“Why in God’s name does anyone show sympathy, and support for a terrorist organization?” – Former Congressman Allen West
And that is the question that should be asked. It boggles the mind and offends the senses that there is EVEN ONE MEMBER OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION who is upset that Israel is pummeling the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Under Ariel Sharon, Israel forcibly removed its citizens from Gaza and turned the land over to the Arabs. Israel has been rewarded for that gesture of conciliation with the abduction and killing of its citizens and the launching of hundreds of rockets into its territory.
Such provocations have finally goaded the state of Israel into launching a ground invasion of Gaza to take on the infamous Hamas, a terrorist group famous for hiding behind women and children even as they target the same. Death and destruction is a deserving end to all those who purposefully target, kidnap, and murder young, innocent civilians. That’s the tragic event that triggered this latest round of the current conflict. May all those in Gaza who support such practices pay a very severe price for doing so.
In reality, Hamas has constructed a terror state on the border of Israel which, at its core, seeks to fulfill the vision of Hitler and “drive the Jews into the sea.” And now, right on cue, the Left, and the Muslims it has allowed into the West, are now marching, protesting, and rioting outside synagogues shouting “Death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right.” It is disgusting for any member of the supposedly civilized West to embrace the cult of the belly-bombers and they should be roundly condemned at every opportunity. It seems that every generation forgets the lessons of history.
The terrorist society that inhabits the Gaza strip teaches its children to hate and kill the Jew from birth. It is a culture of death and destruction that celebrates the concept of genocide and the massacre of innocents. How can we consider such a society to be worth defending or sympathizing with? It’s hard to attain any sort of peace agreement when you up against a culture that teaches blind hate from such a young age.
The enemies that Israel faces have a long history of hostage taking, targeted killings of children, the slaughter of innocents for political purposes, airline and ship hijackings, machine gunning at airports, suicide bombings and civilian massacres. Couched in the language of liberation and the struggle for a homeland, is always a thinly – veiled crusade to slaughter Jews at every opportunity and orchestrate the destruction of the state of Israel.
Perhaps Zahir Muhsein, a former PLO executive committee member, stated it best in an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw on March 31, 1977.
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”
Encouraging and highlighting the deaths of civilians in a crowded war zone is part and parcel of the Hamas propaganda strategy and that there are those who willingly play that game and promote the Hamas storyline is sickening and disgraceful. The fact that the Left falls for this gambit is simply embarrassing and all their hand-wringing over collateral damage purposefully orchestrated by Hamas hiding itself and its arms among the civilian population is either willful ignorance or dangerous complicity.
In fact Hamas, purposefully and as a matter or policy and strategy, welcomes the death of the civilians it hides behind during these periods of conflict (for propaganda purposes) while the Israelis themselves are sallying forth in an effort to protect civilians from acts of terrorism. There is a stark difference and no moral equivalency between the two.
In the end, maybe the lesson will be learned by the people living in the Gaza strip that abducting and killing helpless Israeli teenagers just for the heck of it and lobbing rockets at civilian targets carries a very high price indeed and perhaps should not be repeated in the future. I know they want to take a turn at playing “exterminate the Jew”, but they seem to be discovering that the Jews are putting up a bit more of a fight this time around. I respect the Israelis; they at least have learned a lesson from history. “Never again.”
The Bible tells us that Ishmael will be “a wild one, and that he will be against everyone, and everyone will feel the same towards him, but that he will live near the rest of his relatives.” Israel is an island of civilization in a sea of barbarism and Islamic fanaticism. The struggle of the Israeli people to preserve their state and their existence continues to this day and they deserve the support of the civilized world against the barbarians of the modern age.
Whether one likes it or not, the physical state of Israel exists and is here to stay. Israel’s Arab neighbors can either choose to accept the reality of the situation and peacefully coexist with the Jewish state, or accept the sometimes tough consequences of waging war upon it. If you kick a hornet’s nest, you might just get stung. As any homeowner will tell you, you may not get to choose your neighbors but how you treat them can make a huge difference in the end. You can choose to get along with them as best you can, or you can set yourself up for a lifetime of misery. That is the choice the people of Gaza and all those that border Israel must make, and the right decision will put them on a path to peace.
“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” – Golda Meir
Video: 2010 Hamas and Hezbollah Propaganda Video “Hezbollah With Hamas Brothers In Arms Will Destroy The Zionist Disease Israel”
90 minutes.
That is how long the ceasefire that Hamas demanded lasted before those Hamas thugs started firing rockets at Israel again.
Taking Hamas seriously over anything they claim to want in ending this war is as intelligent as Charlie Brown continually believing Lucy will hold the football still, despite every instance of Lucy pulling the ball away.
@Greg: Yes, the community organizer after his long tenure as a US Senator and his 5.5 years in the White House finally came down with support for the right side. Your first lie Greg was “I think”. You don’t! You keep repeating everything you hear the left say. If you did think, you would have a little respect on this Blog.
First, go back into history. Who supported Hamas? The people who are being killed! They had a choice between Fatah or Hamas. Like the Obama supporters, they are low information voters who thought the give away programs Hamas was providing were good. Now, they have to live and die with their past decisions. That is the fate of a people who fail to vet their proposed leaders. Look at the people who died during the fire bombing of Germany. Look at the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Look at Cambodia. Zimbabwe. History is filled with people who failed to vet their leaders and they suffered the consequences. They saw the shiny gifts that were flashed in front of them and they chose poorly.