Obama’s war on white America is here




I told you so.

Part of Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is to not only marginalize the white race, but now it’s clear that he means to make whitey pay.

I wrote about it here

The Tea Party is a threat to national security, the GOP is a threat, the NRA is a threat, returning vets are a threat. And every one of them is racist. Just ask Eric Holder and Barack Obama. Thus it is critical to be sure they lose their voices in the electoral process in this country. Barack Obama will have then made good on his promise to fundamentally change the US.

and here.

Tom Perez is a liar. His view is that whites are not entitled to the same Constitutional protections as other races. His goals are to import millions of latinos, share your prosperity with them and marginalize the white race in this country. This is all part of the Obama Fundamental Transformation of the United States of America.

Obama is flooding the country with illegal aliens and blocking their deportation. Since 9-11, Muslim immigration has exploded. The FBI can’t keep up. Illegals are killing Americans routinely and we can’t get rid of them.

Now Obama plots to make the lives of Caucasians in America miserable.

Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact” cases against: banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.

Big Brother Barack wants the databases operational before he leaves office, and much of the data in them will be posted online.

This information will serve as the fuel for endless litigation against white people in the US:

Count on a flood of private lawsuits to piggyback federal discrimination claims, as civil-rights lawyers use the new federal discipline data in their legal strategies against the supposedly racist US school system.

Even if no one has complained about discrimination, even if there is no other evidence of racism, the numbers themselves will “prove” that things are unfair.

Such databases have never before existed. Obama is presiding over the largest consolidation of personal data in US history. He is creating a diversity police state where government race cops and civil-rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society.

The first black president, quite brilliantly, has built a quasi-reparations infrastructure perpetually fed by racial data that will outlast his administration.

Obama plainly said that he intended to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Without question it his goal to reduce Caucasians to a minority and sharply diminish their influence while wringing from them every bit of cash possible and elevating the presence of Islam in America. Allen West:

“This is my clear and succinct message to white Americans. How long will it be before ‘you people’ realize you have elevated someone to the office of president who abjectly despises you – not to mention his henchman Holder. Combined they are the most vile and disgusting racists – not you.”
Tom Sowell sees a possible race war coming. That’s not hard to imagine. It is what Obama seeks.





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One need only compare Obama’s responses between the Michael Brown death and the murder of the young woman in SF by an illegal alien.


Or Chris Kyle


The tragedy we are witnessing as Obama hacks away at the fiber of what makes America great, replacing it with the delusional misperception of what the left defines as “equality” and ” social justice”, will not be understood by the majority of Americans until it fully destroyed. As I have said before, reality is a harsh mistress.

Our good doctor’s fair haired boy Trump! Zooms into his biggest polling lead yet
But sadly, performs much worse against Hillary
The woman our good doctor declared brain damaged after her fall


Please show us how Trump is my “fair haired boy” or risk appearing as disingenuous as the usual idiot liberal. Let me help you. Start here:

Fact checking Trump- updated

A few years ago a piece like this would have read like complete tinfoil hattery. It’s really creepy when as crazy as this post sounds there isn’t a better explanation for what we’re seeing today

OK lefties, here is a chance to for you guys to add something constructive to the conversation. Please prove us wrong here – seriously.

Brother Bob, I fear you may be asking too much of the lefties. They don’t do constructive. They don’t build, they tear down.

When it became apparent Obama would not lower the American Flag at the White House to half staff in honor of these fallen soldiers, people started doing it at their own homes and businesses.
Today, the US Congress will fly its flag at half staff.
Obama has taken sides.
Politics is now more of a war to Obama than actual war is to him!

Nanny 250-300 active duty military kill themselves each year. I think this is much worse than what happened in Chattanooga. But anti muslim rhetoric only wishes to focus on rare killings. It is like the rabid right wants to ENCOURAGE more of that by politicizing a tradgedy, just as they tried and failed to do with BENGHAZI !!!!

@drjohn: or the Marines and sailor that were just murdered by a muslim terrorist

IMHO every democrat should hang their heads in shame. Their leader is a racist muslim communist bent on ruining this country and they are complicit.

Aside from conspiracy theorizing, is it really a possibility that Obama might refuse to leave office? While I think it is at least in the back of his mind, is it really feasible that he would attempt it (lots of elements are in place to make such suspicions sound) and would the government and military (not to mention the public) tolerate the attempt?

All the efforts to diminish the influence of the US could, at this point, be reversed once Obama is out of office (and assuming Hillary does not make it in). So, the question in my mind is, how to make these “fundamental transformations” (aka, US destruction) permanent and irreversible? The ONLY way would be through a third (or perpetual) term.

This just in; the White House is lowering the flag to half-mast. It’s despicable that he had to be shamed into such an act of respect. But, then again, he is a despicable person.


Nanny 250-300 active duty military kill themselves each year. I think this is much worse than what happened in Chattanooga.

What about the rest of the story? How about the fact that a great percentage of the veterans that commit suicide are too young to have been in Vietnam and too old to have served in Iraq or Afghanistan and that the percentages of veterans who commit suicide is less than the percentages of suicide among the general public.

I know you lefties like to play on that short sound bite but when you look at the actual stats, veterans are committing suicide in lesser percentages than the civilian population.

And what a lame excuse for you to use to diminish what happened in Chattanooga. What happened in Chattanooga was not a “tragedy”, it was an act of war by a radical Islamist, just as Fort Hood was an act of war by a Soldier of Allah.

Get you head out of your rear. We are at war with radical, fundamentalist Islam. And we better get the message soon. When our soldiers are safer in Afghanistan and Iraq than they are in Chattanooga, or on a U.S. military base, we know that what this current Administration is doing is not working. Oh, yeah, you’ll probably agree that those soldiers not wearing their uniforms at recruitment centers and pulling down the blinds is the answer. Your gun control agenda is more important that the lives of our soldiers.

Liberalism is most definitely a mental illness.

@Brother Bob: It’s still tinfoil hattery BB—talk of a 3rd term-ridiculous. Anti-white–your paranoia.
Equality for minorities—is there something wrong with that? Is that unconstitutional? anti American?
Semper Fi

@rich wheeler:

When you start dictating where people live, yeah, it is anti-American. When you start creating equal outcomes regardless of effort, it is anti-American. When you start redistributing wealth, it’s Communism.

The Declaration of Independence promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness- not the guarantee of it.

Quick question:

Why do you folks waste your time living in fear all the time?

Try to embrace the concept of “America The Brave” instead of whining about the big bad black guy who is out to get you. (Which he ain’t)

/just sayin’

@drjohn: The word equality shows up too much in our founding documents for anyone to pretend it is not the American way–
Equality of opportunity.

@Rich Wheeler:

Equality of opportunity, yes.

Equality of outcome, no.

@rich wheeler: Equality for minorities—is there something wrong with that? Is that unconstitutional? anti American?

In the Declaration of Independence it says:

all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

The men are equal.
The pursuit of happiness may vary, as might the outcome of that pursuit.
what Obama has tried to do is pretend the words mean the outcome of equality (economically) is somehow guaranteed by our Founding Documents.
It is NOT.
IF it had been we would not have had some elected officials who were poorer than others, in our earliest years.
Obviously that was not the case.
Equality is in terms of opportunity, not in terms of outcome.
Individual whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics and others can each become rich in America.
But not all of them even try to.
Want to destroy incentive?
Keep on the path you are on.

Funny, I recall the left was in total fear of GWB during his term. A wider perspective might help you along your way.

@Rich Wheeler: Rich America is a country of equality. What each American chooses to do with this equality is the responsibility of the American. It should NOT be the responsibility of our government to dictate the outcome.

@rich wheeler: Gosh, it’s such a relief to have you dispel those concerns. Whew.

Equality for minorities—is there something wrong with that? Is that unconstitutional? anti American?

Equality is the very basis of our Constitution, though it has not always been employed even-handedly. However, taking one groups rights away and bestowing false rights to another is not Constitutional, as is punitive steps towards people who never had anything whatsoever to do with the subjugation of anyone else.

@Brother Bob:

OK lefties, here is a chance to for you guys to add something constructive to the conversation. Please prove us wrong here – seriously.

But that’s not the way it works. An author should be able to factually prove his thesis. When no proof is offered, it’s not the readers job to run out and do his research for him. As an “author” yourself, I surprised you don’t know that. This retread post is just racial fearmongering interspersed with none-too-subtle dog whistling.

Why don’t you prove, like with properly sourced facts, that this is accusation is true and not utterly fabricated. Good luck

Obama plainly said that he intended to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Without question it his goal to reduce Caucasians to a minority and sharply diminish their influence while wringing from them every bit of cash possible and elevating the presence of Islam in America.


Try to embrace the concept of “America The Brave” instead of whining about the big bad black guy who is out to get you. (Which he ain’t)

Ain’t he? The one with the power of the EPA, HUD, IRS, DOJ has not been systematically attacking whites while excusing the violence and destruction enacted by blacks at every false accusation of white racism?


Why don’t you prove, like with properly sourced facts, that this is accusation is true and not utterly fabricated. Good luck

Pointing out the factual signs provided by the very actions of this administration is the proof.


Pointing out the factual signs provided by the very actions of this administration is the proof.

Nonsense response. Do you have an actual specific answer to the question, or do you think someone’s paying you by the word on the FA comments section?

@Tom: Which part of obvious are you incapable of understanding? All of it?


I don’t like obvious, which means everything and nothing. I like specifics. If your point is you’re obviously intellectually incapable of providing any specifics to prove your point, I agree. I think I’m done with you. Where’s Brother Blob?


Sure, I’ll just post my secret recording of Obama admitting it. LOL.
Methinks the liberal protesteth too much. Your hypersensitivity to this issue is evidence aplenty that you know it to be true.


Obama is creating a diversity police state where government race cops and civil-rights lawyers will micromanage demographic outcomes in virtually every aspect of society.

Lawsuits can only win if a jury says so.
What can happen is neighborhoods can put out welcome mats for more diverse new residents.
What happened when whites started buying up (and renting) in high-black areas?
The blacks living there start screaming, ”Gentrification!” and blaming the whites for higher rents.
What would happen if there were more blacks fled black enclaves to live spread out into paler neighborhoods?
Many so-called safe Dem seats in the House would go away.
Seeing this as the logical outcome I suspect many poorer black house Districts will bridle against equalizing outcome of living arrangements.
I really see more push back from the blacks and their now safe Dem reps than I do from whites in Beverly Hills or Silicon Valley.


i guess I am hypersensitive to people posting accusations of racism and genocide when they have zero proof. It’s not very nice, Dr John. It’s called being a liar. And it’s rather offensive, in fact, to decent Americans who aren’t deep into this racist click-bait swamp you inhabit. You are the lowest form of life on the Internet, a person who writes anything to appeal to the lowest tendencies of man.

Provide evidence for what you wrote or admit you’re a liar.

@Nanny G:

Didn’t you move to Utah? It’s time to stop being afraid of the horrible blacks. Unless it’s your favorite hobby, of course.

@Tom: Utah has plenty of Africans, Tom.
These are terrific people.
Our Nigerian neighbor and his family of five have around the same acreage as we do (about 10 acres).
Our entire township (unincorporated area near Salt Lake City) is divided into small acreages which allow horse ownership but not chickens.
Most people use their land to attract game animals for hunting.
That’s what we do.
No horse, but deer, ducks, geese, quail and rabbits.


You’re an amusing little guy, Tom.


I guess that’s your amusing little way of backing down and admitting your intellectual bankruptcy. Maybe you should spent less time trolling the message boards or white power websites looking for material to steal and more time crafting posts that can withstand minimal scrutiny. You’re dismissed. Now where is Brother Bozo, the tough guy?

When anyone, particularly African-American Democrats view reports like PREGNANCY OUTCOMES, signed by de Blazio, (BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE 125 WORTH STREET, CN 7, NEW YORK, NEW YORK, 10013). . . . . . how is it possible that they would continue to support abortions on demand and orgs like Planned Parenthood?

Reading the numbers, it is evident that de Blazio is proud of a couple of things . . . 1) a drop in Non-Hispanic Black births, and 2) Non-Hispanic Blacks have vastly more abortions than Asian and Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, or Non-Hispanic Whites.

When you look at the numbers for Non-Hispanic Blacks, it is nothing short of genocide. Promoting birth control is one thing, . . . promoting rampant availability of abortions is quite another. Planned Parenthood is operating a long distance from “educating”. How is it that Democrats get away with it? How do they get away with racial suppression?

I understand the need to have control over your own life and body, however, the ease with which abortions have become so prevalent and easily performed, suggests to me that Democratic Non-Hispanic Blacks should reconsider their wholesale support of Democrat marketing of free and easily had abortions. This is self-hating and destructive.

How is this good for any members of the American community, . . . black, white, asian, hispanic, arab, . . . ? It isn’t.

@James Raider, #35:

When you look at the numbers for Non-Hispanic Blacks, it is nothing short of genocide.

The numbers are a result of the freely made choices of individual women. The word “genocide” describes something entirely different.

Those who would deprive women of the freedom to make such individual choices concerning their own bodies and their own reproductive function are often the same people who would cut social program support for women and their children. It always strikes me as odd that some people seem to be more concerned about children that haven’t come into existence than those who already have.

@Greg: Well said.

@Nanny G: Use your 10 acres to attract animals to kill—Why would you shoot a sentient being—-Do you enjoy that? I’ve heard dogs taste pretty good–are you shooting them?


Those who would deprive women of the freedom to make such individual choices concerning their own bodies and their own reproductive function are often the same people who would cut social program support for women and their children.

When are you going to get it through your left wing brain that it is not a choice, IT IS A BABY. At 12 weeks, a unborn baby has a nose, fingers, toes, arms and legs, eyes, and basically looks like it will when it is born except thinner.

A choice? That’s what you call infanticide? Because that is exactly what it is, Greggie Goebbels. The killing of another human being. And now we know that Planned Parenthood is harvesting the organs of those murdered babies.

Here is a question you won’t answer: if it is just a clump of cells, how can Planned Parenthood be selling the livers of those babies. A clump of cells does not a liver have, but a human being does.

You left wingers claim to be so supportive of blacks, yet you remain silent of the slaughter of millions of black babies. Margaret Sanger, a virulent racist, would be proud.


Your arrogance and race-baiting are pretty weak. It isn’t conservatives belittling Justice Thomas for not being an “authentic black”. Dr. Ben Carson and LTC Allen West are both held in high regard by conservatives, and it is because of the content of their characters – not the melanin content of their skin. Obama’s skin color isn’t the reason conservatives oppose him, it is the (sorely lacking) content of his character, and his (Obama’s) racist acts while in office.

How do you explain the rabid, politically motivated manner in which Obama responded to the death of Michael Brown (sending in Eric Holder and the DOJ to investigate for racism on the part of the police officer who has been cleared of any wrongdoing by the actual facts of the case; calling the parents of Michael Brown to offer condolences – for a young man who died because he chose to attack a police officer; sending White House officials to Michael Brown’s funeral – http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/08/24/342868844/3-white-house-aides-to-attend-michael-browns-funeral-service)

Attending Monday’s service will be Broderick Johnson, chairman of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, an Obama initiative to empower boys and men of color. Joining Johnson will be Marlon Marshall, deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Heather Foster, an adviser for the office.

— versus the deafening silence of Obama with regard to the cold-blooded murder of Kathryn Steinle by an illegal alien. Obama has not called Ms. Steinle’s parents, nor sent the AG out to investigate the SF officials for operating a “sanctuary city”.

Even the Washington Post has published an Op-Ed calling Obama out for his double standard: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamas-silence-on-kathryn-steinle-killing-is-deafening/2015/07/13/06f5730e-2959-11e5-a5ea-cf74396e59ec_story.html

After Trayvon Martin was killed, President Obama spoke emotionally about his death, declaring “this could have been my son.”

After Michael Brown was killed, Obama promised to ensure that “justice is done” and declared: “We lost a young man, Michael Brown, in heartbreaking and tragic circumstances. He was 18 years old. His family will never hold Michael in their arms again.” He even sent administration officials to attend Brown’s funeral.

After Freddie Gray was killed, Obama walked out to the Rose Garden and declared: “We have some soul-searching to do. This has been going on for a long time. This is not new, and we shouldn’t pretend that it’s new.”

But after Kathryn Steinle was killed July 1, allegedly by an illegal immigrant with seven felony convictions, Obama said . . . nothing.

No promises of “justice.” No calls for “soul-searching.”

Let’s not forget one of the first acts of Obama’s radical AG, when Eric Holder threw out the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia from the 2008 election.

So don’t act like there is no indication of Obama’s racial antipathy towards whites. Even the leftwing Washington Post seems to have noticed.


Faulty leftist logic.

“If you aren’t willing to pay for other people’s children, then you have to not only support murdering babies in the womb, but you have to pay taxes for the government to subsidize the murder of the unborn as well”

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, and who are you to choose which are most important?? In God’s eyes they are equal. The most innocent are in the mothers womb and when you decide they are not you know not what you are saying. To sell the body parts of those who are murdered in the womb is the most disgusting thing and to defend that is deplorable even beyond what I would consider just a out of touch liberal. As for those already born I need proof that Republicans are guilty of your accusation!! Remember Greggie real proof!!


Your arrogance and race-baiting are pretty weak. It isn’t conservatives belittling Justice Thomas for not being an “authentic black”. Dr. Ben Carson and LTC Allen West are both held in high regard by conservatives, and it is because of the content of their characters – not the melanin content of their skin. Obama’s skin color isn’t the reason conservatives oppose him, it is the (sorely lacking) content of his character, and his (Obama’s) racist acts while in office.

Those are all wonderful strawmen, Pete. Thanks for trotting them out. Now do you have evidence that Obama is trying to “reduce Caucasians to a minority”?

@retire05, #39:

When are you going to get it through your left wing brain that it is not a choice, IT IS A BABY.

When are you going to get it through your own head that not everyone shares your opinion about that definition, and that you don’t have a God-given right to dictate that people who don’t should make their own personal moral decisions in accordance with your beliefs rather than their own?

Have any kids, Greg?

Sure. Flooding the country with illegals. Rewarding the violation of American law.


Hey, Pete, you’re a scientist, tell me, as an affluent, white, middle-aged man, statistically, how much more dangerous is your life right now since Obama came into office than before? Please, just point me to the evidence. What is your life expectancy in the Age of Obama compared to a black man’s? I assume you think you have cause, but let’s see the proof. Because what I see is an embittered, whiny, angry man of privledge eager to wrest the mantle of victimhood from those who actually have skin in the game. Please prove me wrong. Prove that you’re the real victim of racism. Facts only, please.


When are you going to get it through your own head that not everyone shares your opinion about that definition,

And in your opinion, exactly what is it that is being aborted at 12 weeks gestation?

What would you call it, Greggie Goebbels?

Why is it that so many men support abortion? I think it is because it gets you off the hook for supporting the results of your good time. No child support; no responsibility toward anyone but your selfish selves.

Women have been sold a bill of goods that free love is a good thing. Only problem with that is it is not free when there is a price to pay like killing your own child because of a man who doesn’t give a damn about you and you were only a piece of a$$ to him.

Anyone who supports the killing of the unborn, using a lame excuse that it is not a killing, but a choice, is as despicable as the doctors who perform those abortions.

But abortion is not the only Marxist policy you support. Fortunately for you, your life was more important to someone else than all those murdered babies are to you.


So Obama is just going to bring in enough illegals to make a nation that’s 78% white today a minority white nation? And it’s going to happen in the year he has left in office? And he’s going to accomplish this while simultaneously deporting more immigrants than any President in history?

U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

Is that really your theory? I guess when every white President turns a blind eye to migrant workers it’s hardly worth mentioning. But when the President is black, we need to take it very seriously.

@retire05: #39

“IT IS A BABY. At 12 weeks, a unborn baby has a nose, fingers, toes, arms . . . “

. . . And has also had a SOUL for 12 weeks.

But when you’re genociding, . . . you don’t want to know.

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