Let’s hear what you have to say about tonight’s debate! It ought to be entertaining. I am really curious to see how Donald Trump behaves in an environment he cannot control and he can’t bully anyone who disagrees with him.
His head could explode.
So what do you think?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Rich Wheeler:
I think you’re full of shite. I absolutely support legislation, and laws, that make abuse against animals a criminal offense. Unlike you, who thinks the means justify the end, your boy, Jason Smith, should have been jailed and prosecuted. He was not.
You can call us a “tag team” until you’re blue in the face. Doesn’t make it so. But you have so totally destroyed your own cred that you have to lash out anyway you can. I understand. It’s hard to be exposed for a fraud like you have been.
Now, why don’t you provide actually numbers of organizational members of those groups instead of making another one of your bogus claims by saying “thousands.” Probably because you can’t. Like all your other claims ($10/hr) you are full of crap. News flash, every state has an agricultural agency that investigates such things as animal cruelty. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Poking a cow with a pitch fork, as your boy Jason Smith did, leaves a mark that is quite distinguishable from a hoof mark injury.
But hey, if you want to keep up the ruse of being such an animal lover, while you approve the actions of Jason Smith, I am more than happy to continue to expose your hypocrisy.
@Rich Wheeler:
Good question, why would you. I wondered that at the time, that’s why I said you need to get it figured out before you start making bets. So far every time I’ve accepted you’ve come back to change the terms. That’s why I’m waiting now til you get your act together. If you do, come back then.
You,……. think WE……? You are the person that thinks it’s okay for someone to torture animals as long as someone is filming it. I guess that’s a new standard. So now, if someone wants to torture an animal all they have to do is make sure someone is filming it so that they can ask for donations to pay for their time and video operation. Do they need a separate videographer or can they do it themselves?
This is truly a new standard. Rich’s Law? It shall be okay to commit a crime as long as someone is taking a video of it so that the video may be used for fundraising.
Why do you continue to poke the fraud? Rich is upset. Understandably so. Frauds don’t like being exposed. He doesn’t like having it pointed out he sits in leather chairs and has two pure bred dogs because of the rape of the mother of those dogs. He is upset because MFA has been exposed as a grifting group headed by a grifter who is probably being paid, illegally, by MFA for saving not ONE animal and making a bogus, misleading video that is used to bilk the stupid.
@retire05: It’s just a natural reflex when you’re poked to poke back. It’s interesting how much squealing takes place when a liberal socialists true side is revealed. I can’t even imagine a person saying ‘the ends justify the means’.
I mean, how many things fit into that? It’s okay to kill a baby if you accidentally get pregnant or just don’t want a baby?
2. It’s okay to torture an animal as long as you film it for fundraising.
3. It’s okay to wear leather shoes if you had them already, never mind that the poor cow was tortured before they ‘ripped’ it’s hide off for those shoes.
Rich can ‘justify’ those things because it’s all just a sham anyhow.
@retire05:RT Upset? I’m enjoying myself watching you and your tag team partner go on and on and on.
You are a pair of right wing political hacks hugging and high fiving each other like a couple of lovesick adolescents.
No real concern for the subject matter–you are politicizing animal cruelty.Too important to make political.
When and if your love fest ends we can continue discussing this important subject’
RT—Have you ever actually bet on a sporting event or a political contest? Do you understand if someone bets $300 against $100 and there is no winner you don’t split $400? Bets are returned. This is betting 101 RT.
@Rich wheelr:
See there you are, trying to change the bet again. So you’re under the illusion that there is a ‘set’ of rules that people gamble by and don’t set their own bets based on what they want them to be.
So if we agreed on the terms of a bet, that bet has to be in a ‘standard format’ and we can’t determine our own conditions? So if I were to say that I’ll bet you 5 to 1 that Sambo would win and the conditions of the bet is that whether Sambo wins or loses, I’ll pay you the 5 dollars. You’re saying we couldn’t make that bet because it doesn’t fit the ‘standard rules of betting as established by Rich’? Regardless of whether it is a fair bet or legal bet, you’re saying we are not allowed to make up our own terms?
So you’re trying to worm out of the bet that you agreed on, where you put up 300 and I put up 100 and if neither wins we split the 400. You’re saying that’s not a ‘legal bet’ so we aren’t allowed to make that bet. That’s your way of trying to worm your way out? Betting 101 has a full set of all the exact rules people are allowed to use for betting and no bets that are not detailed in 101 are allowed. Is that rule in Betting 101? What is the exact number of that rule? I was just looking in that set of rules and clearly Rule 101:27:13:2 allows two persons to modify the rules if they both agree.
I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t tell us about your Gay Pride Parade this past Saturday. I know it was likely because you were so busy waving your rainbow flag and parading that you just didn’t have time. But it’s getting toward mid week and you can come down from that Saturday High and fill us in? Did you get a lot of funds raised for MFA? Will you be able to hire more animal torturer actors for your films? Is Runkle getting a raise?
@Rich Wheeler:
I consider that a deplorable and disturbing comparison you made; that equates Jews and others executed by the NAZI’s to cattle. Which is exactly the same way that the fascist Third Reich leadership viewed and treated the victims of the Holocaust. My opinion of you has just dropped several notches.
@Redteam: Try to keep up RT–no parades last weekend or for the rest of the year–Have you stopped trolling my FB page?.The type of bet you describe where someone bets $300 Against $100 and both candidates lose—yet one of the losers doubles his money??—completely absurd. THINK
It’s clear you don’t have much faith in Trump—understandable
@Ditto: The slaughter of all sentient beings is wrong DITO.
To acclaim slaughter is staged-or hasn’t happened–As some have said—wrong.
The Jewish holocaust happened and we should never forget it’s horrors
The slaughter of animals is happening–we must be aware.
@Rich Wheeler:
Geez, Rich, get a grip. You are the one that said MFA hires undercover agents to go in and mistreat animals so it can be captured on film. Are you now saying they are not ‘acting’ (as in staged) but are genuinely torturing the animals? Which is it? Are they actually torturing animals or just pretending to torture the animals.
You are the one that wanted to make the 300-100 bet, then when I accepted you’re claiming it’s not a legal bet according to Betting 101. I only asked which statute in 101 it is. Can’t you even give a simple answer?
What? No more Gay parades for the rest of the year? What the hell is the Gay pride/Save the animals crowd doing? Just letting the animals be tortured with impunity? Aren’t you concerned about Runkle running short on pocket change?
What has you FB visitors dropped below 3 again and you’re trying to get the total up or something?
@Redteam: Show where I said I would bet 300 on Cruz to your 100 on Trump. Never happened. I figured you had enough guts to bet Trump even up. Do you ACTUALLY believe-Trump’s got no possible chance?-
Never said MFA hires people to go in and torture animals–absurd
You sure enjoy making stuff up.
Seems to be your schtick no surprise you like the arrogant buffoon The Donald
Why are you afraid to bet on him even up against Cruz.
Do you ever get out RT?
@Rich Wheeler:
Wow, you’re making bets and can’t remember that you made them? Have you had a psychiatric check up lately?
you said that but don’t believe it? If you really believed it you would bet 100 – 1 wouldn’t you.
So now you’re back to ‘making it up as you go along’. Are you now saying MFA didn’t pay undercover people to go in and work in dairies and slaughterhouses ? And their jobs were? To mistreat and torture animals to get it on video. Now you’re trying to deny they had undercover people?
those are quotes from you. so now you’re trying to deny they paid their own people to go in and participate in torturing animals?
@Redteam: Where did I say I’d bet $300 on Cruz againstyour $100 on Trump You can’t find it cause it didn’t happen.
Where did I Say undercover whistle blowers were HIRED to commit atrocities against the animals. You can’t find it cause it didn’t happen. These people are true heros RT—They are getting reoccurring sadistic animal abusers prosecuted and jailed. Slaughter houses shut down..Not a single MFA employee charged with any wrongdoing–isn’t that true? Can you find one single charge against anyone from MFA in an undercover sting–save your time.
You are the one who should seek psychiatric help RT Don’t stop taking all those meds you’re currently on–you obviously need em.. Why are you afaid to bet $100 on phony Donald against the real Conservative Cruz.–straight up $100.
Do you ever get out RT?
My last post for awhile Gotta get ready for a trip to Europe and Africa
Joe and Bill have a bet with each other
If Joe bets $300 on candidate A to win
Bill bets $100 on candidate B to win
Candidate C wins
How much money does Joe end up with? Bill?
RT seems to think the answer is they split the $400 evenly– $200 each–does anyone agree?
RT—You sticking with that?
Good health to all Semper Fi
@Rich Wheeler: be sure you take those nose clips to Africa, don’t want to injure yourself.
And most of all remember, If a Lion goes to eat you, you have to let him, you can not injure a Lion.
So you don’t understand Betting 101.
@Rich Wheeler:
You never said they were “hired” which would denote they were actually paid for the crime of abusing animals in order to create a misleading video. Unfortunately, they were paid by the farmers they tried to put out of business.
So we are to understand that those, like Jason Smith, who took a job from a farmer and then not only abused cattle, but admitted to abusing cattle so he could videotape that abuse, are heroes in your book?
So much for abolishing the honor part of duty, honor, country.
You’re a sick man, Rich.