Donald Trump held a rally in New Hampshire the other day and was confronted with a comment/question:
“We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims,” an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul at a rally Thursday night. “You know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American.”
Faster than spit the news media lashed out at Trump
CNN: Trump doesn’t challenge anti-Muslim questioner at event
NY Daily News: Donald Trump silent on accusation that Barack Obama is Muslim at New Hampshire rally
Guardian flat out lies: Donald Trump fails to correct questioner who calls Obama Muslim
The Guardian then writes:
Republican presidential contender says ‘we’re going to look at that’ after man at New Hampshire rally asks anti-Muslim question
Which suggests that Trump was planning to “look” at whether Obama was an American or not and it’s false. Trump was referring to the possible existence of Islamic Jihadi training camps in the US. But why let the truth affect the click bait?
WaPo goes off the rails: A Trump questioner called Obama a Muslim. Many (maybe even most) Trump backers agree.
This opened the floodgates for the rest of the candidate field to pile on.
Most amusing of the tut tutters was Hillary Clinton, who feigned terrible indignation that someone would do what she did in 2008.
But never mind that for the moment.
Never mind the pass that Obama for his “God Damn America” pastor of twenty years.
Never mind that for now.
Never mind Obama hanging out with the New Black Panthers.
Never mind that for now.
Never mind that the media did not shame Obama into disavowing them.
What I want to know is who was this guy asking the question?
It was a pretty ballsy question. Too ballsy.
IMO the guy was a plant and he achieved what he wanted. He stuck the media herd with a cattle prod and off they ran, thinking not for one second about the obvious. Anyone who’s followed this blog knows I don’t much care for Trump but this is a crap move.
Who was that guy? Someone’s got to know. When and if we do find out there will be another really interesting story there.
Almost forgot: I cannot remember exactly when but recently Trump did remind everyone that he was the one who forced Obama to produce his long form birth certificate.
So what is everyone really bent about?
That Trump wouldn’t play Robin Hood to Obama’s maid Marian and defend her honor.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
What is a “Muslim outfit” exactly?
What is that?
He’s not pretending. He’s Christian. I don’t believe he’s a particularly religious man, though. I don’t think his life revolves around his faith.
The evidence that he is Muslim only exists in the fevered, cherry-picked distorted imagingings of conspiracists. The reality speaks otherwise.
So you don’t buy this old “freedom of speech’ thing?
So can we interpret that to mean that if the US government were to be changed to a Muslim president with a Sharia congress and courts, it wouldn’t make a difference to you. They are all nice law abiding citizens that just want what the average Christian wants? Let me go on the record as “I don’t think that would be in the best interest of American citizens”.
Your implication is it wouldn’t even be a minor bump in the road.
Consider this: How many countries, run by Muslims, do you know of that have open borders to Christians? Which of those Muslim run countries are people ‘fighting” to get to that country? Do you think there might be a legitimate reason for that?
If you really don’t know the difference between Muslim and Christian, why do you think it’s a bad thing for Obama to be referred to as Muslim? Isn’t there a 50-50 chance it would be a good thing?
And all the Christian church’s are full of Christians with their minister shouting “God damn America” . If that’s his brand of Christianity, seems as if he would be happy to be called Muslim.
Footnote: I don’t go to a Christian church where the minister (chuckle) shouts to “God damn America”, Obama’s church is the only example I’ve known of that.
Of course I do. Which is why I’m exercising mine to point out where my side is embarrassing itself and looking foolish.
Of course it would. But your assumption is that all Muslims wish to subjugate the U.S. and replace the Constitution with Sharia, as if that would even be possible through an Islamist president. Muslims are not all Islamists. Jasser firmly believes in the separation of Mosque and State. And while the Spencers and Gellers on the right constantly use language that is inflammatory and stands to alienate all Muslims and not just the radicals, Jasser firmly stands on the side of American culture, values, and the Constitution and against political Islam- while being a devout Muslim, as he sees his faith.
Certainly not if your Islamic boogeyman hypothetical exists. I’m against those as well. But they do not define all Muslims. Sharia is not a monolithic meaning and practice amongst all Muslims.
You don’t understand my question. Once again, it’s like I ask what does 2 + 2 equal and you answer back with “what time does asparagus ice cream do aerobics?”
It’s not a bad thing if Obama were Muslim (unless he were an Islamist). But it is inaccurate to say that he is. And it is used as a slander by those like you who wish to define all Muslims by the words, beliefs, and actions of Islamists.
*Groan* Brick wall, plz!
This has to do with his relationship to political ideology. I don’t know that he sat in the pews for 25 yrs listening to “goddamn America” sermons every Sunday. I think part of his use of religious association is about political relationships. He doesn’t go to church that often now. How often was he attending Wright’s church during those 25 yrs and how often did he skip Sunday sermon?
Now, is Obama an Afro-centrist Christian or is he a Quranic-thumping Muslim, hmm?
That’s not a question for you to answer. It is he that sat in the church listening to that, why doesn’t he defend himself against it? Perhaps because he has enough apologists that will carry his water for him? Why does he deserve the benefit of the doubt when he has not seeked to get that benefit?
Let me build that brick wall a little thicker. So for me to ask why he sits in a church, as I described is a ‘brick wall’ moment, but the fact that he actually did the deed himself is not? Would you elaborate why you are more frustrated at my wondering why he would do such a thing than you are at the fact that he did the deed himself?
Do you honestly believe that if a conservative said: I believe Obama was born in the US and is not a Muslim would make liberals commend the conservatives and not find another stupid reason to continue to bash them. In fact, if you were to win and you got all the conservatives on this thread to agree with you and admit that Obama was really the best thing since sliced bread and was not a Muslim, all you would get from the libs is what a fool and sucker they made out of you. (Well, other than Rich, he would continue to suck up)
You said: ” What is a “Muslim outfit” exactly?”
I said: ” If you really don’t know the difference between Muslim and Christian, why do you think it’s a bad thing for Obama to be referred to as Muslim?”
You said: “You don’t understand my question. Once again, it’s like I ask what does 2 + 2 equal and you answer back with “what time does asparagus ice cream do aerobics?”
Not really. The fact that I equated Muslim outfit as the opposite of Christian outfit, for the purpose of illustration on this subject made perfect sense.
Do you really not understand that the outfit usually worn by Muslims are muslim outfits?
So the mistake everyone has been making is saying he is muslim instead of saying he is Islamist? So even you say it’s not okay to be Muslim if it’s the Islamist brand? So that’s the technicality that has everyone in a knot. If he’s not an Islamist, why would he object to Muslim?
With this new deal where it is now okay for the president to rule by executive order, why couldn’t an Islamist president just order Sharia law? or unilaterally change the constitution? Obama has already set the precedent of ruling by executive order, what would stop an Islamist from legally doing the same thing?
likely the only example you can find. One does not a majority make. I will even concede that there are likely even more Muslims with good sense, but probably not a majority of them.
Good question, but why is that question still around? Shouldn’t the answer be quite clear by now? Why is it not? There may be a reason. Hmmmmm……….
Look in a mirror. The GOP strategy for regaining full control of the nation’s government is based on lies and distortions. No distinction is made between useful lies and the truth. Evidence has ceased to be a requirement before a damaging assertion is made or believed. Inconsistencies, position reversals, and glaring contradictions go unnoticed. History is reconfigured to support the current agenda. Anyone pointing any of this out is a socialist operative, or an Obama or Clinton worshiper.
The tragedy of the GOP is that it has repeatedly allowed its craziest element to grab the wheel and steer the entire party. Level-headed republicans with entirely legitimate points to make are sidelined, on the theory that moderate conservatives will vote for any republican before a democrat while a moderate republican candidate could lose far right voters. Instead, everybody pitches to the fringe. The person who does this best without scaring off everyone else wins. This could prove to be a devil’s bargain. You could wind up with Trump as the republican nominee.
@Greg: Is English your native language?
@Greg: Which party told us it was going to be transparent? Which party gave us Obamacare and promised our insurance would not be disrupted? Which party gave us IRS targeting of conservatives and abuse of their personal information? Which party gave us the lies about Benghazi? Which party gave us the lies about climate change? Which party gave us their support of violent groups that destroy communities due to their racism?
@Bill: Which party invited the Muslim kid from Texas with the fake bomb to the white house?
He has.
Because of your convoluted strawman logic that essentially draws false assumptions and fails to listen to what I’m actually saying. That’s why I’ve come to the conclusion that trying to have a dialogue with you is an exercise in futility. Not because of any disagreement; but because there’s a failure on your end to essentially understand the points. You setup these strawman beliefs translating what I just wrote into something that you are able to wrap your head around; then proceed to knock down or argue with points setup in your own mind.
This is what is frustrating.
Let me try and help you: It’s like if I asked you, “Are you a liberal or a conservative?”
And let’s pretend you answer: “I’m a conservative”
Me: “So you’re saying you’re a homophobic bigot who hates women?”
You: “No. That’s not what a conservative is.”
Me: “What’s wrong with being a homophobic bigot if that’s what you believe?”
Part of it is like this comedy skit (minus the punchline, of course 😉 ):
Again, failure to understand the point and the relevance of countering untruths; so you frame it in a way that makes sense to you. This has been addressed a couple of times already.
All we’re getting is what a fool and sucker conservatives are making out of themselves by making the false assertion. Really, conservative foolishness is the best thing since sliced bread for liberals. They don’t need to make us look foolish when we’re doing it just fine all by ourselves.
I can’t even…….*facepalm*
I disagreed with the premise of how you’re framing your questions, the logic of which strays further after each response. It’s quite weird, really.
He objects to it because he isn’t one! *Sigh* And if he were one, no, he would not object. He’d be fine with it. There is nothing wrong with him being a muslim….if he were one!
And do you not understand the distinction between the terms? Ben Carson understands it. Which is why in wake of the media backlash, he’s backpedaled to clarify his position and make the distinction.
It would never happen. Only in the fevered fantasy world of fringe Islamophobes.
Wow. I’m impressed you didn’t ride in on, “He’s probably practicing taqqiyah”.
If being Muslim is NOT a bad thing, why are you putting so much effort in trying to prove that Obama is not a Muslim? If being Muslim is NOT a bad thing, why do you even care?
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.
So this is ‘convoluted straw man’ logic?
Some part of that is ‘convoluted’? Perhaps because their is no logical answer for it?
Your example of the ‘conservative’ and ‘homophobe’ have no relevance so I won’t bother to answer it.
Pad the brick wall before you read this:
I don’t think I’ve heard Obama say that he’s not Muslim. I have heard him say that he is one, accordingly to you, all inadvertently and all, but can’t recall him denying being muslim.
But throw in “Columbia University graduate” he neither claims to be one or to not be one. Everyone else is making those arguments. If he isn’t one (as above) then why wouldn’t he object to being called one. But before you use that padded wall, (incidentally, bashing heads against brick walls will not end well for you, you should pick up a different trick when losing arguments) consider that you have a sitting US president that it is said attended Columbia University in Political Science and not one living human has ever stated that they have ever seen him in a classroom at Columbia, especially no professor that teaches Political Science. How many dimocrats have you heard agreeing that he did not attend Columbia? Note: if you’ve finished with the Wall, you can remove the padding now.
.” I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. ….. ” said Ronald Reagan
Ben Carson didn’t backpedal, he just clarified his statement for the illiterates that misunderstood it. He didn’t misspeak, he said what he intended to say.
Thank me for saving you from another brick wall moment. Do you think there is such a thing as taqqiyah? I certainly would always admit it was me that pulled the little girls pigtails in first grade. I wanted all the credit I could get for being ‘anti-girl’ at that age. But no self respecting Muslim wants credit for being a muslim. Right?
When Rich is near, be sure to use turn signals.
@Bill: Looks like there is no answer to this when facts are requested instead of generalities.
I care about accuracy. President Obama denies he is Muslim. That doesn’t mean he thinks being a Muslim is a bad thing. Where do you and rt even come up with this kind of reasoning?!
The reason why I care is because this kind of nonsense does not hurt Obama or the Democrats. It does make our side look like conspiracists living up to the caricature that liberals have of conservatives as bigots.
Only because of my willingness to indulge you and rt with the courtesy of responses…..over and over again. It would not be a time-waster if these conversations actually evolved and led somewhere.
Instead, it’s like talking to brick walls.
How many times have you heard him assert that he is Christian?
Remove the partisan blinders and objectively listen to the context of what was being said in that interview. It was a silly gaffe. How many countless times has he asserted he is a Christian? Yet because it doesn’t fit your conspiratorial narrative and your desperate desire to peg him as a Muslim to make it easier for you to hate him, what is your reasoning for not believing how he identifies himself?
Hasn’t he?
Losing? You seriously think that’s why I figuratively want to bash my head into a wall? It’s your failure to comprehend and it’s your failure to have a rational thought process to argue with that is troubling.
Baloney. Tell me that you agree more with his 2nd statement (backpedaling the 1st) than with his 1st and I’ll be impressed that there may be hope for you yet.
Please provide a link to ‘Obama denies he is a Muslim”. As you know, I can provide you with a link of him saying he is a Muslim.
Let’s see that accuracy.
Not sure, but I can provide a link of his preacher preaching, do you need that link? Not sure if Christ would put that preacher in the Christian category. But I’ll concede that you do.
Thank goodness for silly gaffe’s or he couldn’t be quoted for anything. When he was quoted as saying he was born in Kenya, the quotation remaining on his book cover for over 10 years, was that just a ‘gaffe’?
So there are countless links to him saying that?
Oh, I think your problem is that I do believe him on how he identifies himself. I think it is you that is asserting that what he says is not true. Aren’t you saying he did not mean he is a muslim? That he misspoke?
Oh, ok so it’s not you losing, it’s only your argument. Provide me a link of him saying he is a Christian and one of him stating he is not a Muslim. Someone with a rational thought process that claims that a person is not a muslim and is a Christian should be able to provide proof of that, right.
How many times have I had to resort to a brick wall? But I will continue to let you know when you should get the padding out. You do realize that rational folks don’t run around bashing their heads into brick walls. uh, I think.
So far as I can determine, this is his 1st statement: “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”
And then he changed it to something like:
” saying he would support a Muslim president who swore to put the Constitution before religion and disavowed Sharia law.”
Actually I agree with both. He certainly was correct in his first statement. But then you wouldn’t ever have the second situation so wouldn’t matter if you believed it or not.
So tell me. Would you, Wordsmith say exactly,”I personally advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. ” Note I worded that exactly so you can tell us whether he was ‘wrong’ to say it or not. would you have a problem making this exact statement? ” I would support a Muslim president who swore to put the Constitution before religion and disavowed Sharia law.”
I have no problem supporting Carson completely in both statements he made.
Edited to add this footnote: I just did a Google search and did find one clip of him saying he is a Christian. Let the record show.