Unconstitutional: The UN & Obama’s Strong Cities Network (Guest Post)


star of david

The Obama Administration and Justice Department (with the help of progressive big city Democrat “usual suspect” Mayors,) has unilaterally launched the Strong Cities Network, leaving Congress completely out of the picture.

Mayor de Blasio on Tuesday announced the city’s involvement in the program — the first of its kind — at the United Nations, along with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Paris, Minneapolis, Rotterdam, and Montreal are among the 25 cities around the world that have also signed up for the program — dubbed “Strong Cities” — which encourages participants to communicate directly with one another about suspicious activity while “respecting the fundamental rights of citizens.

De Blasio, speaking at the UN, said New York joined because the group will target “intolerance” and make the city safer.

The group will “target intolerance?” Now, why does that make my ‘spider-sense’ tingle?

“We will be vigilant against all forms of violent extremism, whether it’s based in religious, or racial, or nationalistic or ideological intolerance,” (de Blasio) said.

Against “Nationalistic and ideological intolerance”? Knowing how far-left globalist progressives think, this doesn’t sound so comforting.

“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration, ” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch.  “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

“…to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.” Let that sink in.So logically, if something might interfere with or disrupt this planned “social cohesion and community resilience” the globalist progressives have in mind for you,  the UN and Strong Cities Network will mobilize to crush it.

Who are these threats to the globalist-progressive’s “social cohesion and community resilience” This reminds me of the “threat” posed to the NAZI party, such as the Jews in pre-WW2 Germany. Will these include other “threats” such as Israel over in the Middle East? Christians who oppose abortion or gay marriage? Constitutionalists and Conservatives who oppose the socialist transformation of the US or global governance by the UN? Who will decide what is “extremism” and how it is to be fought?

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Their hated “Nationalistic and ideological intolerance” is my “Patriotism and desire to protect and maintain my nation’s culture and identity.”

Conservatives want to treat muslims like they did Jews in the 30s, keep them out with their strange religion, crime, and weird beards


Conservatives want to treat muslims like they did Jews in the 30s, keep them out with their strange religion, crime, and weird beards

Remind me again how the European Jews of the ’30’s were attacking others by blowing them up or doing what the Fort Hood shooter did. And what was the date that some European Jews flew large planes into buildings in Berlin? I seem to have forgotten that date.

Or where has there been a call to burn mosques, remove all firearms from Muslims and force Muslims to wear an armband or patch denoting their religion?

Do you have to work at being a moron or does it just come naturally to you, John?

“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration, ” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch.

This is pure Agenda 21 crap.

@retire05: No the Jews were blamed for being lefty commies by the right wing
they were blamed for being criminals selling heroin
they were blamed for pornography and for being anarchists
And the people who blamed them were all rightwinger Nazis, protNazis ans psedo Nazis.
Those muslims they flew planes into New York City the city where I live: The rightwing birthed them in Afghanistan to fight the evil Empire of Russia that was collapsing from within. Too bad you didn’t have the foresight in the 80s to see what the fruit of the billions you gave to the most radical islamists would taste like in 2001
You all cal yourself “christians but fail to help refugees, refugees that YOU helped create by the stupidity of Iraq invasion/occupation.


You show your historical ignorance and total your leftist brainwashing when you laughably refer to the National Socialist German Workers Party as “rightwing”. The Jews were demonized by the nazis for being rich, portrayed as capitalists taking advantage of the average German.

Funny how we didn’t have this muslim “refugee” crisis when US troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan. But Obama’s shortsighted removal of US troops from Iraq prematurely, coupled with the complete failure of his foreign policy in Libya and Syria definitely led to the chaos we are seeing today.


No the Jews were blamed for being lefty commies by the right wing
they were blamed for being criminals selling heroin
they were blamed for pornography and for being anarchists
And the people who blamed them were all rightwinger Nazis, protNazis ans psedo Nazis.

Too bad that you don’t understand what “NAZI” stands for. Or that the friction was between the different degrees of the left. The Nazis, who were Socialists, hated the Fascists who hated the Communists who hated them both. But all of them were left wingers.

You also said:

Conservatives want to treat muslims like they did Jews in the 30s, keep them out with their strange religion, crime, and weird beards

Which also shows your pathetic historical knowledge. It was the Democrats, not the Republicans, that held the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Oval Office from January, 1931 to January, 1947.

Those muslims they flew planes into New York City the city where I live: The rightwing birthed them in Afghanistan to fight the evil Empire of Russia that was collapsing from within. Too bad you didn’t have the foresight in the 80s to see what the fruit of the billions you gave to the most radical islamists would taste like in 2001

Ever hear of Congressman Charlie Wilson (D-Tx)? Perhaps you should read a little history (not of the revisionist kind) and learn about him and his arming Afghans that were the precursor to the Taliban. And when Charlie Wilson was busy spending “dark” money from the CIA to arm the Afghan Islamists, who controlled the Congress?

If you want to spew your revisionist history, you would be wise to not do it here where you will be taken to the wood shed.

Are you trying to say that Charlie Wilson was a liberal from Texas?
Hurler was financed by the industrialists and bankers do youbthink they too were socialists?
Henry Ford who hated Jews was a big fan of Hitler, let too was a liberal?
Control of Congress ? In the 1930s both parties had liberal Nd conservative wings unlike today
Better retread you history there son
There red liberal GOP and conservative Dems
Ever here if the Dixiecrats?
Conservatives liked Hitker liberals if both parties didn’t
As far as @the wood shed” I would be more scared of being. Kissed by Nanny than tangling with you
I was born and bred in South Boston
I live in New York Cuty niw and drive s truck
A city where most cons are afraid to even visit


Are you trying to say that Charlie Wilson was a liberal from Texas?

Yes, Charlie Wilson was a liberal (Democrat) from Texas. He also said that it was the Democrat led Congress that failed to continue to back the Afghanis and led to the rise of the Taliban.

Hurler was financed by the industrialists and bankers do youbthink they too were socialists?

Never heard of Hurler.

Henry Ford who hated Jews was a big fan of Hitler, let too was a liberal?

Was he? Seems that liberals are experts at marketing hate.

Control of Congress ? In the 1930s both parties had liberal Nd conservative wings unlike today


Better retread you history there son

I’m not your son. I’m not your daughter. I am someone who knows history and correct idiots like you.

There red liberal GOP and conservative Dems


Ever here if the Dixiecrats?


Conservatives liked Hitker liberals if both parties didn’t

Hitker? Never heard of that name before.

As far as @the wood shed” I would be more scared of being. Kissed by Nanny than tangling with you

I doubt Nanny would let you anywhere in the same area as she was.

I was born and bred in South Boston
I live in New York Cuty niw and drive s truck

No surprise considering your horrible English, your pathetic spelling and your lack of grammatical knowledge. Not to mention that the key board on your commuter doesn’t seem to be your friend.

I suspect even driving a truck is above your intellectual capacity.

A city where most cons are afraid to even visit

What makes you think that any sane person would even want to visit said cities?

Tell me how much personal time you have in Afghanistan
Tell me that cgarkue wulson’s reverence for Winston Churchill showed how much of a liberal he was
Oh yeah
And more about taking me to the woodshed sonny boy

You are. So blind you probably don’t even recognize radical jihadists as having must if the same right wing views as you do
Small government anti gay anti women anti abortion
American conservatives ARE the Anerican Taliban
And like ISIIs they too expect Hesys to lead them on yo victory


Is English your second language?

Because no one who speaks English can possibly spell as bad as you do. Or is that Ebonics you are trying to write?

@retire05: Retire05, don’t you know that liberals are blind to things they do not want to see? What they do not see, they make up. Poor John is blind and has trouble with the keyboard. Liberals usually just talk. Not one who posts here can document their statements.

@john: Jews were blamed for EVERYTHING, you history-retarded moron. When has Muslims be blamed for anything but their radical desire to murder anyone by radical Muslims? This has nothing to do with Jewishness other than we could certainly use their help, since they have a far better intelligence gathering organization.

Henry Ford ran for office as a Democrat. Dixicrats were Democrats that kept (keep) racism alive and well in the South.

Does being that stupid cause physical pain? Does it hurt?

Yes Fird was a Jew hating conservative Democrst
Many conservative Dems were the worst
I am not defending Democrsts. You seem to be the one mentioning political parties back in the day when there were rabid conservatives in both parties
It was conservatives of both parties who stopped Jews from entering the USA to save themselves
Liberals of both parties were more inclined to help them

It was liberals who went to Soain to help fight the right wing fascists
It was conservative Americans who went to slain to help fight alongside the Nazis in Spain

In honor of Secure Cities I ordered a new rifle today. Thanks Obama I have been putting it off for years.