What happened in France is likely to happen in the US, thanks to Obama and Kerry- UPDATED

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A Syrian passport has been recovered near the body of one of the Paris attackers.

You know what we need? More of this in the US:

BERLIN — The Obama administration will increase the number of worldwide refugees the United States accepts each year to 100,000 by 2017, a significant increase over the current annual cap of 70,000, Secretary of State John Kerry said.

“This step that I am announcing today, I believe, is in keeping with the best tradition of America as a land of second chances and a beacon of hope,” Mr. Kerry said, adding that it “will be accompanied by additional financial contributions” for the relief effort.

70,000 per year isn’t enough:

Under the new plan, the limit on annual refugee visas would be increased to 85,000 in 2016. The cap would then rise to 100,000 the following year.

We can’t properly vet those kind of numbers. Mike McCaul, Chairman of House Homeland Security committee, said back in April:

“When I had a hearing on this, the assistant director of the FBI testified that it’s a major problem, and frankly, I don’t think Homeland Security supports this either. And the FBI, I know they do not — strongly, because you can’t properly vet these individuals, because they don’t have the proper database,” he said Tuesday.

He added, “So they don’t have the proper vetting on who these people are, and if you don’t know who they are and you bring them into the country, that poses a threat.”

Well before the announced increase in refugee admittance, the FBI admitted:

Obama plans to bring 10,000 additional Syrian Refugees to the U.S. this year, yet the FBI has already said they do not have a way to properly vet the refugees, which could cause a threat to national security.

“We don’t have it under control,” Mr. Michael Steinback, Assistant Director for the FBI told the House Homeland Security committee in February. “Absolutely, we’re doing the best we can. If I were to say that we had it under control, then I would say I know of every single individual traveling. I don’t. And I don’t know every person there and I don’t know everyone coming back. So it’s not even close to being under control.”

Mike McCaul asked Steinbeck:

The chairman of the Homeland Security committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), asked officials from DHS, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), “if bringing in Syrian refugees pose a greater risk to Americans?” Steinback responded, “Yes, I’m concerned. We’ll have to go take a look at those lists and go through all of those intelligence holdings and be very careful to try and identify connections to foreign terrorist groups.”

Last week Rep. McCaul renewed the concern that ISIS wants to use the refugee crisis to sneak into western countries. “The President wants to surge thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States, in spite of consistent intelligence community and federal law enforcement warnings that we do not have the intelligence needed to vet individuals from the conflict zone. We also know that ISIS wants to use refugee routes as cover to sneak operatives into the West,” he said in a statement.

In Early September Nigel Farage said

“When ISIS say they will use the migrant tide to flood Europe with 500,000 of their own jihadists, I think we better listen.”

ISIS claims to already have inserted 4000 terrorists posing as refugees into Europe.

The FBI cannot properly vet the numbers of “refugees” being brought into this country now. Obama and Kerry plan on significant increases in those numbers. This is unacceptable and it all but guarantees what is happening in France will happen in the US. Obama is speeding up the process of making sure those Syrians get into the US.

Hillary Clinton already told ISIS that she would not declare war on them.

ISIS is seeking to establish a caliphate in the Middle East and likely harbors the dream of going on to conquering the world. They are the cause of the refugee crisis in Syria. There are two choices to deal with the refugee crisis. Either treat the symptoms or treat the disease. If a patient contracts cancer, it can be treated with pain medication until the patient dies or the cancer can be excised. The choices in Syria are two: import the entire population of the Syria into the Europe and the US or destroy ISIS. Now.

If he wasn’t such an idiot, Obama would forge a coalition with Turkey, Russia, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and even his pals in Iran and create a force to ferret out and terminate ISIS as ruthlessly as ISIS has treated its captives. The problem is, Obama has been too busy knocking over secular dictators, who while not ideal, stuffed ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Americans who leave this nation to fight for ISIS (and are perhaps trained by ISIS) are allowed simply to return when they’re of a mind to do so. Now we’re going to import a quarter of a million Syrians without proper vetting into the US.

There’s nothing to worry about, says Obama, since ISIS is contained. They’re the JV, right? The war on terror is over, right?

It’s hard to imagine a more arrogant and stupid President. Or perhaps he really doesn’t want to defeat ISIS. Obama has two kids. You’d think he’d worry about the kind of world he’s molding for them. Or maybe things are going just as he wants them.

This war is upon us. It is in the country now. It has the form of refugees for the moment, but if our current policy continues it will be much more than that.


At least two of the Paris attackers are “migrants”

It’s not a question of Americans dying any longer. The only question is how many will have to die before Obama and his band of goddam idiots get a clue.


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For what its worth, French authorities are claiming these French Muslim terrorists spoke French like natives, not like immigrants.
Also that the foreign passports found near two bodies of terrorists are likely fakes.

Now, France is still declaring war on ISIS over this attack.
As a NATO member nation, the USA should also be at war with ISIS.

Will similar things happen here?
We thwart attacks all the time!
Just the other day a jihadist was stopped before he could destroy Christian churches.
Also November 12, 2015, “Akron man arrested on a terrorism charge.” http://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/index.ssf/2015/11/akron_man_arrested_on_terroris.html
He was publishing photos, addresses and military branch of members of our military on a Tumblr account.
He quoted this:

“O Brothers in America, know that the jihad against the crusaders is not limited to the lands of the Khilafah, it is a world-wide jihad and their war is not just a war against the Islamic State, it is a war against Islam…Know that it is wajib (translated to “necessary”) for you to kill these kuffar! and now we have made it easy for you by giving you addresses, all you need to do is take the final step, so what are you waiting for? Kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe…”

PS, he worked in an Ohio hospital where, god knows, he could have hastened the deaths of many people!

By secular dictators did you mean Saddam??
As for Ghaddafi the USa was a very minor partner the heavy lifting most of the bombing and boots on the ground was done by France and Britain.
ISIS was born into the Iraq that Bush destabilized and you now act surprised that you didn’t see Iraq devolving into fanatical conservative religious states like ou ally Saudi Arabia ?

One thing people like Obama and Kerry have that the rest of us don’t… armed security and walled homes. For them, getting that climate scam for the eternal income going is more important than protecting a bunch of people they don’t like anyway.

You are a broken record. It’s always Bush’s fault. For the record AGAIN Obama/Biden claimed Iraq would be known as one of their greatest successes.
It hasn’t turned out that way now has it? Put that in your bong and take a big hit of reality.


Now we’re going to import a quarter of a million Syrians without proper vetting into the US.
. . . .
It’s hard to imagine a more arrogant and stupid President.

You know, I know, everyone reading this knows, even Obama knows, – – – there is no way to confirm identification of individuals living in, or coming from, MOST OF THE WORLD.

It is not difficult, nor expensive, to get ‘created’ ID. Movies pretend you need to ‘know some really shady guy’ but it’s not that hard. It occurs every day in every nation on earth.

However, since Obama knows this (the CIA / FBI surely told him since he’d experienced zilch before getting to the Oval Office), WHY is he pulling a Merkel on America?

That’s a most disturbing question. I have suspicions, which include real long term objectives of the senior bankers, but it’s nevertheless seriously upsetting.


ISIS was born into the Iraq that
Obama destabilized by pulling out troops to get reelected. John, you continue to revise history to make your point. ISIS started when Obama pulled out of Iraq and failed to defend the line he drew in the sand. He also compounded it by pushing out the leaders of Egypt and Libya.

Yes, it looks like the terrorists included refugees.
A few French ear-witnesses heard what sounded like perfect French a born-in-France Muslim might speak.
But that might be from only some of the terrorists, not all of them.
Also, a young woman from my alma mater died in the attacks.
Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, a senior at California State University Long Beach, was in Paris attending Strate College of Design for a semester abroad program.

@john: barack obama was aiding and abetting both al Qaeda & al Nusra rebels in Syria. he and hillary were supplying guns and he was instrumental in the growth and strength of ISIS. This is ALL on obama and no one else.

Get ready for the MSM to downplay and/or stop reporting terrorist attacks in the US. After all, it would hurt the leftist narrative to have inconvenient ISIS murders of Americans in their own homeland. It might cause people to stop thinking about gun control, climate change, and coexisting with Islamists.

Let us wait and see when the first media member asks a Democrat candidate if they still favor bringing in hundreds of thousands of “refugees”.

Clinton originally called for the U.S. to accept 65,000 Syrian refugees as our nation’s part in alleviating the refugee crisis. She stuck to that number during tonight’s Democratic Debate.

We have yet to hear a ‘western’ leader demand that countries like Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait, or any number of oil rich Muslim country, TAKE REFUGEES.

The best we get is Saudis saying, you take them and we’ll build them some mosques.

Another act of showoff Islamic terrorism and the West again looks to terroRussia as a potential “partner”. Apparently, ruskies are exempt from any credibility requirements. Lessons of History remain unlearned – again…

@Greg: And these will be vetted, right? If so, let’s not use the same service that vetted Obama.

Let us hope these liberal morons don’t flood us, again, with unidentified “immigrants” before we can get some adults in the White House. Unless the internment camps Roosevelt built still exist to house them, It would be better wisdom to keep them where they are.

@DrJohn, #16:

A liberal President ordered the air war against ISIS in Syria that has reduced their numbers by a third over the past year. He ordered the air strikes and drone strikes that paralyzed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, this past March; that killed his replacement Abu Ala al-Afri two months later; that blew Jihadi John to bits last Friday, and killed Abu Nabil, the leader of ISIS in Libya, just a few hours ago.

What have elected republicans done? They won’t even allow a vote on Obama’s request to use military force in Syria.

@Greg: Unfortunately, the proposals of the Republicans are ignored. If Obama has been so successful attacking ISIS, why are they growing and conquering? How did they bring down a Russian airliner? How did they kill 129 in Paris?

It takes a little more than just declaring victory to ACHIEVE victory. Obama thinks if the lap-dog, corrupt media repeats his lies, they become true.

@Bill, #20:

Unfortunately, the proposals of the Republicans are ignored.

What republican proposals? I haven’t heard any specific proposals. All I’ve heard are assertions that they’ll be more aggressive and win the fight. These are not proposals. They’re attitudes. They’re nothing more than examples of political posturing. ISIS won’t wilt upon being targeted by blasts of republican hot air. A Reaper-launched Hellfire missle, on the other hand, can produce some highly specific results.

It is incomprehensible that the liberal pacifism capable of watching videos of the slaughter of innocents, whether in Paris or on the beaches of Libya, can separate itself so easily from reality. Don’t learn from the mistakes and don’t take any action to deal with the problem.

It can excuse the violence. It can rationalize it. It can even blame it on global warming. It thinks it can ‘negotiate’ with it — let’s do lunch. BUT, as long as liberal pacifists aren’t directly, personally affected, they’re just watching a Hollywood production. Their society disintegrates around them, while they’re busy being entertained.

@Greg: Proposals to NOT limit the AUOF to a specific region or specific enemy. To not put a predetermined end date on it. Obama, again, simply wanted to LOOK like he is doing something while some others think actually ACCOMPLISHING something is more productive.

Why does Obama keep lying about his accomplishments?

Why does the right deny the reality and/or the significance of what was pointed out in the first paragraph of post #19?

How is totally ignoring the fact that the Obama administration has been waging a war on ISIS for over a year that has killed over one-third of their forces and methodically exterminated their leaders and propaganda figures even rational? It sure as hell isn’t helpful.

This is total, unmitigated bullshit.

@Greg: Obama has gutted the military he has purged anyone who disagrees with him out of he service, The intelligence he is given is white washed to fit his arrogant ideology. Why give him military authorization 20 years a man gets for ordering his men to shoot at the enemy in self defense.www.change.org/p/us-army-lt-sentenced-to-20-years…

There has been NO purge of the U.S. military by the Obama administration on ideological grounds. This has been demonstrated to be nothing more than a right-wing propaganda tale. While those making the assertion never bothered to present any details to back their claims up, those who hold that the accusers are basically full of sh-t have presented clear explanations of why that has been their conclusion.

There have been instances of routine retirements being misrepresented as firings. Certain high-ranking officers have also been removed for ethics violations or for demonstrating poor judgement that called their reliability into question. Some would say that setting a higher standard was long overdue.

I am so damn tired of the lies that are automatically accepted as truth by people who never bother to question what they’re told. There’s a built-in resistance to questioning. It’s as if people have been inoculated against anything that raises doubt.

Actually, that’s exactly what it is. How much time and energy has been devoted by the right-wing propaganda machine to broadcasting the message that no other information sources can be trusted? That itself is a classic propaganda technique. You’re supposed to turn off your brain and stop analyzing. You’re supposed to stop comparing different stories. You’re to listen to only one version of the story. You’re only smart if you stop thinking.

General Patreaus (DCI)
Army Maj. Gen. Ralph O. Baker, commander of a strategic counterterrorism force on the Horn of Africa;
Lieutenant general David H. Huntoon Jr., superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point;
Lieutenant general Joseph F. Fil Jr., former commander in South Korea and Iraq;
Marine Gen. John R. Allen, the top commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan;
Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair, former deputy commander of the 82nd Airborne Division;
Vice Adm. Tim Giardina suspended from his duties as deputy commander Stratcom;
Maj. Gen. Michael Carey was removed from command of the 20th Air Force

Also, demoted: Gen. William E. “Kip” Ward, the former four-star commander of the military’s Africa Command
These are just the generals, there are 200 other demotions and purges and they have a bit more experience in bothersome military thingees than a community organizer.
And No one answers for Bengahzi?


I am so damn tired of the lies that are automatically accepted as truth by people who never bother to question what they’re told.

Really. Tell me, did Obama, Hillary and Susan lie about a video being the reason the consulate in Benghazi was sacked? Did Hillary lie about confidential information being on her secret, private, unsecured server? Did Hillary lie about having that secret, private, unsecured server because she “didn’t want to carry two devices”?

I won’t list more of the outright lies from this administration that so many of you on the left have “automatically accepted as truth by people who never bother to question what they’re told.” Those are enough to, at least, totally disqualify Hillary from seeking any further public office… IF you can identify them as lies.

Do you? Or are they, by you, “automatically accepted as truth by people who never bother to question what they’re told.”?

@Greg: Greg, how many massacres like Paris need to happen before you and your liberal friends will admit that ISIS was never “confined” and that pulling the troops from Iraq was a mistake? Will it require some of your friends and family being killed by the “confined” terrorists during Christmas shopping or flying home for the holidays? Just what will it take for you to actually see what is happening in the World?


I am so damn tired of the lies that are automatically accepted as truth by people who never bother to question what they’re told. There’s a built-in resistance to questioning. It’s as if people have been inoculated against anything that raises doubt.

Were you not the guy who defended the farcical lie that Benghazi was due to an obscure internet video? Were you not the guy who ranted and raved how great Obamacare was going to be as we watch it crumble like week old cornbread before our very eyes?

Not once have you ever questioned anything that has come out of this current Administration. Obama has clearly adopted a 9-10-2001 attitude and while you yap about all the bombings we are doing (although you admitted that our planes return with their payloads because tanks can hide under tarps, tanks ISIS got from us) we are losing, Greggie Goebbels. LOSING TO RADICAL ISLAM.

You, and your minions can blather on for eternity about how we are not at war with Islam. Can you imagine FDR saying “We are not at war with the German people.” as we march across Europe? Millions of Muslims are at war with us.

I said after 9-11-2001 that there would not be one large attack again. Islamists will kill us 100 at a time, 10 at a time, one at a time, but kill us they will. And people like you will only encourage them.

You’re an idiot.


Greg, how many massacres like Paris need to happen before you and your liberal friends will admit that ISIS was never “confined” and that pulling the troops from Iraq was a mistake?

There is no number for those like Greggie that is too great. When you are devoted to the god of political correctness, you cannot waiver from that devotion.

hooray, three States so far Texas, Alabama and Michigan have declared they will not accept any more “refugees”. Contact your governors and state Reps insist they join this rebellion!

Belgian Minister Says Government Lacks Control Over Neighborhood Linked to Terror Plots

Remember earlier this year when Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal faced a storm of criticism for describing “no-go” zones in Europe–areas dominated by Muslim immigrants?

(For instance:
Jindal condemns imaginary ‘no-go zones’ – MSNBC http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/jindal-condemns-imaginary-no-go-zones
Jindal invokes controversial ‘no-go zones’ in London speech – CNN http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/19/politics/jindal-no-go-zones-london/index.html )

I guess he’s being vindicated right now.
By the NEW YORK TIMES no less!

@kitt, #27:

Really? That’s nothing more than a list of names. What indicates that any of these people were removed from their positions as a result of some sort of ideological purge of the military? There were specific reasons for their removal that had nothing to do with ideological differences:

Patreaus: a public adultery scandal involving his official biographer, an army lieutenant colonel.

Ralph O. Baker: sexual assault while drunk. He was charged by a senior adviser.

David H. Huntoon Jr: misuse of office. That was the conclusion of an investigation conducted by the Pentagon.

Joseph F. Fil, Jr: He was evidently accepting unreported gifts as commander of the 8th Army in South Korea, and was spared the scandal that would result from public revelation of the details. Gifts can be given to win favor. Under certain circumstances they’re known as “bribes.”

John R. Allen: He retired during an investigation concerning “inappropriate communications” with a woman involved in the Patreaus scandal. She alleged an effort was being made to blackmail her. Allen retired, and then was cleared of misconduct charges. The details never became public. Evidently this resolution was considered acceptable by Allen.

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair: He plead guilty to having a 3-year sexual liaison with a subordinate. The details of the affair are decidedly sordid. Presumably he is not the party who complained of forced sodomy.

Vice Adm. Tim Giardina: He was fined and demoted in rank for lying to investigators in connection with the use of counterfeit gambling chips, and subsequently retired. No doubt there were issues concerning his reliability as a high-ranking officer.

Gen. Michael Carey: Evidently he couldn’t control himself drunk, and drank a lot. There were a number of high-profile incidents that reflected badly on the military service.

Gen. William E. “Kip” Ward: He spent a lot of public money on personal travel and various unauthorized expenses. There was a formal investigation. He was ordered to repay $82,000 of misappropriated funds and demoted by his superior officer. Subsequently, he retired.

Look up any example given of someone who was “purged.” You’ll either find a good reason for their demotion or removal, or a perfectly normal decision to retire.

@Randy, #29:

Greg, how many massacres like Paris need to happen before you and your liberal friends will admit that ISIS was never “confined” and that pulling the troops from Iraq was a mistake?

The word “confined” was used in a certain context. Check back with me after you’ve bothered to check on what that context was.

Sending troops into Iraq to begin with was a blunder. The same administration that made that blunder also locked in the timetable for U.S. troop withdrawal that could only be altered with the consent of the al Maliki government. The S.O.F.A. that imposed those conditions on the United States was hurriedly finalized during the last days of the Bush administration.

Those are the plain and simple facts. We could have refrained from creating the power vacuum in the first place. The intelligence community warned that this would happen. The Bush administration could have left it to their successor to negotiate the conditions for withdrawal. They didn’t. They locked that in just before they scurried out the door.

@Greg: Perfectly normal reasons to retire like unable to stomach a situation.
2 generals and an admiral after Bengahzi, to name one General Ham. if 200 officers isnt enough ABC news (not exactly conservative)found the amount of high ranking officers ousted in 2013 outrageous. When did it become a crime to the libs to have an affair? Or is it only if you are not a lib?
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.”


When did it become a crime to the libs to have an affair? Or is it only if you are not a lib?

In the case of Sinclair, it’s got nothing to do with liberal views. For an officer to have an affair with a subordinate is a violation of military code. The details probably didn’t incline anyone to overlook the misconduct. To do so would have been more an official cover-up than a matter of politely looking away.

As there’s no indication that Patraeus began his affair until after his retirement from the military, his issue is mostly a matter of decorum, although there would always be concerns in some circles that a Director of the CIA engaging in a secret extramarital affair might at some point become vulnerable to blackmail. That probably would have been the basis for quiet investigation. Unfortunately there were a number of other involved parties in sensitive positions, and Paula Broadwell seems to have behaved like a bit of a fruitcake. It became a public scandal, at which point Patraeus voluntarily submitted his resignation. Obama couldn’t very well have declined to accept it, at that point. The damage was already done. To overlook the situation would appear to condone it.

General Hamm never received a stand-down order. No such order was ever given. General Hamm has clearly stated, under oath, that no such order was ever received. It was a made-up story.

General Hamm retired at 62, after completing 30 years in the service. He retired at the end of a normal 24-month tour of duty as Commander of the U.S. Africa Command.


Patreaus: a public adultery scandal involving his official biographer, an army lieutenant colonel.

Bet you never slammed Bubba Clinton for settling out of court charges of rape, or his affair with Monica Lewinski.

Bet you never complained that Hillary used her position as SOS to fatten the coffers of the Clinton Foundation.

How about John Kerry? Now there’s a bastion of morality. Or Charlie Rangel or the KKK Grand Klegel that was a Democrat his entire life and supported by the Democratic Party, or even Gary Studds. You do remember Gary Studds, don’t you, Greggie?

Since when has chasing skirts or being a drunk been disapproved by the Democrats?


In the case of Sinclair, it’s got nothing to do with liberal views. For an officer to have an affair with a subordinate is a violation of military code. The details probably didn’t incline anyone to overlook the misconduct. To do so would have been more an official cover-up than a matter of politely looking away.

But it was OK for the Democrats to look the other way when a General had an affair with a subordinate when he was kicking the Nazi’s asses, wasn’t it?


Greg, how many massacres like Paris need to happen before you and your liberal friends will admit that ISIS was never “confined” and that pulling the troops from Iraq was a mistake?

Merely a setback, Randy. Just a 130-person setback. Obama said so.

@Greg: You forgot McChrystal. Why was he ousted, again? Oh, because Obama screwed him over in Afghanistan and McChrystal let loose with a torrent of truth.

McChrystal’s career was effectively ended by a Rolling Stone article. No general gets away with such behavior. No general can allow such behavior. The U.S. military is subordinate to the nation’s civilian government.

@Greg: No General should have to work for such an incompetent and untrustworthy Commander in Chief. McChrystal presented Obama with a plan to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and the President dawdled for three months before giving him half of what he wanted. I would be, if McChrystal had it to do over, he would do it all the same. Obama squandered an opportunity to WIN and that’s what generals want to do.

The thing is, I’ve concluded that no one on the right is a sound judge of anyone’s competence. If you want evidence of that fact, simply consider who’s leading in the GOP’s contest to select a presidential candidate.

I’m pretty big on evidence. Any idiot can have an attitude or hold an opinion. I’ve observed that many do.


The thing is, I’ve concluded that no one on the right is a sound judge of anyone’s competence.

And what do you have, Greggie Goebbels? Nothing more than an old, fat white broad whose top aid said she was often “confused” and a pathetic old, white Socialist.

Yeah, you really got a line up there, Greggie Goebbels.

Democrats, lead by old white people.


I’m pretty big on evidence. Any idiot can have an attitude or hold an opinion. I’ve observed that many do.

Did Obama and Hillary lie about a video being the cause of the attack on the Benghazi consulate?

Frankly, YOU are no judge of anyone’s ability to evaluate competence. YOU voted for Obama and support Hillary.

@Greg: Now you are pretending to be on equal footing with God. I hope you are on the list that can not be allowed to purchase a fire arm.