Trump: I could have prevented 9-11 with my ego alone (UPDATED)

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trump clown


I have to say, Donald Trump is really becoming intolerable. Every day he seems to run more and more to the left, now seeking to curry favor with Bush haters. The real Donald Trump is emerging. The other day Trump blamed Bush for 9-11, and now he’s doubled down on those words.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on CNN’s New Day that he wouldn’t be apologizing for blaming George W. Bush for the 9/11 attacks, saying he had “advanced notice” that it was coming.

“Look, his brother gets hit on, he’s a loyal person, he’s loyal to his brother,” Trump said of fellow GOP contender Jeb Bush. “But his brother made some mistakes.”

George Tenet, the head of the CIA, told them it was coming. So they did have advanced notice.”

Advance notice of what?

This was on CNN, so no one was going to disabuse Trump of his idiotic words. No one has asked Trump for specifics- what exactly would he have done to prevent 9-11? Trump is nearly always big on claims and painfully short on details. This was no exception. Trump boldly asserted:

“I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those families would have — I doubt that those people would have been in the country.”

Horse and sh*t. One of my chemistry profs used to say “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” I’d love for someone to press Trump for specifics. As David French notes, those families were here courtesy of the incompetence of the State Department:

This statement is simply stunning. He’s asking Americans to believe that he would have brought a post–September 11 mindset to a nation that had not suffered a catastrophic foreign attack on the mainland since the War of 1812 and that he would have been able to draft, pass through Congress, and fully enforce a comprehensive new approach to immigration by the summer of 2001. He’s asking us to believe that he would have then caught the terrorists who had already been let in the country under the old immigration regime. He’s asking us to believe that his mere presence alone would have caused the State Department bureaucracy to suddenly become competent.

In 2002, National Review discovered that none of the families’ visas had been properly completed and that none of them should have been approved. It’s worth noting that the 9-11 hijacker pilots all entered the US under the “reign” of Bill Clinton.

Let’s have a look at the VISA applications:

The pattern? None of the 15 applications reviewed was filled out properly.

Brothers Wail and Waleed al Shehri applied together in October 2000. Under “occupation” Wail wrote “teater;” brother Waleed claimed “student.” The name and address of alleged employer and school was listed as “South City,” and the questionable U.S. destination named as “Wasantwn.”
Visas approved.

Incompetence was the wedge used by the hijackers to get into this country. The problem is, it hasn’t changed much. Trump frightens me much as Obama does- they are largely mirror images.

Hubris is not a sound defense policy. And hubris doesn’t remedy incompetence.

So tell us, Donald, exactly what would you have done differently as President? Check each VISA app yourself? Why weren’t you talking about this in August of 2001?

Tenet warned Bush? Of Muslims intending to hijack passenger jets and use them as missiles? Where was that? I seem to have missed it.

From the 6 Aug 2001 pdb:

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a [deleted text] service in 1998 saying that Bin Ladin wanted to hijack a US aircraft to gain the release of “Blind Shaykh” ‘Umar’ Abd aI-Rahman and other US-held extremists.

The rumored threat resembled a kidnapping for an exchange. Trump, as everyone else, would at best have been looking for the outside attack from Bin Laden, unaware that the threat was already here. This is hard for me to say, but if Trump keeps this up and wins the nomination I’ll be sitting on my vote. I’ve had enough of a President who believes his personal existence alone solves all of the world’s troubles.

It doesn’t.


At Red State, Leon Wolf asks what it would take for you to stop supporting Trump:


I ask because I would have thought that being a repeat donor to Clinton and other Democrats might have been that point for principled conservatives.

I ask because I would have thought that using Michael Moore’s talking points on 9/11 might have been that point for principled conservatives.

I would have thought that defending federal funding of Planned Parenthood might have been that point for principled conservatives.

I would have thought that adopting Democrat rhetoric on the need to raise taxes on the wealthy might have been that point for principled conservatives.

I would have thought that publicly professing a love for eminent domain might have been that point for principled conservatives.

I haven’t even gotten into the insanely liberal things Trump said and did before he decided to run for President, because apparently being an unprincipled and opportunistic flip flopper only bothers principled conservatives when the candidate in question is Mitt Romney. It doesn’t even apparently matter that The Donald’s immigration stance is likewise a transparent flip flop from what he said as recently as 2013.


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I am saddened by this post. Trump had spoken out before 911 about our vulnerability and his comments were very trenchant. If one is looking for mud to throw one can always find it but this is not well balanced or well researched.

@Jay Galt:
I think most of the drivers licenses of the hijackers came through Florida during Jeb Bush’s reign as Governor . . so both Bush’s let the nation down. Trump actually NAMED bin Laden as a terrorist threat, in a book published in 1999 . . well before that name had been used by anyone in an official capacity.

I like the part where you wish someone would ask him for specifics, and then the next point is someone giving specifics they made up that they claim are his as they talk for him.

This statement is simply stunning. He’s asking Americans to believe that he would have brought a post–September 11 mindset ….

kind of the modus operandi of the left, why actually listen to the actual person, just listen to the leftist argue with themselves and win and tell you what the other thinks and so on..

this is how i learned that when men go to a urinal its not cause they want to pee, its cause they want to validate their maleness and subjucation of women.

of course, there is no other option, no other point, no other means of accomplishing something… the truth is that he (trump) is exposing the fakery of thought that people wont accept a hanging point wihtout filling it in with tripe and then complaining about the side or point someone is on.

what horrid memories people have..

to a nation that had not suffered a catastrophic foreign attack on the mainland since the War of 1812 and


and a truck bomb was not used to try to blow the place up before that, right?
1993 is not 1812

and we forget 1997, when a palestinian leaves a note, goes to the top of the empire state building and shoots a bunch of people

remember mir aimal kansi? he took a gun and attacked people who were turning into the CIA offices in 1993

there were tons of things… but given we refused to accept them as acts of war or combat, we dont rememer them as such… do we? David French conveniently leaves them out…

a lie by ommission while talking for someone else for the point of trying to ridicule him to remove him from being able to win office, as you dont remember either. [by the way, i can list out over a dozen attacks… but we dont remember them as such, just as we forget that non whites commit mass killings as often as white males do!!! we forget a whole bunch that others commited, especially when connected to islam and/or when black.

anyone but me remember the Zebra murders?
The “Zebra” murders were a string of racially motivated murders that took place in San Francisco, California, from October 1973 to April 1974. A group of male Black Muslims who called themselves the “Death Angels” committed at least 16 murders and 8 attempted murders. However, some authorities believe they may have killed as many as 80 or more victims

or that modern feminism (the communist entryism kind) was born as a terrorist group? Rote zora?

i have no idea what trump is thinking… but he MAY think that if he put the focus on what is now over 40 years of islamic attacks on the us ranging from airplanes, to nation of islam, serial killings, bombings and on and on… things may have turned out differently…

at least i say may… and i am not talking for him
but without remembering the details that were buried and lost as a focus
we forget what was there that could have fueled alternative outcomes if used rather than erased, if employed rather than transformed, etc.

the list of Nation of Islam terrorist killings and moves is huge…

but most cant think of one incident given the way its reported and then the left moves on, the left press moves on, etc..

we dont know what or why he thins what he thinks or even if he is saying it to draw out the morons who talk for others… whose words are written without mays, or maybe, or consider this, but assertively as if the personm they are talkiing for actually said it.

its a real shame when i see thinking people doing this
and really, who else would you want to be president? cruz who has said he wants more illegals? right now the population that has made america is dying out between dont have babies feminism, and millions of people violating the laws coming in to replace them and tax them the last step into oblivion.

who will stop that, or do much about taxes or such?
out of ALL the candidates, who even attempts to say they will try?

heck… your bitching about his personality? ever read about the personality of churchill (hated by his contemporaries)… Theodore Roosevelt?

Depending on whether you liked him or not, Theodore Roosevelt was either the energetic embodiment of the nation he led, or a macho blowhard who really should have taken more cold showers.

we have had so many wishy washy alan alda metrosexual milquetoasts we cant stand men who act like men… who when liked are seen as dynamic, and who when not liked are seen as arrogant… why carry the water buckets for the left?

some of americas best presidents were not academic soft touches who could not stand up for themselves or anything… some of them were blowhards, aggressive, in your face, and had even worse hair than trump.

i know, lets elect pajama boy… he isnt a blowhard… he has nice hair… he doesnt say anything about stuff, even if its just to rile up the opposition to do stupid thigns… no, lets elect pajama boy… and have alan alda as vp..

thats the kind of person who has the force of will and the skill of deals to help fix things… ever realize that the qualities needed to fix things are the qualities we dont like because they are effective? that we dont like them because we cant use them to be successful, our wishy washy desire to please others over ourselves or whats right makes them seem other than what they are.

by the way… putin has trumped obama… think trump is bad with the macho stuff?

This author (link below) deliniates documentation both of Trump’s specific awareness of the nation’s vulnerabilities and his assertion that they needed to be addressed urgently. It is certainly reasonable for him to assert that he would have taken the steps he outlined and tightened up the areas which were utilized by the 9/11 hijackers.
Trump did not go out of his way to blame either Bush, he reacted to Jeb’s statement that George had kept America safe. I think his statements were reasonable in light of the events and his earlier statements.
There is blame to be apportioned to leaders who allowed political expediency to be prioritized over common sense precautions that would have kept our nation safe. In fact even after 9/11 we are no safer, Homeland Security is anything but secure, our intelligence communities are hobbled and in disarray, our International allies are distanced and political favors keep the illegal aliens terrorizing Americans and sapping our economy.

One more thing…
most people are misquoting here in the US and then not actually going back to see if that is what the person actually said…

in your piece you dont have the actual quote from Trump… do you?

Host Chris Wallace then asked Trump what he would have done:

‘Well I would have been much different,’ Trump said. ‘I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country.’

‘I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those families would have – I doubt that those people would have been in the country . So there’s a good chance that those people would not have been in our country,’

paraphrasing from the left is not only leaving out stuff, but also changing the meaning into something you can attack easier… (even more so if you read the other parts of that interview)…

so are we reacting to what Trump actually said? or are we reacting to what the left says Trump said, and erasing what he actually said because we want what the left changed it to, to be what it was?

the headline that TIME wrote for those quotes above is:
Donald Trump Says He Could Have Prevented 9/11

did he say it that way? or did he say that by being tough on immigration, the people that were allowed in might not have been allowed in? (might not is more accurate than would not) and he even said doubt, not certain they would…

the actual words he said are twisted by times headlines… then everyone remembers the twist… eh?

May 11, 2006
Statement of Mark Krikorian
Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies

the majority of those terrorists who were illegal aliens when they committed their crimes were overstayers. Of the 12 al Qaeda operatives who were illegal aliens in the United States when they took part in terrorism between 1993 and 2001 (out of the 48 examined in the Center for Immigration Studies report, The Open Door), seven were visa overstayers. These include two conspirators in the first World Trade Center attack, Mohammed Salameh and Eyad Ismoil. Other terrorist overstayers were Lafi Khalil, who was involved in the New York subway bomb plot, and four of the 9/11 terrorists: Zacarias Moussaoui, Satam al Suqami, Nawaf al Hamzi, and Hani Hanjour.

now, if your immigration policy is to forbid overstays, or make it hard for that prior to 9/11 it would be harder and potentially impossible for the people who did the job to do it.

you only had to be upset that after the last amnisty of millions made citizens that these things were not fixed. right now, if you overstay, and go back, you have to wait 10 years to apply to come to the US… my wifes father could not come to our wedding cause of this rule…

its everyone else that is taking it beyond the face value that stiffer laws or even applying the actual laws at the time instead of looking the other way would have made a difference…

so, why not look to what is actually said, then what others read into it and say was said when it wasnt…

doubting that they would be here is not the same as saying you would have stopped it
is it?
if he said he was certain that they would not be here, it would be closer to saying he would have stopped it, but he didnt say that, did he? (by the way, i had to go to foreign press to get the actual quotes as most in the US cut the stuff up, misquoted, or decided to speak for the person as if what they were making up was what was actually said!!!!!!!!!)

sad that we are way too lazy to get it right
and i think that Trumps game is to expose the others game by leaving such hanging points.
then when someone later pounces, he can point out that that is not what he actually said, and show how the distorted message of the left was what was believed, and not what was actually said.

Putin has trumped Obama?
Russia is falling apart economically the price they are receiving for oil and other vl isotopes will continue to fall
Putin will fare no better in the Mideast than did Bush
As I cited to Nanny our economy us gojng better than any other developed superpower it will be up over 4% in 2015 Rusdia will lose 5% GNP this year that is as bad as it ever was when Obama inherited the wrecked economy

Here’s the deal: until another Republican comes out against amnesty and for deporting illegals, Trump’s numbers are going to increase.

Oh, and if Rubio or Jeb! says they’re signing up for that, no-one will believe them.

Illegal Aliens have to go. Past that nothing matters.

Dr. John,

I have appreciated your many writings; even agreeing with you on many issues. But putting up a picture that calls a candidate for the office of President of the United States an “ass clown” is simply carrying your displeasure with one candidate too far.

While Trump is not my choice (although I will vote for the Republican nominee) it is plain as the nose on your face that many things could have been done to (at least) try to prevent September 11, 2001.

What was done during the Clinton administration to increase our human intel? There were absolutely no, NONE, human intel agents on the ground in Afghanistan prior to 9-11-2001. Not one. Remember the Gorelik wall? How that prevented intel sharing? Perhaps you would like to comment on Clinton’s statements regarding the U.S.S. Cole? Oh, that’s right, he mentioned in ONE time.

Our intel prior to 9-11-2001 was lousy and a disgrace. And I’m not saying that in 9 short months G.W. Bush could have remedied that, but what exactly did he do prior to that dreadful day? It wasn’t like we didn’t know that Islamic jihad wanted to harm the U.S. and had wanted to harm the U.S., and our interests, for decades.

As to the visas: no matter who you blame for the missteps there, the buck stops at the desk of the President. He is, in fact, the boss. And he is, in fact, responsible for making sure that his underlings do their jobs and do them properly. Nixon did not break into the Watergate Hotel, but he was ultimately held responsible for that break in. Every job has a training period, but I doubt there are many employers who would give you 9 months to learn how to be able to do the job you were hired to do.

I can’t stand Hillary or Bernie. And I think Joe Biden is mentally deficient. But I would not call them “ass clowns” and I think it demeans you to do so.

@tweedleDum: I think that’s the point, TD.
IF Trump would have been president instead of GWBush AND if Trump held the EXACT same position about illegals and visa over stayers as he does NOW, THEN Trump would have been making a speedy program to identify and oust all illegals perhaps in time to have prevented 9-11-01.
But we can never know.
As such, I bridle at ALL statements about involving time travel.
First, time travel is impossible.
Second, you can never know how all the variables would affect outcomes.
(I read a ton of science fiction to my mom after she went blind.)

@retire05: Dr j Is FA’s resident caricaturist–is that a word?-He’s done some nasty pics of the POTUS.–did you complain?
If he put to canvas your descriptions of HRC, Bernie or BHO,–or for that matter certain F.A. posters you’ve denigrated, would you recoil in horror?
Cmon o5 put on your big girl dress–first amendment rights are on display here.
PLUS The Donald is such an easy and deserving target.

Could Bush have stopped 9/11?

What could he have done–I’m talking genuine actions he could have taken, that would have been supported by congress, or that he could have done himself–to stop 9/11?

Was there the political will behind a person elected as a ‘compassionate conservative’ to do what we can say NOW what should have been done?


If you were president, what is there in that quote that you could have used to prevent 9/11?

BTW, I’ve always wondered why no one has ever brought up how Al Gore carrying on the fight to steal the election impacted our security–if it did–since I HAVE read that GWB lost valuable time in setting up his administration due to the post-election fight.

Dr. John – I’ve enjoyed your many great pieces on the evil and hypocrisy of the left, and agree with almost everything you have written…until now.

Obviously, you have some emotional issues with Donald Trump. Your tasteless graphic proves that. Initially, I too thought Trump’s campaign was a joke. However, I felt and still feel great anger at the Republican establishment betrayal of 2015 after the electoral victory of 2014. Trump has become a breath of fresh air in this environment. He is loud, he is brash, he is the consummate showman. He doesn’t care if what he says offends someone. He viciously responds to any attacks from his opponents. Imagine how he will respond to the Dem candidate. In that respect, he is the anti-Romney. He is beholden to no special interests, and funds his campaign with his own money. He is the perfect president for our crazy, crappy times. He makes leftist and establishment Repubs heads explode. It’s a beautiful show. He’s also the ONLY person in America that could possibly succeed as a conservative president in this leftist-controlled country.

His attacks on Jeb! are mild compared to what the Dems would throw at him if he were the nominee. If he can’t survive Trump’s jabs, Establishment Jeb! will wilt under Dem fire. My concern is that Dr. John is defending the establishment candidate and the good Dr’s head is also exploding. What does that tell us? To be diplomatic, he is heading down the wrong and losing path. I would like to hear his wisdom as to what his realistic alternative is, rather than call the leading Republican candidate an “Ass Clown”. That is what leftists do when they are out of ammunition. I have more respect for the Dr. than to believe this is his best effort.

@Rich Wheeler:

Dr j Is FA’s resident caricaturist–is that a word?-He’s done some nasty pics of the POTUS.–did you complain?

Don’t recall seeing them. Did you complain?

If he put to canvas your descriptions of HRC, Bernie or BHO,–or for that matter certain F.A. posters you’ve denigrated, would you recoil in horror?

Recoil in horror? Are you now playing the drama queen? No, I would not “recoil in horror”. As to any FA posters that you feel I have denigrated, believe me, they denigrated themselves long before I came on the scene.

Cmon o5 put on your big girl dress–first amendment rights are on display here.

Can I borrow a dress from you? And promoting First Amendment rights is comical coming from you who supports your state elected officials who are trying to abolish your Second Amendment rights. Guess California no longer trusts former Marines with ammunition, much less guns.

PLUS The Donald is such an easy and deserving target.

Sure he is. And so is Hillary, who you will probably be stuck with. Her or mentally deficient Joe Biden. Oh, I forgot; you never denied you will support the Socialist, Bernie Sanders.

@retire05: You’re so predictable o5— Same stuff over and over– boring.
Why do you have a problem with Dr.J’s post–it’s his opinion and the opinion of over 60% of the electorate?.

@John: John. your completely off as the idea you set the measure of success, and so then be able to claim that they are not successful is a scam. ONLY in the west is the measure of success the well being of the common man, in other political systems its the well being of the leadership and their power to influence world events and change other states.

yeah… if you use the AMERICAN concept that the people should do better, then you can say russia the communist socialist, and now whatever country has failed. as EVERY socialist concept when employed in reality has failed, but you claim thats a success to. cant have it both ways.

to the russians, unlike people like you, the goal first is power, not good economy. you can go back to the long telegram to learn that if you dont knwo it (and i doubt you even know what the long telegram is!!!).

if you measure by aquisition of power, the seizing of states and personal economy, then putin HAS slammed obama, who used to be the leader of the only superpower, and now the US is no longer the hegemon.

again, you cant have it both ways…

the problem you have is your lack of consistent anything. if your going to use well being as a measure, you have to accept socialism as the most failed political system in human history. if your going to use power, acquisition of countries, ability to maintain position, world wide influence and so on, then you have to admit addint socialism to the US caused its failure (as its now failing its people economically due to socialism).

USA hegemon is over thanks to Obama and his siding with enemies, and pissing on allies… he has no power, and is a paper tiger… he has let russia imperialistically take over other lands, reveal that obama wasnt fighting ISIS, that the US military denuded by Obama cant maintain its position, that a line in the sand is a meaningless if it comes from Obama, and on and on.

your deluded
what will you say when russia moves into Latvia, estonia, lithuania? i know, you say we dont need NATO… what about yamentau mountain and the work of building up the largest cache of nuclear weapons (old ones not destroyed and not counted), the largest brand new nuclear bunkers, the resurection of our norad and cheyenne mountain nuclear bases, and more.

@John: As I cited to Nanny our economy us gojng better than any other developed superpower it will be up over 4% in 2015 Rusdia will lose 5% GNP this year that is as bad as it ever was when Obama inherited the wrecked economy

hey dip stick… it hasnt gone past 2% the whole obam term.. what makes you, an economic illiterate, think that its going to hit 4%? and if you want to compete on economics, then stop pushing socialism…

White House Cuts Growth Forecast for 2015, 2016
Now estimates 2% growth this year, 2.9% next year
The White House said it sees U.S. growth rising by just 2% this year before rebounding to 2.9% in 2016—down from its earlier forecast of 3% growth for both 2015 and 2016 released in February—after the economy stalled during the first quarter.

i dont know wher eyou get your financial information, but its certainly NOT financial places..

The jobs report also included a figure that suggests the labor market is perhaps a lot weaker than many think. The number of people in the workforce dropped by 432,000 in June, to just over 157 million. That translates to 62.6% of the overall population, the lowest the labor force participation rate has been since 1977.

so basically we have so many people on welfare and such that we have dropped to the pre reagan era of president Jimmy…

Percentage of Americans Now on Welfare Paints a Disturbing Picture of the State of Our Economy
But the 109,631,000 living in households taking federal welfare benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau, equaled 35.4 percent of all 309,467,000 people living in the United States at that time.

When those receiving benefits from non-means-tested federal programs — such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and veterans benefits — were added to those taking welfare benefits, it turned out that 153,323,000 people were getting federal benefits of some type

record number of people on welfare does not make for a 5% growth

The Average US Welfare Payment Puts You In The Top 20% Of All Income Earners [forbes]

we have record homeless, in fact more than the gread depression, but since we also have welfare, we dont see soup kitchen lines of men as before, so you dont SEE it.

K-12 student homelessness in US hits record high – report
A record high 1.16 million students in the United States were homeless last year, according to new data from the US Department of Education.
[i was homeless when i went to college… and that was back in the 1980s]

so you cant even get THAT right…

and you dont measure russia by economy, no leftist liberal ever did, as it loses on that front every time for over a century…

here, the US sold 27 billion in weapons to the world
Russia sold 30 billion weapons to the world and they expect that number to rise with the sales to syria, and other states…

USA has a 16.77 trillion GDP (due to capitalism)
Russia has 2.097 trillion USD (Due to communism and its turn to oligharchy)

russia sells more weapons to the world even though its economy is 1/8 of the US

and superpower basis is not based on how much money you have, but how much influence and ability to maneuver… otherwise russia would never have ever been a superpower…

meanwhile, chinese with capitalism has lowered world poverty by a huge amount.

@JSW: BTW, I’ve always wondered why no one has ever brought up how Al Gore carrying on the fight to steal the election impacted our security–if it did–since I HAVE read that GWB lost valuable time in setting up his administration due to the post-election fight.

i always wonder if Ted Kennedy and others working with the KGB have changed things.

Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

“On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.”

@AngelArtiste: His attacks on Jeb! are mild compared to what the Dems would throw at him if he were the nominee.

actually thats a point people fail to think of… if trump had any negative in his past by leftist standards, they would be all over him… if he did a bad deal, if he didnt hire women and pay them well, if he had a relatioship that was questionable, and on and on.

the left HATES him all the more as there is nothing they have to say about him other than “dont like his personality” and “he has funny hair”, and he dares not be controled by “political correctness”, which is the same as the nazi concept of Sprachregelung… but why would leftists know that they are copying the Nazi party on so many things.. (Siding wiht islam, hating jews, favoring the brutal class of criminals, socialism (marx jewish question among others), gliechshaltung, gun control, vegetarianism, hate of cigarettes, misuse of taxes as social control not just bill paying, and tons of other things the left is way too ignorant of)

@rich wheeler: Why do you have a problem with Dr.J’s post–it’s his opinion and the opinion of over 60% of the electorate?.

yeah.. when that austrian guy had germany, it was more than 60% of the electorate that was for genocide… not a good way to meaure validity… as the aztecs had such high alignment with human sacrifice…

right is right, and number dont make wrong right…

Maybe W will get invited to the Convention this year
The Dem convention since he is such a political liability to the GOP
Dodger radical Islamists are social conservatives anti abortion anti gay anti women
Anti big government who want government to be based on theology
These are not things lefties want
The next thing you will be saying is that the left is to blame for the Iraq mistake because they didn’t stop the right from beginning that mess.

@DrJohn: Trump is doing to the right what McCarthy did- hand the left a weapon.

you do realize that the man who coined the term mccarthyism, owen lattimore, turned out to be a spy? and that many of the people he was attempting to clean house of turned out to be spies or dupes…

if he did nothing what would have happened… (not to mention that most of what he did he actually didnt do as people associate him with things he was not a part of, and cant clearly tell you waht he was a part of)

In the early post-war period of McCarthyism and the Red Scare, American wartime China Hands were accused of being agents of the Soviet Union or under the influence of Marxism. In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being “the top Russian espionage agent in the United States.” The accusations led to years of Congressional hearings that did not substantiate the charge that Lattimore had been a spy (and wartime intercepted Venona cables decoded so far did not refer to him as one). The hearings did document Lattimore’s sympathetic statements about Stalin and the Soviet Union, however. Although charges of perjury were dismissed, the controversy put an end to Lattimore’s role as a consultant of the U.S. State Department and eventually to his career in American academic life.

ayers the bomber teaches [seems terrorism is a good way to be employed at top socilaist communist schools… with columbia being at the front of the line)

turned out alger hiss was also…
A half-century later, popular culture seems to include little of Lattimore’s story, though other well-known targets of McCarthy, including U.S. diplomat Alger Hiss ’26, remain in the public eye as family and fans fight to clear reputations. Many of those who do remember the Lattimore affair remain unclear on the details. Did Lattimore hold tenure at Hopkins, even though he held no higher degree? Did he lie to the U.S. Senate? Was he, after all, a communist?

the problem of prosecution then was the same problem with the Mitrokhin archive later… venona was secret, to prosecute was to tell the world about venona, and let that kind of thing become public way before it should (when knowing means nothing). for mitrokhin, it would have revealed his work, but also for that, his work was considered second hand and you cant prosecute based on that, and the actual archives are now closed.

even today we find everything muddled as the left communists have spend a lot of resources to cloud that issue…

Graze, Gerald
Graze, Stanley
Miller, Robert T
Neumann, Franz Leopold
Remington, William: [identified by bentley]
Rudlin, Walter Arthur
Zablodgwskei, David [Whittaker chambers]
Currie, Lauchlin [identified by bentley]
Glasser, Harold [identified by bentley]
Keeney, Mary Jane
Service, John Stewar [discovered in wiretaps]
Karr, David

there is a long list, but our problems in knowing for sure are problems we face today. can you name the names bheind the stars in the lobby of the CIA? nope. and you never will… they know, we dont… so the sources of things are often not available to the public and are not available to even FOIA!!!

this has ALWAYS led to the fact you can deny it, and use that lack of ability to communicate knowlege as a way to say it never happened.

while bently was the blond bombshell spy, it was anna chapman that was more recent as the read head bombshell..

what happened to her, and how was she prosecuted?

a Russian national who was residing in New York City when she was arrested, along with nine others, on 27 June 2010, on suspicion of working for the Illegals Program spy ring under the Russian Federation’s external intelligence agency, the SVR. Chapman pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the U.S. Attorney General, and was deported to Russia on 8 July 2010, as part of a prisoner swap.

see? no prosecution, no need to give evidence… THAT is the problem with the game that is played here… the dare is to either let them go, and allow denials, or to prosecute, and reveal trade craft. its not much wonder that the latter is the method most refused as anyone alive that is found is connected to other things.

Chapman was born Anna Vasil’yevna Kushchyenko in Volgograd, according to U.S. authorities, and her father was employed in the Soviet embassy in Nairobi, Kenya According to Chapman’s British ex-husband Alex Chapman, her father, Vasily Kushchenko, was a senior KGB official The family’s home is located in south-west Ramenki, a once-elite district for KGB officials, mid-ranking diplomats and army officers According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Kushchenko occupies a senior position at the ministry known by its Russian initials MID (foreign affairs).

Bush’s polls have been tanking
Trump continues his strong lead among Repunlicans in ALL polls
The GOP base loves him he is the Frankenstein created by Fox and Rush and is now out of control
That whole meme that Bush kept us safe is now nothing but a bad tasting joke
4 more years=2 more Supremes

and if you wonder about mcarthy and the damage he does, what about this?

Road to Moscow
Bill Clinton’s Early Activism from Fulbright to Moscow

During the 1992 campaign, Bill Clinton’s student protests and Moscow trip generated much controversy, but few answers. While Clinton’s government files from that era seemingly remain unavailable even today, there is at least more information available than in 1992. The public record reveals that Clinton’s social network and views on Vietnam were influenced by a pattern of contact between Communist agents and sympathizers and Clinton’s academic and political associates.

As a Georgetown junior, Clinton inherited his antiwar orientation from his part-time employer, Senator J. William Fulbright. Fulbright’s views on Vietnam had in turn been influenced by scholar Bernard Fall. Fall had an academic background at institutions linked to Chinese Communist apologist Owen Lattimore. [snip]

[lattimore, does that name sound familiar?]

Fulbright’s office was also in regular contact with Igor Bubnov, a KGB operative on Capitol Hill. President Johnson had ordered the FBI to monitor Fulbright and his staff for suspected Communist contact at the time Clinton went to work for Fulbright. [snip]

Over winter vacation of 1969-1970, Clinton toured Moscow, where he had been preceded by his roommate Strobe Talbott. Talbott was then translating the memoirs of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, which had been leaked to him by Victor Louis, a KGB disinformation agent and talent spotter. Clinton and Talbott’s other roommate Frank Aller was doing similar work on the unpublished notes of Edgar Snow, an academic associate of Lattimore.

[i dont know if snow is related to snow who is in russia now]

Fulbright’s reading on Vietnam was guided by a mentor Lowenstein had introduced him to in fall 1965, Howard University Professor of International Relations Bernard Fall. Fall was a specialist in so-called “Asian nationalism”, which is what the antiwar movement preferred to call what less sympathetic critics might characterize as Marxist-inspired insurgencies against Western-friendly governments. Fall, along with Cornell’s Indonesian nationalism specialist George McTurnan Kahin, led a chorus of academic antiwar activists insisting that the Vietcong’s guerrilla war was motivated by nationalism, not Marxism. This argument aimed to undermine the Johnson administration’s position citing Cold War containment policy as grounds for US intervention in Vietnam. [snip]

One influential Johns Hopkins Asian specialist linked to IPR was Chinese Communist apologist Owen Lattimore, accused by Joseph McCarthy in 1950 of being “Moscow’s top spy” and “one of the principal architects of our Far Eastern policy”. Declassified files available today indicate that while McCarthy was exaggerating by calling Lattimore Moscow’s top spy, Lattimore had been flagged by the FBI as a suspected Communist and potential security risk as early as May 1941, when he was being considered for a position as the Roosevelt administration’s political advisor to Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek. Lattimore did not run any of the Soviet spy rings known to US intelligence, and there was no direct surveillance evidence of him acting as a literal spy (at least judging by a 1949 report which is heavily censored in certain key sections), but he did have a well-documented pattern of regular contact with Communist front groups, party members and agents. Soviet agents Lattimore was in contact with during the 1930s and 1940s included Comintern agent Willi Munzenberg’s lieutenant Louis Gibarti; Agnes Smedley and Chen Han-seng of the Sorge spy ring; Michael Greenberg of the Cambridge Five; Soviet agent Joseph Bernstein’s Amerasia coconspirators Philip Jaffe and T.A. Bisson; and Silvermaster Group spy ring members Lauchlin Currie and Harry Dexter White. Currie and White, who were two key agents in the Soviet campaign to undermine the Chinese Nationalists, were the ones who recommended Lattimore for his position in the Roosevelt administration, and when Lattimore got the job he worked out of a desk in Currie’s office in the State Department Building (contradicting his later Senate testimony that he never had a desk at the State Department). Whether or not Lattimore was a full-fledged spy, his views on Asia were at least viewed by agents like Currie and White as sympathetic to Soviet foreign policy goals.

note this one and relate it to the current presidency and people running – i blockquote it to focus attention

Fall’s work proved useful to antiwar propagandists who travelled significantly farther with Communists than Fall himself did. From 1964 to 1965 Fall collaborated on The Viet-Nam Reader with his friend Marcus Raskin, cofounder of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). IPS was a New Left think tank founded in 1962 by dissenters from the Kennedy administration who advocated nuclear disarmament enforced by a global government. Despite its professed goal of world peace, IPS travelled with terrorist groups that were being trained by Cuban and Vietcong revolutionaries, such as the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, and the Venceremos Brigade. IPS was characterized in FBI files as “a Washington-based ‘Think Factory’, which [has] helped train extremist[s] who incite violence in the United States and whose educational research serves as a cover for intrigue and political agitation”. IPS also helped disseminate propaganda critiquing US domestic and foreign policy from a Marxist perspective. An article clipped by the FBI aptly described IPS as “The perfect intellectual front for Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB.”

now aint that funny that one of the leaders of that organization, who made bombs with nails in them that killed one of their own, and now deny that they would hurt anyone, and who was byhind the brinks robbery to start race war (kind of making charles manson prescient), and all that, put the current president in office…

and new left?
New Democrats, in the United States politics, was an ideologically centrist faction within the Democratic Party that emerged after the victory of Republican George H. W. Bush in the 1988 presidential election. They were an economically liberal and “Third Way” faction which dominated the party for around 20 years starting in the late 1980s after the US populace turned much further to the political right. They are represented by organizations such as the New Democrat Network and the New Democrat Coalition.

third way… oh yeah.. thats facism… the marraige of capitalism and communism

In politics, the Third Way is a position that tries to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics by advocating a varying synthesis of right-wing economic and left-wing social policies The Third Way was created as a serious re-evaluation of political policies within various centre-left progressive movements in response to international doubt regarding the economic viability of the state; economic interventionist policies that had previously been popularized by Keynesianism and contrasted with the corresponding rise of popularity for economic liberalism and the New Right.[3] The Third Way is promoted by some social democratic and social liberal movements


The Third Position, Third Way or Third Alternative is a political position that emphasizes its opposition to both communism and capitalism. Advocates of Third Position politics typically present themselves as “beyond left and right”, while syncretizing ideas from each end of the political spectrum, usually reactionary right-wing cultural views and radical left-wing economic views.

The term Third Position was coined in early 20th century Europe, and the main precursors of Third Position politics were National Bolshevism, a synthesis of nationalism and Bolshevik communism, and Strasserism, a radical, mass-action and worker-based form of Nazism, advocated by the “left-wing” of the Nazi Party until it was crushed by the Night of the Long Knives

Political scientist Roger Griffin dismisses Third Positionist claims of being “beyond left and right” as specious. He argues that Third Positionism is an ideological mutation of the neo-fascist far right, which rejects both Marxism and liberalism for a synthesis of palingenetic ultranationalism with either socialism, distributism, corporatism or anarchism

yeah… your going to wait a long time for any news organization to explain all that poly sci history… of ir you wait for john to know it..

we even forgot the long same history of Forwards… which was both a nazi thing AND a bolshivik thing.

i guess you had to be from a family that was from that history, as the US dont teach this, the pundits dont research it, and the left ridicules it so that their ownfollowers stay ignorant… (check out vpered sometime)

from clintons book and a bit more
One staff member who influenced him was Fulbright’s speechwriter Seth Tillman, who Clinton says “taught at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and had become a friend and mentor”. Tillman, along with Committee on Foreign Relations Latin American specialist Pat Holt, had recently helped shape Fulbright’s opposition to Johnson’s Dominican Republic policy, arguing that Dominican rebels were not Marxists and did not pose a threat similar to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. (Holt, who advocated working with Castro rather than removing him, had previously encouraged Fulbright to oppose the Bay of Pigs invasion. In retirement he would participate in seminars and publish books for the Center for International Policy, an IPS spinoff cofounded by Orlando Letelier, a Chilean Marxist linked to agents of Cuba, East Germany, and the USSR. Holt recently published an article titled, “Was Cuba ever really a threat to the United States?”)

there is so much more…
but good luck finding the article as its now swamped by google pushing a song called road to moscow and other things..

now, do you really want hillary in office? Obama is thick in this stuff too.
but why do the detailed research that shows these organizations still at work, still associated with the soviets (who are still soviet even if they dont spout funny rhetoric, just read gorbachevs writings and quotes, especially the ones that the green revolution was a sign of coordination and that they would never turn off the path)

You keep asking how can ”principled conservatives,” go along with Trump on this or that.
I cited a poll just yesterday that answers you questions.
It noted that over 70% of the poll’s respondents called themselves either Very Conservative or Conservative.
YET, only 1.7% of them cared about their candidate espousing purely conservative positions!
I thought that was enough of a standout point as to note it in my post yesterday…..out of all the other stuff in the poll.
I guess it tells you something about conservatives and ”purity” of positions.
If you recall your history, Barry Goldwater held pure conservative positions and lost the Electoral College vote with LBJ 486 to 52.

Wasn’t Erick Erickson of Redstate the guy who disinvited Trump to a Republican candidate speaking opportunity?

a special post for John (not dr john):

Andrei Navrozov
The restructuring militarization would initially mimic the mass culture of demilitarized civilization – with its ballot booths and its symbols of diversity, its social hypocrisies and political deceptions – as competently as it once simulated the aristocratic culture of old Russia. Then it would foment a Thirty Years War of a thousand local Vietnams, a pseudo-religious, pseudo-racial, pseudo-political, fragmentation to which a centralized power able to bring about global peace would be the progressive answer.


I have been saying that “Muslim” terrorism is a Russian secret services canard – and, to the small extent their self-serving aims are congruent, that of the CIA as well – ever since Putin declared, in a speech made even before he became Russia’s “president,” that “Russia will be the West’s shield from the Muslim menace.” By this he meant, needless to say, that Russia would be sponsoring “Muslim” attacks against the West until Western democracies are intimidated enough to trade freedom for security. Thus ISIS, I believe, is merely the latest in a long series of “Muslim” bugaboos grown by the Kremlin like homunculi in a mad scientist’s laboratory.

[its well known outside liberal circles that Russia has been running islam and the other organizations for decades, with some autobiographies bragging about their doing so… the only people that dont know are the sheltered and the left, who have been completely surprised previously]

If Russian arms and troops continue to arrive in Syria, what or who is to stop Putin from taking over all of the Middle East, precisely as Stalin hoped to take over all of Europe? Seen in this light, Crimea is a red herring. Putin does not want to swap the West’s condoning the annexation for Russia’s taming the “Muslim” threat; instead, he wants the West to believe that, having done a naughty thing in his own back yard, he is about to do a nice one in the West’s. A plenary indulgence, such as obtained by the early Crusaders, is what he expects to receive for his armed peregrinatio in terram sanctam. And, once Russian tanks are on the ground and Russian military bases have dotted the map of the region, I repeat, nothing will stand between the Kremlin’s exculpation and its control of the Holy Land.

A global oil monopoly for Russia will be far and away the most trifling of strategic consequences if these events come to pass. There’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip, of course. But I fear that the West’s geopolitical strategy – ever since Stalin was pacified at Yalta with the central part of Europe which he persuaded the West was “Eastern” – has been little more than blind reliance on the power of that English proverb.

Wednesday’s Child: Putin’s Hitler

@Artfldgr: By this he meant, needless to say, that Russia would be sponsoring “Muslim” attacks against the West until Western democracies are intimidated enough to trade freedom for security. Thus ISIS, I believe, is merely the latest in a long series of “Muslim” bugaboos grown by the Kremlin like homunculi in a mad scientist’s laboratory.

[its well known outside liberal circles that Russia has been running islam and the other organizations for decades, with some autobiographies bragging about their doing so…

Sorry, the Beslen school siege and massacre comes to mind as Islam OUT of CONTROL inside Russia.

And there also was the Moscow theater hostage crisis where 50 armed Chechens allied with the Islamist militant separatist movement took 850 hostages.
Russian authorities used too much of a gas designed to incapacitate, leading to 130 dead.

*The 2003 Znamenskoye suicide bombing. 59 killed 200 injured.
*The February 2004 Moscow Metro bombing. 41 killed up to 120 injured.
*The August 2004 Moscow Metro bombing. 10 killed 50 injured.
* March 29, 2010 Moscow Metro bombings. 40 dead, 102 injured. Caucasus Emirate claimed responsibility.
*May 3, 2012 – Makhachkala attack. 14 dead, including 2 suicide bombers, 130 wounded.
*2014 Grozny bombing. 5 officers and the suicide bomber, were killed, while 12 others were wounded.
*2014 Grozny clashes. 26 total dead, including 14 policemen, 11 Jihadist from Caucasus Emirate, 1 civilian.

Yeah, the Russians are really ”in control” of Islam.

@Nanny G: Yeah, the Russians are really ”in control” of Islam.

Your talking the year 2000, i am talking from hitler onwards to almost today.

Gen. Sakharovsky asked us in Romanian intelligence to help the KGB bringing Arafat and some of his fedayeen fighters secretly to the Soviet Union via Romania, in order for them to be indoctrinated and trained. During that same year, the Soviets maneuvered to have Arafat named chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organizaiton, with public help from Egypt’s ruler, Gamal Abdel Nasser.

When I first met Arafat, I was stunned by the ideological similarity between him and his KGB mentor. Arafat’s broken record was that American “imperial Zionism” was the “rabid dog of the world,” and there was only one way to deal with a rabid dog: “Kill it!” In the years when Gen. Sakharovsky was the chief Soviet intelligence adviser in Romania, he used to preach in his soft, melodious voice that “the bourgeoisie” was the “rabid dog of imperialism,” adding that there was “just one way to deal with a rabid dog: Shoot it!” He was responsible for killing 50,000 Romanians. In 1972, the Kremlin established a “socialist division of labor” for supporting international terrorism. Romania’s main clients in this new market were Libya and the PLO. A year later, a Romanian intelligence adviser assigned to the PLO headquarters in Beirut reported that Arafat and his KGB handlers were preparing a PLO commando team headed by Arafat’s top deputy, Abu Jihad, to take American diplomats hostage in Khartoum, Sudan, and demand the release of Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian assassin of Robert Kennedy.

what you think is proof may be in the west, but among people who would murder 70 million of their own, sacrificing few people for the point of changing minds is a nothing… what YOU believ and live by they dont.. in fact its not the first time…

In January 1978, the PLO representative in London was assassinated at his office. Soon after that, convincing pieces of evidence started to come to light showing that the crime was committed by the infamous terrorist Abu Nidal, who had recently broken with Arafat and built his own organization. “That wasn’t a Nidal operation. It was ours,” Ali Hassan Salameh, Arafat’s liaison officer for Romania, told me. Even Ceausescu’s adviser to Arafat, who was well familiar with his craftiness, was taken by surprise. “Why kill your own people?” Col. Constantin Olcescu asked.

“We want to mount some spectacular operations against the PLO, making it look as if they had been organized by Palestinian extremist groups that accuse the chairman of becoming too conciliatory and moderate,” Salameh explained.

if you know history, its not the first time such things were done for gain, and it wont be the last time. your assuming a set of morals that do not exist as theya re seen as a weakness and an arbitrary limit.

if you want i can give you a lot of examples from history where people were sacrficied to create an image for others to then change how they think of things. its very naive to think otherwise.

however dotted in this same history are people who acted on their own, decided not to ask or plan and just acted out.

Beslan was more about pushing soviets out than it was about islam… and most who died there died because the russians flooded the theater with fentanyl…

there is always the group who thinks they ahve grown past their keepers… or others who take the information, and then use it otherwise. this happens to soviets, and this has happened to us interests. during afghanistan the soviets ran fake mujahadeen groups for the purpose of putting their people into higher places or finding groups to eliminate them.. the former, was often sealed with a betrayal in which the people would think that soviets would not kill their own (ingoring history) just to prove some point…

The Russian Roots of Terrorism
It’s a reminder of Lofton’s important style of writing and the fact that the Islamists we face today learned their style of warfare from the Soviets, who established the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as “the fulcrum of the Soviet Union’s strategic approach” to world revolution, especially control of the Middle East.

so frankensteins monster gets away from the good doctor… in the americas a country folk might say they grew too big for their britches.

Lofton quoted from Marx and Lenin, establishing the fact that the communists were advocates of terror from the beginning. He cited evidence of Soviet sponsorship and support of terrorist groups and personalities from the PLO, to “Carlos the Jackal,” to the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and the African National Congress in South Africa.

One looks back on what Lofton wrote about and has to conclude that the modern-day Islamic terrorists we face today grew out of these communist networks that the Soviets sponsored.

What we have learned since that time is that PLO chairman Yasser Arafat was actually a trained KGB operative. The case of Carlos the Jackal, the KGB-trained Marxist terrorist, is perhaps more significant. He converted to Islam.

“When we learn that a leading commander in ISIL was born in the Soviet Union and trained in Russia, we ought to wonder what is really going on?”

a leading commander of isis is born in the soviet union, and trained there?
Omar al-Shishani, the Russian commander in ISIL (also known as ISIS or the Islamic State)… / Omar al-Shishani is usually described as a prominent Islamic State fighter who is Chechen. In fact, he was born in the former Soviet republic of Georgia and was trained there.

did you know that?

the Islamist who beheaded a woman in Moore, Oklahoma had a Facebook photo of Omar al-Shishani….

even wiki if you bother will say it…
State-sponsored terrorism

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa described the operation “SIG” (“Zionist Governments”) that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the United States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that “a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States.”

how about knowing that the IRA (irish republican army) also had dealings:
Transfer of machine-guns, automatic rifles, Walther pistols, and cartridges to the Provisional Irish Republican Army by the Soviet intelligence vessel Reduktor (operation SPLASH) in 1972 to fulfill a personal request of arms from Michael O’Riordan

then there is operation VOSTOK
Transfer of anti-tank grenade RPG-7 launchers, radio-controlled SNOP mines, pistols with silencers, machine guns, and other weaponry to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine through Wadi Haddad who was recruited as a KGB agent in 1970

LOTS of stuff… but we never talk about it, include it in discussions unless disparagine american organizations, and so on…

want to know more? then ask…
but to think that a regime that murdered its own people in the modern era (over 300 jounalists assasinated from the beslan incident and onwards), would care to not kill its own.

over the past 10 or so years they have killed lots of their own people who said or did things they did not like.. or reported news that they did not like

The dangers to journalists in Russia have been well known since the early 1990s but concern at the number of unsolved killings soared after Anna Politkovskaya’s murder in Moscow on 7 October 2006. While international monitors spoke of several dozen deaths, some sources within Russia talked of over two hundred fatalities

they killed her in her doorway…

Former teacher and TV journalist Natalia Estemirova, now an award-winning Russian human rights activist, board member of the Russian NGO Memorial, and author for Novaya gazeta was murdered on 15 July 200

in 2010:
Gadzhimurat Kamalov, Makhachkala. Investigative reporter – shot 6 times in a drive-by outside his newspaper’s office

Konstantin Popov died from a beating received a fortnight earlier by Russian police, in a detoxification centre for drunk and disorderly

Journalist Ivan Stepanov was stabbed to death at his dacha

Maxim Zuyev was found murdered in a Kaliningrad flat he was renting. Seven years earlier he was interrogated by the city’s police for publishing an anonymous letter alleging corruption among high-ranking police officers in the enclave

Dmitry Okkert, Moscow. A presenter with the Expert TV channel, Okkert was found stabbed to death in his own apartment

Magomed Sultanmagomedov, Makhachkala. The director of the “Makhachkala TV” station died in the hospital after his car was shot at from another vehicle. This was preceded by an attempted bombing in 18 November 2008

in 2009
Anastasia Baburova, Novaya Gazeta, Moscow. On 19 January Stanislav Markelov, lawyer for Novaya gazeta, anti-fascist activist and opponent of human rights abuses in Chechnya, was shot and killed in the centre of Moscow With him died Anastasia Baburova a trainee reporter with Novaya Gazeta, and a fellow anti-fascist activist In early November 2009 a man and a woman were arrested for the killing.

a few more notable killings that were convenient, and note, were citizens of russia

Magomed Yevloyev, Ingush oppositionist, founder of, Moscow-based lawyer, shot on return to country while in custody of Ingush police officers

Abdulla Alishayev, (aka Telman Alishayev), TV presenter on Muslim channel, shot dead in car, Makhachkala

Leonid Etkind, director at Karyera newspaper. Abduction and homicide in Vodnik, Saratov Region

Vadim Kuznetsov, editor-in-chief of World & Home. Saint Petersburg magazine, killed in Saint Petersburg

Elina Ersenoyeva, reporter for Chechenskoye obshchestvo newspaper. Abducted in Grozny, Chechnya. [never found investigation droped]

Alexander Pitersky, Baltika Radio reporter, Saint Petersburg. Homicide

efim Sukhanov, ATK-Media, Archangelsk. Homicide

Adlan Khasanov, Reuters reporter, died in Grozny bomb attack that killed Chechen President Ahmed Kadyrov. Terrorist Act

Yury Shchekochikhin, Novaya gazeta, Moscow. Deputy editor of Novaya gazeta and a Duma deputy since 1993, he died just a few days before his scheduled trip to USA to discuss the results of his journalist investigation with FBI officials. He investigated “Three Whales Corruption Scandal” that allegedly involved high-ranking FSB officials. Shchekochikhin died from an acute allergic reaction. There has been much speculation about cause of his death. Investigation into his death has been opened and closed four times

a huge list…. then there was the polonium poisoning…

Killing your own if it serves the greater good is ok (according to them)

@DrJohn: I see we have taking to lying about what Trump says. He did not blame Bush for 9/11. Jeb said his brother had kept America safe. Trump responded 9/11 took place during W’s time as President. Trump said he was not blaming Bush however he had not kept us safe. Trump has you fake MFers scared shitless.

Intolerable is an understatement. The more Trump talks, the more I despise him, and I’m at a complete loss to understand why some good conservatives are catering to him and supporting him.

I think Trump could–COULD–be a transformative figure similar to Obama in that WHO he is won’t matter as much as WHAT he is. One could go on at length about what Obama was/is, but to me what Trump is is very simple: He’s the white male’s response to having to sit down and shut up during the last few decades while everyone blames him for everything and gives him credit for nothing except being evil purely because of the accident of his birth. I can imagine many men voting for Trump while thinking, “SOMEthing has to change, and electing any democrat won’t change it, and by the way, you can keep calling me a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a bigot, but I simply don’t give a sh*t anymore because you’ve used that one one time too many and you’ll call me that no matter WHAT I do.” I have heard that the Angry White Male was going to destroy us all with his angry-ness (as opposed to the righteous anger of other folks whose anger, you know, KILLS people), and he was going to vote the progressives out, and that big wave never happened–but now we have Republican control in most governorships, legislatures, congress. Trump could vanish, and if he does I think that lightning rod will go with him and Hillary wins. But if Trump goes all the way, I think there will be lots of people like me, of all ethnicities and both genders, who think, “This guy isn’t The One I’d have wanted, but he will change some things that need to be changed, so why not? After Obama, how bad can he be?”

I also believe that if the Republicans are smart (I know) they can learn a crucial lesson from Trump about having the courage of one’s convictions. Republicans are as quick as Dems to apologize EVERY time they say something that might offend someone (except white male conservatives, who get apologies from neither side because, you know, evil, etc.). If Trump is good for anything it’s as an example of how NOT apologizing because someone cried over what you said HELPS your candidacy, while fake apologies are seen as what they are, lies meant to prevent a specific organization from having a propaganda tool against you. Just freakin’ say what you mean, and people will admire that more than they’ll be offended because you dared not think exactly as they do.

@Nanny G:

Chechnya is so messed up that one can’t tell who are the real rebels and who are government agents. What is known for sure is the fact that ruskies never had anything against butchering some of own citizens to demonize the adversary. The story goes back to days of WW2 or even earlier… NKVD torch-men squads disguised as Germans, deliberate refusal to provide help for own POWs through Red Cross (result: russian POWs starved to death and of course bad, evil Nazis are to blame here) Dnipro hydroelectric station bombing, and so on and so on until modern days when FSB blew up some apartment blocks in 1999 to create “evil Chechen Jihadist” scarecrow.

That went already off-topic, but if russian matters are being brought to discussion one must remember that no single word from terroRussians and their top dog can be trusted.