I have officially had enough of this sh*t. Deport the bastards. All of them.
It’s one thing to disagree with candidates. It’s another to protest. Rioting is over the top. Hurting people is beyond the pale.
Police clashed with hundreds of protesters outside Donald Trump’s rally in Southern California on Thursday night.
At least one police car was smashed up as hundreds of demonstrators – many of them waving Mexican flags – took to the streets outside the Pacific Amphitheater in Costa Mesa, Orange County where Trump was speaking.
The protesters flooded the street outside the amphitheater with some stomping on cars, hurling rocks at motorists and forcefully declaring their opposition to Trump – bringing traffic to a halt and creating a tense standoff with authorities.
One Trump supporter was pictured with a bloody face after clashing with the anti-Trump activists, many of whom appeared to be young Hispanic people.
The violence in Southern California where Latinos make up a large segment of the population suggests Trump may face more of this in the days to come, as he campaigns ahead of the state’s June 7 primary. Trump currently leads Kasich and Cruz in the California polls, with an estimated 45.7 per cent of voters, according to Real Clear Politics.
The goddam mainstream media is downplaying the violence, dismissing it as “protests.”
Just imagine for a moment the shrieking outrage if Trump supporters had tried to flip a car outside a Hillary Clinton rally. Imagine the fury at the sight of a bloody man wearing a Hillary shirt. So how did the mainstream media cover the anti-Trump riot? Hot Air’s Larry O’Connor has the details:
Check out the LA Times headline: Protests rage outside Trump rally in Orange County; 17 arrested, police car smashed. Maybe it’s me, but if your headline includes the phrase: “police car smashed,” perhaps you should go ahead and call it a riot and not the benign and righteous sounding “protest.” The Times write-up of the ugly violence begins with more apologetic language: “Hundreds of demonstrators filled the street outside the Orange County amphitheater where Donald Trump held a rally Thursday night…” “Demonstrators”??? This is a very deliberate use of language. When you have a righteous cause, you’re a “demonstrator.” The Times is using language equating these thugs with someone marching in Selma. “Demonstrators” sounds heroic.
The Washington Post used the morally-neutral term “clashed.” Trump protesters clashed with police officers here after a campaign rally Thursday hosted by the Republican presidential candidate.
This is not a damn “protest.” It’s a riot:
Trump supporters are being injured:
As if that’s not enough, these dirtbags are making clear where their loyalties lie:
images courtesy of the LA Times and the Daily Mail
These events are going to make campaign fodder for Trump. They validate everything he says. How dare these illegal alien nematodes attempt to deny Trump and other their right to free speech? What the freaking hell is wrong with the left? How would it be received and reported were attendees to a Hillary rally attacked and injured? How would it be reported if Hillary was rushed and denied entry to a campaign event?
And those flags? They’re going to suck up the benefits and privileges offered by this country and then shove this in our faces?
I don’t think so. ¡Fuera de mi país!
Trump is a jerk, but damn it, this makes clear he’s right. This garbage is going to make Trump the next President. It’s not the left being denied their rights. It’s not Hillary being jeopardized. The left is behind all of the violence, illegal and legal. If they think violence and intimidation is going to succeed, they’re yugely mistaken.
It has to stop. Trump is the guy to do it.
Felicitanos, culos. You’ve made another Trump convert.
Get. Out.
Protestors take over hotel parking lot while #DonaldTrump speaks inside at #CAGOPConvention pic.twitter.com/UaGuFjEAFA
— Bob Redell (@BobNBC) April 29, 2016
via Breitbart
And hey, let’s watch those peaceful anti-Trumpers rough up a supporter

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@George Wells:
I can answer that for Ditto, no. No one believes that. But the ‘conservatives’ that are supposed to be conservatives have joined the rascals and the average folks are damned tired of it. Trump is going to shake up politics as usual and maybe a few of the real conservatives (that might still exist) in the Congress might get the message and start to act like conservatives again and not ‘the gas house Keystone kops corps” Who’s to say whether Trump has become more conservative as he’s aged. Most persons become more conservative as they learn more about the world. You certainly are not still the same person you were in your former life. I’m sure you kept your inner self hidden for some time. Now you are more prone to not care if persons now know who your really are. Perhaps Trump had to be a closet Dimocrat to do some of the things he did but as he has seen how the Dimocrats have screwed everything up and that the country maybe needs a course correction more to the conservative side. Is this possible, just as much so as if he has not. The Congress of the US has become more concerned with their own futures and incomes than they have the direction of the country. Throw the rascals out.
@George Wells:
Is that true? I’ve never read Nixon’s history but seems as if his first elected office was in 1946 as a Republican in the House. What did he do prior to that as a Dimocrat?
Exactly. What I do believe, is that Donald has this nation’s best interests (and that of it’s workers) at heart and that in Trump we have someone who is representing what we want, instead of what the elite globalist progressives of both parties and their crony puppeteers want. If Trump legitimately wants to bring back a rebirth of the “American Dream” then I’m all for it, as a rising tide lifts all boats. As I’ve said many times, where the constitution is concerned, I am a conservative towards the powers and reach allowed the government(s) and a liberal regarding the freedoms and rights retained by “the People.” I follow the enlightened skeptical realism of the 1770s Anti-federalists.
Bernie will only hasten the collapse of our economy with his high-taxation socialist nightmare. Hillary is a corrupt, establishment, business as usual progressive-socialist elitist of the oligarchical overlord type.
Don’t let Georgie con you. Nixon was a progressive-globalist.
@George Wells: Certainly Trump’s win brings an end to the archaic bane of social Conservatism–gay and lesbian rights will be respected by social lib.Trump–planned parenthood will flourish.
Trump won’t build the wall and he certainly won’t be rounding up undocumented workers—his angry white male cadre won’t like it but what are they gonna do–vote HRC.
Trump–“Give me women, latins and gays for the win Chuck.” It’s Trump’s America
@Ditto: Note that Trump alone received more votes in Indiana than Bernie and Hillary combined.
Bernie, the dilapidated, mysoginistic socialist that backs fascist muscle disrupting his opponents’ events, only exists because so many Democrats vomit at the thought of Hillary. Bernie could win California, where the loves them some socialism and free stuff, and then what?
One thing about Trump to keep in mind; his power derives from his immunity to the liberal media. He has been able to effectively turn every attack around into an attack against free choice (which, of course, it is) and gains strength and momentum from the extended coverage he gets as the media waits for him to screw up.
Hopefully, the Bernie Brownshirts will keep up THEIR attacks as nothing so far has benefitted Trump more. We currently have a situation where the best tactics of the left (media assault, liberal media bias and left wing violence) all works against them. Good luck with that, leftists. Behold what you have wrought.
@Redteam #202:
Nixon was not ever ELECTED as a Democrat, and neither did he ever run as one, but he started out as a liberal, working for the FDR administration.
If you ever bothered to read a REAL biography of Nixon, instead of simply reviewing the sparse paragraphs of a Wiki-bio, you might have picked up on what an astute politician he truly was. I read all about his liberal views prior to his political career, and how he took his invitation into the Republican Party as an opportunity and nothing more. You might consider:
He got us out of Vietnam.
He implemented the first significant federal affirmative action program.
He dramatically increased spending on federal employee salaries.
He oversaw the first large-scale integration of public schools in the South
He proposed a guaranteed annual wage (aka a “negative income tax”).
He advocated comprehensive national health insurance (single payer) for all Americans.
He imposed wage and price controls in times of economic crisis. This wasn’t a terribly good idea, but it was the furthest thing from a conservative idea. Truth is, it was positively socialist.
He indexed Social Security for inflation and created Supplemental Security Income.
He created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Office of Minority Business Enterprise.
He promoted the Legacy of Parks program.
He appointed four Supreme Court Justices. Three of them voted with the majority in Roe v. Wade.
Consider, too, his view that as President, he was above the law. Very Democratic, wouldn’t you agree?
I fully understand that voters are disenchanted with politics BOTH liberal AND conservative, and that this largely explains Trump’s appeal, just as it explains Bernie Sanders’. That doesn’t really say anything at all about the electorate’s preference for one party over the other, and it doesn’t even suggest anything rational about liberalism versus conservatism. It is simply a knee-jerk reflex AWAY from that which has served the average Joe VERY poorly.
The problem is that you can’t really trust Trump any more than I can thrust him. He’s SAID that he says what it takes to get the job done. What does that tell you about what he MIGHT do in the future? (Nothing, really.) You don’t really know WHAT he thinks, other than that he wants to get a certain “job” done, and you can’t know what THAT job is because he’s given you the equivalent paradox to that one-line head-scratcher: “I ALWAYS LIE.” I can’t even say for sure that he ISN’T a conservative, although his history certainly suggests that he isn’t.
No, conservatism” isn’t dead. It just isn’t represented in the 2016 election.
That was yesterday. You just woke up to a whole new day.
David Brock, of Hacks for Hillary, stated over a week ago that there is so much opposition research on Trump they don’t know where to put it all. The left, and that includes much of the media, have just been waiting for Trump to “seal the deal.” Now the knives will come out.
What this election cycle has done is expose those that needed to be exposed (yes, I’m talking about you Matt Drudge, and you, Sean Hannity, and you, Laura Ingram, and you, Breitbart News and you, Fox News). For almost 8 years you have been telling us you were on our side, the side of the Constitution, the side of our government as originally intended, and when you had a chance to prove it, you failed. You showed your true self, your underbelly and how is that working out for you, Fox, as you watch your rating plummet to CNN for the first time in 14 years?
Now the real games begin. The leftist media has not yet begun to take on Donald Trump. Oh, he will still be newsworthy. But not like he has been.
And for 8 years, Republican voters have been saying “You gave Dole, McCain and Romney and we still voted for you. Now you need to give us a true Constitutionalist and we will take the White House.” And what did you do? You supported a man who has never even talked about the Constitution and I doubt has even read it unless it is tattooed on Mrs. Trump’s rump.
You didn’t want a restoration of Constitutional values. You wanted revenge for those you labeled GOPe never once asking yourself who facilitated the GOPe with his donations to their campaigns like the $65,000.00 he gave to Mitch McConnell. No, you’re pissed and you wanted to burn the whole thing down. You didn’t blame the ones responsible, like the idiots in Kentucky who voted for McConnell, or the ones that voted for Boehner, or the ones who donated to their campaigns.
You laughed at the voters who were taken in like lemmings for Obama with his Greek columns. Now who has been taken in? You supported words, not deeds and you will come to rue the day. Hillary is a liar. Trump creates mayhem where ever he goes. One of them will have the nuclear codes.
@retire05: @retire05: You are correct .Conservatives have decried the choice of Mac and Mitt—now given a chance to choose Cruz they AGAIN cave to Trump. Definition of insanity.
BREAKING: John Kasich Is Out, Donald Trump Has No More Challengers For The Republican Nomination
@retire05 #208:
You have my deepest sympathies.
What you so passionately expressed is 100% true.
I’m less concerned that HRC’s wolf pack will eviscerate the Donald than I am over what he might do if he succeeds in fooling everyone ONE LAST TIME.
I KNOW that he isn’t a conservative, but that’s not my big worry. He’s totally unpredictable, a point that led David Koch to suggest that she might be a better choice than Trump. That’s pretty rad…
@George Wells:
I will not vote for Hillary. She’s just another scam artist. But she will win against Trump although there are those who will deny that reality. Those 10% of the Dems in Texas who crossed over to vote for Trump will vote a straight “D” ticket in November. And while the Trumpeteers raved about Trumps wins, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island and Delaware, all go to Hillary in the general.
Trump supporters wanted to send a message. They did. The message they sent was that they are no more concerned about our Party, or remaining a Constitutionalist government than the Dems are.
@George Wells: I have several thoughts about your comment, I’ll start with this one:
Actually, it is. Especially because conservatives in government had abandoned conservatism in favor of retaining their jobs and profiting from illegal deals for furthering agendas, the folks have gotten damn tired of the pseudo conservatives not being conservative so they are someone who can upset their apple cart and renew their vows.
Good write up about Nixon, but I have never been a Nixon fan, I likely voted for him because he was not a Dimocrat, but I never recognized him as a conservative Republican, just as a run of the mill politician.
Hope you enjoy the ‘thrusting’ but I’ll assume you mean ‘trust’. I agree except that I can trust him not to be an absolute crook as Hillary has been. He has been around long enough that would have come out if he were basically dishonest, as she is. I’ve never heard of Trump having people eliminated for getting in his way or willingly violating the law, a la the email server. While I don’t expect Trump to be the answer, I know damn well Hillary isn’t. Everyone knows she’s a crook.
I like that statement. It is one that can never be true, isn’t it? If they always lie, then that sentence can’t be a lie. Right?
@retire05 #212:
The truly disappointing thing here is that, in November, voters are going to have to pick between a snake and a rabid jackal. The Democrats never put a decent prospect in the bull pen, and their contest was always rigged, so I’m not surprised that their end result stinks. But the GOP field was wide open, with a number of qualified candidates who never picked up more than a handful of followers. Maybe there were simply too many good options, but only ONE terrible one, and he ended up winning by default. I’d love to believe that there was some sort of sinister plot among Democrats to invade the GOP primaries and support Trump, but I haven’t seen any evidence of such a successful coordination of that strategy. I think that Dems who voted for Trump really DID like him, and still do. I think that you are correct that there was too much dissatisfaction with “establishment” (insider) Republican politicians this time around, and it translated into an electorate that was willing to cut off its nose to spite its face. Not real smart…
@George Wells:
You get partial credit for that one. It is dissatisfaction with the career pols that have stopped representing the country and basically only represent their own bank accounts and lifetime jobs and pensions. Electing insider politicians such as Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, etc would only exacerbate the problem. When your attic is overrun with rats, you don’t put another rat in charge, you get an exterminator. The Trump train is now loading.
@Redteam #213:
Conservatives who vote for Trump aren’t voting for a conservative. That’s what I meant. Just because conservatives will be voting in November doesn’t mean that who they vote for will represent them. Don’t confuse the two.
I know that you are irrevocably convinced that Hillary is “an absolute crook,” but I’m not convinced that she is anything more than a victim of her own sloppiness and the appetites of those who took political advantage of it. In the philosophy of justice, there is a rather important concept of motive – the consideration of the gain that accrues as a consequence of illegal actions – and I see precious little motive, for instance, in her mishandling of the Benghazi incident. Every explanation I’ve seen that suggests that HRC was deliberately acting AGAINST the interests of America has been too far-fetched to be even remotely believable, and I reach the same conclusion regarding her e-mail server issue. Both issues appear to be – pardon the expression – TRUMPED up for political purposes way beyond their practical significance, and as such do not justify your “absolute crook” label.
Clinton is a politician, Trump is not. Each of them suffer faults that are endemic to their particular walks of life. Politicians lie a whole lot, saying whatever they think will get them elected and KEEP them elected. And a cardinal rule among politicians is that they should NEVER admit to EVER making a mistake. (They think it’s a sign of weakness.) Clinton and Cruz lie a lot, but Trump does too, admitting that he says whatever he NEEDS to say to get the job done. I don’t believe that this makes any of them “absolute crooks.”
Glad that you seem to get the “I always lie” paradox.
@Redteam #215:
I’ll pass, thank you very much.
I don’t know where that train is headed, and neither do you.
You’re being picked up by a hustler in a shiny new car, and you don’t know where that guy is going to take you or what he plans to do with you when you get there. You were too smart to fall for that before. What changed?
@George Wells:
That one, I can’t agree with you on. You were in the Navy and likely had some kind of security clearance. I had a Secret clearance and believe me, I knew that improper handling of Secret material was a crime. Everything she did with her email was a crime and she knew it but thought she was too big to have to follow the rules. They would just have to accommodate her, her time was too important for her to have to follow the rules. But there are so many other issues, this one pales in comparison. Incompetent, that doesn’t even begin to describe her.
@George Wells:
I’m still not ‘sold’ on Trump, but he is way ahead of Hillary. If I vote, it sure won’t be for Hillary, it will be to send a message to the career pols that what they’re doing is not suitable. Hillary would cause absolutely no change in direction unless it were further downhill. Trump will cause a change in direction. Conservative? who cares as long as it breaks up the cabal in Washington.
@Redteam #128 & 219:
That sounds dangerously like the liberal mistake that thinks “ANY change is better than no change.”
Any change is NOT better than no change. You cannot anticipate what Trump might do, and there are a whole range of options that are worse than doing nothing.
Didn’t Colin Powell ALSO have and use a private email server when HE was Sec. of State? Wasn’t what Hillary did common practice? And what criminal motive do you attribute to THEIR choice other than laziness? Considering that the Chinese and God knows who else regularly hack into the Pentagon’s secure nets, and just about everyone else’s, why is anyone upset with Clinton’s server error?
Again: WHAT WAS HER INTENTION? Where is YOUR smoking gun? What criminal ADVANTAGE did she gain? What is your quid-pro-quo?
There is simply nothing there beyond your excitement at having found that she failed to adhere to strict policy details.
I had a top secret security clearance associated with the cryptographic equipment I occasionally worked on, primarily because I would necessarily have access to the classified message traffic it regularly conveyed. I was initially concerned with what the security clearance investigators would find – they DID question friends and neighbors – but they evidently weren’t bothered by the fact that I lied about being gay when I enlisted, and when you consider that “top-secret” clearances are at just about at the bottom of the clearance ladder and that there are literally millions of them, it makes you wonder what all the fuss is about. Members of Congress routinely slip up and publicly reveal classified information that they should have protected, and none of them get hung for it, and Hillary DIDN’T compromise anything. She treated her message traffic the same way Powell did.
I really don’t care WHICH one of them get elected – they are BOTH liberals. You’re going to have a tough time swallowing what EITHER one of them shoves down YOUR throat. You had your chance to support a constitutional conservative, and instead you picked a clown for a good laugh and to let everyone know that you’re pissed. LOL. We get that you were pissed. Now watch how pissed you get when you realize what you’ve done to yourself, and BTW, DON’T BLAME ME!
I know you are angry at those you consider GOPe, but isn’t that a bit like misplaced anger? Do you think Mitch McConnell just continues to be in D.C. because he wants to? Where is your anger at the Kentucky voters that send him to D.C. time, after time, after time, since 1985? Why are you not angry at the money boys that support his campaigns, you know, like Donald Trump who gave McConnell $65,000.00 in 2014 to help get McConnell reelected against true conservative, Matt Bevin?
Yeah, Cruz is an insider, NOT! Trump even ran on the fact that Cruz is NOT an insider and is hated by the GOPe because Cruz, like Mike Lee, will not play their silly games that harm Americans.
No doubt. But do you have any guarantee, or even any indication, it will be for the better. Words are cheap, Redteam. “Make American Great Again” (a slogan stolen from the Reagan/Bush campaign) has no more substance than “Hope and change.”
So you admit there is a “cartel” in D.C.? Odd, since Cruz has been telling you that for years. Where, in any of his actions, did Trump show that he opposes that cartel? Did he do it when he was writing checks to help that cartel stay in office?
You’ve been had, and the sad part is that all of us, not just you, will pay for your blindness.
@kitt: never said a tiger can’t change its stripes
you aid that
you must be hearing those voices in your head
stop listening to them
see a doctor