Passing the Mess and the Mop



Remember when liberals sneered over how President Obama came into office having to “mop up” after Bush’s mess? How President Obama ended the war in Iraq? Credited President Obama with getting OBL while criticizing former President Bush for not getting the job done before his presidency expiration date came up? That it’s Bush’s fault for “the longest war”? How President Bush is to blamed for “the mess” that President Obama had to inherit?

Remember when Obama

embraced a new campaign by the DNC that invites Republicans to “grab a mop” and help clean up what Democrats say is a mess created by the Bush administration.

“I don’t mind cleaning up the mess that some other folks made, that’s what I signed up to do,” Obama said. “But while I’m there mopping the floor I don’t want someone saying ‘You’re not mopping fast enough or you’re not holding the mop the right way.’ Grab a mop! Why don’t you help clean up?”

Well, with that as a backdrop, comes this gem:

(CNN) — The extremist group ISIS “probably” won’t be defeated under the current Obama administration, Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday.

“This, as the President has said, is going to have to be a sustained effort,” Blinken said. “It’s going to take time, and it will probably go beyond even this administration to get to the point of defeat.”

Hot Air:

Appearing on CNN on Wednesday, the deputy national security advisor told Wolf Blitzer that the fight against ISIS may be – like the once-defunct War on Terror – a generational struggle. Except he did not say that. Blinken said that throttling the nascent Islamic State in the crib is a project for the next occupant of the Oval Office.

“This, as the President has said, is going to have to be a sustained effort,” Blinken said. “It’s going to take time, and it will probably go beyond even this administration to get to the point of defeat.”

So does this mean the next administration will get a pass when it blames the current administration for Islamic terror that they inherit? That the GWoT (or Overseas Contingency Operations) wasn’t ended neat and tiddy-like during Obama’s charge to keep, when he had 8 years to “git ‘er dun”?

Nope. They will still find a way to blame Bush, even 8 years out of office later…


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Blinken said that throttling the nascent Islamic State in the crib is a project for the next occupant of the Oval Office.

No doubt, truer words were never spoken by anyone in this administration. Why don’t they quit and get out of the way before it is too late?

Actually the WH mis-spoke….

adjective: nascent

(especially of an organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.
“the nascent space industry”
synonyms: just beginning, budding, developing, growing, embryonic, incipient, young, fledgling, evolving, emergent, dawning


“in the crib”

Sounds like ISIS is a mere baby of a terrorist organization.

ISIS is now already more like Athena who sprung full-grown from the forehead of Zeus.
Obama had plenty of time to destroy ISIS when it was both nascent and in the crib.
Obama chose to allow ISIS plenty of time, armaments, money and space to grow up.
It did.
Obama isn’t handing over a baby terrorist fight.
By the time Obama leaves office ISIS might have a bomb and a plane to drop it with.

Remember a short year ago when we paid Elizabeth O’Bagy, an ISIS paid stooge to counsel us on how to deal with Syria? She figured ISIS and the Free Syrian Army was a pretty good deal and that we should arm the Free Syrian Army, the same ones that handed Foley over to iSIS for a brief beheading. Oh and in case you didn’t know, after she was fired, our own John McCain hired her for his staff. This is the blind leading the corrupt; is it no wonder it will be a generational effort. I wonder if Obama gave them he beheading knives or just SAMS and RPGs. It is time for the American people to demand that this president step down. It is better to have and incompetent fool leading us than one who is working against us.

I have yet to find disagreement with anything Skookum says…

Remember how when W was in office the cons keptbtryingnto tell us that there were no excesses?
Remember the lies we were told about WMD and how we would be greeted as liberators and democracy would bloom?
Or how THE SURGE worked and the island it’s and Baathists were gone for good ?

Liberals. In fact have been very disappointed in Obama he has proven to be a centrist
Didn’t close Gitmo
Or release thebtorture reort
The reason his poll numbers are down is because lobs no longer support him
Not because he has lost the support of the right


Remember the lies we were told about WMD and how we would be greeted as liberators and democracy would bloom?

The “lies” were collected and agreed upon, along with the threat those “lies” presented, by many of your favorite liberals. We were greeted as liberators. Iraq has a democratic government; that’s what ISIS is trying to destroy. Obama is helping them.

Or how THE SURGE worked and the island it’s and Baathists were gone for good ?

Surge worked. Iraq was stable. Obama squandered it.

Liberals. In fact have been very disappointed in Obama he has proven to be a centrist
Didn’t close Gitmo

Everyone is very disappointed in Obama that had any expectation he could do any of the things he promised. GITMO does not need to be closed; it needs to be used as intended. Obama hasn’t closed it because, just like dealing with ISIS, he doesn’t have a plan. It’s just something he said to get dummies to clap and drool. The only thing he is centrist about is his support for central planning.

You know why he hasn’t released the “torture report”? Because it does not say what he wants it to say. Otherwise, you would see it.

The reason his poll numbers are down is because lobs no longer support him

The reason his poll numbers have fallen is because even libs realize he has lied to everyone and made so many contradictory promises that he is always disappointing someone that was sure they were going to get more free stuff. Look at immigration reform, for instance. Liberals have no intention in reforming immigration; it is far too valuable as a political tool. So, those dreaming of the Dream continue to be disappointed and, now, Obama has declared he will do nothing until the next election, so his stupidity cannot hurt election fortunes.

Here’s a little clue, John…. there’s ALWAYS going to be another election. All you gullible liberals are being played by a blue-ribbon liar.


Remember how when W was in office the cons keptbtryingnto tell us that there were no excesses?
Remember the lies we were told about WMD and how we would be greeted as liberators and democracy would bloom?
Or how THE SURGE worked and the island it�s and Baathists were gone for good ?

Liberals. In fact have been very disappointed in Obama he has proven to be a centrist
Didn�t close Gitmo
Or release thebtorture reort
The reason his poll numbers are down is because lobs no longer support him
Not because he has lost the support of the right

Wow!! John. You were either really, really drunk, or really, really stoned when you wrote that mess.