Flopping Aces Republican Debate Open Thread!

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Let’s hear what you have to say about tonight’s debate! It ought to be entertaining. I am really curious to see how Donald Trump behaves in an environment he cannot control and he can’t bully anyone who disagrees with him.

His head could explode.

So what do you think?

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Quicken Loans Arena.

Sounds weird

Trump has hurt himself

A serious slap back at Kelly starts the game, after being the only one to raise his hand, being honest.

These three moderators don’t hold a candle to McMallum’s and Hemmer’s effort in the first debate. The 3 egos are on display.
I don’t know, John, he seems to be taking no prisoners. He’s landing the hits.
Trump landed a nasty hit on Clinton’s foundation.

Haven’t seem anything this entertaining in a long time.

@James raider: I think the questions are good. They can’t be accused of going soft

Trump a bigger a-hole than even I expected

@richard Wheeler:

Told you I didn’t like him

Trump may be an ass-hole, but he would be a hellofa lot better than the metrosexual we now have propping his feet on the Resolutions Desk as Islamic jihad marches across the Middle East and Mexico does nothing to stop its citizens from violating U.S. sovereign law.

No, I haven’t decided to support trump.

I’m very concerned?
Rush told us what we would hear?
Christians are being murdered in America?
Fundamental transformation has occurred, the Dem’s got the face of their Party elected 2x’s. The DNC is in now for the kill. Christians had better wake up and find a Washington?
Now Fox is telling us who Won!!
God help us!!

@drjohn: Yes you did
These guys came prepared–except for Trump. I grew up with this guy. My father was his father’s lawyer.
He’s a sham, the ultimate huckster a carny. New Yorkers know this.
I liked Carson, Rubio, Kasich, Huckabee Thought Cruz was Presidential.
Weakest though stronger than Trump—Bush, Walker Paul.
Christie not great but better than expected
Overall very well done.
Kudos to Megyan.

Trump will keep his 20% raw meat eaters but he’s been outed and is through as a viable Prez. candidate.I don’t think he ever was.

I thought Trump would impale himself

Winners: Huckabee, Cruz and Fiorina

@richard Wheeler:

These guys came prepared–except for Trump. I grew up with this guy. My father was his father’s lawyer.

Oh, goody, another “I’m my own grandma” story from Mr. Animal Rights fraud.\

He’s a sham, the ultimate huckster a carny. New Yorkers know this

Really? The same New Yorkers that elected Comrade de Blasio?
I liked Carson, Rubio, Kasich, Huckabee Thought Cruz was Presidential.

Weakest though stronger than Trump—Bush, Walker Paul.

Bush? You mean the guy that starts out taking about his dad and his brother so he can remind us that he is Jeb!?

Christie not great but better than expected

Just another fat northeastern wind bag.

Overall very well done.
Kudos to Megyan.

Ms. Kelly seems to full of herself lately. Her last interview with Cruz was a disgrace.

@drjohn: maybe not. here is what he proposes for tax reform:

Up to $30,000, you pay 1%
From $30,000 to $100,000, you pay 5%
From $100,000 to $1 million, you pay 10%
On $1 million or above, you pay 15%

I am all for that. too bad the sitting democrats and republicans are all in it for themselves and don’t give a rats ass about us.

Cruz was deliberately marginalized in the debate, but on the 4 questions he was.asked, he did.well.

Not a Huckabee supporter, but he did very well.

Carson aquitted himself better than I expected.

Fiorina.should.have been there instead.of the pre-senile, rambling Kasich.

Rand did not do well, coming across as.an arrogant prig.

Christie served his purpose of being the attack dog so Jeb could pose as above the fray.

Walker did ok, but came across a little flat.

Rubio did fine, but nothing spectacular.

It was obvious Trump.was being attacked, while Jeb was being pumped up.

Would vote for all of them over any democrat, but would be holding my nose and very unhappy to have to vote for Bush, Rand, Kasich.or Christie, in descending order of unhappiness.

Would love to see a Cruz/Fiorina or Walker/Carson (or any combination of those 4) on the GOP.ticket.

If Trump goes 3rd party, the republic will die with another craptastic socialist scumbag as president.

Most Reagan-like: Dr. Carson

@drjohn: I ‘ll go with Carson, Rubio and Huckabee—then Kasich, Cruz, Christie
bottom rung Bush, Walker, Paul, Trump.—–very well done. Fiorina won first debate
Long way to go Dems up next.

Very well played, you said it all.

Each of the candidates got between 5 mins and 10 minutes.
The Fox team took 37 minutes!
Fox would have looked better had they stuck to business.
Ask the question; get the answer; move on to the next one.
Instead they (especially Megan Kelly) tried to make wisecracks.

We ended up quite divided as to how Trump did.
Having read his, ”Time to Get Tough” I knew he had specifics for most issues.
But he didn’t use his time to express those specifics to this wide audience.
Too bad.

Who looked great?

Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Huckabee and maybe Kasich improved their bottom lines by their appearance at this debate.
Christie and Bush failed to move the needle.
Paul, Walker and Trump probably lost a few points. (In my opinion……hubby puts Trump in the ”win” column.)
It is a shame that Walker didn’t take all his allotted time so as to answer fully, he could have done better.

The GOP debacle: Losers trying to out loser one another to a pea brained audience, The GOP candidacy brought to you by Fox News and bought by the Koch brothers. You guys are worse than morons. Unbelievable.

Fox News Had Time To Ask The Candidates If They’ve ‘Received Word From God,’ But Not These 7 Topics

Mike Huckabee’s bizarre fetal personhood proposal would criminalize miscarriages

Rick Santorum’s Plan To Devastate The Poorest People In America

Marco Rubio Forgets He Cosponsored Abortion Ban With Rape, Incest Exceptions

Scott Walker Says In GOP Debate He Doesn’t Support Abortion If A Woman’s Life Is At Risk

@retire05: From05 “Trump’s an asshole but he’s our asshole” At least he’s not a damn metrosexual.
Whatever that is? Is it bad? Better or worse than homosexual?

@Rich Wheeler:

From05 “Trump’s an asshole but he’s our asshole” At least he’s not a damn metrosexual.

That’s not what I said. Again, you are adopting George’s tactic of claiming someone said something they did not. Again, here is what I said:

“Trump may be an ass-hole, but he would be a hellofa lot better than the metrosexual we now have propping his feet on the Resolutions Desk”

You don’t know what a metrosexual is? You really are ill informed, aren’t you? Seems you know as little about modern jargon as you do about cattle.

It’s the Resolute desk, named after the British ship that the wood came from.


Congrulations, Greggie Goebbels. For ONCE in your time here you are right.

@ Reem
Animals and lions are far more important than people, anyone knows that.

@retire05: #12

Ms. Kelly seems to full of herself lately

Even before the first question, Kelly was loud and strange, laughing, sucking up time, and while I thought her early shows demonstrated some potential, she got worse with time. What the hell was she doing last night, . . . excited to be at a prom, shaking up the dance floor, making wisecracks? . . . NOT professional. This wasn’t supposed to be the Kelly hour.

Using a completely out-of-context quote against Trump to make him appear obscene was inappropriate. He had nowhere to go with it. Her shrill attacks throughout were peculiar. She really tried hard to make the show about her. Yesterday evening was a turning point for her career to the down side.

Chris Wallace is a liberal and Brett was the only one of the three moderators who was semi-professional. The first debate was conducted with more professionalism.

Cruz, Fiorina, and Carson are demonstrating “steady as she goes” disposition, common sense and smarts. Rubio and Huckabee have their talking points down pat and know how to deliver them.

All of the Rep candidates would drink Clinton’s milkshake in debate. Not even close.

@James Raider:

I got the same impression of Kelly. And Chris Wallace? Well, he’s his daddy’s son.
Brett was doing good but seemed to want to get in on the “gotcha” questions. I don’t care if a candidate wrote on the sidewalk with a paint can when they were 7, I care about how they are going to change the disaster that has been Obama.

Here is another story for you about the first debate of the second tier candidates: the GOP prevented anyone from attending. The GOP would not let people actually attend the debate and gave the candidates themselves less than 10 tickets each. During the first debate, the GOP committee was having a voting session. WTH?

I have been a long time GOPer. I think that the establishment Republicans (Boehner/McConnell and ilk) along with the big money are trying to force Jeb! down our throats. If they do that, the Democrat candidate, most likely Shillary since the Democrats have no moral values, will win.


Ms. Kelly seems to full of herself lately. Her last interview with Cruz was a disgrace.

I’ve been a fan of hers, but lately her ‘progressiveness’ has started to show. She is trying very hard to make all interviews about her instead of the interviewee. Her first question of Trump was beneath her. If Fox wanted that question asked, they should have let Wallace or Baer ask it.
I think Trump had the best answers to most questions. One way you can tell is the jackass RW braying about how bad he did. Upset Rich’s hopes.

Did Rich say that his grandpa is related to his grandma and they both worked for Trumps uncle or something. Seems like he’s trying to establish a relationship with Trump.

@Reem: Reem you may go back to sucking eggs.

@James Raider: Very good assessment.



I thought that was Shrillary.

I don’t think Trump hurt himself in this debate. As he said, if he wasn’t in the campaign, no one, and I mean NO ONE would be talking about border security. As I’ve said several times, Graham, Bush, Rubio would tear down what little bit of fence there is. They would likely increase the bonus for successfully illegally crossing the border. Christie is a little like Obama, he just wants to feel important.

While not having watched the entire debate, this will hopefully be the first thinning of the herd. Graham, Gilmore, Pataki, and Santorum should probably save their time and money and drop out. In the next debate, given that we already know what the REAL problems are facing this country, rather than having the candidates point them out to us they should come to us with their solutions. Identify 5 or 6 major problems this country faces and let them address those problems and provide solutions. For example:

1. How do you plan on turning around the worst economic recovery since WWII?

2. What is your plan, if any, to balance the budget?

3. What is your strategy for reversing the enormous gains made by AQ and ISIS in the last 6 years and defeat them?

4. What is your plan for replacing Obamacare?

5. What actions will you take to restore the integrity of our Constitution and rule of law?

6. How will you unite the American people as opposed to dividing them?

By coming forth with solutions as opposed to rehashing the problems, we will be able to compare the candidates’ plans and weed out those who are out there just to bitch and blow smoke. Trump in particular will either come off as someone who has a legitimate and workable plan and is thus a viable candidate or he will be exposed once and for all as a blowhard.

@Rich Wheeler:

Whatever that is? Is it bad? Better or worse than homosexual?

Are you implying there is something ‘better’ than a homosexual? or ‘worse’ than a homosexual?
You really don’t know what a metrosexual is? It’s clearly defined as a homosexual that has joined the MFA organization and participates in pride parades. Now you know.


Kelly used to be good. But her ratings started nearing O’Reilly’s and now she’s full of herself. Read a number of conservative pundits today and they pretty much said that Fox did a lousy job.

Trump’s not my candidate. At this point, I am looking at a number of them (exclude Christie, he’s just another bellicose, big mouthed yankee; exclude Bush, no more Bushes, no more Clintons; exclude the governor of Ohio) all of them being pushed by Fox.

I don’t trust Rubio. I think he can be manipulated by the likes of McCain and Graham.

Did Rich say that his grandpa is related to his grandma and they both worked for Trumps uncle or something. Seems like he’s trying to establish a relationship with Trump.

You know RW. He cannot comment on anything unless he is telling us peons how important he is or what connections he has. Pure bull.

@another vet: Wow AV, you listed 6 problems that need solution and didn’t include illegal immigration. Did you overlook that subject? But I agree with your objective. I don’t like the idea of them arguing with each other, your method would work a lot better for me and wouldn’t give them so much ad libbing time where the objective is to not harm themselves. I don’t think Christie or Paul are serious candidates.

@another vet:

4. What is your plan for replacing Obamacare?

No replacing. Abolish it. The government needs to get out of the insurance business. FDR was warned that the SCOTUS would never approve Social Security as an insurance so FDR argued it was a tax. Where do you think John Roberts gleaned that concept from?

1. How do you plan on turning around the worst economic recovery since WWII?

As long as illegals are continuing to flood across our borders, and take blue collar jobs driving down wages, it cannot be turned around. I can tell you that illegals have driven down the wage base for construction workers. Yet, before they invaded that industry, people could earn a livable wage and builders still made a profit. Try getting a cab in D.C. that isn’t driven by someone with a foreign accent. You can’t do it.

6. How will you unite the American people as opposed to dividing them?

Put Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan in jail where they belong.

@Redteam: Not including illegal immigration wasn’t done to slight it. I provided some examples. Dealing with illegal immigration could be included as part of the solution to number 1. Perhaps another question could be for each candidate to identify what they consider to be the six biggest problems facing the country are. That would be telling.

@retire05: And that’s the way the candidates should address the issues. They need to come to us with solutions, not problems. That’s part of what leadership is about.

@Redteam: #31

Christie is a little like Obama, he just wants to feel important.

I very much disliked that Christie’s inner “Bully” came out against Rand. Christie knows Rand would never be elected President because he’s a Libertarian, so he picked on him like a bully would — condescending, demeaning, dismissing and disrespectful.

@James Raider: Yep, that’s Christie, a buffoon

@retire05: metrosexual??You and your sidekick RT seem to be the experts on sexual preferences. I could care less.
The only good news Trump had was the debate hurt Walker and Bush. Think Rubio and Kasich will begin to move up.

“Trumps as asshole but he’s our asshole.”
Kinda catchy’

@Rich Wheeler:

You really don’t know what a metrosexual is? It’s clearly defined as a homosexual that has joined the MFA organization and participates in pride parades.

I’m going with, “you didn’t like that definition”.

“Trumps as asshole but he’s our asshole.”

I didn’t realize you were claiming Trump. But that’s ok.

Have you noticed, Richie, that the Dims are afraid to have a debate? Did you actually sit and watch the whole Repub debate? You must be worried.

@Redteam: Watched the whole debate and enjoyed it immensely. Looking forward to a Trump 3rd party run Dems first debate will be in Oct. As is usually the case, Repubs will probably beat themselves. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. Many Repubs. think he’s a Dem. plant
Rubio/Kasich ticket would have best chance of winning.

@Rich Wheeler: You’d better hope for a split in the Repub’s, that’s the only hope for the socialists.

Rubio is not eligible, most Americans won’t vote for ineligibles. (except Dimocrats)

From the questions, it was clear to me that the FOX “moderator’s” purpose was to ignore the issues that really concern the voters, throw softballs at the establishment candidates (Bush Rubio, & Kasich and to a lesser degree Christie and Graham) whom FOX favors to make them look good, throw hardball questions at the more conservative candidates to marginalize them, and most of all the “moderators” colluded on questions designed to knock public support out from under Trump.

The latest polls I’ve seen since the debate show that the establishment supporting FOX moderators (with the exceptions of helping Kasich and hurting Walker) mostly failed in their purpose.

The first round of post-debate polls are out, and Donald Trump has a commanding lead
Post-debate polls finds Trump still leading pack, Carly Fiorina winner of debates
Trump Leads GOP Outsiders Surge in First Post-Debate Poll

Perry not Graham, should have been in this debate.

Oh and for Rich, Greg and the rest of the leftist trolls: GOP debate contenders give Democrats reason to worry

@Ditto: You folks spend so much time blasting the lamesream media, CNN, Jon Stewart etc etc. –now it’s the darling of the right Fox that’s in your crosshairs.
Seems Repub. mantra “Trump’s an asshole but he’s OUR asshole.” has found a good deal of traction.

Walker was hurt in the debate -If he manages to lose Iowa where he led by 20 points it’s one and done for his candidacy.
Bush loses N.H he’s two and through.
Rubio, Huckabee, Cruz, Carson and Kasich move up to challenge Trump.
First 4 split the South and Southwest
Kasich looking to score in large states like Michigan, Penn. and Cal.
The race is going to the wire-
The Donald hangs till the end–finishes 3rd or 4th–50/50 if he runs 3rd party.

@Rich Wheeler:

You folks spend so much time blasting the lamesream media, CNN, Jon Stewart etc etc. –now it’s the darling of the right Fox that’s in your crosshairs.

Polls showing that the MSM’s favorability ranks even worse than Congress proves that nearly the entire nation has the same disdain for the MSM (which includes FOX) that we do. FOX has continually shown itself not to be representative of the Republican base, but only tends to represent Washington establishment RINOs and the monied interests that support them. Still, as far as television news goes it’s the only one to even get close to a conservative POV available.

Seems Repub. mantra “Trump’s an asshole but he’s OUR asshole.” has found a good deal of traction.

Your statement of opinion is not reflective of anyone but yourself. You do not speak for Republicans, so stop attributing your false quotes to be that of others.

Walker was hurt in the debate…

As I pointed out, that was the clearly the purpose of the moderator’s collusion in creating what questions that would hurt those candidates who are not establishment RINOs.


“Trump’s an asshole but he’s OUR asshole.”

Ditto, just a few days ago, Rich posted that same statement with it referring to “our asshole’ as being the Dimocrats candidate to defeat the other Republicans. Now he’s trying to use it in a totally different circumstance. Rich gets confused sometimes. Probably today especially since he was out waving his rainbow flag in a gay pride rally parade all day yesterday. It’s likely he got too much sun.
I have no idea how far Trump will go, but I do know that there are many subjects on the table today that would not be on the table if he weren’t speaking of them. Whereas he says there needs to be a big fence up NOW, not in the future, the other candidates would be happy to take down what fence we have if they thought they would get a vote out of it.

Socialist liberals such as Rich are terrified that Trump won’t split the Repub party and the Dims will be blown out of the water next year. Their only hope is for the Repubs to split. That’s why he’s out marching in gay parades. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

@Redteam: Not true–both Dr J and 05 ref. the Donald as an A-hole-thus the Repub. quote.
If you weren’t spending so much time on my wife’s Facebook page you’d see I was at 75th annual La Habra Cornfest. Sat. and Sun. Mostly Latinos, Good Old Boy Repubs and their families–great fun.
You seem to know more about the gays and their activities than anyone else at F.A.
People gonna wonder about which team you’re on RT.

@Rich Wheeler:

both Dr J and 05 ref. the Donald as an A-hole-thus the Repub. quote.

No, I said he may be an asshole.

Why are you trying to mislead by quoting me wrongly? If you are going to quote me, make it precise.

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