I am not much of a TV man, but lately, I have been working many hours and it seemed like a good idea to sit with my significant other and watch a show. Surprise, surprise, the show was Bruce Jenner’s coming-out interview. I groaned inwardly, but knew I could rely on my ability to fall asleep in a few minutes.
I didn’t fall asleep. I was awake for the entire show.
Dianne Sawyer played her dramatic role as the caring Liberal interviewer with the predictable hushed tones and the typical sanctimonious expressions of caring and sympathy, while she cajoled Bruce into exposing the more intimate secrets of his life.
It was enlightening for me. I had always assumed a crossdresser was of one particular type of malfunction. A malfunction that women can play much more easily than men. We have all seen the woman who dresses like a man, nobody hardly notices; except, for those pretty cowgirls who wear men’s clothing and can fire-up an old man’s libido with fresh energy.
Bruce is an interesting case; because, he considers himself a heterosexual. He has always desired women, he has just wanted to dress as a woman, since he was six years old.
Now, you can roll your eyes and point out the malfunction of one of our greatest athletes, but if we all had the ability to modify parts of our brain, some of us would be busier than others. For instance, I have wanted to learn to spell “phenomenal” without spellchecker. It seems like a minor problem, but it has plagued me for decades. It’s also embarrassing, but I have learned to live with this peculiar problem.
Jenner’s problem is far deeper and more complex and there is no cure. A therapist won’t fix the problem, the best they can do is to help you cope with the problem, and even those coping mechanisms are dubious at best.
This may be a surprise to many of you, but Jenner is a Conservative. He didn’t say Republican: he said Conservative. Sawyer recoiled with revulsion and disbelief, when he admitted his political preferences. Sawyer made it obvious that his political persuasion was more distasteful than his desire to crossdress, before she recovered her composure, but she had to ask how he could be a Conservative under the circumstances. He handled himself well, under the scrutiny, much better than our politicians in Washington, as they try to explain how our government is used as a criminal enterprise and how our Republicans explain their roles as Obama enablers.
Now, my wife came away disgusted with the concept of a man wanting to be a woman, but I have sympathy for Jenner and the fact that he is a Conservative like me; his story made me wonder, how many others we turn away by being judgmental of those who are different. Jenner is off the charts different, he might be one out of a billion, but he hasn’t broken any laws and he has been a good father to six kids. There is a lot of love shown when he is with those grown kids, and that indicates the presence of a good man.
We need all the good men and women we can find, if we are going to end this crime syndicate that has replaced our government. If we are going to continue with the same liars, frauds, and hucksters in Washington, I suggest looking for alternative countries to live, because every criminal enterprise eventually collapses. We don’t need to point accusatory fingers at unfortunate people with good honest hearts, we need to be more understanding and welcome them to the Conservative community.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Since that interview the hatred aimed at Jenner from the “tolerant” left is indeed a sight to behold. My God, one would think he had committed treason or worse announcing his conservatism. Everything aside, it appears he has been true to himself and in turn the values he has valued over the years, something the left should learn from.
Fits in with a story I saw yesterday about Ted Cruz and his visit with 2 close friends who were gay but conservative in their values.
BTW: Derby Week, thus no rest for me! This has the makings of a good Triple Crown on paper.
Joe, the fact that Cruz didn’t didn’t publicize the fact that he had two Conservative gay friends, just elevated him in my opinion. If he would have worn it like a badge of distinction, he would be as ridiculous as an educated suburban white woman speaking to Blacks with a falsetto Negro accent. (Surely, everyone has heard Hilary and her Black accent; somehow, JFK sounded more authentic with his, “Ich bin ein Berliner”; Hilary has a hard time sounding authentic, unless she is selling influence or someone else’s uranium.)
This is interesting, the party of compassion and understanding only offers the heartfelt feelings when you walk on their side of the fence. They should make hypocrisy a part of their national platform.
Yes, the dreams of many will be shattered in the upcoming weeks. Nature is stingy when it comes to passing out Triple Crown winners. I was once caught up in the excitement, but now I am just a casual observer, who still enjoys a good horse race.
Kudos to you, Skook for that pitch perfect conclusion:
I well remember when Andrew Breitbart made waves because he welcomed gay conservatives at a convention.
There had been a rupture between the RINO Log Cabin Republicans (a gay group) and the newer Conservative group of gays called GOProud.
Andrew welcomed the new GOProud group because they were true conservatives.
(I recall their originating members being at the very first TEA party in Santa Monica, CA.)
The Conservative agenda is not so much ”social” as it is a return to the Founders’ original views on the US Constitution.
Conservatives would do well to see and make that distinction.
@Nanny G: Thank you, Nanny.
Without really knowing about these kinds of mental problems, it seems as if there are some percentage of persons born with birth defects associated with faulty wiring within their brains. Some of these defects are apparently more problematic than others. Seems as if some are homosexual, some are bipolar, some are pedophiles, some are serial killers, and apparently some are transgender. It doesn’t seem to matter too much to most if some of these people follow their directions of this faulty wiring, such as homosexuals, or bipolars(as long as they stay on their meds), but some of these, pedophiles for example can keep it in their minds all they want to as long as they don’t do anything to actually carry out their ‘directions, cravings’. Serial killers, of course, can’t be allowed to act out their problems either. So then what about Transgender? Seems kinda like homosexuality, as long as they don’t do anything illegal (this applies to everyone, heterosexuals also) then why not let them do whatever they wish, as long as they don’t have to make others like it. I don’t personally care if Jenner wants to wear dresses and other ladies wear, it sure doesn’t hurt anyone (other than the embarrassment of those that know him or are related to him). If he actually has had all the mental anguish he seems to have had since he was 6 years old, then he has likely been through hell.
I do agree that Diane Sawyer was blown away that Jenner said he was Conservative, I think she wanted him to wash his mouth out with soap.
I thought her interview skills were weak. Displayed too much of her feelings about the subject. But then, she’s a lib. You can’t expect much..
Saw this at Bookworm Room.
Haven’t watched the interview.
Your post reminded me about how much I liked this episode of American Dad. I watched it a week ago, but it now says you need Hulu Plus to view.
I think it’s an ep that liberals and conservatives may be able to laugh about.
@Wordsmith: I am ore comfortable with Jenner as a politician in Washington than I am with many of our codependent Obama enablers. He doesn’t throw a ball like a girl, but he is probably working on that issue.
Haha…….oh, my:
The tolerance and acceptance on the left.
One facet of the story that seems to get overlooked is a reason Jenner should be scorned by all regardless of ideology – he created the Kardashians. =8^)
All kidding aside, good piece and good discussion here.
@Wordsmith, #8:
“Stupid” and “rude” are equal opportunity employers.
Good on you, Skook, well said. The travails of life are difficult enough without having uninformed idiots piling on — Jenner’s challenges are large compared to some, and small compared to others still. We’ll give him a pass on being interviewed by the ever-pathetic Sawyer, and for his having once been the best athlete on the face of the earth, we’ll give him a pass for being associated with that absurd family.
@Skook: #2
How perfectly put is that. The Clinton / Obama legacy for our grandchildren to read about in history books will be titled exactly that, . . . “supreme hypocrisy.”
I have sympathy for Jenner, but not for the same reason you seem to.
Jenner will be 66 in the fall, and has fathered six children. He claims he has never been attracted to men, but likes to dress as a woman and feels like a woman. So while he did not seem to have any problem doing what men do to create six children, it seems to me that Jenner is something that just a few decades ago would have been labeled a psychological fetish; dressing and acting like a woman when he, and until the surgical mutilation of his body is complete, remains a man.
Yes, I have sympathy for Jenner, but he needs a psychiatrist, not a surgeon and he doesn’t need to have cheer leaders. We don’t need to just “accept” his mental condition as acceptable.
@retire05: I think I agree that it is a situation that is not going to turn out well if he ‘goes thru with his fantasy’ to become a woman. After it’s over and he realizes he’s no longer a man and discovers he’s not a woman either, his mental state will change for the worse. It is at that stage that many ‘transgenders’ commit suicide. Those that have been thru surgery have a very high incidence of suicide. His body is male, XY, that’s why he was able to outperform all those other males and win a decathlon. If he were a female XX, he would not have been able to do that. His wiring is screwed up and he’s about to add several layers of ‘screwed up’ on that.
@Wordsmith: I just watched the video. It is amazing how a person who has a certain identity risks being ostracized by their community because they don’t accept their assigned political role. Is this the Left’s idea of freedom? Accept us or we will hate you and ridicule you, until you join up or die. What kind of people are these. Are these the type of people who informed on their neighbors in Hitler’s Reich and Stalin’s Marxist insanity?
Many of us have a better understanding of how and why a transgender person exists and the problems that are peculiar to this condition, without being judgmental of the person’s politics. Real compassion should has nothing to do with political associations. If the Left considers political affiliation a prerequisite for compassion, they should call their compassion a form of compassionate hypocrisy.
@retire05: If you watched the interview, you would have heard Jenner say, he has no plans for the surgery.
@Redteam: He has been through the psychological therapy. So far, there is no cure.
Again, if you watched the interview, and believe Jenner, he has no sexual desire for men; he just likes dressing as a woman. Yes, to realize his claimed dilemma, you must open up and cast away previous misconceptions. A few days ago, my feelings were similar to yours, but after watching him open up about his extremely different way of passing through life, I have begun to question my own views.
now, I don’t expect you to change your opinions because of a few lines I have written, but if you are wondering about this situation, you owe it to yourself to watch the interview.
@James Raider: If they offered Ol’ Skook that kind of money to act interested in the proceedings, you can bet I would be on the show.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
@Skook: I did watch the entire interview (and I think Diane Sawyer did a terrible job) and I don’t think I saw anything that would make me change my mind. I also don’t see where my thoughts or feelings differ from what you said your’s are. Yes, he said his sexuality and physiology are two separate things and I understand that. I do accept that he was born the way he is, in a state where he’s had constant confusion since an early age. I would hate like hell to have to have lived as he apparently has. Whether he does or does not have a ‘sexual change’ I don’t think it will clear up his mind because I don’t think sex change operations involve brain surgery and that’s where the confusion reigns, not below his neck line.
I agree with your statement:
And until there is, he may just as well continue as he has been because nothing he does is going to take away his mental anguish.
What Bruce is doing is somewhat similar to what RuPaul does.
RuPaul has not had any ”reassignment” surgery either, although it looks like he had implants put in.
I wish Brush well and am reminded of how Dustin Hoffman reacted to his Tootsie make-over: he said it added 20 years on him!
Bruce is already 66.
He is trying to look like he’s a 40-something female.
He is bound to suffer depression as this cannot last.
Even real women can’t pull that off for long, see Nancy Pelosi, Cher, Madonna for examples.