The Radical Left’s War on Little Girls (Guest Post)

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It’s never too early for any parent to instill their ignorance and prejudices into their children.  Deciding that the civic values of the Girl Scouts1 weren’t good enough for their girls, the “Radical Brownies of Oakland” have stepped up to form their own independent group dedicated to teaching girls their important values. Christin Ayers for KPIX in San Fran reports:

After the recent Black Lives Matter protests, there is a new brownie troop in Oakland. Instead of selling cookies, they are spreading a message.

On a Saturday afternoon in Oakland, a handful of 8 to 10 year old girls are gathered, in brown uniforms, giggling and eating cupcakes. They look like Girl Scouts, but it’s not just fun and games.

These girls are called the “Radical Brownies.” And instead of learning sewing, they’re learning social justice. Even their uniforms have a message.

“The beret, it’s a Black Panther/Brown Beret twist,” one of the Radical Brownies said. “I think it’s very appropriate. A lot of the work the Black Panthers did was community oriented,” Radical Brownies co-founder Marilyn Hollinquest told KPIX 5.

It’s tempting to dig into the Black Panthers angle, because what radical leftist wouldn’t be proud if their child grew up to try to intimidate voters at the polls or murder police officers? The report goes on:

The Radical Brownies have triggered an avalanche of criticism online, with some accusing the group of brainwashing.

“We did strike a nerve. We definitely did strike a nerve,” Hollinquest said.

But Hollinquest said they are not telling the girls what to think. “Kids already understand fairness and unfairness, so we take that understanding at an age-appropriate level,” she said.

It’s good to hear that they’re not telling the girls what to think. So what are these girls actually saying?

“White policeman are killing black young folks such as women, men and children,” one of the girls said.

Forget the fact that you’re far more likely to be shot by a criminal than a cop, let’s teach the kids to hate the people who would be their only protection against criminals, since racist whites want citizens disarmed and helpless, as this girl would have put it, “because of his skin color.”

Another girl said, “Mike Brown. He was shot because he didn’t do nothing. Only the police officer shot him because of his skin color.”

Technically, this statement is correct. The double negative in “he didn’t do nothing” could be interpreted as “He committed robbery while he was high and later tried to take a policeman’s gun”. Maybe working on badges in proper grammar and current events would be more useful?

Satire? No, this was an image used in a puff piece posted on a government sponsored media outlet

Normally I like to see left wing stupidity in action – I’ll always argue that the best argument against leftism in theory is to make people live under the results of leftist policies. But it really bothers me to see the stupidity and prejudice that’s being pushed onto kids who have no way of knowing any better, and nobody to protect them.

Shouldn’t someone be reporting this kind of abuse to the authorities?

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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1 Before any flames start, I know that the Girl Scouts have some issues of their own; this post just wasn’t the place to air them.

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The Black Panthers have a storied history in Oakland.
Under one of its branch names (IIRC something to do with a ”Bakery”) it went around ordering black-owned businesses to quit selling alcohol drinks such as malt liquor and beer. When these businesses did not comply they were torched.
An investigative reporter there who was looking into this group was viciously murdered.
Young girls could do better to look into the background of their idols, the modern-day iteration of this group.

I’ve always felt that one of the primary duties of any adult is to protect those who cannot protect themselves. This is just wrong on so many levels.
But then, we’re not talking about adults here, are we?
We’re talking about West Coast Liberals.

The factor in the problem with radical Muslims that is going to make the fight against their terror a long and bitter fight is that they have no problem teaching their children hate and prejudice, as well as their career choice of preference to be a suicide bomber. Through their madrasas, this indoctrination is institutionalized.

This is no different. No different at all. When hate and prejudice is hammered into the brain, it takes very little to set off a violent reaction, as we have seen. It is repugnant and unforgivable to see people in America teaching this to children, virtually ruining them from ever becoming a productive part of society.

I can remember seeing a documentary on PBS many years ago about the KKK and how those members indoctrinated their children into the same mindless acceptance of prejudice, hate and racism as their parents have. Even then, it was disgusting and chilling to hear small children asked “Who do we hate?” “Ni**ers!” “What do we want to do?” “Kill them!”. No different. No different at all.

Over the years, if left to their own devices, children will form their own views and values based on their encounters with folks of other races and cultures. Over the years, generations will gradually wipe out those prejudices (it cannot be legislated or forced out). This administration had done more to reverse this natural and productive trend by decades. Obviously, with the emergence of this group, probably even more.

Let us hope Oakland will not export its stupidity, but based on the tenor of the entire country at this time, not likely.