorists? Non-Muslim political extremists? Criminals on their way to make illegal firearm sales? Given such minimal information, all seem equally possible.

@Greg: Who is lumping them all together? I know of no one, yet all Christians are lumped together as gay-haters and wannabe jihadists and all gun owners are lumped together as blood-thirsty murders that MUST be reined in by the government.

Actually, my point was that folks like yourself were not jumping on that bandwagon to claim that because Mateen MAY be gay, I was saying all gays are mass murderers.

As with all cases, it would be best to wait for evidence and proof before characterizing these NY people… or if they even broke any gun laws (they had drugs). Let’s not go all Trayvon/Ferguson and get stupid.

Note to the right, notice how the left wants to paint the terrorist as gay or repressed gay rather than a jihadist islamic terrorist that carefully cased a popular gay nightclub, how they twist and flop to any other conclusion other than death cult?
A cult that has done 28000 jihadist attacks since 911, but we should not make that a reason for profiling should we. The government sure didn’t and wont, they forbid even checking social media in the extensive investigations, rather than protect and defend the USA.

A proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States would be a case of lumping Muslim extremists together with all Muslims. The person who proposed it would be the GOP’s presumptive nominee, though it’s difficult to know what his position actually is. More recently he has said this proposal was only intended as a suggestion—like South Korea and Japan building their own nuclear weapons. Maybe my mistake is thinking that what presidential candidates say actually matters.

@Greg: It does matter ..to some but the media seems to have you convinced that he wants to ban all muslims, he said a ban on them til they figure out how to properly vet them, you know, keep out the extremists the way Obama is keeping out the Christian ones.

@Greg: What a dumb statement! The ban was proposed for those who could not be properly vetted. Currently, most can not be vetted properly. You liberals who sit in your safe homes can not understand that records on most of the world do not exist.

@Randy: No one is totally safe; that’s what they can’t seem to grasp. Like their fun and games with gun control, they simply HOPE the bad things will happen to someone else and not them.


I think a better medical analogy would be to compare ISIS (ISIL) and radical fanatical Islam to a cancer on the world body, that will take numerous treatments and various procedures (including invasive surgery,) to “possibly” excise and watch carefully for any sign of it coming out of remission. Let’s hope it doesn’t have to come to radiation treatments.

@Randy, #30:

What a dumb statement! The ban was proposed for those who could not be properly vetted.

I can read. I read what it says on Donald Trump’s own campaign website:

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.” Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won’t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

Mr. Trump stated, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.” – Donald J. Trump

“…a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

Are you thinking “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” somehow changes what he’s advocating in the first part? It doesn’t. The first part is what he’s stating should happen now. The second part suggests that the “total and complete shutdown” might at some point be lifted—perhaps when people such as himself “figure out what is going on.” Given how clueless they are at present, we might look forward to that happening sometime after hell freezes over. Meanwhile, we’d have changed America in a fundamental way. A particular religion would have officially become a stigma. Perhaps those already here should be required to wear a yellow crescent at all times.


According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.

Gee. Ya THINK? I don’t need a poll to inform me of that, but this should be news to you leftists who are convinced Muslims LOVE us and will, as Ms. Out of Touch Lynch says, love us more if we love them. But, here’s the bottom line; if defending ourselves causes them to hate us, I don’t give a F**K. That is THEIR problem, not ours.

So, if it is established, as has been, that ISIS terrorists are sneaking in with refugees and we do not have the capabilities to investigate them effectively, it would be the ultimate stupidity to let them in here. For, when we actually GET a Commander in Chief back in the White House and we really begin to defeat ISIS, they will strike back wherever and however they can, like a wounded animal. What do you think will happen, Greg, if thousands of terrorists are already in place and have already established cells here in the United States?

Mr. Trump is RIGHT. Obama and Hillary are stupid and wrong. THEY live in compounds with security… THEY don’t care.


Greg will not care about the danger until they target and kill or injure one of his family members. Only then will he have a ‘change of heart’. That’s how leftists are.

@Bill, #34:

So, if it is established, as has been, that ISIS terrorists are sneaking in with refugees and we do not have the capabilities to investigate them effectively, it would be the ultimate stupidity to let them in here.

Why would they be attempting to obtain refugee status, which is a long and drawn out process, when they can simply buy a ticket and come after obtaining a visitor visa? Is Trump under the impression that some sort of global database of all Muslims exists, that would immediately identify them as such? They might have been born almost anywhere in Europe.

The guy just says things that he thinks sound good. He says things he calculates will have emotional appeal, provided you don’t think too much about the specifics. What sense they seem to make is often superficial and non-applicable to reality. Half of the GOP seems to be less concerned about voting for a dangerous idiot than with losing an election. They’ve gone totally off the rails.


Why would they be attempting to obtain refugee status, which is a long and drawn out process, when they can simply buy a ticket and come after obtaining a visitor visa? Is Trump under the impression that some sort of global database of all Muslims exists, that would immediately identify them as such?

Greg, Greg, Greg. Your ignorance is truly staggering, if you think these Terrorists with their fake ID’s would be pass a visa investigation. No. Trump along with the FBI are saying there is no current way to vett these refugees, to weed-out the terrorists, and that it is both stupid and dangerous to let them in without proper vetting. Do try to keep up Greg.

Half of the GOP seems to be less concerned about voting for a dangerous idiot…

The GOP didn’t vote for Obama, nor should you be calling him an idiot.

No. Trump along with the FBI are saying there is no current way to vett these refugees, to weed-out the terrorists, and that it is both stupid and dangerous to let them in without proper vetting.

They wouldn’t come in as refugees because there is a vetting process for refugees, which generally takes at least a year. They would come in on tourist or student visas. Over 69 million foreign visitors do so every year. Do you think in-depth investigations can be done for that many people?

Trump is blowing hot air. He won’t tell you the details of any such suggestion because any effort to do so would reveal just how stupid the suggestion actually is. The man is a nincompoop. Or maybe he just assumes that his supporters are.

@Ditto: You mean to imply that Greg is not a good, dedicated liberal and would allow personal tragedy to obstruct his duty to use tragedies to promote the very agenda that brings about the tragedies? That’s a terrible accusation to make.

@GregIs Trump under the impression that some sort of global database of all Muslims exists, that would immediately identify them as such?

Are you really that dim, Greg, or do you pretend to be just for my amusement? If you paid any level of attention at all, you would understand that Trump is saying quite the opposite is true. There IS no information on these hoards and, in addition to our stretched capabilities and unwillingness (at Obama’s direction) to use radical Islamic inclinations as a red flag, we should NOT be bringing them over to add to our peril.

I think it is clear you see the facts but feel obligated, due to being a card-carrying, badge-wearing leftist, to deny the truths that show what an utter failure Obama and liberalism has been. Points for dedication, points deducted for willful ignorance.

If we have a year, why not stop fumbling around and secure an area for refugees in the region, where they can be safe FAR AWAY from our families? Oh. That’s right… that might deny liberals further opportunities to attack the rights of individual citizens here at home.

Never mind.

Obama made this mess with his disastrous foreign policy. We should not allow him to compound his ineptitude by putting MORE Americans at risk in the homeland.

Muslims will lie and say they are Syrians to get in, like they do in Europe.
But, when you are not associated with getting them in, you can get the truth.
This reporter spent hours in the refugee camp in Calais France asking people where they were from.
Over 160 people later she had met only one from Syria!
(Oh, and only 3 youths under 18, and only 8 women!)
But all of them would lie to get into UK.
Or steal a boat.
Or car jack a truck.
Or break open a refrigerated truck and throwing the foods out to pack in people.
Or force themselves onto ferry boats.

I wonder how Brexit will go.