Of Cute Babies and Stuffed Lions… Why Cecil Gets All The Attention


Last week it was almost impossible to escape pictures of Cecil the Lion King and the Minnesota dentist who killed him. The dentist received death threats and had to go into hiding. The story was indeed sad. The lion was lured out of the sanctuary and shot with a bow in the middle of the night… and then suffered for 40 hours before he was finally shot dead.

The “hunter” defends his actions, saying he thought what he was doing was legal. The reality is, what he was doing was neither legal nor hunting. It was killing for fun and he used it to try and impress a girl – apparently he failed. It was the lion equivalent of hunting fish in a barrel. I don’t hunt, and I think people who kill great animals for “sport” are probably a bit off kilter. Nonetheless, limited “sport” hunting, as repugnant as it is, can actually help save endangered species. (more)  That was not the case with Cecil however.

During the same week, unless you were listening to, watching or reading conservative media, you might have missed much of the Planned Parenthood news where officials were caught on tape discussing the sale of fetus parts. Many in the conservative media rightly decried the lopsided coverage of the death of a lion vs. the death of hundreds of thousands or millions of babies. Indeed, many who expressed angst with the death of Cecil were branded hypocrites because they eat meat or wear leather.

That is a false and disingenuous assertion. Most Americans eat meat, and as Sean Hannity rightly pointed out, they outsource the murder of cows, chickens and turkeys to others. The acceptance of and participation in an economic machine that puts food on one’s table is not the equivalent of condoning the unlawful killing of a protected member of an endangered species. It is possible to logically eat meat from animals killed in a slaughterhouse and still decry the murder of Cecil.

As for decrying the lack of a similar outcry on the Planned Parenthood story, the issue is not a matter of the public reacting… rather it is a matter of the mainstream media simply burying the story. Americans react to a wide variety of media stimuli. The problem is, the media they react to is usually TMZ, the New York Times, Cosmo, MSNBC and the rest of the liberal cabal that have zero interest in covering anything that showcases the dark side of abortion. Indeed, in 2013 the networks gave Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis three times the coverage as they did the murderer Kermit Gosnell.

Cecil is the Lion King, while the nameless, faceless aborted babies don’t have Disney movies made about them or have their likeness turned into stuffed animals. Does one imagine if Disney were to put its marketing blitz behind a movie following the 9 month journey of a baby from conception to birth that abortion and Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be on the ropes. Of course they would, but don’t hold your breath.

That’s the problem… it’s not that Americans care more about lions than babies. It’s that babies (at least unborn ones) don’t have a media savvy presence that pulls on the heartstrings from before we can read or walk. In addition, there’s something working against unborn babies that seems almost counter intuitive. In his brilliant standup show “Dress to Kill” Eddie Izzard talks about the scale of murder. When the numbers are relatively small, three, eight, a dozen, we can viscerally connect with them because they are real, they are tangible, they are numbers we can get our heads around. When a tyrant like Pol Pot or Hitler Stalin kills millions or tens of millions we have a hard time humanizing it because the sheer numbers overwhelm our ability to comprehend or connect. So too with abortion. The hundreds of thousands of babies aborted each year, maybe 30 million since Roe v. Wade, make the entire issue almost beyond comprehension. Combine that with the sterile outpatient nature of the “procedure” and the arguments that it’s just a bunch of cells and it’s difficult to connect with people’s hearts… and like it or not, that’s what animates issues.

Although many want to conflate what Planned Parenthood is doing and the larger abortion issue in general, they are two different things. For instance, I find myself conflicted about abortion. While I have no problem with the morning after pill, I’m certain that at 5 months in it’s a baby… My conflict comes from whether the line of demarcation is 4 months or 3 months or wherever it is, I’m not sure, but I’m certainly in favor of erring on the side of earlier. That being said, the Planned Parenthood videos have brought a welcome voice to an issue that has languished for years because no one ever talked about it.

Late term abortion is nothing less than killing a child. Most Americans get that… but President Obama and most Democrat politicians don’t. (Even 79% of ProChoice supporters recognize that!) But because the issue is typically couched in clinical terms or in terms of woman’s choice… few respond the way that we have seen respond to Cecil’s death. If the goal is to outlaw this barbaric practice, to close the marketplace for baby limbs and organs, to stop the murder of innocents, then the effort must be to connect voters with the babies… and not with the grotesque images that so often cause people to turn their heads in horror. Yes, while the images are horrible, the “procedure” itself is horrible too, but if such images so repulse voters that they disengage from the issue and grow angry at the messenger, that’s counterproductive.

If we are interested in stopping this inhuman practice, we have to figure out how to make a five month old fetus human… to other humans. Make it cute, adorable and cuddly, but most of all connect him or her with the heartstrings of the average American so that they understand that when politicians or progressives talk about a “procedure” they aren’t talking about Petri dishes and slides, they are talking about ending a life of a baby that is every bit as cute as the Lion King.

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@Redteam: It seems you NEVER take your nose out of here or out of your girlfriend’s rear–not even on the weekends You got any life RT?

@Rich Wheeler:

Come on, Rich. Tell us how the mother of your dogs was raped. And while you’re at it, you can address that white LEATHER chair and the fact that your animal activist friends are wearing black LEATHER belts.

You think you can run from your hypocrisy by attacking RT and calling me his “girlfriend.” (I’m past the age of being referred to as a “girl” nor am I his friend although you seem to count anonymous posters as friends) All you do is show how large a fraud you really are.

Why won’t you address the rape of your dog’s mothers?
Why won’t you address the fact that you have a LEATHER chair and hang with people who wear LEATHER belts?
Why won’t you admit you have never adopted a pound puppy but prefer high dollar pure bred dogs?

Come on, Rich…………………….give us some answers. Snarky remarks don’t count.

Ret05 Over 99% of animals consumed are factory farmed. Why should we discuss Texas farms and ranches? A diversion.
I ask any who pass through to watch Farm to Fridge or Earthlings to learn the truth.
I’m through here. Lets go see the prep for the big debate.
Another post perhaps

@Rich Wheeler:

It seems you NEVER take your nose out of here

LOL, seems as if you’re here to respond to any comments. I don’t spend any time out marching in homosexual parades, that gives me a little more free time. I’m also not out waving rainbow flags or wearing ‘doggie’ t-shirts. That gives me a little time.. I’m not out shopping for assless chaps that don’t have leather in them. That saves a little time. I don’t have to get all dressed up in jogging clothes to sit around and pretend that I just got back from jogging. I don’t know if you know the difference, but today is not a weekend day. Be sure to respond right away, I don’t want to be kept waiting.

@Rich Wheeler:

I ask any who pass through to watch Farm to Fridge or Earthlings to learn the truth.

the truth? Who’s truth? do you think that film was produced with an agenda in mind? Do you think they showed the ‘actual truth’ and not the ‘truth as we want you to believe it’? Are the facilities the ‘worst’ or the ‘best’ facilities?
Do you even know the answers to those questions, or do you just believe the story they want you to believe?

@Rich Wheeler:

Why should we discuss Texas farms and ranches?

I see your back to your old habit of answering questions with questions. Perhaps that works on your liberal, brain dead friends, but not me, Bubba. You must think that people are too stupid to notice that you refuse to answer questions when, if the truth be known, those answers, if given honestly, would affirm what a hypocrite you are.

Why Texas? Why not? We are a large producer of beef cattle. Don’t you include beef cattle in your activism?

I’m through here.

Sure you are. But then, you know what happens to slugs when they get in the sunlight.

@rich wheeler:

As a doctor, I know that the effects of B12 deficiency seen in those who engage in a strict vegan diet are dangerous, and require B12 supplementation that is not required when one has meat in one’s diet. You also ignore the fact that humans possess the enzymes to digest and absorb meat, which we would not have if we were meant biologically to be herbivores.

Feel free to enjoy your personal choice of veganism, but you have no right to impose your preference on those of us who prefer to dine in a manner more in tune with our species innate biological design.

@Pete: I’m not a doctor, but everyone should be aware that an immediate shift from a ‘normal’ diet to a vegan diet without close blood monitoring, etc can be very harmful to a person. (for example, if someone is taking a blood thinner and suddenly stops normal diet and starts consuming lots of green leafy vegetables.

So Rich, if you’re going to recommend drastic changes in a diet, be sure to recommend they keep a doctor in the loop until results of changes in body chemistry is known.


Just spend some time on an interesting read. Mercy For Animals 990 form from 2013. Obviously, no one at the IRS has bothered to review it. Seems Rich’s little buddy, Nathan Runkle, runs the show but isn’t paid for it although the form claims they had 20 employees that year with salaries that added up to $685,308.00 with $51,395.00 paid in for employee federal income taxes. Perhaps when Rich is donating his money he needs to ask how Runkle supports himself if he is so busy with Mercy For Animals but doesn’t get paid.

But it gets even more interesting. Try $236,957.00 for travel alone. That is almost 10% of what they took in for the year 2013, which was $2,929,906.00

Seems little Nathan Runkle had stumbled on to a piggy bank., and a good accountant.

In 2009 they only took in $461,381.00 but within a year (and due to useful idiots like Rich) managed to double that in 2010 to $1,293,195. They have raked in $8,685,750.00 in five years. Seems to me that $8MM would fed a lot of pound puppies.

Think I’ll give my Congressman, a former CPA, a call.


$236,957.00 for travel alone.

wonder how much that is per day, hmmm $649 a day. Want to bet how much of that Mr Runkle gets? Maybe Rich can get on as an employee.

Two things about Mercy for Animals.
Mercy for Animals’ campaigns all emphasize the treatment of only certain species of animals — those we raise for human consumption.
It could care less about dogs, cats, camels, horses, etc.
It assumes all animals raised to be killed for food and other stuff (leather, Heparin, glucosamin-chondriotan, firs, brush bristles, etc.) are treated badly.
It is not true.
As a girl our family raised sheep for food as well as wool. Never was a sheep or lamb mistreated. When it was time for them to be killed it was done humanely.
Our dogs and cats, our chickens and ducks were also well treated.
We looked upon animals as under our charge whether they were going to become food or not.
Mercy for Animals only cares about food animals.

Mercy for Animals also misrepresents veganism as a diet and then criticizes using the word “vegan” (whatever it is that it understands this word to mean) as too extremist and as ineffectual and potentially detrimental. Actually veganism is the following of a vegan lifestyle…..not a diet. Like Buddhism is the following of a Buddhist lifestyle.
I used to have house dogs who begged at the table. I used to get a kick out of their confusion when we ate a non-meat meal like chile rellanos or tostadas.
One of my brothers is a nutritionist.
He swears that beans and rice can be made into complete amino acids if you add lime juice over them in cooking.
But he also claims it is too dangerous to be a vegetarian unless you study how to get all your amino acids every day.
By combining their hatred for the existence of farmed animals with their love of living on an animal-free diet Mercy for Animals shows its true colors.

It is agenda-driven in an extreme direction.
Balance and a good conscience is a better way to make decisions about animals and diet.

@Nanny G:

I know a rancher that built a slaughter house and opened a butcher shop. He wanted to make sure the animals were killed in a human way and that people could be secure in knowing not only that, but that his facilities were clean and trustworthy.

He had two Muslim guys come in and ask if they could use his slaughter house to kill goats. On the advise of his attorney, he allowed them to use the slaughter house on a Sunday when he would normally be closed.

I saw the photographs he took after the Muslims were through so he could give them to his attorney. It looked like the Cambodian killing fields. Blood slung everywhere. It was disgusting.

So why doesn’t groups like Mercy For Animals go after Islamic slaughter houses? Do they know how “halal” meat is processed? Do they care?

This group, Mercy For Animals, is raking in millions of dollars per year and none of it, according to their 990, seems to be going toward animals. Travel, office supplies, real estate, etc. None of the expenses that should be used for the saving of animals.

Here is where Mercy For Animals claimed on their 2013 990 they spend $886,621 in the year 2013:

Education: to raise awareness of the atrocities committed against animals within factory farms and the importance of adopting a vegan diet……..accomplished this through pro-vegan television ad campaigns; hundreds of leafleting events; tabling at vegetarian, Earth Day, environmental and other types of festivals and fairs; dozens of humane education presentations; hundreds of “Paid Per View” (which they made money on) video screenings; participation in pride parades across the country……………..

MFA spent all this money hitting the farthest of the far left wing events duping stupid people, like Rich, out of their money. Almost $900,000.00 spent and not one pound puppy fed.

And it’s no surprise they are hitting the gay pride parent circuit. Anyone want to take a guess as to Nathan Ruckle being a girly man?

“Nathan Runkle, the 24-year old openly gay founder and Executive Director of the national animal advocacy organization, Mercy For Animals,”

Gay Animal Rights Activist Attacked

@retire05: Oh my, my first reaction is that Rich got snookered. But on second thought, maybe not. Seems as if he might have been destined for the homosexual lifestyle. He’s following a gay leader, participating in rainbow parades, waving rainbow flags. Apparently the primary reason for raising money is to have enough of it to participate in activities to raise even more.
Wonder how long it’s gonna take for Rich to know he’s being scammed.


I don’t think Rich was duped. I think he’s smart enough to know how radical this Nathan Runkle clown is. I also think that is Rich’s kinda person.

How many posts has Rich done on animal “rights” yet when it comes to the left’s sacred cow, abortion, he weakly says he would consul on adoption. No t-shirts, no flyers, no parades. Killing babies is not as grievous as killing a chicken in Rich’s warped mind.


There is a healthy and an unhealthy love of animals: and the nearest definition of the difference is that the unhealthy love of animals is serious. I am quite prepared to love a rhinoceros, with reasonable precautions: he is, doubtless, a delightful father to the young rhinoceroses. But I will not promise not to laugh at a rhinoceros. . . . I will not worship an animal. That is, I will not take an animal quite seriously: and I know why.

Wherever there is Animal Worship there is Human Sacrifice. That is, both symbolically and literally, a real truth of historical experience.

— G. K. Chesterton, “On Seriousness,” (1920)

@retire05: Reading that info on Runkle, seems as if he’s only interested in Cows, hogs and chickens as far as slaughtering. (that’s because those animals are money makers and he see’s a chance to make a buck.) apparently his organization is not for the rights of other animals, only feed animals.
Except, animals ridden in Gay rodeos apparently are being mistreated. Wonder how they know that it’s only gay rodeos?
But I think you’re probably right, Rich has just been waiting for the right opportunity.


MFA is a scam. Pure and simple. Just look at their 990. They take in $2,929,906. in 2013 and spend $2,096,220 on stuff like travel, advertising, salaries (over 1/2 million there for 20 employees), $43K in “insurance”, office expenses (that was a tony $163,141.00) and $94,000.00 for “supplies.”

How does Runkle support himself? He takes no salary. So is he being “expensed” off by the charity (I say that charitably) covering his rent, his travel, his car, his groceries, his utility bills, his clothes?

So animals are being mistreated in gay rodeos? Seems those gay rodeo riders don’t care much for equal rights for the animals. Unlike the live stock used in PRCA events where the animals are treated better than the cowboys.

This scam group does NOTHING to help animals. Their Form 990 is a convoluted mess that really doesn’t shed light on how their money is spent.

O5 I think you should go right after MFA —Put your money where your mouth is. They’d welcome it. Meantime learn the difference between pay-per-view and paid per view. After you familiarize yourself with that you might review your use of human killing vs. humane killing. That’s a start.

@Rich Wheeler:

O5 I think you should go right after MFA

Have already discussed them this morning with a federal Congressman I am friends with. He was interested in knowing just how they spend their money since they are a 501(c)3 and don’t pay taxes on anything they take in.

Not surprised you would support a scam group that does nothing to help animals but give a bunch of lip service. You’re not smart enough to ask how Nathan Runkle supports himself when he is not paid for being the chair of MFA and seems to have no other means of support. But he does rely on useful idiots like you.

After you familiarize yourself with that you might review your use of human killing vs. humane killing. That’s a start.

Don’t preach to me, fraud. At least I have, and continue to, give homes to homeless/abused animals from pound puppies, feral cats, a mustang and an abused donkey. Unlike you, I am willing to make a personal, and financial, commitment and not just act like a hot shot holding my sign, wearing a t-shirt and prancing around with a queer guy.

You’re just pissed because you have been exposed as a fraud.

@retire05: You really don’t have a clue 05
You said MFA does paid per view and makes money.
They do pay per view and pay people to watch Farm to Fridge.
Are you to dense to understand this basic difference?
Why listen to your other rantings? Seriously

@Rich Wheeler: Rich, you may not be aware of it, but charity organizations have to file public documents about their finances. you should check out MFA and you’ll likely agree that it should be PFR (Profit For Runkle). But I don’t care if you want to pay him to live his gay lifestyle, (his? I meant ‘your’).
You never did tell us what the other 20% is that your dogs eat. Is there a reason you’re avoiding that answer?

@Redteam: You never told me why you’re nose is so far up old5’s rear? I ask her a simple question in #72 and here YOU come panting and peeing.

@Nanny G: ‘hatred for the existence of farmed animals”
What does that mean?
Will you spend 4 minutes Watching Farm To Fridge?
You got a short video for me THANKS

@Rich Wheeler:

You said MFA does paid per view and makes money.
They do pay per view and pay people to watch Farm to Fridge.
Are you to dense to understand this basic difference?

Let’s see; on the their Form 990 for 2013, MFA said “hundreds of “Paid Per View”.

Not, :Paid To View

That means they were paid for each person, or each viewing of what they, on their Form 990 for 2013, called “video screenings. If, as you seem to be claiming, they paid people to view their “video screenings” those “video screenings” must have been some really lousy crap.

Obviously, you are too dense to know the difference.

Now, I do find it hilarious that you are whining about me not answering your question when you are the Roger Dodger of FA, along with your lying buddy, George. How long did it take you to make up some crap about having owned four cats that you [claim you] rescued. Two days? Three?

You’ve been outed as a fraud, Richard. You need to deal with it and no amount of insults thrown at RT is going to change that.

And let me repeat this to see if it can sink into your thick skull this time: RT is not my sidekick, he’s not my friend, he’s not my acquaintance. I do not know him. I have never met him. And unlike you, I do not consider anonymous posters on a website to be my friends.

@retire05: It is pay per view People are paid $1 to watch Farm To Fridge–suggest you take 4 minutes to watch it.
You rant on and on and call me a fraud and debunk my service as a Marine.
Yet you are too dense to understand the simplest concept. You are a waste of time O5
As far as RT—You two are connected at the hip:

@Rich Wheeler:

You rant on and on and call me a fraud and debunk my service as a Marine.

debunk? you’re getting out of a bunk? was it someone you met on your ‘pride parade’?

I have not seen anyone denigrate your military service. Never. I have seen you denigrate mine.

@Rich Wheeler:

It is pay per view People are paid $1 to watch Farm To Fridge

BS, I watched it and I didn’t get paid to watch it. I wouldn’t take a dollar for watching it anyhow, it wasn’t worth that much.

@Rich Wheeler:

It is pay per view People are paid $1 to watch Farm To Fridge–suggest you take 4 minutes to watch it.

A dollar? A DOLLAR? Who is Runkle paying to watch it? The LA homeless?

I took the “Paid Per View” right off MFA’s Form 990 from 2013. Take it up with them.

You rant on and on and call me a fraud and debunk my service as a Marine.

Well, you are a fraud when it comes to animals. As to your military “service”, I doubt that I have ever discussed it. I DID say that you crap on the uniform you once donned. And you do. But that has nothing to do with your “service.”

Yet you are too dense to understand the simplest concept. You are a waste of time O5

And you are too dense to understand you’re being scammed by Nathan Runkle.

As far as RT—You two are connected at the hip:

We’re not even joined at the county line. He lives in another state, and all your mumblings about us being “sidekicks” is just so much hyperbole because you’re upset you’ve been exposed as a fraud.

Tell us, is that white LEATHER chair comfortable? Has no one ever told you where LEATHER comes from?

@retire05: If RT’S not your partner you better break it to him gently. He’s right up your rear every time you post.
Anything I have that is leather was purchased before I became a vegan–like the chair-great picture of those wonderful dogs. You must have seen the pictures of my wife—how beautiful is she?–truth
Fraud you say–I get out and support a cause I BELIEVE in, though you don’t I donate a good deal of money, certainly over $10,000 per annum to causes I’ve listed. I put money and sweat equity “where my mouth is.”.
You are pro-choice but do you get up and out in support?
Go after MFA and let me know how that goes–Bob Barker has donated over 1 million dollars to them–you might let him know your feelings.

I’ll ck back after the debate–I’m gonna find something positive to do..

@Rich Wheeler:

Bob Barker has donated over 1 million

There’s no one here claiming he’s not a damn fool. He also said the dentist needs to be executed for killing that lion, but has no problem killing babies. Sounds like a real hero.

The debate is tomorrow.

You are NOT allowed to use leather no matter when it was bought. That’s just a cop out.

See new leather shoes you like, buy them, someone asks you why. Oh I bought them BEFORE I was vegan. (in other words, before you lost your friggin mind.)

Get rid of ALL leather now. Rip out those car seats.

@Redteam:Ck’s in the mail–You said you watched it a few months ago. No effect?
RT You’ve made stuff up about gay attire ass chaps about dancing and flag waving’.
That’s fantasizing RT—do you need to do that for excitement?
Get your mind on the college football season—or The Donald winning the nom

@Rich Wheeler: I said I didn’t want the dollar, It wasn’t worth a dollar.

You’ve made stuff up

Oh, you’re saying you just ‘make stuff up’ I’ll agree that most of it is made up.
I’m not the one attending gay events, in assless chaps,, and waving rainbow flags..
That’s not my way of spending weekends, but glad you’ve found something that gets your motor running. That’s why you’re there in Gayfornia.

@Rich Wheeler:

If RT’S not your partner you better break it to him gently. He’s right up your rear every time you post.

You seem awfully interested in my rear end. Why is that?

Anything I have that is leather was purchased before I became a vegan–like the chair-great picture of those wonderful dogs.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

You must have seen the pictures of my wife—how beautiful is she?–truth

In Texas, Rich, men don’t talk about their wives like you do. It is just not polite. And they don’t brag on their wives as if those wives were some trophy.

As to me commenting on her looks, not going there. I have purposely not responded to your pervious remarks about her. I find those remarks disrespectful as you talk about her like she is a trophy.

Fraud you say–I get out and support a cause I BELIEVE in, though you don’t I donate a good deal of money, certainly over $10,000 per annum to causes I’ve listed. I put money and sweat equity “where my mouth is.”.

Well then, you certainly could afford a new chair that is not made from a dead cow. Sweat equity? Maybe so. I understand you can work up a sweat at a gay pride parade. Cause will not be discussed.

You are pro-choice but do you get up and out in support?

Google: WomenBetrayed. Also, there is a Pregnancy Resource Center in my county. We counsel women who are contemplating having an abortion because they don’t know where to turn. We also help them financially (it is a group effort) and provide them with things they need for their babies such as strollers, diapers, formula, baby clothes. well baby classes, etc. Once their babies are born, we make sure they get “well baby” classes. Being a mother can be scary.

Unlike your sign carrying and t-shirt wearing, we actually help save babies lives and make the situation easier for the mothers.
While your MFA does nothing for animals and spends all its money on things like travel, salaries (over 1/2 million $$ there for 20 employees) and almost $100K for “supplies.”

Go after MFA and let me know how that goes–Bob Barker has donated over 1 million dollars to them–you might let him know your feelings.

Bob Barker? What the hell do I care what a game show host thinks? I have never ever watched his show in the past. So you are impressed with a lousy game show host? Why am I not surprised?

Someone needs to take that shovel out of your hands.

@retire05: ” Mfa does nothing for animals”
Their undercover videos of abuse have brought many arrests and closures. They’ve successfully fought to overturn ag gag laws in at least 4 states, They.ve pressured large companies like WALlMART To stop doing business with companies that abuse animals—–they’ have influenced tens of thousands to go veg/vegan—the list goes on. They save animals lives and human lives

What to you know about animal agriculture and it’s effect on the environment
All should watch Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives

@Rich Wheeler: What was it that you said you feed your dog the other 20% of the time? How long you been a vegan Rich? since the gay parade? Is there something about Vegan and Gay that goes together? Or is it just because you admire Runkle that you’re into the gay scene?

@Rich Wheeler:

What to you know about animal agriculture and it’s effect on the environment

That was a joke question, right?

I’m not the idiot that said cows are inseminated every 9 months.

@retire05: Factory Farms-NOT Texas Ranches.
Cows like humans have a 9 month gestation period and on factory farms they are forced to have calves every 12 months. This is accomplished through “genetic manipulation and intensive production techniques.” OUCH.
Calves are separated immediately after birth.–CRIES OF MOTHERS tough to listen to.The half who are female are raised to replace older dairy cows and after 3 or4 years of intense milk production, often by now arthritic, they are slaughtered and ground into beef. Male calves are sent to veal farms–short lives before slaughter. The treatment of other animals in factory farming is gruesome..

The point is factory farming is not Texas ranching—You know this We simply want as many people as possible to BE AWARE of today’s agricultural industry.
Not unlike educating people re “RIGHT TO LIFE” VS “CHOICE”

@Rich Wheeler:

Cows like humans have a 9 month gestation period and on factory farms they are forced to have calves every 12 months.

But you said they were inseminated every 9 months. If it takes 9 months to calve, and they have a calf every 12 months, I would thought you would be at least capable of doing the math. I have already explained to you (which must have gone thru one ear and out the other, so to speak) that a cow will not cycle after birth for at least 45 days and as long as 60 days. Are you so indoctrinated that you cannot even accept actual animal science?

The point is factory farming is not Texas ranching

A cow is a cow is a cow. White the breeds may be different, the species is the same. The larger the breed, the longer the gestation period.

I know you are only going by what you have been brainwashed to believe (instead of having any “hands-on” experience with cattle) but please, stop. Your ignorance is embarrassing.

Now, it seems to me that white LEATHER chair you had your saggy skinned butt sitting in looks pretty new (photo taken probably Christmas, 2013) . So, the next question is, how long have you been a vegan? And don’t you feel a responsibility to a) get rid of the chair because it is made from a dead cow (actually, more than one dead cow) and disassociate yourself from phony animal rights activists that wear LEATHER belts? Hypocrisy seems to run rampant in your animal rights crowd.

And I seem to remember you bloviating in the past about all the work you did with veterans. Have you dumped the vets for cows, chickens, hogs and other farm animals?

Also, since you are such good friends with the grifter, Nathan Runkle, perhaps you can tell us how he supports himself. MFA’s Form 990 says he works 50 hours a week for MFA. If he spends so much time working to bilk fools like you out of lots of money, how does he support himself?

BTW, cows don’t cry. If you see excess tears coming from the eyes of a cow, call the vet NOW.

@retire05: Bloviating Clearly your specialty I’m an advocate of KISS
Cries–not the same as crying
Been vegan about 2 years–bought that couch when we moved in 2006.
Still help the vets and more so Marines and families next door at Camp Pendleton-THANKS FOR ASKING
Runkle a grIfter—that’s funny.
Your hatred of all things involving gays—pretty obvious.

I’m looking for Cruz to get some shots at ultimate bloviator Trump

It is the capacity for pleasure and pain that connects people and animals.
Would ask all caring people to spend just 4 minutes watching Farm To Fridge–4 minutes A.V. watched it Thanks
Enjoy the debate

@Rich Wheeler:

Cries–not the same as crying

Then perhaps you were referring to the bellowing that cows so, not only when they lose their little ones, but also how they communicate with other cows.

Please, your knowledge of cattle is so miniscule that you continue to embarrass yourself.

Been vegan about 2 years–bought that couch when we moved in 2006.

Never said anything about a couch. I referred to the chair.

Runkle a grIfter—that’s funny.
Your hatred of all things involving gays—pretty obvious

What does his being gay have to do with the fact that he’s a grafter? Or do you think all gays are grifters? Seems you hold little respect for gays with that comment.

Would ask all caring people to spend just 4 minutes watching Farm To Fridge–4 minutes A.V. watched it Thanks

Give it up. You have gone from boring to ridiculous.

Also bought chair in 2006
cows 9 months gestation 3 monthe recoup bang em again–don’t know how anyone can be a feminist and eat meat.
What is this fetish you and your partner RT have with butts?
Mercy For Animals All welcome to go to Animal Charity Evaluators to get expert opinion on how MFA monies are spent–or you can believe cyber warrior old5’s analysis

@Rich Wheeler:

Also bought chair in 2006

Still making excuses, I see.

cows 9 months gestation 3 monthe recoup bang em again–don’t know how anyone can be a feminist and eat meat.

When did I ever say I am a feminist? Are you now adopting George’s tactic of making shit up? What I am NOT is a feminazi. I’m sure the feminazis are your idea of feminists.

What is this fetish you and your partner RT have with butts?

You’re the one that keeps taking about mine. Seems the fetish is yours.

Mercy For Animals All welcome to go to Animal Charity Evaluators to get expert opinion on how MFA monies are spent–or you can believe cyber warrior old5’s analysis

How about actually looking at their Form 990? I know, I know, you don’t want to because you don’t want to know the truth about how they blow your money.

@retire05: I didn’t suggest YOU were a feminist—OBVIOUSLY you are not.

Fiorina is now a potential Veep though she can’t help in her native blue California.

@Rich Wheeler:

I didn’t suggest YOU were a feminist—OBVIOUSLY you are not.

Au contraire. I am a traditional feminist. I am glad I am a woman. I like being a woman. I don’t hate men because they are not women. I like having men open doors for me and saying “Yes, m’am” and “No, m’am”. I understand that there is a physical difference in the two genders, as well as a mental difference. Women don’t react to events like men do. Men do not react like women. I don’t, and never have, felt oppressed.

Your idea of feminism, I would venture a guess, is the feminazi.

I broke into two fields, advertising and cable tv, that were dominated by men. Not once was I insulted, dismissed or diminished by those men that I worked with. Not once. Because real men appreciate hard work and knowledge.

I cannot do things that men do. I do not think women should be firefighters, or combat soldiers. It is due to our physical differences. But on the other hand, men cannot do the things I can.

I’m sure you are all in the corner of Bruce Jenner. But never will Jenner know how it feels to have a baby, or will he ever suffer menstral cramps. Nor will he ever know what it really feels like to be a woman. He’s a man, and no amount of surgery will ever change his DNA.

@Rich Wheeler: Your dogs get 80% cereal and 20% meat. As long as you are handling and spooning out meat for someone/thing to eat, you are not a vegan. Vegan’s have noting to do with meat. Or are you saying you are a ‘self defined’ vegan? I guess you bought up all that dog food ‘before’ your vegan days.
Well, not that it’s become confirmed that Hill is gonna drop out, who are you gonna support? Bernie? He’s progressive, that should fit in just about right with you.

Trump kinda blew them away tonight. You do agree, right.

@Redteam: You’re not well. lol

@Rich Wheeler: Hillary’s a potential Veep too…maybe…

If she had a stronger resume, she might be a potential Presidential candidate.

For now, not so much…and her questionable background essentially disqualifies her.

Too bad Fiorina and Clinton just don’t understand that they aren’t Presidential…