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Two cops shot in Ferguson last night courtesy of Eric Holder

Holder scores two more trophies for the wall.

Two cops were shot in Ferguson last night:

Two police officers were shot early Thursday morning outside the Ferguson, Mo., police department, according to a police spokesman.

A 32-year-old officer from nearby Webster Groves was shot in the face and a 41-year-old officer from St. Louis County was shot in the shoulder, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said at a news conference, according to the Associated Press.

Both officers were taken to a local hospital, where Mr. Belmar said they were conscious, the AP reported, adding that Mr. Belmar didn’t have further details about their conditions but described their injuries as “serious.”

This is the fruit of Eric Holder’s grandstanding.

It’s unfortunate that even the Journal paints an inappropriate picture:

Ferguson gained national attention in August after one of the city’s police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, setting off protests across the country and a national debate about race and policing.

Brown was killed after robbing a store and then attacking Wilson.

A Grand Jury found no cause to charge Officer Wilson and a Federal probe could find no reason to charge Wilson either. The entire “hands up don’t shoot” meme was debunked.

That left Holder steaming. He wants to able to bring civil rights violations charges at his whim. Listening to him one could see that he would have liked to bring civil rights violation charges against Republicans who opposed him and Barack Obama.

Andrew McCarthy remarks that the investigation of Darren Wilson was race-based and nothing more.

Holder needed a pound of flesh. He needed a head to mount on the wall. He got them.

So he decided to condemn the entire Ferguson police Department in a report. The Police Chief, the Town Manager and a judge resigned.

Holder’s report is nonsensical.

“Data collected by the Ferguson Police Department from 2012 to 2014 shows that African-Americans account for 85 percent of vehicle stops, 90 percent of citations, and 93 percent of arrests made by FPD officers, despite comprising only 67 percent of Ferguson’s population.”

Those statistics don’t prove racism, because blacks don’t commit traffic offenses at the same rate as other population groups.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ 2011 Police-Public Contact Survey indicates that, nationwide, blacks were 31 percent more likely than whites to be pulled over for a traffic stop.

Ferguson is a black-majority town. If its blacks were pulled over at the same rate as blacks nationally, they’d account for 87.5 percent of traffic stops.

The Justice report on Ferguson continues, “African-Americans are at least 50 percent more likely to have their cases lead to an arrest warrant, and accounted for 92 percent of cases in which an arrest warrant was issued by the Ferguson Municipal Court in 2013.”

Again, this pretends that a mere difference is evidence of discrimination.

But the report’s statistic doesn’t even look at whether people pay their fine or appear in court — something that makes a big difference in whether to issue a warrant.

I don’t what else one could expect from a guy whose law firm defended Gitmo detainees pro bono.

Holder (and Obama) see racism everywhere and in everything, especially in any disagreement with them.

You will recall that Holder once asserted that whites are not entitled to protection under hate crimes laws.

Holder has threatened to dismantle the Ferguson Police Department. It appears that that has begun- one officer at a time.

I’d love to see Holder dismantle the Ferguson PD and then be responsible for the result but I know he will not. He’s stirred up the dirt but will leave the mess for others as he flees to sunnier climes.

In the meanwhile, the Ferguson PD should heed Holder’s words and give Ferguson what Holder wants. Don’t confront or apprehend anyone whose arrest might bring an accusation of racism, no matter what the offense. Let Ferguson enjoy the fruit of Holder’s labors. Then pass the popcorn.

As of this moment I have no idea of the ethnicity of the two injured cops. I do know that Eric Holder has declared open season on them.


A “protester” can be heard in this video echoing Holder.

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