Biden The Joke Does His Part For Islam (Guest Post)

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Joe Biden, the man who is “one heartbeat away from being president,” is best known as a molester. But his most recent actions at the “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) summit are going to enhance his resumé. As are his actions just before the CVE summit.

Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) tweeted that Biden talked about “the right wing militias & supremacist groups that are violent in the name of the Bible.” But Biden provided no examples to back up his statement. MPAC didn’t tweet any examples, nor did Biden provide any. Sounds like a “straw man” argument – believe me, I have lots of examples, I just can’t find ’em right now.

Biden, in his opening remarks, said that the U.S. and other countries need to tackle violent extremism not just by using force, but by engaging communities that are ‘marginalized’. He said:

We have to work from the ground up and engage our communities, and engage those who might be susceptible to being radicalized because they are marginalized.

Societies have to provide an affirmative alternative for immigrant communities, a sense of opportunity, a sense of belonging that discredits the terrorist appeal to fear, isolation, hatred, resentment.

What did Biden mean when he said “susceptible to being radicalized because they are marginalized?” He offered no specifics. But he said “Societies have to provide an affirmative alternative for immigrant communities, a sense of opportunity, a sense of belonging that discredits the terrorist appeal to fear, isolation, hatred, resentment.”

Got that? Biden said that WE are to blame for extremists’ violence because WE didn’t provide an affirmative alternative.

As if his actions at the CVE weren’t enough, Biden met with Salam Al-Marayati the day before the CVE summit. Who, you ask, is Salam Al-Marayati?

  • He founded MPAC.
  • He said that Israel should be a 9/11 attack suspect: “If we’re going to look at suspects [for 9/11], we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what’s happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies.”
  • He was selected in 2012 by the Obama administration to represent the United States government at a human rights conference sponsored by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
  • He has accused Israel of using the Holocaust to justify its security measures against the Palestinians.
  • He accused the United States of doing “dirty work” on Israel’s behalf.
  • He has described attacks by Hezbollah as a form of legitimate resistance.
  • He rarely, if ever, criticizes violence committed by Palestinian terrorists or other violence targeting Israel, including years of rationalizing violence by Hizballah, the terrorist group second only to al-Qaida in killing Americans. But he never hesitates to blame the Jewish state for the ongoing conflict, including in cases involving attacks on Israel.

You can see that Al-Marayati is a joke, a terrorist, a tool of the Obama administration. Yet Biden met with him.

How can Liberals/Progressives/Democrats and anyone outside the MSM take him seriously?

Cross-posted at The Pot Stirrer

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IF Biden meant that Muslim nations (where over 12 million men plus women and children live as non-citizens who will never be allowed to become citizens and whose children will never be allowed to become citizens) are those societies that ”have to provide an affirmative alternative for immigrant communities, a sense of opportunity, a sense of belonging that discredits the terrorist appeal to fear, isolation, hatred, resentment,” then he is correct.
100% correct.
But there is nothing aside from SHAMING those nations that we can do to change Islam’s multi-level of citizen, 2nd class citizen (women) non-citizen (refugees and their children) and dhimmis.
Muslim would have to do it themselves.
Saudi Arabia, all the oil-rich emerites states, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, even Gaza, West Bank and Libya refuse to ever call a refugee (Muslim) or his offspring born there ”citizen.”
There is no way out for such stateless people.
There is no hope for a good education or job.
This Islamic system breeds jihadists.
The only reason we only hear about European and North American recruits is that we have media that reports on our minor problem (compared with Islam’s.)
Islam’s Sharia is a failure as a way to organize a government over a people.
Were it not for oil the world would have known that decades ago.

Thirty years after her green eyes made this photograph one of the world’s most famous portraits, Afghan refugee’s face is seen again… Pakistani officials say that she has been living on fraudulent papers.

Just what I was talking about…..only a famous example.
Here, it is Pakistan preventing FELLOW MUSLIMS from ever living a decent life.
She has been a ”refugee” since age 12 and is not over 40.
Yet her status in her ”host” country is still ”refugee.”
As such, neither she nor her sons can EVER get educated, jobs, assistance and so forth.
The Pakistani National Database and Registration Authority catches about 2,500 people trying to live with false papers as Pakistani’s every year.

Sort of a 180 from what Obama is attempting.
Maybe a little balance would be in order.