Chris Matthews asked if he’s lost that tingling feeling

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“You never close your eyes any more when I kiss your lips

And there’s no tingling like before between your legs…”

Time for a palate cleanser, so to speak. Remember when Chris Matthews said he had an orgasm got a tingle up his leg whenever Obama spoke?


Well, he got asked about that the other night



We still don’t know the answer. Seemed like a fair enough question.




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Hey, be fair. Who LIKES having the ridiculously stupid things they say thrown back at them? Poor Chris…

Isn’t it just coincidental that the audio portion of the video has been malencoded such that it plays back with a 30 dB cut? “technical problem.”

@Bill: With as much stupidity Matthews has generated, you’d think he’d be prepared for it.

There seems to be no accounting for what makes a ‘thrill run up a leg’. Strangest things.