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So basically, Trump’s instincts were correct and he had Choe’s number correct.

There might be a tinge of racism- but not out of malevolence. I certainly believe that liberals especially are all too quick to perceive the world through the lens of racism and color.

I concur with your analysis. The left is always looking for manipulative ways to turn anything a Republican says into somehow being racist.

One tidbit that’s missing here is that Choe wasn’t finished talking. After Trump interrupted him again, one of Trumps people took the mic away from Choe. I guess that’s not racist…but it’s not a good to just silence people when you don’t agree with them, which Trump seems to do all the time (by speaking over and interrupting them).


On the larger point regarding Trump’s opinion regarding our expenditure on military bases overseas and in protecting allies who can afford their own militaries, I believe that part of the reason for keeping military bases overseas and how it benefits us is that these bases provide us with logistics, reach, and influence halfway across the globe in regions of the world that have strategic interest to our national security.

That’s a good point.
Obama wants to leave what some military are calling a ”lily pad” footprint in Iraq with only 5,500 troops protecting only one embassy and two airports.
But Trump makes a point, too.
The USA spends about 4.35% of its GDP on its military.
Germany, which we keep a good sized footprint in, spends only 1.35% of its GDP.
Japan, which we also keep a good sized footprint in spends 0.97% of its GDP.
South Korea does spend more: 2.8% of its annual GDP.
Numbers all here, plus more: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2034rank.html#us

these bases provide us with logistics, reach, and influence halfway across the globe in regions of the world that have strategic interest to our national security

. . . And from a personal perspective, I am grateful, just as millions of others are, for having had the ability to Travel to many foreign countries for business and pleasure, knowing that there was ‘presence’ of the military kind somewhere not far away.

These days, that confidence has waned.

Well Mr. Choe has now set himself up for a tour of all the talk shows. This will be a good money maker for him.


I guess that’s not racist…but it’s not a good to just silence people when you don’t agree with them, which Trump seems to do all the time (by speaking over and interrupting them).

Not to sound like a Trump cheerleader, but NO candidate answers more questions and gives more people the opportunity to talk than Trump has.


One tidbit that’s missing here is that Choe wasn’t finished talking. After Trump interrupted him again, one of Trumps people took the mic away from Choe.

So what? The event wasn’t a scheduled debate with Chloe, it was so that people from the crowd could ask the candidate questions. It was the Trump campaign’s microphone. Chloe was allowed to ask, he was answered, next person’s turn. So far only Bernie Sanders has (Stupidly IMO,) given-up his microphone to activists.

The kid had his point. Trump had made an error, and errors are not all that uncommon during a campaign, but they are more costly if you are not a Socialist, because Leftists control and use the media as a political bureau.

All of the public figures have ways of controlling the crowd and the message. Obama demands and receives absolute control over the crowd and the media: Trump, in comparison, could be considered abrupt and crude, but he is effective.

The backlash occurs because the kid is Asian; if he were white, no one would give a damn, but if there is a possibility of political gain, the media rushes to scream racism like starving dogs attacking a maggot infested bone.

@Bill: No candidate cuts more people off and treats them dismissively.

@Rich Wheeler: No candidate provides more media access and takes more questions than Trump.

@Bill: Trump generally spends the first few minutes of his appearances bragging about how well he’s doing in the polls—now, being behind Carson in two most recent Iowa polls, he claims they’re wrong. Blasts Carson–says he ‘s lower energy than Jeb.
Trump is classless—highest negatives of any candidate.
Does he really think he can win Presidency when over half the populace think he’s a bombastic clown?
Do you remember his run in 2012?—None of the Repubs. wanted his endorsement–saw it as a negative.
Times have changed but not that much.

“Are you from South Korea?”

Would someone explain to me how that is a ‘racist’ question? Is everyone from South Korea a ‘special race’ that is different someway? Is every person in S. Korea a ‘South korean race” ?
If someone asks me if I’m from the US. Is that a ‘racist’ question? Only liberals see racism in everything, especially if it might mean a buck in their pocket.

@Rich Wheeler:

Trump is classless—highest negatives of any candidate.

You think his negs are higher than Webb’s were? I will concede that Trumps negs are higher amongst Dims than most others are.

Does he really think he can win Presidency when over half the populace think he’s a bombastic clown?

What do you consider Obama? and he won. He’s a foreign Muslim out to destroy the country. I’d rather have a bombastic clown.

@Rich Wheeler:

one of the most vocal cheerleaders of this effort to reduce benefits for American soldiers is Senator John McCain who stated that military personnel costs are “one of our greatest challenges” and that “we’re going to have to make some tough decisions” soon.

No one should be shocked at McCain’s position of course since despite his constant harping about his military service as a qualification for any and all of his opinions McCain has been a relentless enemy of American military personnel since as far back as the Vietnam War.

One of the reasons Libs love McCain and conservatives want him out


@Redteam: Trump and folks like you can continue to bash Mac if you like.
Large majority of Americans think it’s sleazy to question his service/POW time, because you don’t like his politics.
IMO Trump’s constant foot in mouth will bring him down.
Do you still think HRC won’t get the nom? Any other predictions?

Should be a great Series, particularly if you like pitching.
College Football—-gets better every week–

@Rich Wheeler:

Trump generally spends the first few minutes of his appearances bragging about how well he’s doing in the polls

WHAT?!? You mean a candidate for office spends time in the campaign bragging on themselves? When the hell did THAT start? Outrageous!

If the vote were between Trump and Hillary, who would you vote for? What if between Bernie and Trump? What about Biden and Trump?

Trump at least is not making a lot of promises of bribes for votes; he is stating what HE’LL do (accurately or not). Meanwhile, the front-running Democrats offer bribes and create villains (other than themselves) for the nation’s financial woes.

My main concern is going to be keeping a corrupt, dishonest, incompetent liar or a crazed socialist or a certified idiot out of office. No, if it comes to Trump, he is by no means perfect, but he is not Obama.2, Obama .3 or Obama .4.

@Bill: I would NEVER vote for Trump–neither will a majority of the American electorate—bank on it.

@Rich Wheeler:

Trump and folks like you can continue to bash Mac

Let me get this straight Rich. You support what McCain is doing at denying vets benefits? and you support

McCain has been a relentless enemy of American military personnel since as far back as the Vietnam War.

Veteran or not, McCain is not a friend or supporter of veterans.

@Rich Wheeler: So, given the choice between Hillary and Trump, you pick Hillary.

You ARE a Hillary supporter.

@Rich Wheeler: A majority of Americans is not required. Only over 50% of electoral votes.

World series: I prefer, in series like these, average pitching with lots of hitting and good fielding plays. I like for everyone to get to participate, not just the pitchers and catchers.

@Bill: He has no chance but to be a Hillary supporter. It apparently was born into him. I think that’s what causes socialism. Just can’t help it. (birth defect)

@Redteam:RT As a confirmed Trumpist ( you certainly fit the profile) you’ve got a long stretch getting him an E.C win—won’t happen with his huge negatives–but keep trying.
I’m not voting for HRC–have you changed your mind about her getting the nom? Thought you said it couldn’t happen–not only will she get nom she’ll win Presidency–sorry bout that— Foolish Repubs. will make sure it happens with moronic displays like Benghazi Com.

Your bashing of Mac is typical right wing garbage. You’re immersed in it.

Re W.S You don’t always get what you want.–Enjoy.

@BillRe HRC :Do you know how to read Bill?

Seems there’ve been demonstrators at all recent Trump rallies.
But another thing has been said at most recent Trump rallies:
If, or when, I become president Ford will meet with me about moving their truck factory down to Mexico. By the end of the day, or the next day, Ford will change their mind and keep those jobs in the USA.

Well, remember how Reagan talked about what he’d do to Iran when he was running for president and Iran was holding American hostages?
Iran buckled and freed all the hostages while Reagan was being sworn into office.

Ford, saw the writing on the wall.

Ford´s heavy duty pickup trucks which used to be built in Mexico started rolling off an assembly line in Ohio this week.
In April, the automaker said it would invest $2.5 billion in transmission plants in the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Guanajuato, creating about 3,800 jobs there.

Now, it is not to be.
Agree with them or not, men like Reagan and Trump project power.

@Rich Wheeler:

@Redteam:RT As a confirmed Trumpist ( you certainly fit the profile)

What is a “confirmed” Trumpist? Is that someone who doesn’t support liar Hillary or Socialist Bernie? I understand that Trump lives rent free inside your head, but you are aware there are other Republican candidates, aren’t you?

And what is the “confirmed” Trumpist profile? But wait, I thought you lefties were against profiling of any kind. Are you now saying there is a profile that the left is applying to not-Democrats to tell if they support Trump, or any other candidate?

Your bashing of Mac is typical right wing garbage

That’s pretty funny coming from a guy who voted against McCain when he ran against Obama. But then, your standards don’t seem to apply across the board, do they? You supported Webb (ooops) because of his military service yet you voted against McCain in favor of Obama, with absolutely no military service and who obviously holds disdain for our military, when McCain’s military service required greater sacrifice than Webb ever thought about giving.

Tell me, RW, do you never tire of being a hypocrite?


Tell me, RW, do you never tire of being a hypocrite?

I doubt he does because it doesn’t take much effort for him. Born into him.

RW. I have never said I was voting for Trump. That hardly seems like what you seem to want to define as a Trumpist. You’ve consistently said you won’t vote for Shrillary, does that make you a Shrillarist?

RW you seem to be having a hard time keeping on subject. I havn’t said anything about McCain’s military service, my complaint with him is his totally being a liberal and treating our vets as liberals do. I notice you chose Obama over McCain, so I don’t think your military loyalism reaches very deep.
And, NO, I still don’t think Shrillary will get the nom. I think she’ll still be being fitted for her orange jumpsuit (unless Obama gives her a pardon)

Rich either doesn’t get it, or doesn’t want to. As far as the primaries are concerned, we don’t care what the opinions of die-hard, died in the wool progressive-socialist-democrats are when it comes to selecting Republican candidates.

The Democrats under Obama have transformed their party so far left into their desired socialist-fascist political machine, that they have themselves alienated moderate voters, and the broken snake-oil sham of Obamacare is not helping. Moderates are not going to vote for avowed socialist candidate Sanders, and they don’t find Hillary to be trustworthy or as having any ethics. They’ve shot themselves in the ass, so they can only buy votes with more unsustainable handouts and by bringing in more poorly educated illegal immigrants to try to steal the election.

The main reason pro-socialists like Rich are sticking their nose in the Republican primaries, is to try to discourage the Republican base from voting for any conservative who will try to reverse at least some of the damage done this nation during the disastrous Obama years. They desperately need a progressive-Republican establishment candidate who will let the damage stand.

@Rich Wheeler: Do you know how to reason? Or add? If you don’t vote against Hillary you are supporting her.

@Nanny G: Reagan and Trump–I NEVER thought I’d see those names in the same sentence at F.A.
DITTO Do you think Trump is a Conservative? I’m with Dr J. and other F.A. Conservatives on this.

@Rich Wheeler:

I’m with Dr J. and other F.A. Conservatives on this.

You’re not with any conservative on anything.


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