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vlad and the little boy

This is what it’s come to.

Image via Reagan Coalition

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No caption, the picture says it all. Man vs. Boy. Unfortunately we are stuck with the boy.

“I’ll be strong like you, Daddy, when I grow up.”

Many recent US headlines have noted Putin’s flexing of his MILITARY muscle.
This poster expresses Obama’s wonderment at such a thing -perfectly.

Russia will post a 5% decline in GNP this year.while our GNP will go UP about that amount.
How bad is 5%? Well that is the amount the USA crashed in 2008 under Bush yeah 5% is BAD
Putin in Syria makes about as much sense as the USA in Iraq

@john: Why don’t you cite a source believing the GNP will rise 5%. You’re delusional.

@john: Russia will post a 5% decline in GNP this year.while our GNP will go UP about that amount.

where did you get that Pollyannaish forecast, john?

The panel of 50 professional forecasters’ median forecast for real GDP growth from the fourth quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2015 is 2.5%, a slight increase from the forecast of 2.3% reported in the June survey; the forecasted annualized growth rate for 2015 also edged up to 2.5% in the October survey from 2.4% in June.

Notice the title of this forecast:
These 50 economists are being OPTIMISTIC with their 2.5% number!
The U.S. economy only grew 0.9 percent in the third quarter!
The U.S. economy only grew 2.3 percent in the second quarter.
The U.S. economy only grew 0.3 percent in the first quarter!

Obama is a genius. He will have the last laugh when he hands of the mess in the middle east to Russia who’s economy will implode in the process.

@Reem: Yeah. Genius. That’s why he created ISIS; to teach the Russians a lesson. Brilliant!

Another thought about that picture.
Lefties, like Obama, seem to have a habit of misrepresenting themselves as if their own interpretation IS reality.
Elizabeth Warren got jobs and school placement based on a lie that she was a native American.
She wasn’t one.
Susan Taffe Reed, who tried to take the position of Director of Dartmoth’s “Native American Program,” to help other native Americans adjust to life in an Ivy League college, is also NOT even one smidgeon native American!
Rachel Dolezal headed an NAACP group while faking being black.
Shaun King took the lead in the Black Lives Matter movement while faking being black, too.
Obama and all of the above share something: They are NOT who they pretend to be.
The world has their number.

Sounds like another attempt to praise KGB scumbag.

“Thug vs. foolish kid” more likely. Praising thug Putin is like admiring street gang leader who is successful because local sheriff is a sissy libtard imbecile and prosecutor is a corrupt a$$hole.

@Nicolas: Actually, it’s an expression of how important it is for the United States to be a strong, stabilizing force in the world, as opposed to one that sends James Taylor out to conduct diplomacy.

@john: 5% is nothing to that economy, which has insured that its main two means of making cash is raw materials, and military weapons. they actually sell more weapons a year than the US with a GDP a lot smaller than the US… (proportionately we owuld have to increase our spending and sales by 500% or more to match them)

the whole idea of the wars you mention that dont make sense to you is/was to create a buffer zone (which putin even called it that realizing by what it meant to russia what is purpose was). if you read pundits, leftist press, etc. you were about as informed of things as the CPUSA was when the molotov rippentrop pact appeared and they had to do a 180 degree turn instantly…

world leaders look at maps and at large economic things, not pundits, leftist press idiots, and so on.

if you wanted to stop the wars in the middle east, you had to stop the flow of weapons, experts, and so on. these come from russia into the middle east to drive up prices for raw materials, and they do this to africa (with our bleeding hearts making it easy helping the africans stay impovirished by our aid!!!!), so africa, which has copious amounts of raw materials cant put them on the market, become an economic power, and cause russia to lose lots of extra destabilization cash.

turkey, iran, afghanistan, pakistan, and india, can make a country wide buffer zone that would have prevented arms, experts, and explosives from being transported to the area by trucks from russia.

or havent you noticed that they took georgia, and fought crazy in ajerbaijan, and all that? why? no big oil there, no economic power there, not even the same russian orthodox religion or huge amounts of soviets to rescue a la hitler or the ukraine… so why go crazy over those places and the seas there too?

thats the land bridge to move weapons without being monitored. you can move weapons by ship, but alas, the ship yard may not unload it, it can be sunk as prevention, and your work can be revealed or guestimated (See african docks refuse to unload weapons)… well that would then leave planes, but given monitoring of the air, you can easily track the plane, estimate its size and then know how much can be shipped…

the only way to move tons of equipment, weapons, and so on without the rest of the world knowing in detail or quantifying it or being able to abrogate it, is by truck slipped into the huge daily traffic.

too bad american leftists thought it was about oil we never got, and had no brains enough to look at a map and realize that Bush was actually trying to achieve the end goal of no more wars in the middle east, and africa.

now, with that stopped, and the momentum gone, and leftist in office, hows that no war, no conflict, no terrorism game going now? how ya gonna stop it short of genocidal action (Which russia has no problem with and has no internal capitalist factions that drive their news to slow them down, or stop them?)

the left is full of idiots being used, and you can even read about it and how, but thye wont… they think that they are geniuses… why?

Dunning-Kruger effect:

Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:[4]

fail to recognize their own lack of skill
fail to recognize genuine skill in others
fail to recognize the extent of their inadequacy
recognize and acknowledge their own lack of skill, after they are exposed to training for that skill

the dunmber the leftist is, the more expert they think they are and the more they claim the more able conservatives are cheating…

communists been exploiting that effect since the 1920s at least..

feminists are more capable than men, which is why they need laws like affirmative action, the state to help, and so on… and have to imagine some evil conspiracy to put women down, and imagine that people who want to make money prefer to lose money to a penis rather than make tons more with a hole. (which is what their argument is reduced to if you think about it)

this is why the left has every malcontent, every dysfunctional group, every low iq group and so on… they only need to validate their Dunning-Kruger effect – and voila, your building high speed rail no one needs while saying desalination is too expensive… your holding back the smart to equalize the dumb, your inventing conspiracies to asuage your failed constituency, while hiding your own complicity and using of others…

of course, why would the left even care as they are so smart copying others and listining to leaders that lie by ommission knowing that such people would never check the facts and imply they may not know…

its why they are so certain and are doing the same nasty things of the past… ever notice that medical interventions for children parallel the reasoning of Joseph mengele? their global warming copies trophim lysenko type science. the abuse of argument by authority has them discussing post birth abortions (infanticide). or how they cling like crazy to birth control and abortion despite the orchetrator of the holocaust wrote articles and sanger gave speeches to the kkk? how about how they played the black community for votes and make them squeal louder rather than help them as a good mental whip can get you what you need from them?

its sad, but those that know better are like trying to save a man from drowning who doesnt want to be saved and doesnt know where it will lead.

its why comunism, socialism, fascism has never worked. its not about earning your superior positio by superior results, its about gaming the huge number of less smart people for agreeing that they would be happier as pets and slaves and without rights…

but hey? what would do i know, a lefist will now come and say what to adress my points? too funny tovarishes. too funny…

My captions for the image:

Putin: When in just seven days, i can make you a man!!! (dig it if you can!)

Obama: I dont like a man with too many muscles.

Obama: you brut!!!

Obama: Michelle doesnt like a man with too many muscles

@Nanny G: “Vladimir those steroids you are taking yes big biceps but it has shrunk your weenue down do much that your population is in decline and you will have a life expectancy 20% lower than women
No wonder you are exporting all the most beautiful women to here in the USA “

@Nanny G:
Nanny what you are citing is what the “experts” THOUGHT 2015 would be like. But now we are already IN 2015 and we have the actual results.
This shows 3.9% and trending higher each quarter. probably because of that sweet 2$ a gallon Obama gas.
I am always happy to provide citings it just makes people realize that I am not misleading them.

@Artfldgr: Socialism doesn’t work ? but Artie the rightwing is constantly telling us that we already HAVE become socialists what with Obamacare and Social Security. And myself, i am pretty happy to live here, if it is too socialist for you get a passport

@john: Your 3.9 is 3.5 when the lowered corrections are applied, john.
You always have to wait.
Almost always, lately, the initial quarterly number gets revised down.
The number you quoted is from initial reports BEFORE the downward revision.

@Bill: Love J.T and his music.

Caption Stoli and Steroids Breakfast Of Fools

@Reem: Obama is a genius. He will have the last laugh when he hands of the mess in the middle east to Russia who’s economy will implode in the process.

yeah..nothing like being in a position to grab the largest oil and gas find in the past few months… but ya have to get that land back from israel… then there is the halting of the gas pipe that would dilute and end russias monopoly on gas to europe, and oil…

of course, by definition, lefists are economic idiots. why else do they think that the solution to finance is despotism? (please dont say otherwise as the point of a dictatorship is despotism not economic freedom).

then there is the sale of weapons, of which russia sells more than the US does despite our being many times larger…

then there is the intimidation of the states around it and the prevention of closing off these lines of sales.

yeah… all bad for russia.. .(not)
[pleae ignore the people in this equation, because if you look around, socialists run the most impoverished states (some which used to be wealthier than the US before that game. and they ALL hurt their population to make them squeel louder as a way to power]

@john: Socialism doesn’t work ? but Artie the rightwing is constantly telling us that we already HAVE become socialists what with Obamacare and Social Security. And myself, i am pretty happy to live here, if it is too socialist for you get a passport

john, where are you from? my family is from latvia, and slovakia, and my wife is of chinese heritage, and your going to tell me socialism works?

EVERY person who claims that, says so before the end game.

with all that nationalization just like in germany in the 1930s, we are declining. they even had to change the metrics to fool dipsticks like you.

This is one of the slowest recoveries, which has never recovered
we have huge unemployment if you actually include the unemployed and not just those who havent given up trying
welfare costs are huge
record homeless in ny and most blue state urban areas
median salaries are down
workforce participation rate highest since early last century [part of the fall in unemployment came from a 0.3 percentage point drop in the labor force participation rate to 62.6%, the lowest rate since October 1977.]

Since President Obama took office, the national debt has increased by $7.4 trillion. On January 20, 2009, it stood at $10.6 trillion; on Monday, it was at $18 trillion

$65,443 per household, $70,985 per full-time worker and $84,266 per full-time private-sector worker

unfunded liabilities have risen to astronomic levels: $205 Trillion in Unfunded Liabilities [and that doesnt include most of 2014 and all of 2015!!!]

john, your delusional…
go ahead, give me a measure of something you think is good.
blacks are more out of work than before
race hate and anger is higher than before
debt is higher and higher with no way to stop the increases
obama has used more executive orders than truman

by what measure do you think all this is good?

why not look to other socialist states..
china is huge because of US creating their market for them
Venezuela has people waiting in line like the old soviet union
Cuba still has cars from the 1950s
Sweden is now the rape capital of europe

i can go on and on and on… and you will think its good

I guess i am blocked… not funny enough..
then again, john is a moron who thinks living in a socialist state is better than living in a vibrant free market economy… the more socialism we have, the less forwards we go…

socialists spent $22 trillion to make poor people less poor
they are now more poor, we are out $22 trillion, the wealthy in state took that money and made themselves wealthier.

And for some reason, a politician worth 100 million saying he will tax the wealthy if john will vote for them, never screws himself, but instead screws john and then tells him they tried. vote again.

@john: Socialism doesn’t work ? but Artie the rightwing is constantly telling us that we already HAVE become socialists what with Obamacare and Social Security. And myself, i am pretty happy to live here, if it is too socialist for you get a passport

you really dont understand what they are telling you, and what does getting a passport have to do with it? [my family came from the workers paradise tovarish, and we have lived under BOTH systems, how about you? i held my fathers hand when he became a citizen and took the oath]

then again, john is a moron who thinks living in a socialist state is better than living in a vibrant free market economy… the more socialism we have, the less forwards we go…

socialists spent $22 trillion to make poor people less poor
they are now more poor, we are out $22 trillion, the wealthy in state took that money and made themselves wealthier.

And for some reason, a politician worth 100 million saying he will tax the wealthy if john will vote for them, never screws himself, but instead screws john and then tells him they tried. vote again.

my family is from latvia, and slovakia, and my wifes family is from china.
you want to know about socialism?

here is your idea of working:
List of Bankruptcy Filings Since January 2010
Municipal Bankruptcy Filings:
City and Locality Bankruptcy Filings:
— City of Detroit
— City of San Bernardino, Calif.
— City of Stockton, Calif.
— Jefferson County, Ala.
— City of Central Falls, R.I.

take a look at this:

The new Census data on where we live and where we moved to in 2014 shows that the top seven states with the biggest percentage increase in in-migration from other states are in order: North Dakota, Nevada, South Carolina, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, and Texas. All of these states are red, except Colorado, which is purple.

Meanwhile, the leading exodus states of the continental states in percentage terms were Alaska, New York, Illinois, Connecticut, New Mexico, New Jersey, and Kansas. All of these states are blue, except Alaska and Kansas.

In 2013, Florida gained $8.2 billion in adjusted gross income from out-of-staters. Texas gained $5.9 billion—in one year. Five of the seven states with the biggest gains in income have no income tax at all: Florida, Texas, Arizona, Washington, and Nevada. New York was again the big loser, with another 112,236 tax filers leaving and taking $5.2 billion with them. (So much for those TV ads trying to lure businesses into America’s 2nd highest taxed state with temporary tax breaks.) Illinois lost nearly 67,000 tax filers and $3.7 billion of income it can no longer tax.

I’ve never met a Democrat who could come up with even a semi-plausible explanation for why families and businesses are hightailing it out of blue states. They are leaving states with high minimum wages, pro-union work rules, high taxes on the rich, generous welfare benefits, expansive regulations to “help” workers, green energy policies, etc. People are voting with their feet against these liberal policies.

@john: hey John, you dont even know the language your using is soviet, and doesnt apply in the US!!! in fact most left doesnt know where they got their left right centrist bs from

The struggle for power in the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin saw the development of three major tendencies within the Communist Party. These were described by Leon Trotsky as representing left, right and centre tendencies, each based on a specific class or caste. Trotsky argued that his tendency, the Left Opposition, represented the internationalist traditions of the working class.

The tendency led by Joseph Stalin was described as being in the centre, based on the state and party bureaucracy, tending to shift alliances between the left and the right.

The right tendency was identified with the supporters of Nikolai Bukharin and Rykov. It was asserted that they represented the influence of the peasantry and the danger of capitalist restoration.[citation needed] Their policy was closely identified with the New Economic Policy developed by Bukharin


hitler was a socialist and worked WITH stalin to start WWII… did you know that john?
did you know that your no longer fighting between capitalism and socialism, your now fighting to decide which form of communism you have, with the centrist position being the stalinist position?

are you a trotskyite, or a stalinist john? your definitely not a Bukharin type..
and evne less the avoid the “road to serfdom” type…

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.”

– H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920

You do know who Mencken is, yes?

@Artfldgr:the price of their commodities has fallen dramatically and will continue in the future
oil precious metals all have gone down the ruble lost half its value the US dollar under Obama is doing quite well the inflation that conservatives predicted neverhappened

@Artfldgr: no I do not “know” that I do know that prior to Pearl Hitler was admired by many American conservatives for his stong opposition to anything left like unions. I do know that Prescott Bush W’s grandfather was almost indicted for continuing to trade with Germany AFTER Pearl
I do know that trying to rewrite history is difficult, but some like you still try.
Liberals recognized him as a great evil.

And don’t try and obscure by saying the Democrats did bad things too. Of course they did. Conservatives in BOTH parties saw Hitler as a bulwark against unions, socialism and communism

Well dodger since you seem to agree that Wiki is a pretty reliable source of info here is their first paragraph from NAZISM National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/ˈnaːtsɪzᵊm/), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state as well as other far-right groups. Usually characterized as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and anti-Semitism,
Don’t see much saying socialist or lefty leaning
Please note the citation, mine is not plagarism


Not a good one. KGB thug is “strong” only compared to liberal sissy Obama (who BTW was one of the main supporters of russian thuggery). Facing a REAL strength and a REAL man in U.S. President’s office, thug putin would run away like a whipped cur.


Not a good one. KGB thug is “strong” only compared to liberal sissy Obama (who BTW was one of the main supporters of russian thuggery). Facing a REAL strength and a REAL man in U.S. President’s office, thug putin would run away in brown pants, whining like a whipped cur.

@Bill: eah. Genius. That’s why he created ISIS; to teach the Russians a lesson. Brilliant!

Riiight, Bush total screw up the region but Obama created ISIS, lol! Idiot.

@Reem: Stop being intentionally stupid for just a moment and look back to Iraq when Bush left office.

There. Now, go forth and be stupid no longer.

“Don’t worry Vlad, these aren’t the guns I want to ban!”

@john: And don’t try and obscure by saying the Democrats did bad things too. Of course they did. Conservatives in BOTH parties saw Hitler as a bulwark against unions, socialism and communism

you dont know your history and your statement to try to block out that history by making it relative to the others that didnt do what your saying is really funny.

by the way, in terms of WWII, read the Molotov Rippentrop pact that carved up europe before the start of the war which is why hitler took one end of poland and stalin the other.

as far as democrats doing bad things.
how about the democrats hunting blacks down in the parishes and murdering and mutliating them and leaving them for dead? i suggest you read “The Hayes-Tilden disputed presidential election of 1876”

She testified that up to the Saturday night before the election she had lived with Henry Pinkston in a cabin on what was known as “The Island” of Ouachita parish. On that night a party of white men, some of whom she claimed to have recognized, and two negroes had ridden up to the cabin, and had called for Pinkston. Failing to entice him out, they had broken in (the door, had seized him, and had sworn that if he voted the Republican ticket he would have “to vote it in hell.” When the woman had attempted to inter fere, she had been knocked down. The ruffians had then gagged the man; had gashed him with knives, making a sound “just like cutting in new leather ;” had then dragged him outside; and had there shot him seven times. Some of them had then re-entered the cabin ; had killed a baby which the woman held in her arms ; had assaulted the woman several times ; and had then shot her, cut her, gashed her with an axe, and left her for dead. In proof of her story she exhibited her wounds, which were still unhealed.
They were a shocking sight, for she had unquestionably

congresional testimony…

Governor Palmer, a Democrat from Illinois, was especially horrified by the recital. “If this woman s story is true,” said he, “the people who could practice any such violence would have no right to complain of any sort of government that would
be put over them.”

its true, you can read the coverage of it in the new york times..
the dems spent all they could to disparage her.. but once she came in whith her breasts cut off, and carried there, all they could do was throw racist comments to her. the knights of the white camela ended up killing over a thousand people (the NAACP listings stop the year before these events)

as a result of the fear which their activity inspired, about 700 negroes joined Democratic clubs. It appears, however, that there was fear among some of the Democratic leaders that all these recruits might not “stick,” l so, as an object lesson, a demon stration was made on the Saturday night just prior to the election. On that night parties of men severely whipped Abram Williams and Willis Frazier, two colored Republicans ; attempted to catch the son of Abram Williams, but not finding him at home, whipped his wife and outraged her; killed Merrimon Rhodes and threw his body into a bayou ; whipped Randall Driver ; and murdered Henry Pinkston and child in the man ner already described.

and those hoses on blacks and dogs? that was democrats too, like bull connors
and that confederate flag, that was the war flag of the southern democrats who represented the wealthy whites who persecuted blacks for the democrat party. they murdered blacks, poor whites, and tortured republicans. go ahead, find similar and i can put forth TONS more, including moving up to the draft riots in ny where they backed the white mans union, told the people that post war blacks were going to take their jobs, and then proceeded to try to murder children in an orphanage, as well as murder blacks and destroy their businesses driviong them up into harlem.

by the way if you read the current wiki of hayes tilden they dont say a thing of how the democrats murdered over a thousand blacks (and white) republicans to win that election!!!

and no, i dont agree wiki is a great source, when its right its right when its not its not
and you are not old enough, educated ehough, and informed enough to knwo which is which.

onward to your next stupidity

@john: Prescott Bush W’s grandfather was almost indicted for continuing to trade with Germany AFTER Pearl

I do know that trying to rewrite history is difficult, but some like you still try.
Liberals recognized him as a great evil.

actually they did think that because he was trying to stop FDR.. who was the most communist president prior to Obama. he had lots of communists all through the state and carved up the countries at yalta to stalin, and basically facilitated the extermination of millions of people (bet you didnt know that? but since my family was part of that extermination process, i do know what happened at yalta)… not to mentino that he signed over the camps of the nazis to stalin who continued to use them.

revisionism of history is a communist thing, not a republican thing. the left has ALWAYS tried to rewrite history a la trostsky, stalin, etc… this was so bad at one point that they would issue new pages for the history books and you had to tear out the old ones. old images were worked to erase people from history. if you look it up you can find the information.

you dont nkow your history tovarish, what you know is revisioned… some of it i lived through and knwo the revisions from watching them cahnge as i got older.

and lets see if you know this about the man your using as a reference:

John Howard Buchanan is a freelance journalist, and was a fringe Republican candidate in the 2004 Presidential election Buchanan discovered documents related to Union Banking Corporation’s business dealings with Fritz Thyssen, the Nazi industrialist who broke with the Nazis after Kristallnacht in 1938 and fled to Switzerland during World War II; together with Stacy Michael, Buchanan wrote an article about it for the New Hampshire Gazette, accusing one of the directors of the bank, Prescott Bush, of dealing with the Nazis.

He e-mailed a number of threats against journalists and media outlets who refused to publish his theories, saying that he would expose the journalists as “traitors to the truth.” Buchanan was arrested and charged with aggravated stalking in Miami, Florida, over a dispute of how best to publicize his theories, but the charges were dropped in 2004

During his presidential campaign, he often referred to himself as “the 9/11 Truth Candidate” He also opposed the 2003 Iraq war. A United Press International reporter called his campaign “unhinged.”

you really have to do better than aligning yourself with a tin hat nut job and then calling his history valid and the rest revisionist… your not too bright and you dont know history!!!

[the site you listed is a known tin hat place, where wacko stuff is presented as valid, but since you dont know history, you dont know how wacko your knowlege is.. ]

@john: prior to Pearl Hitler was admired by many American conservatives for his stong opposition to anything left like unions

actually you have that wrong too… because you dont know or can remember father coughlin, the nazi antisemite priest whose paper “social justice” put forth lots of such things.

Ernst Rudin, the designer of the final solution (To the jewish question) wrote for margaret sanger, the left liberal feminist hero of abortion and eugenics. her paper published his work, and she is known for her speeches in nj to the KKK which were all very secretive and described in her autobiography (ie. she wrote it herself – unlike your reference from a crazy man who wrote a unauthorized biography full of tin hat stuff)

the liberals (Which were not called that then other than in soviet russia), were so enamourd of hitler AND stalin they voted him man of the year in TIME magazine, and stalin as well.

as far as republicans your refeerrnig to ” Griebl was later an organizer of German Americans in the New York Republican Campaign Committee in 1936, when Alf Landon was the Republican candidate.” and this was before the shoa, when everyoone loved hitler, stalin, mussolini.. and thought they were strong leaders who would do right. just as liberals today think that same kind of thing

however, Grieble was in the hands of Wilhelm Bohle, who was the German undersecretary of state that tried to organize fronts in the US with grieble.
but Grieble was found out to be a spy. and part of the Duquesne spy ring, so it can hardly be blamed that spies organized the things your pretending were voluntary, and the spies misdirected. this doesnt mean that some republicans didnt join, but the republicans have alwasy been the party of race equity, hiram rhodes was the first black to serve in congress just after the war, by 1900, there were dozens of blacks in the government, all republican… it wasnt until around the 1930s that the democrats had a blak on the ticket. they were also very antisemitic, the party of the south, bulldozers, copperheads, and more

The Duquesne Spy Ring is the largest espionage case in United States history that ended in convictions. A total of 33 members of a German espionage network headed by Frederick “Fritz” Joubert Duquesne were convicted after a lengthy investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Of those indicted, 19 pleaded guilty. The remaining 14 were brought to jury trial in Federal District Court, Brooklyn, New York, on September 3, 1941; all were found guilty on December 13, 1941. On January 2, 1942, the group was sentenced to serve a total of over 300 years in prison.

so far your references is a known wingnut truther, and a member of one of the worlds largest nazi spy rings…

want to know about kennedy working with the KGB? (you guess which one, as he was opposing reagan the anti communist). how about the fact that Clinton was educated in the soviet union rather than go to vietnam?

Bante, formerly a member of the German-American Bund, claimed that Germany put him in contact with one of their operatives, Paul Fehse, because of Bante’s previous association with a Dr. Ignatz T. Griebl. Before fleeing to Germany to escape prosecution, Dr. Griebl had been implicated in a Nazi spy ring with Guenther Gustave Rumrich, who was tried on espionage charges in 1938

The German American Bund, or German American Federation was an American Nazi organization established in 1936 to succeed Friends of New Germany (FONG), the new name being chosen to emphasise the group’s American credentials after press criticism that the organisation was unpatriotic The Bund was to consist only of American citizens of German descent.[3] Its main goal was to promote a favorable view of Nazi Germany.

you dont know about their THE AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE… (league being code for the left socialists/fascists), as fascism is a leftist thing, not a right thing, its only right under the idea of soviet politics in which buckharin wanted a third way (htough didnt use that term). the democrats adopted third way politics themselves, as well as other fascist points as the viablity of soviets was not so good after we saw how mismanaged and full of horror they were

you might want to read up on Congressman Samuel Dickstein… as he was the main man importing german spies for the nazi party into the usa

Samuel Dickstein was a Democratic Congressional Representative from New York and a New York State Supreme Court Justice. He played a key role in establishing the committee that would become the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which he used to attack fascists, including Nazi sympathizers, and suspected communists. Authors Allen Weinstein, and Alexander Vassiliev learned in 1999 that Soviet files indicate he was a paid agent of the NKVD

the NKVD was one of the names of the KGB before it got that moniker… so your anti nazi democrat was a soviet spy.

The Boston Globe stated: “Dickstein ran a lucrative trade in illegal visas for Soviet operatives before brashly offering to spy for the NKVD, the KGB’s precursor, in return for cash

a democrat soviet spy would probably want to smear the republicans!!

i can tell you a lot more… but so far as i poitn out you have brought up a nut job, a spy, and others without knowing what they were… and then claimed revisionist history… where? what revision? whose got it wrong? its you sir…

john you should study more before you make even more a fool of yourself with idiotic claims that so far, have fallen apart when someone who knows more shows you the ful history

THE AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE was key to the love of the sociaalist hitler
The American Liberty League was an American political organization formed in 1934, primarily by conservative Democrats to oppose the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was highly active for just two years. Following the landslide re-election of Roosevelt in 1936, it sharply reduced its activities and disbanded entirely in 1940.

yes. conservative DEMOCRATS not conservative republicans…
you basically supplied me with evidence that was 180 degrees wrong to the point you tried to make

The creation of the League was announced in Washington, D.C., on August 22, 1934, by a group of Democrats and a smaller number of Republicans. Jouett Shouse, who had been prominent in Democratic politics and the anti-Prohibition movement, became the group’s first chairman. The makeup of the League’s executive committee was designed to demonstrate its bipartisan nature. It included: John W. Davis and Al Smith, former Democratic candidates for president; wealthy businessman Irénée du Pont, who left the Republicans to support Al Smith in 1928 and Roosevelt in 1932; and two New York Republicans, Nathan L. Miller, the state’s former governor, and Representative James W. Wadsworth. The moving spirit behind the launch of the organization was John Jacob Raskob, a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and the foremost opponent of Prohibition, former director of General Motors and a board member of the DuPont.

The League came under heavy attack from the Left. An investigation in Congress in 1934 examined allegations from Smedley Butler about a purported coup plot.
[this was the thing that your referring to with prescot bush]

and why you think that democrat organization full of soviet spies and nazis is republican.. Roosevelt’s campaign manager accused the Liberty League of being an “ally of the Republican National Committee” which would “squeeze the worker dry in his old age and cast him like an orange rind into the refuse pail.”

the actions of the American Liberty League came as close as the United States has come to overthrowing the elected President in a coup d’etat. After the extent of his New Deal plans to end the Great Depression became known, many of the wealthy industrialists in the country considered President Franklin Roosevelt at the minimum a “traitor to his class” and a pawn of “Jewish Communism”.

now, try to tell me some more bs you dont know about in detial…

@john: is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi state as well as other far-right groups

far right in the SOVIET Sense. see.
Right Opposition

The Right Opposition (Russian: Правая оппозиция, Pravaya oppozitsiya) was the name given to the tendency made up of Nikolai Bukharin, Alexei Rykov, Mikhail Tomsky and their supporters within the Soviet Union in the late 1920s. It is also the name given to “right-wing” critics within the Communist movement internationally, particularly those who coalesced in the International Communist Opposition, regardless of whether they identified with Bukharin and Rykov. Note that the designation “Right Opposition” refers to the position of this movement relative to the other Communist movements on the traditional spectrum. Relative to contemporary political centrism, the Right Opposition is still very firmly on the Left.

shows how stupid you are in that you dont even know what your saying… but the leaders do, just as i do, as its all part of poly sci… and history…

hitler was not on the right in terms outside the soviet union
freedom does not exist between two totalitarianisms.
what you have is trotsky on the far left, (the left of today)
stalinists who are the centrists
and bukharim and hitler who are on the right

the whole of the rest of the political spectrum has been cut out. its not even in the discussion, and not even acknowlged as the only argument for communists is which communism, not communism vs capitalism…

but your not to bright about this, are you…
the more you try to show your chops, the more i will cut you down with your own shallow knowlege..
a bit more on your wrong use of right and left (which is understandable as this is what all the useful idiots say and know, which is how you can tell they are useful idiots… idiots dont research the source of their own zeitgeist and think theya re genises for copying people they think are geniuses and never ever decide whether they are being used until its way too late, then they are disposed of)

The struggle for power in the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin saw the development of three major tendencies within the Communist Party. These were described by Leon Trotsky as representing left, right and centre tendencies, each based on a specific class or caste. Trotsky argued that his tendency, the Left Opposition, represented the internationalist traditions of the working class. The tendency led by Joseph Stalin was described as being in the centre, based on the state and party bureaucracy, tending to shift alliances between the left and the right. The right tendency was identified with the supporters of Nikolai Bukharin and Rykov. It was asserted that they represented the influence of the peasantry and the danger of capitalist restoration.[citation needed] Their policy was closely identified with the New Economic Policy developed by Bukharin

@Artfldgr: Cuba still has cars from the 1950s

Countries, like Cuba, plied with generous gifts of recognition and cash have repaid the Obama administration with contempt. A Cuba glutted with concessions from the Obama administration has reportedly sent a military mission to Syria to help the Russians.

“Stop being intentionally stupid for just a moment and look back to Iraq when Bush left office. There. Now, go forth and be stupid no longer. ”

And yet you explain nothing. Bush destabilized the entire region. Stupid.

@Bill: #31: You are wasting your time!