Of Cute Babies and Stuffed Lions… Why Cecil Gets All The Attention


Last week it was almost impossible to escape pictures of Cecil the Lion King and the Minnesota dentist who killed him. The dentist received death threats and had to go into hiding. The story was indeed sad. The lion was lured out of the sanctuary and shot with a bow in the middle of the night… and then suffered for 40 hours before he was finally shot dead.

The “hunter” defends his actions, saying he thought what he was doing was legal. The reality is, what he was doing was neither legal nor hunting. It was killing for fun and he used it to try and impress a girl – apparently he failed. It was the lion equivalent of hunting fish in a barrel. I don’t hunt, and I think people who kill great animals for “sport” are probably a bit off kilter. Nonetheless, limited “sport” hunting, as repugnant as it is, can actually help save endangered species. (more)  That was not the case with Cecil however.

During the same week, unless you were listening to, watching or reading conservative media, you might have missed much of the Planned Parenthood news where officials were caught on tape discussing the sale of fetus parts. Many in the conservative media rightly decried the lopsided coverage of the death of a lion vs. the death of hundreds of thousands or millions of babies. Indeed, many who expressed angst with the death of Cecil were branded hypocrites because they eat meat or wear leather.

That is a false and disingenuous assertion. Most Americans eat meat, and as Sean Hannity rightly pointed out, they outsource the murder of cows, chickens and turkeys to others. The acceptance of and participation in an economic machine that puts food on one’s table is not the equivalent of condoning the unlawful killing of a protected member of an endangered species. It is possible to logically eat meat from animals killed in a slaughterhouse and still decry the murder of Cecil.

As for decrying the lack of a similar outcry on the Planned Parenthood story, the issue is not a matter of the public reacting… rather it is a matter of the mainstream media simply burying the story. Americans react to a wide variety of media stimuli. The problem is, the media they react to is usually TMZ, the New York Times, Cosmo, MSNBC and the rest of the liberal cabal that have zero interest in covering anything that showcases the dark side of abortion. Indeed, in 2013 the networks gave Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis three times the coverage as they did the murderer Kermit Gosnell.

Cecil is the Lion King, while the nameless, faceless aborted babies don’t have Disney movies made about them or have their likeness turned into stuffed animals. Does one imagine if Disney were to put its marketing blitz behind a movie following the 9 month journey of a baby from conception to birth that abortion and Planned Parenthood wouldn’t be on the ropes. Of course they would, but don’t hold your breath.

That’s the problem… it’s not that Americans care more about lions than babies. It’s that babies (at least unborn ones) don’t have a media savvy presence that pulls on the heartstrings from before we can read or walk. In addition, there’s something working against unborn babies that seems almost counter intuitive. In his brilliant standup show “Dress to Kill” Eddie Izzard talks about the scale of murder. When the numbers are relatively small, three, eight, a dozen, we can viscerally connect with them because they are real, they are tangible, they are numbers we can get our heads around. When a tyrant like Pol Pot or Hitler Stalin kills millions or tens of millions we have a hard time humanizing it because the sheer numbers overwhelm our ability to comprehend or connect. So too with abortion. The hundreds of thousands of babies aborted each year, maybe 30 million since Roe v. Wade, make the entire issue almost beyond comprehension. Combine that with the sterile outpatient nature of the “procedure” and the arguments that it’s just a bunch of cells and it’s difficult to connect with people’s hearts… and like it or not, that’s what animates issues.

Although many want to conflate what Planned Parenthood is doing and the larger abortion issue in general, they are two different things. For instance, I find myself conflicted about abortion. While I have no problem with the morning after pill, I’m certain that at 5 months in it’s a baby… My conflict comes from whether the line of demarcation is 4 months or 3 months or wherever it is, I’m not sure, but I’m certainly in favor of erring on the side of earlier. That being said, the Planned Parenthood videos have brought a welcome voice to an issue that has languished for years because no one ever talked about it.

Late term abortion is nothing less than killing a child. Most Americans get that… but President Obama and most Democrat politicians don’t. (Even 79% of ProChoice supporters recognize that!) But because the issue is typically couched in clinical terms or in terms of woman’s choice… few respond the way that we have seen respond to Cecil’s death. If the goal is to outlaw this barbaric practice, to close the marketplace for baby limbs and organs, to stop the murder of innocents, then the effort must be to connect voters with the babies… and not with the grotesque images that so often cause people to turn their heads in horror. Yes, while the images are horrible, the “procedure” itself is horrible too, but if such images so repulse voters that they disengage from the issue and grow angry at the messenger, that’s counterproductive.

If we are interested in stopping this inhuman practice, we have to figure out how to make a five month old fetus human… to other humans. Make it cute, adorable and cuddly, but most of all connect him or her with the heartstrings of the average American so that they understand that when politicians or progressives talk about a “procedure” they aren’t talking about Petri dishes and slides, they are talking about ending a life of a baby that is every bit as cute as the Lion King.

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I would urge people to check out Skook’s last post. Squemish pictures, yes but certainly something the MSM and the Dems do not want you to see as to the realties of the abortion factories. Great post vince

Vince Would suggest pro- lifers concentrate on your last paragraph–if they can. Stop talking about inception or 30 days in.
Show beyond a doubt when the fetus is sentient–know the definition of this most important word.
This will get attention and results—-eschew the superlative–be honest and forthright.
Make adoptions easier—-
Be sure it is CLEAR you care as much for babies AFTER they are born as you do when they are SENTIENT fetuses—again is that 90 days? 120 days ?? Prove it–be honest about it-Then MAKE PEOPLE AWARE OF THE TRUTH.—no more no less.

Mercy For Animals

@rich wheeler:

Make adoptions easier—-

And you’re doing what, exactly, to reach that goal?

Be sure it is CLEAR you care as much for babies AFTER they are born as you do when they are SENTIENT fetuses—again is that 90 days? 120 days ??

So now you are resorting to blathering left wing talking points? (how many times have I heard dishonest Democrats say Republicans don’t care about children once they are born?)

Prove it–be honest about it-Then MAKE PEOPLE AWARE OF THE TRUTH.—no more no less.

If you want people to be aware of the truth, and you seem to think it is the responsibility of the pro-life crowd to provide that truth, then it would seem that you think you know the truth already, so why don’t you tell us what that truth is?

Wearing a t-shirt does not an activist make, Richard. And wearing t-shirts, handing out flyers and attending gay parades seems to be the limit of your activism. When it comes down to really practicing what you preach, you reject pound puppies for pure-breds. Guess your commitment doesn’t extend to accepting the responsibility for the care, and feeding, of a mustang for 20 years.

@retire05: Stop rambling.I don’t know the truth about when a fetus is sentient do you or Pete or Vince? Lets hear it
You can attack my animal rights activism all you want—I find it humerous.that you got nothing better to do. You’re an armchair warrior.

@rich wheeler:

: Stop rambling.I don’t know the truth about when a fetus is sentient do you or Pete or Vince? Lets hear it

Sentient: having the power of perception by the senses

At 14 weeks gestation, a baby can sense light. By 20 weeks, the brain has assigned all areas for the senses including light, sound, hearing and touch (why they feel pain when aborted)

Are you saying that if they don’t possess the senses (sight, hearing, et al) they are not yet human beings? And don’t dodge, answer the question, which you rarely do.

You can attack my animal rights activism all you want—I find it humerous.that you got nothing better to do.

You’re not an activist. You’re a t-shirt wearing, leaflet handing, parade marcher. A real activist puts their money where their mouth is.

I have lots of time to point out hypocrites.

@retire05: Like I said–you’re an armchair warrior—get off your ass–come out of your basement and if your old bones aren’t too infirmed—-do something.
I say they are human beings when they are born. You speak of sentience at 14 weeks.
Perhaps Dr. Pete or some other qualified person would weigh in.

@rich wheeler:

Like I said–you’re an armchair warrior—get off your ass–come out of your basement and if your old bones aren’t too infirmed—-do something.

#1) I don’t have a basement

#2) Unlike you, I have done more than just hand out flyers and march in gay parades. I already gave you a list. Add to that, over the last 20 years, more than a dozen feral kitties (all spayed and neutered) that called my place home; two pound puppies (actually they were adults when I got them) and my precious mustang and one homeless donkey (which calmed down the mustang). I just don’t bother with a useless t-shirt like “activists” who take no real, concrete action by personally committing to care for animals other than pure-breds.

Perhaps Dr. Pete or some other qualified person would weigh in.

He has. Many times. Perhaps it is you who should get out of the basement.

@retire05: That’s it?? What are you doing now other than pounding away at your keyboard? Did you get out and do ANYTHING this past weekend?

@rich wheeler:

That’s it??

And exactly how many animals have you adopted? Or did you just buy your pure-breds at a breeders?

What else have you done beside wear a t-shirt, hand out flyers, promote meatless Monday to unsuspecting kids and march in gay parades? How have you put your money where your mouth is? And why do you keep dodging telling us how you have put your money where your mouth is?

What are you doing now other than pounding away at your keyboard?

Like you are?

Did you get out and do ANYTHING this past weekend?

A weekend does not an activist make. Try feeding your rescued animals every day of the week.

You’re a fraud.

@rich wheeler:

You are following in the footsteps of Peter Singer with your misguided appeal to onset of sentience. You do realize he argues for parental right to kill their babies up to 30 days after birth because of a lack of “self-awareness”, right?

Frankly, you and the rest of the pro-abortionists are starting from a grossly flawed ideological premise based totally on convenience for those already having escaped the womb. Arguing for the right to not be killed based on “sentience” is simply moving the arbitrary goalposts previously used by abortionists now that technology is clearly showing that victims of abortion are not just ‘clumps of cells’. Taking this definitional premise of “sentience” to its logical conclusion, we fall back into the eugenicist push of Sanger and Shaw (among others) for forced sterilization of individuals with low intelligence or other “undesirable” attributes.

Human life either has dignity, worth, and an inherent right to exist along the path of the life cycle, or it doesn’t. It is tiresome – but necessary – to repeat the salient concept that fusion of the spermatozoan with the ovum is the point when the unique set of DNA forms, which signifies the beginning of a new, separate, individual human life cycle. No current human originated in any other fashion, nor has any human ever come into existence without having first started as a fertilized ovum. There has never been a case of a fertilized ovum having the requisite 46 chromosomes and implanting into the endometrium ever developing into anything other than the progressive forms of the human life cycle – not a pencil eraser, nor a fern, nor an armadillo – unless terminated by artificial means.

The “onset of sentience” argument is disingenuous (as I have also pointed out before) because even when born at term, no baby is capable of caring for itself and would die without another human who has gone further down the human life cycle performing the task of caring for the term newborn. When neonatologists across the planet are caring for infants born at ~22-23 weeks estimated gestational age (that’s 5.5 to 5.75 months from conception) it makes it harder for the pro-aborts to propagandize their “only a clump of cells” lies. Hence we see into their goalpost moving deception about ‘sentience’.

It is even more diabolical for the butchers of Planned Parenthood to argue so vehemently against characterizing the victims of abortion as ‘human’, all the while searching through the remains looking for human organs to sell to increase the amount of their blood money. How twisted to argue that the abortion victim is not human, while harvesting human organs to send to companies like StemExpress or Ganogen specifically touting the alleged human benefits to be derived from the aborted humans? If you want to see the nauseating end result of the false clinicalization of what Planned Parenthood butchers do, go to http://www.ganogen.com and see for yourself how the harvesting of human fetal organs is being used by these morally bankrupt individuals.

Bottom line, arguing for a sentience requirement to be eligible for the designation to be legally defined as ‘human’ denies the well known scientific facts of the human life cycle in favor of the convenience of those who prefer not to deal with the consequences of their actions, for the purpose of fattening the bank accounts of abortionists – and the politicians who launder money through the abortion mills via taxpayer funds.

@Pete: Are you saying there should be no termination after conception.
If so I respect your belief but think you got an uphill fight.
I’m in agreement with Vince’s post especially the final paragraph.
Obviously you haven’t read my previous posts—I oppose abortion and would counsel adoption.
Thanks for checking in.

@retire05: You’re a fraud and a coward 05.
But because i got a sense of humor I just find your bullshit humerous

@Pete: You and I both know Singer has never argued for parental right to kill their babies up to 30 days.

@rich wheeler:

You’re a fraud and a coward 05.

Nope. I put my money where my mouth is like caring for homeless/abandoned animals no matter the expense. While you, on the other hand, support pure-bred breeders.

Coward? Ever dealt with a mustang, Richie? The first time they lunged at you, teeth bared, you would soil your Hanes so much you’d have to replace them. I can just see you running like a striped zebra trying to get out of the pasture as fast as you could.

You’re all hat, no cattle. IOW, you’re the fraud and the coward and you have no real way to prove any differently because all you have is the t-shirt.

But because i got a sense of humor I just find your bullshit humerous

If bullshit was a commodity, you’d be another Carlos Slim.

How have you put your money where your mouth is? And why do you keep dodging telling us how you have put your money where your mouth is?

Guess that is another question you’ll continue to dodge.

@rich wheeler:

You and I both know Singer has never argued for parental right to kill their babies up to 30 days.

“Singer’s response came to Dublin reader Karen Meade’s question: “Would you kill a disabled baby?”

“Yes, if that was in the best interests of the baby and of the family as a whole. Many people find this shocking, yet they support a woman’s right to have an abortion,” he said.

He added that one point on which he agrees with the pro-life movement is that, “from the point of view of ethics rather than the law, there is no sharp distinction between the foetus and the newborn baby.”

@rich wheeler:

In his books, Singer has said that children less than one month old have no human consciousness and do not have the same rights as others.


The Bible clearly says thata fetus is not a human being until it first breathes air. The Bible places the value of a fetus at less than 1 oz silver
Exodus 21:22-23- Leviticus 27:6

that retire 05 He is a real HE_MAN !!!
Probably a Big Brother to several urban kids who need a solid role model


Guess that is another question you’ll continue to dodge.

While he continues to ‘demand’ that we answer his questions.

@rich wheeler:

You can attack my animal rights activism

Tell us what an ‘animal right’ is. Does it include the right to vote? Does it include supporting themselves? Are they allowed to eat meat? Would you feed a lion, any meat for a meal? Where would you get that meat? Would you allow birds to eat insects? Aren’t insects animals also? Don’t they have rights? I don’t expect you to give an honest answer to those questions. It’s not the kind of questions you can answer and then say that humans don’t have the right to make shoes out of cowhide.
Nope, you’re all show and no go. You’re like the unlimited top fuel dragster that get’s to the line, spins it tires, winds up it’s supercharger, hits the gas pedal and blows the engine. All fizzled out. When did you figure out that animals had all these ‘rights’? Did you just have this big awakening? Pop, Snap, fizzle…….

Hypocrisy? That’s what Dimocrats do. That’s who they are. Obama’s new power plant plan. Shut down coal plant in US. disassemble it, ship it to China, let them assemble it there and burn the same amount of coal. Bingo, less CO2 in the world? Who are they kidding? You think they really want to lower pollution. They had the opportunity 50 years ago to do away with power plant pollution 100% in the US and they didn’t want to do that. Replace all electrical production in the US with nuclear plants. Zero pollution.

Yes, Rich, I do believe that surgical or chemical termination of human fetuses should never be done. The fact that sometimes a human fetus does not naturally complete sufficient gestation to reach viability, and therefore dies of natural causes, does not justify the act of artificially terminating the fetus, especially not for the convenience of those who have already escaped the womb. What the ghoulish butchers of Planned Parenthood do is prey on frightened pregnant women for the sake of making money, while pretending to care about the pregnant woman’s wellbeing.

It is a gross falsehood to claim that these victims of abortion are unwanted, when women with fertility problems pay tens of thousands of dollars for IVF assistance, and the waiting list for adoptions is on average 18-24 months long. Even in cases of rape – which make up a tiny fraction of abortion cases – the developing human is totally blameless in the criminal cause of how the ovum was fertilized. However cliched it may be, 2 wrongs do not make a right. Killing the fetus which came into existence from rape is like convicting the gas station owner for innocently selling gas to the guy driving the getaway car after a bankrobbery for being an accessory to armed robbery. We should be finding a way to emotionally support the rape victim, rather than encouraging her to kill her child.

And Rich, others have already provided the links to Singer’s stated position on infanticide, so I stand by my previous post.

Really? There are morons out there who still believe this story?
Tell it Sister:
Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You Fucking Idiots
No, Planned Parenthood wasn’t caught on video ‘selling dead baby parts’

No, Planned Parenthood wasn’t caught on video ‘selling dead baby parts’

@Reem: New incarnation of idiot: Reem,Ralph, Ralphy, JisterJ. who will it show up as next?

@Redteam: An animal has a right to life–do you think only human animals have that right? Why do you think you have the right to kill an animal or cowardly pay someone else to do so for you. Because you’re a human animal?–seems a ridiculous argument to me.
There is no need to kill animals and eat their body parts to feed ourselves There is no need to drink or eat the secretions of cows or to consume their menstrual cycle. There is no need to skin an animal to wear it’s coat.
Sick Do you enjoy dead animal parts, the consumption of violence and rape Do you enjoy consuming all the steroids and drugs these animals have been fattened up with?
Well maybe you do.

@rich wheeler:

Why did nature make humans carnivorous?

How have you put your money where your mouth is? And why do you keep dodging telling us how you have put your money where your mouth is?

@retire05: Humans are omnivores. Put a rabbit and a banana in a child’s crib. Will he rip into the rabbit–Meat eating is a learned behavior. Unnecessary and unhealthy when you consume all the drugs and steroids that factory farmed animal has been fed. “Money where my mouth is.” I’ve told you what I do on a weekly basis—You wanna know what I donate to?
I’ve given to not only animal organizations like MFA and HSUS but to World Vision and United Methodist Ministries.
Mostly I give my time on weekends–I try hard to stay away from this crap.lol.

@rich wheeler:

I find it interesting that you take this tack in a thread discussing the ethics of killing humans developing in the womb. Do you acknowledge that there are animals that eat other animals? Humans are biologically omnivorous. We are designed to consume plants and animals. If we weren’t supposed to consume animals, then we would not have the teeth nor enzymatic capabilities to absorb animal protein. How long would a dog or cat survive on a purely vegetarian diet? The dogs and cats I have had as pets only resort to eating plants when they are trying to make themselves throw up, otherwise they prefer meat. Granted the number of pets I have owned over my 50 years only amount to an N of about 7 or 8, but for all of them the preference for meat was 100%.

If you personally choose only to consume plants, have at it. But arguing that nobody else should eat meat because animals have rights begs the question of the validity of your previous “sentience” argument regarding the onset of humanity for the preborn.

@Pete: Humans do not need to consume animals to live a healthy life–As a DR. I know you know this. I believe one leads a healthier life as a vegan Consumption of animals is a choice we humans make—-why?–taste. Eating dead body parts often laced with steroids is not something I chose to do.
Why should we kill any sentient being for our pleasure?
I am against abortion. Abortion after sentience seems 12-15 weeks?? is barbaric.
My healthy Goldens eat about 80% vegan.
Thanks for confirmation that humans are omnivores.
BTW My abhorrence to violence perpetrated upon sentient beings is consistent-have you watched Farm To Fridge—4 minutes please

My healthy Goldens eat about 80% vegan.

Yep! Nothing but the finest for Rich. None of those scruffy mixed breed pound puppies for him, Mr. Animal Activist. No siree bob. Just the best. Paying those breeders to make more puppies.

But be assured that if he runs into any woman thinking about having an abortion, he will recommend adoption. But protesting the slaughter of unborn babies? Not so much.

@rich wheeler: 26

An animal has a right to life–do you think only human animals have that right?

All that BS and you didn’t answer my questions. See why I don’t feel it necessary to answer yours? Do animals have the right to vote? Do they have a right to work and support themselves? Do animals have a right to eat meat? Would you feed meat to a Lion? What would you feed a lion? Does a lion have the right to kill an animal and eat it? Do birds have a right to eat insects? Do animals have a right to get in the way of automobiles and get run over? Is it ok for buzzards to eat road kill? Do they have a ‘right’ to do that? is that what an animal right is? Why won’t you answer these questions? Do animals have a ‘right’ to own firearms?

@rich wheeler

: need to drink or eat the secretions of cows or to consume their menstrual cycle.

Do you know some humans that consume menstrual cycles? I guess you hang out with a different kind of folks than I do.

@rich wheeler: 28

Put a rabbit and a banana in a child’s crib. Will he rip into the rabbit–Meat eating is a learned behavior.

Hold on there, slick. Didn’t you just put drinking milk in the meat eating category? Don’t most babies consume milk ‘naturally’? You think they wouldn’t drink milk if they were just fed ‘substitutes’. Wouldn’t that be a ‘learned’ habit? If you laid a new born on it’s mother’s breast wouldn’t it ‘find’ the right spot and feed? You don’t think that’s ‘natural’. Well, as i said, you do hang out with a different kind of ‘folks’.

Mostly I give my time on weekends

What, you got a big job utilizing all your time during the week? You think animals don’t need feeding except on weekends? Get with the program.

@rich wheeler:

My healthy Goldens eat about 80% vegan.

For God’s sake, you’re not feeding your dogs 20% meat are you? Geez…… Do you realize you will likely go to hell for that? Don’t you think dogs can live a more healthy life just eating vegan. Surely you don’t support someone killing animals just so you can make your dogs fat and happy.
And apparently you consider milk to not be vegan, so i’m going to say again, that babies can not live without some kind of milk. And I don’t think that is a ‘choice’ they make. When did you come to this great ‘awakening’, last month ?

@RedteamB.S you say—then: Questions that stupid don’t require an answer. Are you that big a fool?
Why do human babies drink cow’s milk? Does that make any sense. Why not horses or pigs milk.What’s wrong with their mother’s milk? As you say that’s natural. very other animal consumes their own mother’s milk.
You are drinking cow’s secretions–milk and enjoying hen’s periods part of her menstrual cycle when you consume her eggs—honey is bee vomit–.enjoy all those body parts
Bon apetit
Are you considering eating dogs–tasty they say
How bout human flesh and parts from PP–maybe with a nice Chianti

–become a full carnivore.

@Rich Wheeler: :

Questions that stupid don’t require an answer. Are you that big a fool?
Why do human babies drink cow’s milk?

last time I checked, Mama’s milk comes from an animal. Questions that stupid? you are the one spouting about animal rights then when I ask you about what these rights are, you say it’s stupid. I think you’re afraid to answer because you’ll look stupid. .

very other animal consumes their own mother’s milk.

exactly. But you are the one that says it’s wrong to consume animal products. I didn’t . Mother’s milk is ‘animal milk’. I shouldn’t have had to point that out to you. I notice you didn’t answer the question about what the other 20% you fed bonzo was. You implied it was not plant life. So what is this, you’re avoiding admitting that you feed an animal stuff you wouldn’t eat yourself? Shouldn’t that be listed under ‘cruelty to animals’?
What would you feed a lion? Meat? See why I don’t answer your questions. You think you are too smart to ‘answer’ a question.

@Redteam: You fail to grasp the concept. A baby can drink mother’s milk—which is the healthy thing to do, because the human mother is not going to be raped repeatedly and slaughtered.. Adults have no need to consume cow secretion laced with steroids. No other adult animals consume milk. The cows are artificially inseminated -raped-repeatedly to speed the milk cycle. Then when too old and arthritic to move sent to slaughter at a factory farm . Believe you’ve seen Farm To Fridge There are some great substitutes for cow’s milk.Taste just as good.
Don’t consume violence—In addition to all the steroids you are consuming.

@rich wheeler:

You continue to show that you only epitomize the term fruitcake. Cows are being raped due to artificial insemination? Are women also being raped due to artificial insemination? Don’t we have laws against rape? How can it then be legal for a woman to be artificially inseminated when they cannot conceive under standard practices?

And what would you do will all those milk cows that are milk cows because that is how they are designed by nature? Have you ever seen a milk cow that did not have her milk extracted by either a calf or by a human? I thought you were against animal cruelty. Apparently not.

The menstrual cycles of chickens? My God, Rich, you are a moonbat.

Yet here you are with your two pure bred dogs. Never mind what those dogs were bred for. There is a reason they have retriever as part of their name. What are they bred to retrieve? Frisbees? Why didn’t you adopt two pound puppies? Were they not tony enough for Mr. Animal Activist? Trophy dogs to go along with your trophy wife? And here you are, admitting that 20% of what your dogs eat is other animals. What about the deaths of the animals your dogs are eating?

You’re a fraud, Rich. You don’t adopt unwanted animals, you buy two pure breds. You talk about the menstrual cycles of chickens and seem to believe that cows are only impregnated through artificial means. Wacko is the word that comes to mind that seems applicable to you.

So you hand out flyers, wear the t-shirt and donate to iffy activist groups. Sorry, Bubba, that doesn’t cut it. Real activists put their money where their mouth is. They adopt shelter animals from kittens to horses to donkeys. They care for, nurture and provide veterinarian care for said animals. They make not only an emotional commitment, but a financial one. You have failed on all aspects.

You’re in the hole up to your neck. Perhaps it is time you stop digging.

@retire05: You got it–Women are raped–serious crime. Cows (Factory farmed which are the large majority) are raped and slaughtered.. .crickets–
BTW A great man once said “Progress not perfection” We don’t expect those who watch ‘Farm To Fridge” or “Earthlings” to become immediate vegetarians or vegans, though many do..We just want them to be aware of what is happening, Not unlike making people aware of what happens when an abortion is performed—if you are out working that cause,keep it up.
Mercy For Animals, FARM, Vegan Outreach can help people make the transition—not just to save millions of animals, from a painful life and slaughter, but for improved health and a sustainable environment
A voice for the voiceless. A very slow process that is working
“The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice” MLK JR.

@rich wheeler:

You got it–Women are raped–serious crime. Cows (Factory farmed which are the large majority) are raped and slaughtered.. .crickets

Let me understand you correctly; you say that women who have been artificially inseminated have been raped? Is that your position?

You seem to know little about animal husbandry. Obviously, agriculture is not your forte. I know a lot of ranchers. We talk about herd size, market prices, and bull rotation. But never artificial insemination. You see, bull rotation is very important to the herd. Otherwise, you wind up with a bunch of deformed and defective calves because the bull doesn’t care if he mounts his sister, his mother or his daughter.

It would be interesting to see the AKC papers on your tony purebred dogs. I would bet $100.00 they are line bred. Not in-bred, but line bred. Which means, in many cases, they have been bred to their first cousins, uncles, aunts.

You’re all talk. Not once have to told us how many homeless animals you have taken in to live with you. When you made a commitment to care for two dogs, you chose not the scruffy mixed breed pound puppies, but carefully bred (line bred) Golden Retrievers. I’ve had Goldens. I saw your dogs on your Facebook page. They are not throwbacks.

Until you’re ready to put your money, and your time, where your mouth is by taking in numerous homeless animals, you’re full of crap. Just another blathering liberal that’s all talk and no action.

You need a t-shirt that says: “I’ve never given a home to a needy animal but I did buy this cute t-shirt.”

@retire05:you said to Rich:

You seem to know little about animal husbandry. Obviously, agriculture is not your forte.

True as nothing scientific seems to be his forte’. See how he also avoids answering any questions while demanding we answer his questions. He still hasn’t said what the other 20% he feeds his purebred dogs. I think you’ve got him figured out pretty well, his support of animal rights is wearing a t shirt and marching in a gay parade. I’ll bet he’s the toast of the parade.

@retire05: Women who are artificially inseminated are not put through the procees every 90 days for a number of years.
You love to talk about my dogs —boring What do you know about factory farms.?
You wanna make this political—it’s got nothing to do with Repubs or Dems. “Money and time” you rant over and over–my money and time are in.
Obviously a waste of time to discuss veganism with you or your tag team partner the seemingly gay obsessed RT.That’s OK–My wife and I have discussed this–mostly amicably–with thousands of people open to learning and changing. Enjoy Dr. Pete’s informative input.
Compassion–health–a sustainable environment. Go vegan

Enjoy the day and the upcoming debate
RT Wear your favorite chaps.
Will you two be watching together?


@Rich Wheeler: You can’t be a true vegan if your dogs are eating meat.

@Redteam: My Dogs aren’t vegans yet—progress not perfection.
My wife is a vegan—I’m damn close. Nobody will ever accuse me of being perfect—-we leave that claim to Conservatives.

ND opens against Texas
I’ve heard good things about LSU’s team. Should be fully recovered from their loss to The Irish. .

@Rich Wheeler:

Women who are artificially inseminated are not put through the procees every 90 days for a number of years.

Oh, that’s just too damn funny. I don’t know who is telling you about cattle, but I highly suggest that you find a new source for your information.

Why would a cow be inseminated every 90 days? Most calving takes almost 10 months (breeding date January 1; birth date somewhere near October 10th). Some smaller breeds will birth at around 9 1/2 months, but large breeds take longer. So why inseminate a cow that is already pregnant?

And here is another little bit of agricultural news for you: a cow that has calved doesn’t cycle again for 45-60 days. And most ranchers will remove a lactating cow from the bull to prevent breeding that soon. The healthier the cow, generally the healthier the calf. And nor all cows will nurse their calves, so a healthy cow can nurse two calves with no problem and you have saved a calf. All you’re doing is showing you are just another know-nothing beast/left coaster that doesn’t have a clue about cattle. No surprise. Most city people are pretty stupid.

Now, it seems that you don’t have a problem with doggie rape. Yeah, DOGGIE RAPE. I would bet that the bitches that whelped your two pure bred Goldens was RAPED. At least they were if you bought from a breeder. Here is how it is done: the breeder studies the line of both the bitch and the dog. They try to get the best genetics in that match (coat, skin, conformation, lack of dysplasia, lack of eye problems, champions from both AKC and field trials in both blood lines) then the bitch is generally taken to the dog when her cycle makes her the most fertile. The bitch is put into a kennel run with the dog so he can mount, and breed her. In the event she manages to ward off his advances, both dogs are removed from the run and she is held secure while the dog mounts, and breeds her. THE BITCH WAS RAPED.

Or perhaps you think the bitches that whelped your two dogs went to their owners and told them which dog they wanted to breed with. You’re just that idiotic.

But it is clear that you have never taken in a homeless/abused animal or you would be shouting it to the roof tops. You want people to think you are this wonderful Mr. Animal Activist, yet you don’t put your money where your mouth is. You’re a fake, a fraud. Just another big mouth liberal that is all talk and no action. You’re just pissed because you have been exposed for the fraud you are.

You say there is no reason to weal animal skins. So what do you do? I would assume you wear shoes. Shoes are make out of two materials; animal hide or petroleum by-products. So if you’re not wearing shoes out of animal hide, you are contributing to global warming by wearing petroleum by-products. And chances are those shoes on your feet were made by Chinese/Sri Lankan/Vietnamese children. So much for your bleating heart.

Add: went to your Facebook page because I remembered a photograph of you and your two pure bred Goldens. Nice white LEATHER chair you are sitting on, Rich. Or is it imitation leather made from a petroleum bi-product?

@retire05: You’re a great stand up act o5—do you even read the stuff you post? Does ANYONE care about what you post–seriously– well maybe your partner RT-
You are wasting your time–and mine
We are discussing factory farming not ranching Watch Farm To Frdge or Earthlings

@rich wheeler:

do you even read the stuff you post? Does ANYONE care about what you post–

You must, everything she posts you comment on within 30 minutes. I have to read it. Liberal hypocrisy is too funny not to read. You make an idiot of yourself every time you comment. You don’t appear to have a clue about regular daily life things. As Retire says, I’ll bet your truck or car has leather seats, or petroleum based seats. Sure I like to read what 05 says because she’s usually exposing your hypocrisy. Which is easy to do, I might add.

@rich wheeler:

You’re a great stand up act o5—do you even read the stuff you post?

What’s funny about what I have said? Do you think it’s funny that I show you up for the hypocrite you are? Do you think it funny that I point out that Mr. Animal Activist has [apparently] never taken in a homeless abused animal and thinks wearing a t-shirt is the meaning of activism?

Or perhaps you think it’s funny that I point out you don’t have a clue about the cattle you cry over? Maybe seeing your own picture, sitting on a nice white LEATHER chair is funny? Or if it’s not leather, a petroleum bi-product? I’m sure you’re part of the global warming crowd.

You’re not funny. You’re sad, pathetic and a fraud. I’m glad you find it funny when you get exposed for the fraud you are. Most people would be embarrassed.

Now, about your shoes…………………….not to mention your “Mercy For Animals” clowns in their black leather belts.


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