Hillary had above top secret intel on her server- someone is definitely getting the chop

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image courtesy of hardnoxandfriends

We’ve said it before. The Clinton’s do not believe rules are for them. They think they’re better and smarter than everyone else. They’re insatiably avaricious. They’re dishonest. Let’s review her email lies:

Hillary Clinton, March 2015

“I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material.”

March 10, 2015

“I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”

July 25, 2015:

“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received.”

Clinton had more than 1300 emails containing classified intelligence on her private unsecured server. Now another shoe drops.  Hillary Clinton had emails on her private server that are not just classified, but are considered above top secret.

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton’s emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers.

Fox News exclusively obtained the unclassified letter, sent Jan. 14 from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III. It laid out the findings of a recent comprehensive review by intelligence agencies that identified “several dozen” additional classified emails — including specific intelligence known as “special access programs” (SAP).

That indicates a level of classification beyond even “top secret,” the label previously given to two emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate’s handling of the government’s closely held secrets.

Not one or two- “several dozen” were on the server, including “SAP’s:

Intelligence from a “special access program,” or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as “top secret” – as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton’s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a “need-to-know” because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection — or a human asset — at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated “classified” have been found on Clinton’s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time.

I can’t wait for her to explain how an SAP could not be “classified.” That begs the question- how did this kind of sensitive material get onto her server? We know,though, don’t we? She had someone strip the classified markings and then send them to her from a nonsecure server. They could not have come directly from State, because the State Department is not connected to the outside world. Clinton herself told us in an email how she wanted things:

“If they can’t, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Someone had to take the SAP information, digitally copy it in house and then send to Clinton’s nonsecure server via nonsecure portals. The person who did that has committed a serious crime. As for Hillary, what she did is worse than what David Petraeus did.

According to court documents, former CIA Director David Petraeus was prosecuted for sharing intelligence from special access programs with his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. At the heart of his prosecution was a non-disclosure agreement where Petraeus agreed to protect these closely held government programs, with the understanding “unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention or negligent handling … could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation.” Clinton signed an identical non-disclosure agreement Jan. 22, 2009.

Paula Broadwell had the security clearance to see the information she was given. Clinton’s personal IT guy did not. I doubt Clinton’s pals Mills and Abedin had top secret clearance either.

This makes Hillary’s recent words very poignant:

“There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail.”

Indeed. Hilary’s smugness was met with some particularly sharp responses:




This comes on the heels of the revelation that in 2011 Hillary aides resisted the suggestion from the State Department that Hillary use a government email system instead of her shaky set-up.

About Hillary having above Top secret information on her private server the Obama administration had……nothing to say.

“[The report] makes an allegation that concerns a former secretary, and therefore I think it’s a reasonable thing to ask you about. Are you in a position to say anything about whether you believe there may have been information classified at that level, which I gather is beyond top secret on her home email server, or deny it, you know?” Mohammed asked.

Kirby again declined to say whether Clinton sent SAP information on her server.

“I’m not in a position to comment any more than what I’ve already done here. I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave it at how I left it,” Kirby said.

Kirby is a complete and total embarrassment to the military.

I am looking forward to our liberal friends attempt to dismiss this as nothing. It ain’t nothing. No one is too big to jail. Hillary might yet prove to be impressively prescient. I think I asked this once before- will Mills or Abedin fall on the sword for Clinton? Stay tuned.

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The administration still wants to go after Petreaus years after he pleaded guilty and was punished. His security violations absolutely pale in comparison to Hillary’s. In addition, if you want to talk about service to this country, there is no comparison. One served in uniform for over 30 years and implemented a strategy that won a war and saved countless American lives. The other can’t even name one success she had as Sec of State. She also left her people hung out to dry in Benghazi.

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. Will she be held to be above the law like Lynch and Holder or will she be handed an orange jump suit? She does seem to be sucking up to Obama as of late. Then again, there is no love lost between the Obama’s and Clinton’s and if she ends up indicted it’ll pave the way for Biden or Warren to step in, both of whom Obama probably prefers to Hillary.

If you work in a barnyard you get used to the stink. Liberals seems to love wallowing in the Clinton barnyard and get very upset if anyone outside of it points out the stink.

Government secrecy is a big and expensive business—and it’s getting bigger and more costly. Last year, the federal government spent more than $6.5 billion classifying and declassifying federal records. It marked 14.2 million documents as “Top Secret,” “Secret” or “Classified,” putting them under lock and key for a minimum of 10 years. The rate of classification—up 26 percent in 2003 and more than 40 percent since 9/11—is almost double that during the last several years of the Clinton presidency.
Secrecy is trickling down to many state and local lawmakers as well as with efforts to close records and meetings. And audits conducted by news organizations in several states this past year showed that only half of state and local officials complied with existing open records laws.
Lord knows if that variance granted for the neighbors garage could bring down the country
Indeed, one reason the shroud of secrecy that covers Washington today is so frightening is because it’s become so routine. Secrecy is the standard, not the exception. Any presumption of transparency has been lost.
You think Hillary would have known this admin doesnt want anyone outside the government loop to ever know anything about the going ons.

@another vet:

She does seem to be sucking up to Obama as of late.

As my wife pointed out to me yesterday, Hillary seems to make it a point to say, at every opportunity, that she will carry on the policies of Obama… something Obama is addicted to. So, it boils down to just HOW much Obama despises Hillary.

Obama will not allow an indictment if Hillary is the front runner. If she continues to sink in the polls however, we MIGHT see an indictment. She’ll never see the wrong sided of prison bars, though. Clinton Foundation bucks will see to that.

@Bill: Her “explanations” of what she did are right in line with, “It depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.” While Bill may have gotten away with it, Hillary will have a harder time. For one, she is nowhere near as well liked as Bill was. For another, the 90’s where “the feel good decade”. People were happy about the economy and that there weren’t any wars going on (which was b.s) and therefore the direction of the country even though a lot of it was a mirage since the policies of the 90’s set the stage for 9/11 and the housing market crash. The mood of the past decade is different. People are pissed which is why Trump and Sanders are where they are. We shall see what happens. I do have a hard time believing that the most politically corrupt Justice Department we’ve had is going to do anything.

Gee Dr J I hope this doesn’t turn out to be another big disappointment to you.
Isn’t this about like the 8th time you have expected Clinton to be prosecuted?

There is no such thing as “above” Top Secret, just Top Secret with additional qualifiers (e.g., TS/SI, TS/CISP, TS/ISSA), all of which serve to “compartmentalize” access of classified information.

@john: Expecting the most corrupt regime ever to hold power in the United States to serve justice and prosecute someone even though they be a prominent party member IS a tall order, I will admit. I really don’t know how the Doc could imagine such a thing. I know I would be greatly surprised.

That’s not to say, however, that by all rights, she should not already be rotting in jail.

It’s above Top Secret to such a degree that no one can ever be told what it is. Just take our word for it.

Yeah, right. It’s probably about our secret alliance with the hollow earth reptilians, or maybe our highly classified weaponized unicorn program.

Is this not the same Intelligence Agency watchdog that previously claimed Clinton had mishandled information about a Top Secret satellite program, which it later turned out had already been openly discussed in public media over a year previously?

@Greg: So, it’s your view that the IG is just making this up. I see.

Fact is where it was stored is the real issue and it isn’t hers to decide how it should be handled. Black ops gun running to terrorists alien lizard people documents need to be kept under wraps by the smoking man, a guy with higher security than the Prez hisself. Not on a server in somebodys kitchen closet that doesnt have the security clearance to be a guard a polka concert.

@Bill, #10:

So, it’s your view that the IG is just making this up. I see.

It’s my view that this particular IG will state that certain e-mails contain highly classified information when they may only make references to highly classified programs that are already public knowledge. This is my view because that’s already been demonstrated to be the case.

For example, certain details of our drone strike program that remain classified are already public knowledge, thanks to leaks that violated security protocol. Such information has sometimes been widely distributed in the media. If a newspaper article making reference to such information was cited in or attached to an e-mail forwarded to Hillary Clinton, that e-mail would itself be deemed by the IG to be classified.

The right would cheerfully crucify Clinton for an e-mail quoting information that appeared in a Time magazine article as a result of the irresponsible actions of an Edward Snowdon or Julian Assange. This is total bullshit, and I’m going to point that out every time such an effort is made. Pointing it out seems like a patriotic duty, considering the who the GOP may offer as an alternative to Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

@Bill: She is hoping to get a pardon.

With our Sec of State freely throwing our government classified information around on an unclassified server, no wonder there are so many leaks in the government. That is precisely why there are regulations to require classified info to be handled in a particular way. Of course, ignorant people would use an argument that the emails are not classified because someone already leaked the information. They need a pointy hat and to sit in the corner.

@Greg: Your view doesn’t count Greggie, your credibility is less than Bull Shit!!

@Greg: Oh, yes. I see. I can see exactly what you are saying.

When charges are made against a Republican, they are always true. A Republican, for instance, that outed and already outed CIA employee (whether they did it or not), why even have a trial? Just imprison them. Same for any accusations made against a Republican Speaker of the House is accused of impropriety, it doesn’t matter if he’s guilty… just keep him in court forever. Same goes for accusing a Republican Governor of simply doing his job… indict him so he carries that taint on his campaign efforts.

Accusing a Republican of lying, though no proof or evidence of any lies exists means, of course, that the Republican lied. However, accusing a Democrat of lying (or, rather, pointing out the obvious lies by comparing a recent statement with one not so recent) is driven purely by racism.

Likewise, if a Democrat is charged with any impropriety… regardless of how criminally corrupt she has been throughout her entire public life, or the avalanche of evidence, or the proven lies, excuses and failures… all it takes to justify lap dog-like support of her are a few excuses and lame explanations which, by the way, continually contradict one another and known facts, and all is forgiven!

Yeah, I see it now. Thanks, Greg.

Hillary’s fans–here and elsewhere–are starting to have to whistle VERY loudly as they pass the graveyard. When the mainstream now commonly discusses Bill’s history of abuse and rape, and the question isn’t about whether Hillary did something wrong with her emails but HOW illegal it all is, those who find this useless woman appealing have no defense–none at all.

It’s fun watching them twist and turn to defend these yahoos, who’ve added nothing to the nation for their time in power.

Who’ve added nothing to the nation for their time in power? I don’t think you even want to go there, given the fact that your republican majority House and Senate have accomplished absolutely nothing after a year in control of Congress. They still haven’t even taken up the matter of authorizing the President to use military force against a terrorist organization that’s slaughtering innocent people on a routine basis, and has vowed to bring terrorism to the American homeland. How utterly useless and politically spineless do you have to be to evade your legislative responsibilities in connection with something like that?

And what is the GOP getting ready to offer America to replace a President that has been carrying on the fight without the support of Congress? A cartoon character, apparently, just endorsed by an even more ludicrous cartoon character.

@Greg: Greegie, what legislation currently prohibits Obola from fighting ISIS?? Oh right NONE!! As far as your ridiculous accusation of Republicans NOT dong anything you forget how many times they have tried to repeal Obolacare, or pass a balanced budget, and of course attempt to prevent Obola from the violation of our 2nd Amendment rights and that’s just for starters!! If Democrats where so good why are they OUT Greggie?? Oh right, America booted them out in historic numbers!!

The lefty bull about “The Republicans have fought Obama every moment” is laughable. Yes, the democrats were SO committed to making Bush’s (and Bush 1’s, and Reagan’s, etc.) presidencies successes, weren’t they? Day and night, Kennedy, Kerry, and the rest of them were out there praising Bush, demanding Americans get behind his policies. Why, Kennedy was calling Afghanistan a quagmire A MONTH INTO IT because he was trying to HELP Bush, and HELP America!

Snortin’ Barry had a democrat house and senate for two years–that’s two YEARS. And after tossing out a TRILLION dollars to his union buddies–and digging us deeper into debt–he LAUGHED about it. The man from the faculty lunch room had complete freedom to do what he liked.

America listened. And ever since, the democrats have LOST the House, LOST the senate, LOST their position as the majority party in state houses, LOST their majorities of state legislatures.

I know this is a shocking thing for democrats to learn, but see, people who don’t like the choom president have rights, too. They get to vote, and although the dems would love nothing more than to cheat their way to power, Americans who voted for republican representatives and senators deserve to have their views supported by their elected officials, too. See, that’s how the system works–they don’t like the president’s party, they put the other party in power in the house, senate, etc….and then those guys get to vote AGAINST the president. I know this is a surprise to you, but it’s true, it ISN’T just democrats who get to vote their own way.

You know what most folks who oppose the pot-smoker and the idiot wife of the rapist? They want to be left ALONE. They don’t demand the government take money from someone else, they don’t demand “programs” that are job programs for loser democrat voters. They want someone to get in their and stop screwing them, and stop lecturing them about why they deserve to be screwed and should enjoy being screwed by rich liberals like Liz Warren and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. They want all those people to go away and get off their back.

But folks like the Obama junkies who post here simply can’t get that. They think if they don’t watch out, then the American people will starve the poor and abandon veterans–except that’s what Obama has done, you just don’t see it written about while a Dem is in the White House. Liberals talk all this b.s. about their humanity and others’ ‘selfishness,’ but as someone who has worked in social services and seeing how government interference and rules screw the poor, the vets, the homeless, I know what cretins folks like Warren, Sanders and their ilk truly are, and why we cannot let them gain anymore of a foothold than they have now. WE DON’T NEED YOU PEOPLE. We can run our own lives. Go away.

“And what is the GOP getting ready to offer America to replace a President that has been carrying on the fight without the support of Congress? ”

This has already been refuted nicely in the post above mine, but this here is a perfect example of the crap dems and libs toss out disingenuously. Somehow Obama’s managed to keep golfing and bitching while ‘carrying on the fight’–I can’t even go on, that image is too fricking funny. That wuss in the White House fighiting anyone while he screws our wounded vets and acts all shocked that it happened under a VA that is HIS responsibility. LOL You’re a joke.


They still haven’t even taken up the matter of authorizing the President to use military force against a terrorist organization that’s slaughtering innocent people on a routine basis, and has vowed to bring terrorism to the American homeland.

First, he already HAS the authorization. However, he wants a new one that RESTRICTS him and future Presidents with action and time constraints. No, he won’t be getting that. What he WANTS is something to blame his failure on and there is nothing there but HIM.

The Clintons Know how to Lie, Mislead, Deceive, and Manipulate, and they Know how to Cover up their Crimes, with Blackmail, Intimidation, or with Bribes.

This is why there are Republican Voters and Democrat Voters who do Not want Hillary Clinton be President of America.

Hillary Clinton and Bill Secret Harem Clinton are the Masters of Deception, and they use every type Trickery to Deceive People.

There are Many People who think that Bill Clinton had a Secret Harem decades ago, and that he Had or Invented those Affairs to Deceive People regarding his Secret Harem.

It is Entirely Possible that Some of those Affairs were either made up Lies, and I do Not discount that it is possible that even Monica Lewinsky was Paid by the Clintons to either Lie, or to do what she did with Hillary Clinton arranging the Affair, before the Affair or the Sham Affair took place.

It would Not surprise me in the least that the Clintons wanted the Media Attention and the Ken Starr Investigation, and the Impeachment Process in order to try to Deceive Many Americans, with regards to Bill Clinton’s Secret Harem, because Americans would say that if Bill Clinton had a Secret Harem, then he would not need those Affairs.

If there is one thing that some People Know how to do, and that is that friends can Pretend to be opponents, and opponents can Pretend to be friends, and they can do this for Free, but if they have been Bribed, or if they have a Vested Interest then they can do that so that Most of the People are Fooled Most of the time, even though there are a Very few Americans who are Not Fooled Most of the time, by Professional Liars, Schemers, and Deceivers.

There are Americans who think that it is Logical that the Bush and Clinton Dictatorship of America began in 1981 with the Puppet Actor and Deceiver Ronald Reagan who was In Reality the Vice President to the first President George Bush.

The First President Bush was the son of an American Senator and Wall Street Banker and CIA Director, and so those with Sufficient Discernment Know that Reagan was his Puppet.

It is Interesting how Barack Obama’s earnings as a Politician amount to that of a Senator’s salary of 175,000 Dollars a year for 4 years, and then on the President’s salary of 400,000 Dollars a year for 7 years, which is a little over 3 million Dollars total before Tax and Expenses.

However, and Somehow, President Barack Obama was able to buy a 35 Million Dollar Mansion in Hawaii, and there are People who think that Hillary Clinton gave Obama Money to Bribe who ever Needed to be Bribed.

There Independent Journalists who have Presented Evidence that the 2012 Presidential Election was rigged: Top 10 Facts Proving Election Was Rigged at http://www.westernjournalism.com/top-10-facts-proving-election-was-rigged/ , and there are People who think that the Clintons were Responsible for that.

Hillary Clinton is the Dominant of the Clintons, and she was the Real President of America during the Vice Presidency of Bill Clinton, because Bill Secret Harem Clinton had other Pursuits, and Hillary Clinton created her Puppet Obama Administration, and she has been and she Continues to Issue Decrees to Obama by means of Secret Emails.

A very few Americans Know these Facts, but Most Americans were Deceived and Continue to be Deceived by the Puppet Obama Administration, which is really the Hillary Clinton Administration.

Bill Secret Harem Clinton was Impeached in December 1998, and Improperly acquitted by Corrupt Democrat Senators in February 1999, and Hillary Rotten Clinton and Bill Secret Harem Clinton began an Illegal and Immoral War Based Entirely on Lies on Serbia in March of 1999 to Deflect Media Attention away from Bill Clinton at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_and_acquittal_of_Bill_Clinton , and at http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/mar/21/tenquestionsonslobodanmilo .

The Artist who painted the Official Bill Clinton Portrait said he painted the Portrait using the shadow of a mannequin in a Blue Dress in that Portrait, and this was a Reference to Monica Lewinsky.

The Clinton’s have Plenty of Money and can give References for future work for Discreet Artists who can Lie and Keep a Secret, and there are People who think that the Sick Minds of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton asked for that Reference to Monica Lewinsky’s Blue Dress, and that the Artist is lying when he says that it was his own doing at http://news.yahoo.com/bill-clinton-portrait-monica-lewinsky-shadow-191836348.html , and at https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Monica+Lewinsky%27s+Blue+Dress&biw=1280&bih=653&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi66IG5krvKAhWGHpQKHQmhBDMQ_AUIBigB .

There are People who think that the Clintons Secretly gave Guidelines on Designing the Flag of Kosovo, which has Many Similarities to Monica Lewinsky’s Blue Dress, and that the Flag of Kosovo was Designed by the Sick and Arrogant Minds of President Hillary Rotten Clinton and Bill Secret Harem Clinton at http://www.printableworldflags.com/flag/456 .

Monica Lewinsky’s Blue Dress is like the Blue Color of the Flag of Kosovo, and Monica Lewinsky’s Blue Dress had a trail of white semen on it, and we notice there is a trail of white stars on the Flag of Kosovo.

Many Europeans do Not like the Clintons, and the Clintons Will Harm America’s Image and Interests in the World.

There are Many American Voters who think that it is Proper for Americans to Vote for anyone except for Hillary Clinton, because Americans should Respect America.

There is a considerable difference between the Dictatorships of the first and the second Bush Presidents and the Clintons, because unlike the Clinton Dictatorship, these are different People, but the Puppet Bill Secret Harem Clinton Administration, along with Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Obama Administration, was and is the Hillary Clinton Dictatorship.

Americans want Honest Government, and they will Not find this with Hillary Clinton, and this is why there are Many Democrat Voters who are Americans first, and Democrats second, and they want Anyone But Clinton, because they want Honest Government for America.

@Greg:#18 Darn it get of that horse, you should be singing the praises of this congress they have given the dictator everything he has wished for except repeal of the 2nd. Its past the point where there are 2 parties, now its the progressive elites mud slinging at each other to see who can get the only good healthcare plan left in America and untouchable pensions.
Live like emperors

@Common Sense, #19:

Greegie, what legislation currently prohibits Obola from fighting ISIS?? Oh right NONE!!

That legislation would be The War Powers Resolution of 1973, which forbids the President of the United States from using military force for more than 120 days, including a 30 day withdrawal period, without having obtained a Congressional authorization or there being a declaration of war.

The republican-controlled House has refused to discuss or to vote on Obama’s request for authorization to use military force against ISIS, which he formally submitted nearly a year ago.

United States military forces are presently conducting warfare against ISIS only because Obama has taken it upon himself to continue doing so in the absence of required Congressional approval. If it were not for Obama, there wouldn’t be a damn thing the United States would be doing to address the threat of a powerful terrorist organization that has vowed to bring terrorism to the American homeland.

That’s the reality of the situation. The President has acted to protect the nation. Congress has not. Congress done nothing but attack the person who has taken action. These dangerous idiots are convinced that the nation’s primary enemy is its own democratically elected President. They’ve taken dysfunctional government to an entirely new level.

I’ve lost track of how many times they’ve repealed Obamacare. Do they know any useful tricks? Because this particularly useless one became tedious a long while back. Perhaps they could declare the Moon to be U.S. territory or something.

I do not recall the administrative branch (For ignorant trolls, that means the branch of US government responsible for actual execution of policy.) When he needs additional authority, the chief administrator (POTUS) is required to send a request to the Legislative branch for their approval. When dis this POTUS request the legislative branch that he needed authorization to do anything? One of you trolls give me a date please. (By date, I am looking for a day on the calendar, not an opportunity to escort an female to some event)

@Randy, #27:

The Letter from the President — Authorization for the Use of United States Armed Forces in connection with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, was submitted to Congress on February 11, 2015.

A suggested Joint Resolution conferring and delineating the scope of that authority was attached for Congress’s consideration.

If the wording of that document was not to their liking, Congress had the option of drafting a Joint Resolution of their own. Being a legislative body, writing such a resolution is one of their primary function.

What they did was absolutely nothing. They didn’t officially approve or disapprove. They didn’t rewrite a resolution as they believed it should be written. They wouldn’t even allow the matter to be debated on the floor.

So, if Obama wanted to take any action against ISIL, he had to do it on his own. He did so and he continues to do so. And Congress—which has continued to refuse to do anything whatsoever—criticizes and nitpicks, claims he does nothing, or claims that what he does is not enough or totally meaningless. All the while howling that the jihadists are coming to get us, so you’d better vote for them if you want to be safe.

American Voters have seen that Hillary Clinton relies on style over substance, and this is shown by having entertainment stars endorse her, and these People do Not understand Economics, and so there are Democrat Voters who want to hear the Economic Policies of the Democrat Candidates.

Democrat Voters do Not want Hillary Clinton to be President, and it is Not because Hillary Clinton is a woman, but firstly because Hillary Clinton is the wrong type of woman, and because she has already been the Secret President of America for 15 years so far, during the time of the Vice Presidency of Bill Secret Harem Clinton, and her Puppet Obama Administration, which she has done with Secret Decrees, which are issued by Secret Emails.

Hillary Clinton wants to Manipulate the American Voters by suggesting that if they do not Vote for a woman, then this will show the World what Americans think of women, but this is again another one of Clinton’s Deceptions, and we will see if American Voters will allow themselves to be influenced by this Corrupt Unprincipled Manipulator.

We have already seen what Hillary Clinton and Bill Secret Harem Clinton think of women, and so if Hillary Clinton does receive the Democrat nomination to become Presidential Candidate, then this will show what Americans think of women.

This is because those who do not Vote for Hillary Clinton, will show what they think of a Corrupt and Incompetent Politician that Constantly Lies, and who Arrogantly thinks she is Entitled to be a Criminal, and who Cannot be Trusted, and so is Not worthy of being elected to Public Office at at

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever


These Concerned Democrats believe that Hillary Clinton is a Real Liability for America and for the Democrats, and that is why they want Anyone But Clinton as their Presidential Candidate.

These Democrat Voters Know that there is a Chance for a Democrat President if the nomination from the Democrats is Anyone But Clinton.

These Democrat Voters do Not want Election Campaign Funds to be Unnecessarily Wasted by the Email President Hillary Clinton on Undermining another Democrat Candidate who has a Real Chance of becoming President, especially if Hillary Clinton Donates the Money she intended on Spending on her own Campaign.

These Democrat Voters think that Democrat Voters have Given Hillary Clinton and Bill Secret Harem Clinton much over the years, and that it is up to Hillary Clinton and Bill Secret Harem Clinton to give something to America, and American Voters are Reluctant to Vote for a Divided Democrat Party.

There are Democrats Voters who are Americans first, and they want Policies that are Good for America, and they Know that Hillary Clinton is Bad for America, and so these Democrat Voters will either Vote for the Republican Candidate for President, or they may Not vote on Election Day, if Hillary Clinton receives the Democrat nomination for Presidential Candidate.

This is why there are People who think that Democrats should Not vote for Hillary Clinton in the Primaries, because if Hillary Clinton contests the Presidential Election and looses, then it will have deprived an Honest Democrat from a Real Chance to become a Democrat President.

As Usual, the Establishment Hillary Clinton Lied Again, and said that Senator Sanders is an Establishment Politician, and that he will be unable to implement some of his Economic Policies if he becomes President, but if Senator Sanders is an Establishment Politician, then his Establishment Economic Policies have been already been implemented by other Establishment Politicians such as Hillary Clinton.

If Senator Sanders becomes the next President of America, then the Congress will have to Acknowledge that he has a Mandate for at least some of his Economic Policies, and he will be able to make what Many Democrats consider to be modest but worthwhile changes to America’s current Economic Policies, and we Know that Hillary is an Establishment Politician.

There is much Proof that Hillary Clinton is a Schemer, a Hardened Liar, a Professional Excuse Maker, an Unprincipled Manipulator, and a Criminal, and the Proof is the Numerous Clinton Scandals.

Hillary Clinton is a female, but she is not a woman as Many People would define the word woman, because the Evidence Proves what Hillary Clinton is, and this is why there are Republican and Democrat Voters who think that it is Proper for Americans Voters to Vote for anyone except Hillary Clinton, because Americans should Respect America.


The Letter from the President — Authorization for the Use of United States Armed Forces in connection with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, was submitted to Congress on February 11, 2015.

Obama already has his authorization. Even some liberals thinks he does.


The entire argument is that ISIS is not al Qaeda, even though it spawned from al Qaeda. Since al Qaeda has said it disassociates itself from ISIS means nothing; we should not allow some terrorist organization to dictate our policy. ISIS is still al Qaeda if we consider it so.

But Obama, afraid of his own shadow when it comes to taking action that might damage his reputation as a pu$$y, wants an excuse to do nothing and asking for an AUMF that severely restricts his actions and the actions of his successors is simply a political tactic to do just that.

Obama makes his own bed when he continues to carry the attitude “I won, you lost”. with him. It kind off dampens any discussion. There is only one way and that is Obama’s way negates all the input from congress. Now Obama must live with his arrogance and PP decisions! So must we and most of the World.

@Greg: You do realize the IG in question, far from being a right winger, is actually an Obama appointee, don’t you? Once again, your idiocy is showing!

@Me, #33:

Where did I say he was a right winger?

What I said was that, in the case of past Clinton e-mails, the IG in question has made no distinction between mention of highly classified information that actually remains a secret and highly classified information that has become public knowledge and has been openly discussed in the media.

Anyone who believes that Clinton mishandled Top Secret material based on e-mail references to material that had already appeared and been discussed in public media is an idiot. I’ll give most on the right more credit than that, however. The problem is that they haven’t given any thought to what the evidence actually is. The focus of the media campaign against Clinton isn’t on evidence. It’s on piling on endless accusations, and on constantly asserting that evidence is there without presenting any.


What I said was that, in the case of past Clinton e-mails, the IG in question has made no distinction between mention of highly classified information that actually remains a secret and highly classified information that has become public knowledge and has been openly discussed in the media.

Are you aware that some of the information discovered on Hillary’s email has to be redacted because the investigators do not have sufficient clearance to see it? Does that sound like information already made public?

You are reaching the end, Greg. Eventually, you will come to the conclusion that Hillary lied.

@Bill, #30:

Obama already has his authorization. Even some liberals thinks he does.

This is weak effort to rationalize Congress’s negligence in the face of a serious threat. The Joint Resolution in question of September 18, 2001 clearly states who Bush was authorized to use force against in the first line, stating the resolution’s purpose:

To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States. <>

The resolution is very specific a few paragraphs further on:

In General.–That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized,
committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.

ISIL did not launch the 9/11 attacks. ISIL isn’t al Qaeda. ISIl didn’t even exist at that point in time. The September 18 resolution did not give all future presidents authority to conduct any military actions deemed necessary against any Middle Eastern adversaries at any point in the future. Such an interpretation makes no sense.

@Bill, #35:

Of course parts are being redacted. In their zeal to destroy Clinton, her opponents have forced thousands of official internal communications to and from a recent Secretary of State to be hung out for public viewing, like laundry on a line.

The rationale?

Hey, there might be something in there that should be—you know, secret—that she put at risk by using a private e-mail server.

The underlying stupidity of this entire political exercise is stunning.

Parts are redacted because Clinton endangered the lives of many individual human sources.


ISIL did not launch the 9/11 attacks. ISIL isn’t al Qaeda. ISIl didn’t even exist at that point in time.

ISIS IS al Qaeda… that’s where they came from and, regardless of the political necessity, perhaps you can bring yourself to admit that it WAS al Qaeda that launched the 9/11 attacks.

in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.

Maybe you shouldn’t have included that part.

In their zeal to destroy Clinton, her opponents have forced thousands of official internal communications to and from a recent Secretary of State to be hung out for public viewing, like laundry on a line.

So, you believe the Obama administration is the conspiracy? The last time I looked, this is the administration’s DOJ, the FBI is part of the DOJ and the FBI is leading this investigation, along with the Obama-appointed IG.

Why are you not complaining about Obama lying about Hillary?

If Obama can’t fight ISIS without congressional approval, what has he been claiming credit for doing for over a year?

He crows about how ‘we’ve CONTAINED ISIS’–how can he do this if he’s been sitting around waiting for congress to give him permission to do anything?

Which is it: Has Obama contained ISIS, or has Obama done nothing because that danged congress has stopped him at every step, those darned wiley Republicans?

One or the other–has he contained them or done nothing because of congress?

@JSW: Congress has not changed his diaper.


He gets up there, and he’s so damned bitchy, with his little speeches about getting along, and then his little jabs. He’s like the kid who talks big because his parents are around, who says nothing and hopes the tough kids don’t notice him when there are no adults to save him from the ass-whuppin’ his big yap deserves. He’s the definition of ‘girly man’ in that he doesn’t talk straight, he doesn’t say what he really believes, and he does all of his crap with signing statements and executive orders while claiming to be so democratic. The guy makes my skin crawl, he’s so damned weak and passive-aggressive.

@Randy: @JSW: All Obama cares about is having someone to blame for his failure. He is certain he is going to fail because he is smart enough to realize that what he wants to do, be it in national defense, the economy, health care, gun control or fighting terrorism, has never worked before and most likely will not work this time, so he lays the groundwork for blaming the inevitable failure.

@Bill: Obama and Hillary and the rest of this disgusting mob think America needs to be rebooted. In the new version, it will do communism right. I used to mock people who said such things about democrats, but now I mock those who deny it.

@JSW: Excellent points. It highlights the double talk of him and his sheep.

@another vet, @Randy, @JSW –

If you were to take politics out of the equation (which would be a feat in itself), we have an administration that continually underestimates, misunderstands, and misinterprets what is before them. It could be incompetence or naiveté, but they certainly see everything through a completely different lens.

@David:For starters, Obama has an issue with this country. He feels the need to “chop it down to size” and will do whatever it takes to mold it into his neo-Marxist image of what it should be. Therefore, him and his administration have no respect for our laws or Constitution. Given the free reign Congress and SCOTUS have given him, he probably feels pretty invincible. We are now a constitutional republic on paper only. The Constitution and rule of law need not apply.

@another vet #47 –

He has truly opened the Pandora’s Box by the manner he has run things as a president (I loathe to say govern, and rule gives him too much credit). Any future president who doesn’t get their way will be sorely tempted to do the same like Obama.

BTW, I talked to one of my old teammates who’s still on the job. He says the security situation is unbelievably bad. Iraq, 2005-07, was in better shape than it is now. A lot of disarray. Same for A-stan, times 1000. He said everything has been pissed away.

@JSW, #40:

If Obama can’t fight ISIS without congressional approval, what has he been claiming credit for doing for over a year?

The nation is faced with a serious threat. The President is acting without required Congressional authority, because Congress has refused to act at all. This sort of inaction is one of the behaviors that defines the phrase, “worse than useless.”

Fortunately, while republicans have rendered the Congress that they have now controlled for over a year totally dysfunctional, the Executive Branch is still working. The Executive Branch is the part of the United States government that actually does useful things. The Legislative Branch has become the part of the United States government that is paid by the taxpayers to impede the Executive Branch and conduct political theater at public expense, while refusing to legislatively address any of the nation’s actual problems.

@David: What a loser. And what’s even worse is that there are still people who worship the ground he walks on. A cult of personality.