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@rich wheeler: Rich, they don’t know my politics and they have no reason to try and impress me. So why would they say such bizarre things to me?

Is Democratic loyalty so strong that you will vote for a degenerate or a person who may face a serious indictment rather than break the party loyalty?

Hmm, you are bringing the integrity of the Liberal voter into question.

@Skook: It’s not about toeing the Dem. Party line—-It’s about the man himself. There are certain individuals like Palin and Trump that Dems won’t vote for.
I think the point moot because he won’t get the nom.
“Liberal voter” Would that be anyone left of you? lol
” Degenerate” ??

I think you know I’m not a wild eyed lib==I’ve said many times I won’t vote for HRC–I’ve got a Webb 2016 sticker on my car’s bumper. For 4 years I’ve been predicting Rubio will one day be Prez–Maybe 2016–this is a man who CAN get enough Dem. votes to be Prez–Trump nom will assure another Dem. victory.


@rich wheeler:

: Word wasn’t defending Obama- I believe-he was saying that “conservatives” who consider him a Muslim or question his Presidential legitimacy are hurting their own cause.

Period. Dot. Bingo!

Thanks, Rich.

I still do not understand the purpose of your entry, Wordsmith. Do you feel an obligation to dispel the opinions of every idiot/conspiracy theorist on both sides of the aisle or just those who you have determined are on the right?

I am not going to argue with morons who swear and be damned that Obama is a Muslim because I think Obama has, in reality, no religious allegiance. Just as I refused to argue with the 9/11 truthers or defend President Bush against them. They have their opinions and no amount of debate will change them. It is not my place to defend the President of the United States against conspiracies. He has the entire media to do that for him and my lone voice achieves nothing.

Rich says that those who believe Obama is a Muslim hurts the Republican cause. Did the 9/11 truthers, mostly left wingers, hurt the Democratic cause? Did the Democrats hold them accountable for their opinions about President Bush? No, because Rich’s philosophy of holding people accountable for the stupid stuff they say (an Alinsky tacticseems to apply to only one party and one side of the aisle.

Again, when you find that you are being praised for your opinion by a left wing Democrat, perhaps you should check exactly what party you really affiliate with.


2 + 2 = koolaid is my favorite onion

You like onion flavored koolaid? I’ve never tried any. So are you saying that you do ‘accidentally’ refer to yourself as Muslim occasionally? I never have. Can’t imagine getting into such a state of mind that I begin to think I’m a Muslim. You have my permission to think that someone that is concerned about the qualifications of the person we vote for as president is a koolaid drinker, but that’s only an admission on your part that you just don’t think about things like that and anyone that chooses to run ‘must be legitimate’. This country has just gone through 7 years and we still have one more year to go with a person that is not qualified. We don’t need to elect another one in the future because if that person had the same intentions as the one we have presently, then we will end up with a drastically changed country. I know there are supposed to be ‘checks and balances’, but when someone in the oval office just starts issuing illegal executive orders and the congress lays down and lets him and the Supreme Court starts legislating from the bench in that person’s favor then our days of a Constitutional republic are numbered. It might be of benefit to you to at least check into the requirements for president and quit advocating that persons not fulfilling those, be elected. From my point of view, a natural born citizen is a person that is born with two US citizen parents. Cruz, Rubio, Jindal and Obama do not fulfill that requirement. No matter how many times you and Rich say that makes me a ‘birther’, just bear in mind that Hillary and her crew came up with that term and Rich is on the liberal side. There are over 300 million persons in the US and there are enough that are qualified that we don’t really have to go into the ‘unqualified’ crowd.
So, you have actually gotten so excited in a discussion that you referred to yourself as a Muslim? Interesting? Very interesting….

When you have a GOP presidential candidate who does not refute Muslim Question Guy’s basic premise;

When did it become appropriate or expected that a presidential candidate is expected to defend his opponents positiont? How many times have you ever heard Obama defending Trump’s position? Isn’t it proper that each defend his own position? I know some make a big deal about ‘not seeiing Obama bow to Mecca’ but then how many times do you see him bowing to Christ? I believe his official record on church worship attendance in a Christian church, since becoming president is zero. He has certainly been into a Mosque many more times than that.
I don’t pretend to defend Obama, he is doing enough damage without my support.
This next debate is going to be interesting if the objective is going to change to ‘defend your opponents’ position’ rather than to defend your own.
So many point out that McCain defended Obama. Well, we need to understand what McCain’s objective was. It wasn’t what many thought it to be. I think each candidate should defend himself and let the other’s defend themselves. And Obama is fully capable of defending himself.

The enrollment form from the Catholic school, which has been cited as evidence that Obama was a Muslim in Indonesia, also was rife with errors. It listed Obama as an Indonesian,

I haven’t seen any ‘proof’ that these were ‘errors’. Maybe he was an Indonesian at that time. Just because someone ‘says’ it is ‘rife with errors’ does not make it so.

And he is credited with nailing OBL on his watch.

‘credited with’? Have you read the truth of the events in the situation room when the ‘strike’ was ordered?

The President’s message includes brief quotes from the Koran,

How many times have you quoted the Koran? How often does he quote the Bible? I don’t even know any quotes from the Koran and don’t intend to learn any.

The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

Essentially, this quote is cited as an example charging President Obama as a defender of Islam. Sure, okay. I can buy this reasoning. But

See that last word? Either he means it, or he doesn’t. Was he defending Islam, or not?

As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

So, the explanation did not include why he was wearing a wedding ring while at Harvard. Who was he married to at that time? Why is that not public knowledge?

And finally:

So how exactly is it that so many conservatives keep calling him a Muslim? And applies that label in a slanderous, bigoted manner?

Maybe because he does so many things just as he would ‘if’ he were a Muslim. Because he dresses up like a Muslim with a turban on his head. Because he imports Muslims by the thousands and doesn’t import Christians by the thousands. What makes that ‘slanderous or bigoted?
Tell us why you feel a need to defend him? Don’t you think he has enough defenders? You are more critical of conservatives than you are of Obama and he has made it clear that he intends to do all the damage he can to the country in what time he has left.

I’ve never ‘accidentally’ worn a turban, never accidentally quoted the Koran, never accidentally said I’m a Muslim. Wonder if it’s because I don’t ‘think’ as a Muslim either? Just wondering.


My gosh…..you’re right. This’ll be my last response to you and rt.

(No, no, no- don’t be offended! I jest! I snark! I don’t think of you and rt as idiots).

Even if you do, then I can’t begin to imagine what you think of folks such as Rich and Greg.


How was Romney’s father ineligible?

His father wasn’t ‘ineligible’. As I recall that, both of his parents were either citizens of the US or one of them was born in a territory(which became a state) in either case he was eligible.

As for why others don’t bring up the ‘eligibility’ issue, it seems to be because there are a huge audience out there waiting to jump on someone for their ideals and call them such things as ‘birthers’ and ‘truthers’. I would say that they are mostly ignorant on the subject (in fact all politics) and just want to use it to denigrate those they disagree with. You can find, if you really wanted to know, that Rubio has acknowledged in the past that he’s not a natural born citizen because neither of his parents were US citizens, but now that the Dimocrats have broken the mold and the Supreme Court won’t even listen to arguments on the subject, he has now figured out that he can run for president also.
You can keep putting up your ‘koolaid drinkers’ message all you want to, but it won’t change my mind and it certainly doesn’t add to your credibility. Until Obama ran, there was never any doubt as to what a natural born citizen is. But to justify what they want, many are willing to look the other way. There are millions of folks qualified to be president and there are no qualities of a non eligible person that should outweigh the benefits of the truth. While I still maintain that certain persons are not eligible, I don’t argue the requirements because if you don’t know by now, you’ll never know.


As Rich understands

Rich has about the worst opinions and perspectives of anyone I know, so I wouldn’t be pointing out to accouterments from him while bashing conservatives.


So, the explanation did not include why he was wearing a wedding ring while at Harvard. Who was he married to at that time? Why is that not public knowledge?

*Groan*. Probably not a wedding ring. I think he put it on his wedding ring finger back then just to drive you conspiratorially crazy in 2015. I’m sure Corsi and World Nut Daily will be more than happy to provide you with the answers you seek.

The old ‘everybody does it argument’ I don’t particularly care for the practice of referring to people as if they are followers of someone, such as Corsi or World Nut Daily, just because they happen to share a belief. Such as I refuse to refer to you as a follower of Rich. I’ve not made a study of Corsi’s writings other than I did read quite a bit of what he wrote about that outstanding American traitor, John Kerry. I know nothing of ‘truthers’. I’ve never given the ‘thought that 9/11 was an inside job” the time of day.

No amount of rational reasoning and logic can bring back someone who’s bought into conspiratorial brainscrub. So at this point, most people are too exasperated to bother trying and find it easier to just dismiss them instead of convincing the inconvincible

So you’re saying that if someone believes that there is such a thing as ‘natural born citizen’ then their brain has been hopelessly ‘conspiratorially brainscrubbed’ and there is no hope that they can be brought back. I usually find that those that are ‘too exasperationally exhausted’ just can’t keep up with or understand the subject and get to their point out of ignorance. It’s not the ignorance that troubles me, it’s the obvious fact that they just DGAF. and find it easier to just point fingers and shake their heads. At some point, American citizens need to get their heads out of the sand and look around, hopefully while there is still something out there to look at.

Why not accuse John Kerry of being Muslim,

I no longer keep up with John Kerry, once he became a traitor that was all I needed.


Why you would think that Republicans/conservatives would accept that you are defending Obama against the nay sayers and are only seeking truth, justice and the American way (do you have a Superman complex?) is beyond me.

As I said, and you seem unwilling to accept, I have no responsibility to fight ignorance when it comes to Obama, or any other president. And why you think that applying Saul Alinsky rules to Republicans/conservatives, which you have consistently done with the loud approval of a dedicated leftist, can be cloaked as something else, is also beyond me.

So let’s just agree to disagree and I will continue to question your bona fides as a Republican/conservative who seems to have a need to offer a defense for the worst president in the history of our nation.

@Wordsmith: Western Wall, isn’t that the Wailing Wall? I’ve been there, laid my hands on it and did not wear a Jewish whatever. I don’t have to pretend. Is that his point? He’s pretending to something he’s not? What’s the point, for him?


It’s about the truth for the sake of not allowing our side to be painted by the liberal critics as the party of bigots, racists, and conspiracy nuts.

Just like you will never convince the 30% who believe Obama is a Muslim that he is not or the 9/11 Truthers that Bush didn’t bow up the WTC, you will never change the critics on the left either. That is a key component of their propaganda. They don’t need real examples because they will make them up just like “Hands up, don’t shoot.” How many times have the resident lefties and trolls come here and tell us that conservatives are the biggest threat to the country? This country right now is about as hostile and united as it was in Antebellum America.

@Wordsmith: So is your logic that wearing Muslim clothes proves he’s NOT a muslim? I would not, with what has gone in this world, put on a Muslim outfit and take photos of it. I respect this country much too much to denigrate it that way.

@another vet:

It’s about the truth for the sake of not allowing our side to be painted by the liberal critics as the party of bigots, racists, and conspiracy nuts.

Just like you will never convince the 30% who believe Obama is a Muslim that he is not or the 9/11 Truthers that Bush didn’t bow up the WTC, you will never change the critics on the left either.

That doesn’t seem to be Wordsmith’s goal, AV. His goal seems to be to defend Obama against the naysayers, playing defense instead of offense (which is exactly the position the left wants us to take. Pure Alinsky).

My time is better served pointing out to others the failures of the party of lessened national security, failed economic recoveries, politics of division instead of unification, low military moral, out of control national debt, lessened personal freedoms and no answers on how to get the nation back on the right track.

Let the Democrats/liberals/progressives defend Obama. That’s not my job. Nor is it the job of any conservative who sees the damage Obama is reaping on this nation.


His goal seems to be to defend Obama against the naysayers, playing defense instead of offense (which is exactly the position the left wants us to take. Pure Alinsky).

In the past, people have sent me emails making accusations about Obama that seemed far enough out there to where I checked them out and found them to be false. Rather than forward them, I would email the sender back and tell them I wasn’t going to forward the email because it was bad info. In no way was I defending Obama. Everyone who knows me knows how much I dislike the man both as a President and as a person. I just don’t believe in basing my arguments or criticisms on bad info. I believe that is the goal of Word. He is certainly no fan of Obama and has demonstrated that numerous times.

I appreciate his quest for civility but unfortunately the left has demonstrated that they are anything but civil and trying to be civil with them is a losing battle. Just last night I handed the August 2015 BLS stats to a lefty clearly showing that there are 94 million plus not in the labor force. He didn’t believe it. He also overstated the number of employed people in the country by 28 million and the number of retirees by 20 million despite having the numbers to the former in front of him. When he tried to tell me not to blame Obama, I told him he blamed Bush when he was in office for the same thing. He told me f*** you and I told him the same thing back. If he wasn’t in his 70’s he would have been on the floor. This is the same lefty who accuses me of being a racist for not liking Obama despite his liberal use of the ‘n’ bomb when he talks about blacks. He even referred to Herman Cain and Obama himself as n****** during the 2012 election cycle.

You all are reminding me of Bob Dylan’s very 1st album.
It had a song with these lyrics:

Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote
He’s a-running for office on the ballot note
He’s out there preaching in front of the steeple
Telling me he loves all kinds-a people
(He’s eating bagels
He’s eating pizza
He’s eating chitlins
He’s eating bulls#!t!)

Title, “I shall be free.” 1963

Yes, for a very long time now, politicians have dressed up ethnically and eaten almost every ethnic variety of food.
It doesn’t mean diddly.

@another vet:

I appreciate his quest for civility but unfortunately the left has demonstrated that they are anything but civil and trying to be civil with them is a losing battle.

So, Wordsmiths efforts become moot, don’t they? And defending Obama against the naysayers is a bit different than returning an email to some idiot that subscribes to the Chicken Little philosophy.

What you did with the liberal is an offensive action, not defensive. Informing a low information voter is the best way to get the word out how utterly destructive this administration has been to our nation, not taking on conservatives because they don’t speak out against idiots.

Alinsky Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

IOW, demand the opposition adheres to the rules you create for them. Force them to defend themselves while your side does not defend itself.


Did you bother to look deeper at the Factcheck.org link in my post? Or did you conveniently decide to poo-poo the message because you don’t like the messenger?

Actually, yes I did, but only because you supplied a link. Fact chek, on political issues is very solidly left and can not be relied on for the ‘truth’. Snopes is the same way. who do I rely on, if I read something and can find back up data supporting it, I would likely tend to believe it. But just because lefties say so, doesn’t make it so.

Do I have any Muslim friends? Not that comes to mind, but I’ve been around a long time and might have known some that were not particularly memorable in the past. Does a person have to have Muslim friends to understand muslims? Do you suppose that the friends of the Muslims that flew the aircraft into the twin towers felt like they were ‘fine people’? I’ll bet the Boston marathon bomber had friends that thought they were fine people. Does that matter?

Which fails to address and answer the point: You used the claim that Obama was letting in thousands of Muslim refugees as somehow evidence of Obama’s “Muslimhood”; or at least pondering it. Why not apply the same standard of “evidence” and critical thinking to John Kerry and his advocacy of letting in thousands of Syrian refugees?

Oh, okay. So we need further evidence that John Kerry is pond scum? Once that’s established, it’s not usually necessary to go back and swim in the pond again. John Kerry, long ago clearly demonstrated the content of his character.

@retire05: I ‘ve never read anything by Alinsky but based on your description of his rules 5,8 and 12 you certainly are an admiring, dedicated follower.


Oh my gee!

Nearest brick wall, please!

You’ve made several references to birthers and truthers. I don’t know any. A birther is a Hillary Clinton supporter that believes Obama was not born in the US. A truther is someone that believes Bush set up 9/11. I am neither of these, so if you want to bash your head against a brick wall because you don’t know any reasonable arguments against a person that does not fit your mold. Be my guest. For some reason, Rich likes your take on things. I don’t like Rich’s take on things, he is a dyed in the wool social liberal and I don’t share his beliefs.

AV says above:

I appreciate his quest for civility but unfortunately the left has demonstrated that they are anything but civil and trying to be civil with them is a losing battle.

I don’t understand why a ‘conservative’ would spend a large part of time defending a liberal when that liberal would spend no time defending the intentions of a conservative.
I agree with AV, the quest for civility with liberals has ‘left the barn’. It’s not enough for them to be right, the conservatives have to be wrong. They don’t need any defense, the liberals are sinking the country quite well, all by themselves.
I would advise anyone to try to avoid brick walls, especially if it involves a head.

@Nanny G: We can learn a lot from the apolitical Bob Dylan–has never endorsed a pol—but damn he’s had a lot to say about the human condition—The poet laureate of our time. A great seer and purveyor of truth.


Ok so I guess Bush and countless others have been pretenders by donning a Jewish whatever on their heads; so how is he a pretender in this instance and authentic when a Somali Sheikh dresses Obama up in traditional garb?

That would be a good point IF you could show me where I said it is okay for Bush to dress up like a Muslim or a Jew. I don’t believe I have said such a thing. I don’t wear Jewish religious wear or muslim religious wear for obvious reasons. I’m not a phony. Is it phony if it’s Bush, Certainly, just because one does something stupid doesn’t make it less stupid if the other one does the same thing.

Conservatives are not going to stop lefties from being lefties. Even if we are ‘nice’ to them, they are not going to be nice to conservatives. That ship has sailed.

@rich wheeler:

I ‘ve never read anything by Alinsky

you’re home schooled, without Books? Alright……..

@Redteam: Are you also, like 05, an admirer and devotee of Alinsky? Interesting pattern developing here at FA.

Pols take note—The world’s most popular and well respected man about to visit our shores—A man of Peace and Humility.

@rich wheeler:

Are you also an admirer and devotee of Alinsky? Interesting pattern developing here at FA.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but I stay away from those socialists marxists.

The world’s most popular and well respected man about to visit our shores—A man of Peace.

What? Obama is out of the country and is coming back?

The Pope needs to stay out of global warming. He’s not objective and has an agenda.
Let him hang onto religion as a subject. That kinda like Obama getting into religion, like pretending to know something about Christianity or something.

@rich wheeler:

I ‘ve never read anything by Alinsky but based on your description of his rules 5,8 and 12 you certainly are an admiring, dedicated follower.

I’ve also read Marx, Engels and Hitler. Just because you can’t comprehend that someone can read the writings of Marxists/Socialists/Communists and not be a fan, is not my problem, it’s yours. So, if I quote Hitler to make a point about leftism, in your mind does that make me “an admiring, dedicated follower?”

You’re such a shallow thinker, RW.


Are you also an admirer and devotee of Alinsky? Interesting pattern developing here at FA.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but I stay away from those socialists marxists.

Guess RW has never heard the phrase “Know thy enemies.” Or maybe RW just sticks with books that only have pictures in them.

@retire05:In your postings you seem to adhere closely to 5 ,8 and 12. Not so?
Why would I waste my time reading such drivel?

@rich wheeler:

In your postings you seem to adhere closely to 5 ,8 and 12. Not so?
Why would I waste my time reading such drivel?

And would I be wrong to use the left’s own tactics against them?

Just because someone is a leftist, I don’t discount someone who was/is brilliant. Alinsky was a brilliant man, who fostered a relationship with Hillary Clinton that lasted until his death. Should I discount his brilliance that seems to have resonated with your side of the aisle?

I also don’t discount the brilliance of David Axelrod. He took fairy wings and created whole cloth from them. Yet I am not a fan of David Axelrod’s, nor do I agree with him on any issue.
Again, simply shallow thinking on your part. You should read Sun Tzu to understand why I read the leftists that you seem to think write “drivel.”

Why do you spend so much time writing drivel?


Guess RW has never heard the phrase “Know thy enemies.” Or maybe RW just sticks with books that only have pictures in them.

You’re talking ‘coloring books’, he probably already has most of them colored.

@Nanny G: I never could understand what he was singing (saying) in that last line, but I was never curious enough to look it up. After all these years, it is really funny.



Ok so I guess Bush and countless others have been pretenders by donning a Jewish whatever on their heads; so how is he a pretender in this instance and authentic when a Somali Sheikh dresses Obama up in traditional garb?

That would be a good point IF you could show me where I said it is okay for Bush to dress up like a Muslim or a Jew.

This would be okay if you can show me where I said you said….. 🙂

Jebus Fudgin’ Cripes! Seriously?! Let me connect dots for you on the flow of conversation:

You seem to suggest that one photo of Obama being dressed up in traditional Somali garb is suspicious of his possible “Muslimness”.

I point out how a number of foreign dignitaries might wear head scarfs; or don traditional clothing for any number of reasons that don’t make them suspiciously native. By way of hammering the point, I offer a photo of Obama praying at the Western Wall wearing a Yamulke (or “Jewish whatever” as you call it).

You dismiss this- while totally not getting the point- by excusing this as Obama pretense/sucking up, comparing it with how you didn’t feel the need to be “phony” and wear a “Jewish whatever”; which brings us to why I also chose to illustrate how it’s not just exclusive to Obama- a number of non-Jewish dignitaries have done likewise. But because it’s Obama, there’s something malevolent behind the act.

Obama wears suspiciously Islamic dress- OMG! Muzzie!
Obama wears Yamulke- OMG! Suck up! (By applying the same logic you went there with, in regards to the “Islamic” garb- wouldn’t the yamulke make him Jewish in your eyes?)

Hey, rt! Did you know that Obama once said “I’m Islamic in my soul”?!


This would be okay if you can show me where I said you said…..

I didn’t say that you said it. I said if you could show me where I had said it.

Jebus Fudgin’ Cripes! Seriously?! Let me connect dots for you

You don’t need to connect the dots. I’m fully capable. If you don’t like the connections, maybe you should look at your map.

You seem to suggest that one photo of Obama being dressed up in traditional Somali garb

Somali garb? So it has nothing to do with Muslims? Are you prepared to say that Somali’s have nothing to do with Muslims or Islam? Or are you trying to misdirect the ‘dots’?

Obama praying at the Western Wall

So the point of Obama wearing a yarmulke was? As I said I’ve been there twice and never felt a burning need to wear a yarmulke or ‘traditional Somali garb’. Wasn’t it the Somali’s that shot down the Black Hawk? Was he wearing his costume in sympathy with the Somali’s?
Since you think this is such a ‘noble move’ on Obama’s part, how many times have you dressed up in traditional ‘non-Christian’ garb?

I point out how a number of foreign dignitaries might wear head scarfs

I don’t consider head scarves to be ‘religious garb’ I’ve seen almost all women in the US wear head scarves, especially in the winter. I consider it winter clothing. The only people I regularly see wearing religious garb are persons of the religion that the garb represents. Have you ever seen any Muslims wearing Roman Catholic habits? Have you ever seen Muslims wearing Jewish garb, (well, other than Obama)

You dismiss this- while totally not getting the point

Word, I get the point. Instead of thinking you have to ‘talk down’ to someone so they can get your point, why don’t you just assume that the person you are communicating with is at the same level and can ‘get a point’. I will concede that at times I might not make a point as clear as I’d like, but then I’m not the only one guilty of that.

So just because I think the citizens of the US should follow the constitution and only elect persons to that office that fulfill the requirements spelled out in the constitution does not mean that the fact that a question about someone’s qualifications is asked means that someone does not understand the constitution. Just because you and others are willing to throw in the towel and disregard the qualifications because ‘it’s not worth arguing over’ is a pitiful excuse for not caring about the laws of the USA.

Hey, rt! Did you know that Obama once said “I’m Islamic in my soul”?!

Your point? Is that supposed to surprise someone? Does it surprise you? Do you take his word for it or do you consider him to be a liar?

He was well trained and prepared for his role. He has been able to fool a lot of people for a long time.