With Obama as Zen Master, the World is now Tranquil…?

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We’ve ‘Substantially Improved the Tranquility of the Global Community’ – Josh Earnest, White House Press Secretary

Okay, so we’ve got destabilization in the Middle East, both with ISIS and the never-ending attacks on Israel; a civil war in Syria; Communist aggression in the Ukraine; territorial disputes in the South China Seas; a massive influx of Illegal Alien Children crossing our Southern Border; and countless scandals plaguing this administration, and the White House Press Secretary says with a straight face that Obama has ‘substantially improved the tranquility’ of the world????

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday the Obama administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world’s “tranquility” – a word that raised eyebrows as reporters pointed to situations in Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea.

Even the Praetorian Media that has propped this Marxist up since 2008 is having trouble swallowing that line. They’re saying that the turmoil in the world harkens back to the days of Jimmy Carter.

More than one reporter during Monday’s press briefing referred to a front-page Wall Street Journal article highlighting some of those crises, and citing security strategists as saying “the breadth of global instability now unfolding hasn’t been seen since the late 1970s.”

The “tranquility” comment came from an exchange from Fox News’ White House correspondent, Ed Henry and the White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest.

“How does the White House react to the notion that the president is a bystander to all these crises?” asked Fox News’ Ed Henry, citing the widening gaps between the sides in the Iranian nuclear talks, the conflict in and around Gaza, and the Syrian civil war.

“I think that there have been a number of situations in which you’ve seen this administration intervene in a meaningful way, that has substantially furthered American interests and substantially improved the, uh, you know, the – the tranquility of the global community,” Earnest replied.

ABC News’ White House Correspondent, John Karl had a big problem with the “tranquility” claim, as well.

ABC News’ Jon Karl quoted Attorney General Eric Holder’s assessment in an interview aired Sunday that the terrorist potential arising from Westerners returning home after fighting in Syria was “more frightening than anything I think I’ve seen as attorney general.”

Karl then pointed to “what’s looking like an all-out war” between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Sunni jihadist successes in “taking over vast territory in Iraq and in Syria,” Russian aggression in Ukraine, and concerns about Chinese handling of territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

“It doesn’t seem like a time to be touting tranquility on the international scene,” he told Earnest. “Do you think the president’s foreign policy bears any responsibility for any of this, or is there anything he can do about any of this?”

Trying to defend Obama’s feckless foreign “lead from behind” policy by wrapping it in “national security interests,” Earnest touted the Syria Chemical Weapons debacle.


Earnest said President Obama’s thinking about foreign policy was guided by one core principle – “the national security interests of the United States of America.”

He raised as examples of actions that advanced American interests the negotiated removal of the Assad regime’s “declared” chemical weapons (CW) stockpile, and mediation in recent days between “two competing presidential candidates in Afghanistan, who were prepared to sort of take that process off the rails.”

The Syria chemical deal has brought fewer plaudits from outside the administration, however. The Assad regime slow-walked the process, missing multiple deadlines set by the international community in a clearly-defined program of action.

But even that “accomplishment” looks as if Obama’s “leading from behind” policy is failing yet again.

Questions also remain about the completeness of its declaration – there are suspicions it may have kept some CW back – and the regime is also accused of using chlorine gas in the fighting this year.

Moreover, one key part of the CW agreement that has not been achieved is the destruction of 12 Syrian CW production facilities, a process that was meant to have begun last December and been completed by March 15. Almost four months after that deadline the 12 facilities, five of them located underground, remain standing.

“Syria continues to drag its feet in complying with its obligation to destroy chemical weapons production facilities,” U.S. ambassador to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Robert Mikulak, told a meeting of the body’s executive council last week.

“The international community has questions that must be adequately answered by Syria regarding the declaration of its entire chemical weapons program,” he said.

Mikulak added that the U.S. “remains deeply concerned by the reports of systematic use of chlorine gas and other chemicals in opposition areas by Syrian government forces.”

All this leads one to wonder, is there anything this President can’t screw up?

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“Josh Earnest.”
His parents made a joke.
To josh is to joke.
To be earnest is to express oneself very sincerely.
I guess he is really joking.

Today (or yesterday the way news gets reported) Syria’s President Assad took his oath of office for his next 7 year term.
Remember when Obama said Assad HAD to go?
It was over the use of chemical weapons.
Now more people are capable of using them and we are ”tranquil?”

How many Americans are medicated with tranqs?
25% of Americans are officially diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
Another 10,000,000 Americans are put on tranqs every year!
In 2010 there were already 94 million benzodiazepine prescriptions alone in the USA.

The article ends with: “All this leads one to wonder, is there anything this President can’t screw up?

It is all on purpose — this has to start being stated right out front – rather than pretending that there is stillsome question as to what is going on!

@Nanny G: Yeh — good calls — I wonder what the fool’s real name is!

Damn the media, if they continue to drop the ball, the truth gets out and Obama looks like an incompetent fool. Even Valerie can only do so much for the clueless one when he is not being embellished by his compliant media around the clock. Surely the media realizes the importance of keeping this fool from being exposed to reality. They (the media) have a job to do; let them get to it. America’s prestige depends on keeping this mindless fishing bobber buoyed enough to appear as though he is not a half-wit, otherwise our enemies and friends will regard us with even more contempt.

. . . . AND Iran now has nuclear capabilities with capacity for dirty bombs just around the corner.

AND Putin is mounting military presence in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Seychelles, Singapore, Vietnam, — yah, sure, we live in an age of Tranquility.

How is ANY of this good for the security of the Nation?

Clinton’s “Who do you want answering the phone at 3 AM” campaign commercial was rather prescient, though her performance as SecState makes it clear we don’t want either Obama or Clinton as the person to answer those calls.

And while all these foreign policy upheavals are ginning up, Obama and his leftist acolytes think it is pure genius to gut our military while increasing welfare spending.


Damn the media, if they continue to drop the ball, the truth gets out and Obama looks like an incompetent fool.

The MSM is just above Congress in America’s latest “disapprove of” polls. Most people (aside from the low information Obama Democrats,) are on to the fact that the media is not to be trusted. So how much more tranquil is the world?

China tells U.S. to stay out of South China Seas dispute

Michael Fuchs, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for Strategy and Multilateral Affairs, said no country was solely responsible for escalating tension in the region. But he reiterated the U.S. view that “provocative and unilateral” behaviour by China had raised questions about its willingness to abide by international law.

China claims 90 percent of the South China Sea, which is believed to contain oil and gas deposits and has rich fishery resources. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan also lay claim to parts of the sea, where about $5 trillion of ship-borne trade passes every year.

China’s Foreign Ministry repeated that it had irrefutable sovereignty over the Spratly Islands, where most of the competing claims overlap, and that China continued to demand the immediate withdrawal of personnel and equipment of countries which were “illegally occupying” China’s islands.

China has been extremely aggressive in the Asian Pacific region, no doubt taking advantage of Obama’s incompetence to improve their advantage.

The Middle East has various fanatical Islamic extremists (most associated with terrorist organizations,) on a mission of conquest in order to establish a caliph (united Islam nation-state). Hamas has for the last ten years continued every single month to fire missiles into Israel, ignoring cease fires, and Israel has no choice but retaliate because the Obama administration (and it’s leftist Obamamaniacs,) take Hamas’ side. Meanwhile…

The Odd Book One Texas Rancher Found Near the Border

“We’ve found Korans, prayer rugs and many other unusual items at the border that certainly raise concern,” the agent said.

Vickers found the (Urdu-to-English) dictionary in May 2013 and reported it to the authorities. He spoke about it publicly for the first time in a documentary clip obtained exclusively by TheBlaze, speaking with filmmaker Chris Burgard. The dictionary’s former owner had flagged translated passages about using American dollars…(snip)

…In 2009, U.S. counterterrorism officials authenticated a video of an Al Qaeda recruiter threatening to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States through tunnels underneath the Mexico border — one example of how Al Qaeda is looking to exploit weaknesses in U.S. border security. That video also showed the terror group’s willingness to ally itself with white militias or other anti-government entities interested in carrying out an attack inside the homeland, according to counterterrorism officials interviewed by this reporter.

Numerous Border Patrol agents and other U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials interviewed by TheBlaze said that while Department of Homeland Security resources are being strained in handling the more than 57,000 children who have already crossed into the U.S., other porous areas along the border are being neglected, to the benefit of the cartels and more dangerous foreign criminal elements.

Police: Al Qaeda Magazine Suggesting Attack On US Open

In a briefing for New York City’s private security community, Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD’s director of intelligence analysis, warned that Inspire magazine is instructing would-be terrorists on how to make bombs and where to set them off, WCBS 880′s Marla Diamond reported.

The magazine lists targets in Washington, D.C.; Virginia; and New York — including the US Open, which begins Aug. 25 in Flushing Meadows, Queens… (Snip)

…NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said the biggest concern is lone wolves who operate under law enforcement’s radar.

“Two thousand years ago, the expression was ‘all roads lead to Rome,’” Bratton said. “Well, in 2014, as it relates to this subject matter, terrorism, unfortunately all roads lead to New York City.”

According to (Mazhar Shahin,) Egyptian Cleric: Muslim Brotherhood Authorizes ‘Anal Jihad’ for Lonely Terrorists

warned Egyptian television viewers this week that Muslim Brotherhood sheiks have issued a fatwa permitting “anal jihad” for terrorists far from their wives, which is exactly what it sounds like.

In televised remarks on Egypt’s Al-Tahrir TV on June 26 and translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute, cleric Mazhar Shahin told his viewers that members of the Muslim Brotherhood were engaging in homosexual anal sex acts as a way to “wage jihad in the name of Allah.” It was a “new kind of jihad,” he explained, where “they practice homosexuality with one another, thinking, wrongly, that this constitutes jihad for the sake of Allah.” The acts are sanctioned if the jihadists are far from their wives. He does not explain how engaging in homosexual sex in private furthers the cause of establishing an Islamic caliphate – the goal of most mujahidin – but compares it with “sexual jihad,” an act he describes as when “somebody takes a woman and has sex with her because he is waging jihad.”

The anal jihad “catastrophe,” he continued, was proof that “the (Muslim Brotherhood) is a bunch of hopeless and desperate peddlers who have reached a state of foolishness, stupidity, filth, and so on, to the highest imaginable degree.” He emphasizes multiple times that this is not just deviant behavior performed by individuals straying from jihadist ideals, but rather, behavior sanctioned by Muslim Brotherhood sheiks. “Their sheiks permit them to do these things. This is despicable, foolish, and asinine,” he concludes.

That will surely bring a smile to Ronald Ward’s face, if not make him consider purchasing plane tickets. So what important plans are on Obama’s agenda to ensure tranquility?

Fore! Obama plans 16-day Martha’s Vineyard vacation on $12m estate

Reports from the Bay State indicate that President Obama and his family will vacation August 9-24 at the 8,100-square foot, beachfront home of a Democratic donor that includes a pool, hot tub, basketball and tennis court.

It will be new digs for the first family, who have summered on tony Martha’s Vineyard every year of Obama’s presidency, except in 2012 when he was running for reelection.

The Vineyard Gazette reported that the White House has no major or public events planned for the almost three weeks, typical at this stage of a presidential vacation.

The Cape Cod Times reported that several local stores typically visited by the president and his family during the past five Obama trips are making plans to welcome them, including famous Mad Martha’s Ice Cream which last year developed a new flavor called “Barack My World,” espresso ice cream, macadamia nuts and caramel.

Obama is expected to be accompanied by top aide Valerie Jarrett, a regular summer resident of Oak Bluffs, one of the island’s bigger towns.

It will be among the longest vacations Obama has taken and four times longer than the average 3.8 day vacation the typical American family takes.

It’s nice to know where Obama’s priorities lie.

Reports from the Bay State indicate that President Obama and his family will vacation August 9-24 at the 8,100-square foot, beachfront home of a Democratic donor that includes a pool, hot tub, basketball and tennis court.

It will be new digs for the first family, who have summered on tony Martha’s Vineyard every year of Obama’s presidency, except in 2012 when he was running for reelection.

Obama is expected to be accompanied by top aide Valerie Jarrett, a regular summer resident of Oak Bluffs, one of the island’s bigger towns.

There you have it folks — everything is peachy keen.

It just ices it for me >>>


Looking more and more like this country will have to be destroyed in order to save it!

It will be among the longest vacations Obama has taken and four times longer than the average 3.8 day vacation the typical American family takes.

President Obama and his family will vacation August 9-24 at the 8,100-square foot, beachfront home of a Democratic donor that includes a pool, hot tub, basketball and tennis court.

The demo-commiecRAT’s — the pottie of the poor downtrodden American worker — whatever in ‘ell that is!

Who is this great champion of the STOOPID po’ widdle ‘murrican welfare recipient.

Check this out folks – we are well on the way:

Nicknamed the Moscow Versailles, Kuskovo estate � the land of sumptuous palaces and magnificent parks � is the former summer retreat of one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Tsarist Russia.

Google can be your friend!

Come on now. The world is a lot more tranquil. Either that or Malaysian pilots are going to start to get a very bad rep.


Hamas sees Gaza as ”too tranquil,” too.
Only their soldiers, fighters, leaders and a few of their own family-human shields have died.
So, what to do to gain the PR upper hand?
How about steal a still from a slasher/horror movie and claim it is a civilian killed by Israelis.
‘The Final Destination 4” was the movie.
The clip is quite nasty.
If you click here, remind yourself, this is just a special effect.

Hamas Uses Horror Movie Still of Headless Girl in Miniskirt to Depict Gaza Casualties on Social Media (WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO)

I disagree. Read that:
https://skydancingblog.com/2014/12/page/3/ Sincerely, Michel