One of the worst things about war is the fact that the people usually doing the fighting are those most physically capable of fighting, usually a nation’s strongest and most vibrant young men. The men most able to build or sustain a nation’s prosperity are the very ones that are going away to war and too often not coming back. As costly as war is, it’s usually undertaken because a nation, or its leaders or its citizens, think the sacrifice is worth achieving some objective.
The loss of such strong and vibrant youth is a cost that is paid not only by the families of the dead, but it’s paid by the communities and the nations that are left without whatever contributions the young men might have made to the world around him.
War is hell, as they say, and looking over a battlefield littered with a nation’s treasured youth is the perfect embodiment of that. The sacrifices always hurt, but they are to some degree understandable because they are undertaken in the pursuit of some greater good.
Which brings us to Ferguson, MO, and not just because it looked a lot like a war zone recently. No, Ferguson is important because of what sparked the riots: the shooting of an unarmed black youth by a white police officer.
To listen to the protesters is to understand that America is rampant with white cops killing innocent black men in every town or city. That is simply not true. More importantly, it’s a red herring. (Yes, white cops do sometimes kill innocent black men, but it’s relatively rare.) But why is it a red herring? Because it takes the focus off the fact that the number one killer of young black men ages 15-34 is… murder, and not by white cops or white people at all. It’s murder by other young black men! (For young black men ages 15-24, fully 50% of their deaths are due to murder!) How is it possible that in 2014 the number one killer of the most robust and vibrant elements of black America is murder? Not accidents. Not cancer. Not sickle cell anemia… it’s murder by other black men!
And this is where the connection with war comes in. During war the young men whose lives are lost are sacrificed for a purpose, for something that has been deemed in the national interest in one sort of another. Young black men who are dying on our streets and in our cities on the other hand are dying for… nothing.
Which is what makes the red herring of Ferguson so heartbreaking. Even if such protests were to ensure that no white cop ever killed another innocent black man, the scourge of death and murder that pervades the black community wouldn’t diminish by much beyond a small fraction of the total deaths.
So while the American media spent a week and a half obsessed with a burning Ferguson where protesters pelted cops with Molotov cocktails, bricks and urine, dozens of young black men were being killed in obscurity around the country by other black men. But of course it’s so much easier to throw bottles and make accusations than it is to advocate for real solutions to real problems. Problems like a dearth of fathers as 73% of all black children are born to single mothers. Problems like a crumbling education system where Democrats and the teachers’ unions keep the poorest children tethered to failed public schools. Problems like minimum wage laws that make it prohibitively expensive to hire young black men with little work experience, resulting in an unemployment rate in excess of 20% while the national rate is below 6%. Problems like a government welfare system that grows like an unbridled leviathan seeking to expand its budget rather than help the poor find their dignity, self respect and the pride that comes with being contributing member of society.
But none of those things are nearly as visually compelling as watching police square off against protesters. None of those things lend themselves to pithy sayings that are easily captured on tee shirts or cardboard signs or in 30 second sound bites. None of those things inspire media savvy “leaders” to roll up their sleeves and get busy trying to solve real problems. None of those things are easy. They are by definition hard problems to solve. It takes real work to solve them and they can’t be fixed by rioting.
Which is the tragedy of the red herring of Ferguson. Regardless of what the circumstances were, losing a son is devastating for a family. Thousands of black families across the country experience equally painful losses each year. By focusing energy, passion, angst and media on the aberration of Ferguson it takes the spotlight off of where it should be, which is solving the problems that cause thousands of young black men to lose their lives every year whose families don’t at least get the solace of knowing their sons died fighting for something of value to them and society as a whole.
See author page
Well done Vince, thank you.
There is something deeply self-destructive about black ”culture.”
In Ferguson we saw a hint of part of it when a photographer took a shot at the side of the Quik Mart after it got looted and burned.
This was painted on the wall.
Police cannot help break the cycle of black-on-black murdering if they get no cooperation.
Most black-on-black murder is retaliation for previous black-on-black crime.
How often do these retaliations miss their intended target and hit a baby or child, killing it?
Every time it happens is one too many times.
Even George Soros’ Media Matters in an article about Michael Brown’s death admits this: ” Yes, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders.”
Just like studying hard in school and getting a decent job is considered ”acting white,” and thus shunned by blacks, so, too is going to police as a witness of a shooting.
Blacks, more than any other demographic group in the USA, take a shooting as a chance to go out and shoot back.
You just don’t understand.
The whole point of the Welfare State is to make a class of people wards of the State. This has been done with a large swath of the Black population. Dads are gone. You don’t get AFDC if a Dad is in the house. So you make babies and Uncle Sam gives you money. You don’t need a job. Uncle gives you a house. Uncle gives you clothes. Uncle gives you food. Uncle gives you medical care. And, surprise, surprise! You vote for Uncle, alias the Democratic Party.
This is, of course, antithetical to the whole reason for founding the U S in the first place.
We either stop this nonsense or simply go bankrupt like Weimar Germany.
Keep telling yourselves comforting stories and whistling past the cemetery, wingnuts.
New additions according to Chicago’s Redeye news feed:
Aug. 20
– Antonio Smith, a 9 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Greater Grand Crossing.
Aug. 19
– Dorval Jenkins, a 19 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in South Deering.
Aug. 18
– Seadl Commings, a 27 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in East Garfield Park.
Aug. 18
– Joel Wade, a 20 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Auburn Gresham.
Aug. 17
– Kardeon Glover, a 26 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Humboldt Park
Aug. 16
– Shaquise Buckner, a 16 year old black female, caused by a gunshot in West Englewood.
Aug. 15
– Walter Neely, a 25 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Douglas.
Aug. 14
– LaDarryl Walters, a 23 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in South Shore.
Aug. 13
– Devonte Carthan, a 17 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Burnside.
Aug. 12
– Julio Perkins, a 30 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Pullman.
Aug. 11
– Dearies Arnold, a 26 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in Englewood.
Aug. 10
– Jabari Scurlock, a 16 year old black male, caused by a gunshot in West Englewood.
All these blacks SHOT to death.
All since Michael Brown’s death.
All just inside the city limits of Chicago!
You oppress an entire race of people in your country, segregate them, introduce drugs, and the result is despair and crime. Get a clue, get a conscience, haters.
What is interesting to me is that the Blacks are up in arms demanding justice!! They are NOT interested in justice but rather the outcome they want. We have a justice system and if this system determines that NO charges are to be filed and law enforcement acted appropriately, do you think they will accept this as justice. NO WAY!!
@This one: If you have all the answers, why have you never made even one recommendation to quell this or any other situation discussed on this blog? Do you lack the intelligence to reason? Do you just enjoy spitting on those who do try to make things better? Just what have you ever done to improve life for just one other person other than yourself? Name one person and describe your actions in detail. We here will never see that post because you are a taker, not a giver. You can only tear down, never build. You are no better than the residue left in the street after a rodeo parade.
@Randy: Nice try Randy, first of all I will post on this site anytime I want and if you don’t like it you can GFY!! Secondly, didn’t see any proposed answers in your last post, look in the mirror you dope!! I will propose the answer for you though. Let the judicial process take it’s course and the result will be JUSTICE according to our laws!!
@This one: who is this you ,you speak of this one with shyt for brains,oh yeah democrats ,you are so right ,my bad
@obamarhhea: Well said my friend. What I like best is your conservative use of words. Liberal wachos like to use lots of words and say NOTHING!! Then again that’s all they know how to do.
@Common Sense: So you go by several names? The post was written to This One. Is that you too?
This one’s got no answers; OFA/DNC/Soros only pay him to shit-stir on conservative sites.
I, while not “fan” of Sharpton, must say that he recently put “blame where blame belongs” when he, in so many words, stated publicly that Blacks must address the problem of Black violence and the ill-effects it has on other Blacks and black neighborhoods.
Not that this makes up for his blatant hypocrisy, previous false accusations, and continuation of “race baiting for dollars” scam tho.
Yep, This one/Ronald Ward/Greg is paid to swap socks and post liberal propaganda. Grovelling for a few pennies a post, and his infatuation with 0Muslim, is all that he’s got. Pretty sad actually.