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The White House Benghazi lie unravels

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!

– Sir Walter Scott

Just how stupid is the White House press?

Just how sycophantic is the White House press?

We are about to discover the answers to those questions soon.

It’s very clear now that the White House orchestrated the big lie about Benghazi- that the attacks were the result of a video. It’s the bullsh*t coming out of the mouth of Jay Carney that leaves you incredulous.

Yesterday the White House defended the Benghazi emails:

The Obama administration Wednesday said recently released emails on the 2012 Benghazi attacks reflected what officials “understood to be the facts at the time.”

“In the email [deputy national security adviser Ben] Rhodes makes clear that our primary goals included making sure our people in the field were protected and bringing those responsible for the attacks to justice,” Bernadette Meehan, National Security Council spokeswoman, said in a statement. “The content reflects what the administration was saying at the time and what we understood to be the facts at the time.”

No it’s not, but we’ll revisit that again soon.

And on the very same day Jay Carney said those emails that they had insisted were about Benghazi weren’t ever about Benghazi at all:

“The email and the talking points were not about Benghazi,” Carney said. “They were about the general situation in the Muslim world.”

Again- on the same day, Bernadette Meehan, National Security Council spokeswoman:

“In the email [deputy national security adviser Ben] Rhodes makes clear that our primary goals included making sure our people in the field were protected and bringing those responsible for the attacks to justice,”

To his credit, Jonathan Karl took Carney on about this:

video via Mediaite

You’ll want to watch the entire video. It’s both infuriating and amusing.

Carney lies, repeatedly. He says it was the “best information we had at the time” but that is an absolute, outright lie.

And we’ll visit that very soon.

When MSNBC says “gee, you know, there is something to this Benghazi thing, you know the White House has a problem.

After months of denying any politicization of the Benghazi talking points, Wagner felt compelled to agree. “And isn’t there something to be said about just wearing the scarlet letter?” she said smilingly. “As Glenn points out, this was a few weeks before a presidential election.”

“Yes, there was a practical reality that this was happening six weeks before an election,” she noted, “and also any administration wants to convey control.”

Indeed. And within in that statement are the grounds for impeachment. The press knows it has been lied to and it’s on record. Let’s see if they pursue this properly.

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