Michelle Obama: ‘splurging is the key to life’

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michelle antoinette

Sometimes you just can’t write a better title than the one someone blurts out.

‘Splurging is the key to life’ says Michelle Obama.

If there is any one authority on splurging, it’s Queen Michele. Does she ever know how to splurge.

From Judicial Watch:

Her 2013 trip to Dublin cost us nearly $8 million.

Her trips to Africa and Honolulu in 2013 cost us $15 million.

The Obamas were averaging a vacation a month through March 2013.

She get to spend an elongated vacation at pal Oprah Winfrey’s palazzo in Maui. It was the beginning of a birthday party that lasted through January 19th, when she enjoyed most of Hollywood at a White House bash.

Just last month Michelle sauntered off to China. We don’t know how much that cost.

Michelle doesn’t hesitate to splurge on herself either:

And as Dr. Paul Williams noted, who can forget Michelle Obama saying: “In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much. See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service.” (First Lady Now Requires 26 Servants; 8/17/09) Ironic, isn’t it, this coming from the woman who said she hadn’t been proud of America her entire life until after her husband cashed in on the presidential lottery ticket, er, I mean, she said until after he was elected. But I digress.

Obama unfathomably sang the blues that Michelle Obama didn’t get paid for her duties “even though that’s a tough job.” But he omitted the fact that she has twenty-six attendants (i.e., staff) at an annual cost to taxpayers of $1,750,000. That includes a hair dresser and the same make-up artist Oprah uses who charges $15,000 per day for his services. Actually I’m surprised she didn’t try to put her daughters on her payroll insofar as she lied and named them as staff when she took her taxpayer-funded African safari where she ate her way through the jungle.

Before you lefties get all lathered up, I know she would claim that she was talking about food.

But anyone with a brain knows better.

Remember back in 2008 when Michelle said:

But in order for all of us to get a little bit more, a whole bunch of us are going to have to give up a little something that we have.

And when she said this?

“Someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.”

Well, at least we know now who be having more. She’s been eating our piece of pie for five years now.

Splurging may be the key to life. All most of us need is someone else’s money to do it.

Like Michelle.

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Mooch had to quickly arrange another trip after her graduation speech in Topeka got cancelled due to lack of popularity. She got ‘un-invited’ . Now that’s funny.

@Redteam: She took 13 multi million dollar vacations in 2013?? That’s B.S and you know it.

Why would anyone believe anything you say RT??
Just had lunch with 2 Conservative friends who argued Conservs. like Michelle but dislike BHO. I said check F.A. and they suggested you were “fringe Conservs..” ie the crazies

@Rich Wheeler: Yeah, but you know the truth. You mean while you were having lunch, you suggested they read FA and they went and read it and gave you a report? Are you telling the truth RW, or blowing smoke. Take my word for it, no conservatives like Moochelle. No one likes Moochers. I’m not the one that made up the list of the 13 vacations, that was historical record. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Do you get 13 taxpayer multi million dollar vacations a year? Do you get even one? Is anyone entitled to one free multi million dollar vacation on the taxpayers per year? Who? Why?

Why would anyone believe anything you say RT??

For the same reason you do, you know it’s true. Sure, you may not LIKE the truth, but at least you recognize it.

@Redteam:There is no list of 13 multi-million dollar vacations taken by Michelle in 2013. You’re making things up RT.
Read slowly the description of my lunch with my Conservative friends Susan and Wayne. I told them there were Conservatives at FA who strongly disliked Michelle.They argued most Conservs like Michelle while disliking BHO. They said FA’ers sounded like “the fringe”(their words). I added “the crazies.”

@Rich Wheeler:

I said check F.A. and they suggested you were “fringe Conservs..” ie the crazies

Do you respect the opinions of people that form an opinion based upon a biased comment made by you? Wouldn’t you respect their judgment a little more if they actually had some real knowledge of the person they were judging? Don’t you think that may be the reason persons get their day in court? Why would a conservative make a judgment of another conservative based on the comment of a liberal without any other input?

There is no list of 13 multi-million dollar vacations taken by Michelle in 2013. You’re making things up RT.

You didn’t read my comment just above that listed all their vacations?

They argued most Conservs like Michelle while disliking BHO.

Really? Now who’s making things up? Did they argue that THEY liked Moochelle while disliking BHO? If so, how do you know they’re conservative?

@Rich Wheeler:this story contains most of the details of Mooch’s 13 vacations in 13

Every year, like clockwork, Mrs. Obama exploits the president’s official business responsibilities to squeeze in a pre-summer vacation, otherwise known as a PSV. A PSV is where vacation junkie Michelle finds a way to finagle a series of trips at the taxpayer’s expense


Rich: Resentment of what appears to be a lavish lifestyle, while your country languishes in the malaise of a major recession will engender resentment for anyone. While America survives on quantitative easing and endless unemployment benefits, those who work businesses or work real jobs worry over how long they can continue, before the whole economy collapses. These people cannot afford a vacation, they live in fear, but they are expected to be proud of the extravagant lifestyle of a first lady, that will not do well in the minds of the Americans in financial trouble.

Everyone knows the Obamas have become rich while in office and their worries for the welfare of middle class America seem to insignificant at best, but then again, a net worth of 12 or 20 million will not allow you to fly personal big jets with butlers and chefs aboard, so the only time to take advantage of the situation is now, while the beleaguered tax payer is picking up the tab.

Were your friends NYT conservatives like David Brooks?

@Redteam: just wasted 20 minutes “read my comment above” assume you mean 48 where you listed 10 “potential” between o9-2012.
Re 2013 in 56 A.T. listed 3 three plus Prez. trip.
Review 09-2013 14 margin of error +/- 2 12-16. long way from “about 6 per year”
Keep digging

@Skookum: Skooks and R.T. my friends were fellow Marine Officer, I’ve known since V.N days, and his wife. He jokingly (I think) calls me his commie friend.
With BHO polling 45% approval and M.O 66% there’s gotta be a lot of folks who like one but not the other.

@Rich Wheeler:

With BHO polling 45% approval and M.O 66% there’s gotta be a lot of folks who like one but not the other.

of the 45 for BHO, probably 50% of those would know that he is president of the US, the other 50% would have no clue. Of the 66 you claim for Mooch, probably 25% know that she is the first lady of the US, the other 75% probably don’t have a clue. That’s the way politics works. Just watch any ‘man on the street’ scene where they show someone a photo of a well known (to me) politician and 90% don’t have a clue. Less than 5% know that the US is a Republic.

@Redteam: “USA a Republic.” I’d call us a Democratic Republic.
Formed as a Republic, passage of the 17th Amend. and the securing of suffrage by women and Blacks opened up the Democratic process.
Seems many Conservs. like yourself have a distain for the unwashed American electorate. How else would one explain your #s 60 and 21. I find your percentages absurd–not sure you believe them.
Would you prefer we return to where only white male landowners could vote? That ain’t gonna happen. If Conservatives are ever to win again–which to me appears unlikely—you must accept the demographics and move into the current century.

@Rich Wheeler:

“USA a Republic.” I’d call us a Democratic Republic.

Ah, but I was talking about what the government is, not what you’d call it. Do you attribute your lack of knowledge on the US form of government to your inability to learn, or the inability of your school to teach?

Seems many Conservs. like yourself have a distain for the unwashed American electorate.

I don’t know any unwashed American electorate? Is that someone you hang out with?

How else would one explain your #s 60 and 21

easy, ‘reality’. Are you saying you’re one of the guys that when shown a picture of Biden, identify him as Putin? Is not washing responsible for that?

Would you prefer we return to where only white male landowners could vote?

Would you? How about only live American citizens could vote?

If Conservatives are ever to win again–which to me appears unlikely

Then you’re going to be a very surprised person in November of this year when the Republicans regain control of the Senate and maintain control of the House. Obama’s dictatorship will be ending along in January.

The right — albeit simplistic — answer is that we are a republic. A more sophisticated answer is that we are a constitutional republic.

@Redteam: You’re in a dark fantasy world RT. LOL
Come out into the light. It’s a beautiful day. Enjoy it.

@Rich Wheeler:

You’re in a dark fantasy world RT. LOL

:Let us get you on Record RW, are you saying the US is not a Republic or is not a constitutional Republic? Is that your belief?

@Redteam: Democratic Republic. It could also be called a Constitutional Republic. It is not a Republic.
Please watch your Caps.

@Rich Wheeler:

Democratic Republic.

You need to go ahead and demand a refund of your contribution to Cornell. Surely they don’t call it tuition since they apparently aren’t successful at teaching anyone anything. At least not you.

Please watch your Caps.

only one used and that was on Record because I was naming it your record. No one else would want it on their record that the US is not a Republic.

@Redteam: You can be a real nasty old coot can’t you? lol.You haven’t told us much about your cracker jack box degrees–do they exist? My #66 is correct as written.
For someone so enamored with the Constitution I was surprised you didn’t capitalize in #65.

@Rich Wheeler:

You haven’t told us much about your cracker jack box degrees–do they exist?

I thought you told me that Cornell issued their diploma’s in boxes of Cracker Jacks. Have they stopped the practice? They no longer charge for them, is that correct? I do have 2 degrees, but have seen no need to run around tooting my horn about them. They served me well and I had a successful manufacturing executive career.

A little information, had Cornell done their job, this is something you would already know:

How often have you heard people refer to America as a Democracy? When was the last time that you heard America referred to as a Republic? There is a very good reason that our Pledge of Allegiance refers to our country as a Republic and there is a very good reason that our Declaration of Independence and our constitution do not even mentioned the word “democracy”.

Many people are under the false impression our form of government is a democracy, or representative democracy. This is of course completely untrue. The Founders were extremely knowledgeable about the issue of democracy and feared a democracy as much as a monarchy. They understood that the only entity that can take away the people’s freedom is their own government, either by being too weak to protect them from external threats or by becoming too powerful and taking over every aspect of life.

They knew very well the meaning of the word “democracy”, and the history of democracies; and they were deliberately doing everything in their power to prevent having a democracy.

In a Republic, the sovereignty resides with the people themselves. In a Republic, one may act on his own or through his representatives when he chooses to solve a problem. The people have no obligation to the government; instead, the government is a servant of the people, and obliged to its owner, We the People. Many politicians have lost sight of that fact.

A Constitutional Republic has some similarities to democracy in that it uses democratic processes to elect representatives and pass new laws, etc. The critical difference lies in the fact that a Constitutional Republic has a Constitution that limits the powers of the government. It also spells out how the government is structured, creating checks on its power and balancing power between the different branches.


It is clear from reading that, that liberals don’t have a clue and why they want to ‘insist’ that it’s a democracy.

If you need more education, just let me know.

@Redteam: You are not too bright RT. I never said I went to Cornell. I never said ours was a Democracy You make stuff up on a regular basis. I ask again. Why would anybody believe the stuff you write?
Come out of the dark ages you old dinosaur. It’s a beautiful evening.
Ours is not a pure Republic.The passage of Amendments that gave suffrage to woman and Blacks and the passage of the 17th amendment allowing for the democratic election of Senators made us a true Democratic Republic. Kids learn this in grade school.
Move your mind into the 21st Century RT. Sorry to tell you women and minorities can vote now. It ‘s not just about the landed white male anymore.

@Rich Wheeler:

You are not too bright RT. I never said I went to Cornell.

you said it. So they’ve now refunded your money (for the box of Cracker Jacks) and you’re all square.

You make stuff up on a regular basis.

blockquote something you claim I’ve ‘made up’.

I ask again. Why would anybody believe the stuff you write?

For the same reason you do, because it is always correct and they know it can be trusted.

Ours is not a pure Republic.

So now you’ve switched back to ‘it’s a Republic’.

@Redteam: Let’s make this simple. Show me where I said I went to Cornell?
Show me where I said the U.S. is a pure Republic?
I said neither.
You make stuff up.
Keep digging

@Rich Wheeler:

Let’s make this simple. Show me where I said I went to Cornell?

You and I both know there is no search feature on this blog that will allow searches in comments. You clearly seem to remember me telling you that Cornell diplomas were distributed in Cracker Jacks boxes, is there a reason you are having memory failure on your other claims?

Show me where I said the U.S. is a pure Republic?

show me where I said that you said it was a pure Republic.

You make stuff up.

I find it strange that you’ve made that claim before and when I asked that you ‘blockquote’ it, you can’t seem to do so.

@Redteam: Your memory is faulty. I did not go to Cornell-and never said I did–you were in the right state. Went to Colgate.
We have a Democratic Republic for reasons I previously enumerated.
Close don’t count RT.
Keep digging

@Rich Wheeler:

Went to Colgate.

Do you change your alma mater every 6 months or were you just confused when you said Cornell?

@Redteam: You’re the one confused. As usual.
Did you even go to school after your stint in the Navy or did you continue your home scoolin with your momma.
Keep digging

@Rich Wheeler:

Did you even go to school after your stint in the Navy or did you continue your studies with your momma.

You say this as though modern academia offers something of value.

@Kraken: You’ve been working hard to prove it doesn’t. Keep up the good work.
Is Sterling a registered Dem or Repub?
Who cares?

@Rich Wheeler:

You’ve been working hard to prove it doesn’t. Keep up the good work.

Yes. Attempting to educate drones fresh out of college and their professors is a full time job.

@Rich Wheeler:

Did you even go to school after your stint in the Navy or did you continue your home scoolin with your momma.

What kind of question is that from someone that can’t remember which school was listed on his Cracker Jack box diploma? You can’t even remember what you’ve been told by others?
have you checked out whentostopdiggin.com ?


Yes. Attempting to educate drones fresh out of college and their professors is a full time job.

I think from what Rich says that he just recently found a new diploma in a Cracker Jack box. As best he’s been able to determine, it appears to be from Colgate. I guess that counts as ‘drones fresh out of college’, at least for the Colgate diploma. With his other diploma, he counts as ‘experienced’. (maybe)

@Redteam: Try this. I’ve posted my name and the town I live in. I’ve provided my DD-214 and my cell phone.
Does it make sense I would confuse The Red Raiders with The Big Red? Marv Hubbard with Ed Marinaro?
Your Momma’s home schoolin hasn’t served you well. Maybe Kraken can help you square away.

@Rich Wheeler:

home scoolin

Rich, was your major in spelling at Cornell or Colgate?

@Rich Wheeler:

Does it make sense I would confuse

make sense? no, but stranger things have happened.

@Redteam: Isn’t that how they spell it in the bayou? Sorry
Did your momma, or should I say mother, give you a diploma?

@Rich Wheeler:

Did your momma

we usually go with mama here in La.

or should I say mother, give you a diploma?

Actually, I was in Georgia back then and they didn’t require a diploma to show proof of completion of pre-kindergarten. It was just taken for granted.

@Redteamo.k—After your USN enlistment was completed , did your mama’s home schooling result in her providing you with a diploma?
I believe Kragen would congratulate you.

@Rich Wheeler:

After your USN enlistment was completed , did your mama’s home schooling result in her providing you with a diploma?

No. Didn’t have time. Was getting too much schooling from other places. None of which involved toothpaste.

@Redteam: “Too much schooling from other places.” Sure doesn’t show.
You afraid to shed a bad light on your alma mater by claiming a degree? I understand. It’s OK.
Kraken is still hoping you got a degree from your mama.

@Rich Wheeler:

“Too much schooling from other places.” Sure doesn’t show.

It did when it counted.

You afraid to shed a bad light on your alma mater by claiming a degree?

It doesn’t need your praise or evaluation. And it doesn’t need to have any toothpaste named after it.

@Rich Wheeler:

Kraken is still hoping you got a degree from your mama.

That would have been about the highest honor I could receive. She was one of the smartest persons I’ve ever known.

@Redteam: You did get a diploma from your mama. Pretty standard in La? Nothing to be ashamed of RT. Kraken will salute you.
Good night to all. Except you Smorg.

@Rich Wheeler:

Pretty standard in La?

My mother never lived in Louisiana.