News: Former Mayor facing Bribery Trial! …What’s Missing? (Guest Post)

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So what’s missing? Almost none of the news reports I have found (even those from FOX,) make any mention of former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin’s party affiliation. This is the same fool who let school buses sit parked (where they too were ruined by the flooding) rather than use them to evacuate residents from the below sea water areas.

The charges are the product of a City Hall corruption investigation that already has resulted in several convictions or guilty pleas by former Nagin associates.

Nagin’s 21-count indictment accuses him of accepting more than $160,000 in bribes and truckloads of free granite for his family business in exchange for promoting the interests of local businessman Frank Fradella. Nagin also was charged with accepting at least $60,000 in payoffs from another businessman, Rodney Williams, for his help in securing city contracts.

The indictment claims Nagin received free private jet and limousine services to New York from an unidentified businessman who owned a New Orleans movie theater. Nagin allegedly agreed to waive tax penalties the businessman owed to the city on a delinquent tax bill in 2006.

From several city contractors, Nagin is accused of accepting free travel and vacation expenses for trips to Hawaii, Chicago, Las Vegas and Jamaica while in office.

The allegations aren’t limited to his tenure as mayor. Prosecutors said Nagin accepted monthly payoffs from Fradella totaling $112,250 after he left office.

Aaron Bennett, a businessman awaiting sentencing in a separate bribery case, told The Times-Picayune he introduced Nagin to Fradella specifically to help the mayor get a Home Depot contract for granite installation work for a business Nagin and his sons founded. Fradella’s company received more than $4 million in city contracts for repair work at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport and in the French Quarter after Katrina, the indictment says.

If you haven’t guessed yet, Ray Nagin’s party affiliation is Democrat. This tends to be a continual pattern of double standards in news reporting where; If it is a Republican politician in trouble with the law, his party affiliation will be stated up front and even numerous times within the article. While if it is a Democrat who is charged, there will very often not be any mention of party affiliation, requiring curious readers to do a web search to learn that little factoid.

Or perhaps I am missing something subtle; such as a natural assumption by the MSM that ‘if a politician is corrupt they generally will most likely be a Democrat.’ Therefore they have to let us “low information voters” know when it is actually the rare Republican taking bribes.

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This is also the jackass that sent tens of thousands of his constituents to shelter in the superdome, a facility that would have one flush left in each toilet.

@Buffalobob: I have found that if the Party of the criminal is not mentioned, they are a Dimocrat. It is ALWAYS stated if he is a Republican. Almost never when a Dimocrat, but you can be absolutely 100% sure that the absence of a label means it is a dimocrat.

The same non-racist Nagin, who wanted to rebuild New Orleans as a chocolate city. Did he figure Obama’s racial card would give him the same immunity our president enjoys? Sorry Ray, everyone else goes to prison, except for congressmen and presidents. My advice, learn to sleep on your back, and if you drop something, kick it down the aisle, until you get to your cell.

Another thing the propaganda media does is pick a bad picture when showing a republican, but a good one for democrats.

Heh, here in Texas, Democrats often leave their party affiliation off of their own campaign posters, banners and yard signs.

@ThunderGod: #5
That is funny. You should take pictures of some and send them to Fox News and conservative blogs, like Flopping Aces.

Nagin is being prosecuted by a Obama apointee

And Skookum New Orleans was/is a city with 60%+ African American demographics surprised you didn’t know that


I’m surprised you didn’t know why Skookum referred to Nagin’s wanting to rebuild New Orleans as a “chocolate city” (in a speech of which he later apologized for making that racially supremacist sounding remark):

“We ask black people: it’s time. It’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. And I don’t care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day.

This city will be a majority African-American city. It’s the way God wants it to be. You can’t have New Orleans no other way; it wouldn’t be New Orleans. So before I get into too much more trouble, I’m just going to tell you in my closing conversation with Dr. King, he said, “I never worried about the good people — or the bad people I should say — who were doing all the violence during civil rights time.” He said, “I worried about the good folks that didn’t say anything or didn’t do anything when they knew what they had to do.”

@Ditto: #9
As I have said different times, when liberals speak without a script to follow, they either babble on and say nothing, or they speak the truth. I’m guessing Nagin didn’t have a speech in front of him when he said New Orleans would be a “chocolate city”. He was speaking the truth. He wanted a chocolate New Orleans. I’m guessing that he didn’t realize what he was saying until his people told him.

Basically, he said he didn’t want any non-black people coming back. That means that any non-black people who do come back will be treated differently than black people. He couldn’t have made it any plainer. It’s too bad we can’t find out how many non-blacks didn’t return for that reason. How many non-black businesses didn’t return because Nagin didn’t want them to?

If Nagin would have gotten his wish, and had an all chocolate New Orleans, then it would be a perfect test for Nagin to show how the democrats can make a city great. I would have liked to see a “chocolate” New Orleans to show what happens when a city is run completely by democrats. I guess Detroit, Chicago, and the whole state of California are a good example of what happens when the democrats take control.

Sad… I did not hear any of his “chocolate citizens” criticize this POS in the wake of Katrina…I do hope he gets his ‘just deserts’ of which he is so deserving of…

The same thing was said by NY Governor Como …only difference – “he” doesn’t want ‘Conservatives’ in that state… He out and out said they have ‘no place’ in NY… And he is in the political party that PREACHES TOLERANCE….???? Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder…


Ex-New Orleans mayor convicted of taking bribes

Former News Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, best remembered for his impassioned pleas for help after the levees broke during Hurricane Katrina, was convicted Wednesday of accepting bribes in exchange for helping businessmen secure millions of dollars in city work, including after the devastating storm.

The federal jury found Nagin guilty of 20 of 21 counts against him, involving a string of crimes before and after the storm. He sat quietly at the defense table after the verdict was read and his wife, Seletha, was being consoled in the front row.

And in a pleasant surprise, Yahoo News states the corrupt politician’s party affiliation:

The Democrat, who left office in 2010 after eight years, was indicted in January 2013 on charges he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes — money, free vacation trips and truckloads of free granite for his family business — from businessmen who wanted work from the city or Nagin’s support for various projects.

After Katrina I met quite a few ex-pats from NO.
Not One of them was ever planning on going back!
One large family (black) started a dessert company in Long Beach.
They made pralines, pecan pies, vanilla wafer puddings and other rare treats for that area.
Big success.
Here in Utah, ex-pat black NO natives are also here to stay.
One is a top chef at a restaurant where his specialties are featured monthly.

That jury convicted Nagin.
It was a jury of his peers.

@Nanny G:

It was a jury of his peers.

Whew, I hate to think there are 12 more there like him(peers).

@Ditto: #12
I might have to put Yahoo News in my bookmarks.


I’ve read Yahoo News on numerous occasions, I’m afraid this report is an exception rather than the rule with them.

@Ditto: #16
That doesn’t surprise me. I only read it if another site I go to links to it. Thinks for the info.