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The race hustler posing as Attorney General of the US

Eric Holder has made quite a splash this weekend when he appeared on “This Week.” His principal reason for appearing seemed to be bashing Sarah Palin, but we’ll get back to that later. Holder said some pretty interesting things which really make you question how- or if- his brain works.

Holder insists immigration laws are being upheld. Then he immediately said:

“Let me just say this: Our immigration laws are broken,”

How does one enforce broken laws? Moreover, Holder does not specify what exactly is broken. The reason Holder gives for the mass illegal invasion:

“We are faced with an extraordinary situation where thousands of people, young people especially, are fleeing Central American for economic reasons, to get away from endemic violence in their countries,”

Remember that one.

Three years ago we learned that the border patrol was told to stop arresting illegals crossing the border. Holder did indeed sue the state of Arizona to stop them from identify illegal aliens.

Last fall the Border Patrol was reportedly ordered to stand down.

The Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents the nation’s Border Patrol agents, Shawn Moran, has told Breitbart News that agents are being ordered to stand down and end any pursuit of drug smugglers, human smugglers, and illegal aliens. Moran said the reasons given by the administration are budgetary concerns and to ensure agents aren’t working long shifts.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s drugs, bodies, or how large the group is, our agents are being ordered to stand down by Border Patrol management,” said Moran. “I have received reports from our agents in every single sector from San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas that they are receiving these orders.”

For Holder, disagreement with him or Obama is racial animus 24/7.

Holder took the time to bash Sarah Palin:

Attorney General Eric Holder slammed former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in an interview that aired Sunday, dismissing her calls to impeach President Barack Obama over his alleged “lawlessness” in enforcing immigration law.

“She wasn’t a particularly good vice presidential candidate,” Holder said on ABC’s “This Week.” “She’s an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Let’s go to the tape:

Sarah Palin is not a race hustler like Holder.
Sarah Palin would secure the border.
Sarah Palin would not call Americans “enemies.”
Sarah Palin did not sic the IRS on the political opposition.

But you know what really worries Holder?

“Homegrown violent extremists.”

“These lone wolves. These homegrown violent extremists are people who keep me up at night, as well,” said Holder. “Trying to monitor them, trying to anticipate what it is they are going to do. And the experience that we had in Boston is instructive. It only takes only one or two people to really do something horrific.”

Earth to Holder: The Tsarnaev brothers were not “home grown.” They were Muslim immigrants from Russia. And you know why they came here?

By some accounts, the family moved to the U.S. about a decade ago to escape brutal violence in the Russian republic of Chechnya.

For liberals reading this, let’s spell that one out. Immigrants who came to this country allegedly to “escape violence” came here to visit violence on us.

Then there is this not-so-cryptic message from Holder:

The ABC anchor says the reporter and Holder talked about “homegrown terrorists who are motivated more by domestic concerns.” .

There is little doubt what Holder means. He’s talking about returning veterans, about the Tea Party and about conservatives in general, especially those who want their country back.

Here’s what Holder did not talk about- the war on black conservatives:

Of course part of this has to do with something many, many black Americans insinuate privately, which is that people of color who associate with a party that many perceive as racist deserve what they get.

When asked about the GOP’s unflattering racial history, including the “Southern Strategy” that former Republican National Committee Chair Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the NAACP for, Smith ticked off the names of notable black Republicans throughout history, and listed the issues she says make the GOP a better choice for communities of color.

But she also said both parties “have a responsibility to stop the rhetoric and the political theater…I think they both have a lot to apologize for. They both misbehave.”

Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson’s labeling of conservative black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an “Uncle Tom” elicited headlines but no official calls for an apology and no denouncements from party leaders. (When reached for comment by the Beast, meanwhile, both the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Campaign Committee strongly criticized the attacks on Smith.)

And when asked about his remarks by a white reporter, Thompson intimated he could use such language because he is black.

Here’s something else that Holder isn’t losing sleep over: MS-13 gang members entering the US in the illegal invasion.

Covered from head to toe in tattoos, MS-13 gang members are easy to point out.

National Border Patrol council spokesman Chris Cabrera said the MS-13 gang is notorious for violence in Mexico and Central America.

“They will usually have MS-13 tattooed they are usually pretty predominant with their tattoos a lot of face tattoos,” said Chris Cabrera with the National Border Patrol Council.

Action 4 News confirmed through an investigation that members of the gang and others in Mexico are now sending their young recruits here.

And to the surprise of many, those that are under the age of 17 are detained and later set free on U.S. soil.

“They don’t have criminal history in the U.S. We will reunite them with their family.”

This worries local law enforcement.

San Juan Police Chief Juan Gonzalez said his stash house unit has encountered these types of gang members many times before.

“They are not your average person that wants to better their lives,” said Chief Gonzalez.

No, Holder is worried more about threats like Catherine Engelbrecht, the white blonde interested in protecting the sanctity of the vote and conservative female former Governors who want accountability from the Federal government.

Holder is a race hustler masquerading as Attorney General of US. The fact that he’s being sent out to smear Sarah Palin and once again identify conservatives as threats to the government and whip out the race card is a sign of growing desperation on the part of the Obama administration which is being overwhelmed by scandal. I’ve said it before and it remains true. Eric Holder’s job is not to uphold the Constitution or the laws of the land, it is to shield Obama from the Constitution and the law of the land.

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