Jim Jones had a village too

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Common Core is an educational fad which is determined to make the children of this country as stupid as humanly possible.

That’s the only conclusion at which a reasonable person could arrive.

It’s described this way:

“The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort that established a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts and mathematics that states voluntarily adopt,” says the website. “The standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter credit bearing entry courses in two or four-year college programs or enter the workforce. The standards are clear and concise to ensure that parents, teachers, and students have a clear understanding of the expectations in reading, writing, speaking and listening, language and mathematics in school.”

It is, at its heart, an egalitarian movement designed to make everyone equally stupid:

“Common Core was developed by two national organizations, it’s adoption incentivized with billions in federal funding and waivers from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind, and the national tests funded with federal grants,”

And meant to take parents out of the process of indoctrination education:

“But most concerning, Common Core removes the ability of parents and teachers to direct academic content and will have a homogenizing effect on the educational choices available to families,” Burke said.

The Daily Caller has done a great job documenting the sheer idiocy of Common Core.

Here is the homework assignment for a third grader:

Here is a kindergarten worksheet:

There are more examples at the link.

And what could be the worst math question in history:

Common Core allows for the possibility that three times four could be eleven:


Here is the launch of a Common Core-math-based rocket:

An Arkansas mother destroys Common Core:


Common Core isn’t really about teaching. It’s about indoctrination of your kids:

A curriculum developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics includes all of the above, all provided on the illuminations.nctm.org website, which claims to be the

“primary contributor of resources for teaching and learning mathematics for grades pre-K—12.”

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics will be holding a conference April 9-12 in New Orleans where they will be discussing

“such crucial issues as formative assessment in the common core state standards, number and operations, social justice, teaching computational fluency with understanding, leveraging technology, and supporting new teachers.” [Emphasis added]

Social Justice? During math?

Be sure to read it all.

But what really catches your attention is one panelist, Paul Reville, saying

“the children belong to all of us.”

Hmmm. And came this:

But Jennifer Davis, co-founder and president of the National Center on Time and Learning who moderated the panel at CAP, told CNSNews.com that teachers are “truly embracing” Common Core. “On the teacher side, I mean, all of the work were doing all over the country we’re finding teachers truly embracing and knowing that Common Core is important for their children and for their future in their schools,” Davis said, adding at one point, “It takes a village” to get this kind of education reform accomplished.

Interesting. Jim Jones had a village too. And they were his kids. And he also knew better than the parents what to do with those kids.

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It’s stories like this which should prove to teagbaggers that Obama is not the evil socialist they label him as but just another corporate controlled politician who is listening to idiots.

Uh no, he is part of the agenda. How else could a man with no experience be in the position he is in.

@This one,

Why do you self-loathing homersectionals always trying to project your own perversions on to everyone else? Is it because, deep down, you know that your hobophilia is morally, ethically, genetically and evolutionarily the wrong path to follow? Why, in debates and discussions, do you rainbow pole-enema-cysts always resort to accusing an opponent of being “in the closet,” as if the worst insult you can think of is to accuse someone else of being a bundle of sticks?

When most of us on the Right side see/hear a little shit-stain such as you use the word “teabagger” we stop listening/reading, as we cannot understand the mumbled gibberish coming from your testes-obsessed, sack-filled mouths/minds.

Have a good day, and do something nice for your boyfriend; he must have the patience of Job to put up with a nerf like you.

We are going to end up with engineering being a form of theatre. Just emote, and imagine, never mind the pesky facts of the physical universe. Are we in some kind of war with cartoons? I did not get the memo, but I read the Bible, and used to help kids with their homework. I hear Acme is hiring grads.

DrJ, well done. With intelligent, clear thinking, well-spoken, people like KAREN LAMOREAUX out there — there’s hope for this once great Nation.

More proof of the Democratic party’s War on Children. Step by step Democrats are insuring failure for our future generation:

(1) Teenagers can not find work because of the competition of adults and illegal immigrants for low wage jobs.

(2) Democrats like Obama who think that abortion should continue retro actively during the first year of life.

(3) A never-ending pogram of taxation without representation, where Democrats pass their entitlement program deficits onto the backs of future generations, without even a single ombudsman to represent and protect the interests of those future voters.

(4) Greedy Progressive elites of both parties who cater to their crony global-capitalist friends with continual trade agreements that de-industrialize the United States with no thought whatsoever of protecting American jobs. Ensuring that there will be high competition for those jobs that can not be outsourced and making it impossible for college graduates to plan an educational program that will lead to the future employment.

(5) Continually raising the cost of higher education out of reach of more and more students.

@neal: Having worked in the engineering field for the last 40 years – I can assure that that is the direction that things are going!

perhaps drjohn shoiuld consider taking a huge pay cut and become a primary school teacher?

Awesome! Well done sir!

@This one:

It’s stories like this which should prove to teagbaggers

this Juan, RJW is gonna get the boom lowered on him by his boyfriend if you don’t quit demeaning him and his gang.


Why do you self-loathing homersectionals always trying to project your own perversions on to everyone else? Is it because, deep down, you know that your hobophilia is morally, ethically, genetically and evolutionarily the wrong path to follow?

Love that sentence…says it all really well. It is really strange that the party that is promoting homosexuality uses it to demean anyone. You’d think, in their terms that calling someone a Teabagger would be akin to near sainthood. As I pointed out to This Juan, RJW’s boyfriend is gonna get in his face.

@James Raider: Thank you, sir

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