“Black liberal kills nine white people”. That’s the proper headline for the Oregon shooting.
Via political correctness, bias, and malpractice, the media has turned this story into a total clusterf**k. A lot of bloggers, too eager to be first, screwed things up. Social media outlets have scrubbed accounts of the Oregon shooter to wash their hands of what they were not displeased to own prior to the tragedy.
The Oregon shooter was a Brit, born in the UK.
The Oregon shooter is referred to as “mixed race” or white but was as black as is Barack Obama. CNN turned him into a white man:
No one ever describes Barack Obama as “mixed race” despite Obama being no more black than the shooter. It does remind one of another incidence involving a “white Hispanic.”
Media moron Deray McKesson once again falsely paints the shooter as white.
The LA Times suggested that the shooter was a white supremacist.
Blogs got it wrong. One blog, which listed 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, first claimed the shooter was shot by the cops. (See it at 1:49 in)
Since then the article has been scrubbed. The shooter committed suicide.
The shooter was sympathetic to Vester Flanagan, who gunned down two recently in Virginia, and to Black Lives Matter.
The shooter had a strong interest in the IRA, which is a socialist extremist group. (e.g. Bill Ayers’ Weatherman)
On one of his social media profiles, the shooter labeled himself as a “conservative Republican.” Yeah, sure. Think “Chris Hansen.”
The shooter listed “organized religion” as something he disliked, and reportedly had a Satanic obsession, choosing to “serve darkness.” Curiously, the shooter’s profile omits his interest in the IRA, Vester Flanagan and Satan.
CNN, who converted the shooter from a black man into a white man, claimed that the shooter hated “all types of people” and that included hating black men. Still waiting on confirmation. I don’t know why, if someone hated all types of people, hating one group was more important that hating another, unless it was necessary for a special narrative.
The shooter was black, hated religion, had interest in an extremist socialist terrorist group and selected Christians for execution. He was clearly a liberal. He was no Conservative and he was no Republican.
Now, for the nitty gritty. The problem here, as with nearly every mass shooting, is mental illness:
He struggled with mental health issues for years and attended a special needs school
A law enforcement source said investigators have learned Mercer had long struggled with mental health issues, beginning when he was a teenager.
He was among five students listed in the graduating class at Switzer Learning Center, according to a special graduation section published by the Torrance-based newspaper, the Daily Breeze, in 2009. The Switzer Learning Center, also in Torrance, teaches students with special needs, emotional difficulties, autism and Asperger’s syndrome.
According to its website, the school “has a long history of working with children who have been unsuccessful in traditional classrooms.”
Our President ignored it. As we have noted here, Barack Obama acted stupidly in his response to this shooting. Remember this?
President Barack Obama issued a statement on Friday regarding the execution-style shooting deaths of three Muslims in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
In the statement, Obama called the murders “brutal and outrageous,” and confirmed that — while a preliminary police investigation suggests the shooting was motivated by a “parking dispute” — the FBI is getting involved to find out if any federal laws were violated.
“No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship,” the president said in the statement.
Back then, it wasn’t about the guns. It was about religion. One religion in particular- Islam. When Christians are targeted for execution, it’s about the guns.
Weird, huh?
This episode makes clear just how pathetic the media has become. There is no interest in facts. There is no interest in the truth.
Nine white people died at the hands of a liberal Satan-obsessed black man. Have you heard anyone mention that even one time?
Weird, huh?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Rich Wheeler: .
Yes, but that’s hereditary whereas your Assless chaps gay syndrone is all voluntary.
I thought the Dimocrats were the persons that didn’t knock those that were not so privileged. Are you saying there is something wrong with having Tourette’s syndrone? You used it as if it were derogatory. I think you should apologize to all the Tourette syndrone sufferers in the world.
@Rich Wheeler:
Unlike you, RW, who tries to obfuscate what you say, I admitted what I said. You see, unlike you, I am honest.
So how am I wrong? If the Dem nominee is Shillary or Bernie, how will you vote? Will you vote for one of them; vote Republican or abstain? How will you vote in a election that has Shillary or Bernie as the Dem nominee against the Republican nominee?
Not getting sloppy. Just wise to your attempts to obfuscate and dodge. Nice to know that you hold bias against someone who might be handicapped and are willing to use a handicap as a pejorative. Of course, liberals (like you) are all talk and any empathy for others that you claim is just so much smoke and mirrors.
@retire05: How are you wrong? You said I SUPPORTED HRC and or BERNIE. Simply ANOTHER FALSE statement from you. A pattern forming? I have never said I support either of these candidates.
I’ve said I support Dem. Jim Webb. On Repub side I’ve said I could support Marco Rubio.
That’s it.
RT Sorry if you got Tourettes. I’ll keep it in mind when I read your posts.
I was looking at the Huffington Post’s poll aggregation graph.
At present Jim Webb stands at 0.08% in the polling. At his height he polled at 1.4%.
You must be lonely.
@Rich Wheeler:
No, what I actually said, you dishonest hack, was this:
“If we lose to either a grifter like Shillary or a Socialist like Bernie, it’s not the Republicans that are the only losers. The entire nation loses. Sad you would support that.”
There is a difference between “would” and the present tense of “you support that” (as in now).
So let’s put this to bed, once and for all:
Your 1% boy is going down in flames and you are going to have two choices: Shillary or the Socialist, Bernie. No matter who the Republican nominee is, would you vote for the Republican over Shillary or the Bern? Yes, or no?
@retire05: “you would support that” connotes my support of HRC or Bernie.
I do not support either candidacy so stop your yapping.
I’ve told you more than once who I support..I could also support Biden if he gets in
Who do you support other than the barely breathing Ted Cruz?
BTW You are the one who outright lied about your 50% Conservative claim–then admitted you lied.
” Dishonest hack” that would be you by your own admission 05.
@Rich Wheeler:
Future tense, RW, future tense.
Yapping? Looking in the mirror again, RW? You’re nothing more than a dishonest hack while you throw pejoratives at others.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring. I wish he would. He would slaughter Hillary. Your Mr. One Percent is toast. Now, that leaves two sure candidates on the Dem side; Hillary and Bernie. Who will you support?
Anyone but a Dem, or a Socialist, which are basically one and the same.
I admitted I said “50%”. Do you have a comprehension disorder? Seems you keep “yapping” about something that is totally moot. If I admitted I wrote something, how is it lying about what I wrote? Up your dose of Aracept.
Go wordsmith somewhere else. You were outed for the dishonest hack you are long ago.
@Rich Wheeler:
you should apologize for bashing Tourette’s guys. But don’t do it by waving your rainbow flag. Hey, I hear Shrillary’s new running buddy is one of your assless chaps gang. Where does the Dim party find all these upstanding citizens?
@Redteam: You mentioned you’d inherited Tourette’s syndrome. I do apologize to you and others who are afflicted–gotta be tough for you.
What really puzzles me though, is why you have such a hard on for Gays. In almost every post talking about your ass chaps and deriding their very existence, Why RT?.-were you molested as a youth? What is your rationale? Thanks
@Rich Wheeler:
Afflicted? What, are you now bashing persons with some disease insinuating that they are ‘afflicted’? Isn’t that like saying someone is retarded? Isn’t it the libs that constantly bash people for such insensitivity? You do realize that being a lib is a retard condition, don’t you?
I did? When did I do that?
I think you well know it’s gays that have hard ons for gays.
And you object? Don’t you remember when you came on here all breathless and wound up about how you were going out to participate in your first gay pride parade? I think when you figured out that your leader was just scamming you it put you into a depression. I notice you hardly even mention your parades any more. As if you’re no longer proud of your pride.
Well, the Dodgers bit the dust, so now both our teams are out.