Campaigner-In-Chief Obama Missed Five PDB’s Leading Up To Benghazi Attack

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benghazi ghosts

On Sept 12th, 2011, one day after the Benghazi attack that killed 4 Americans including our Ambassador, I wrote a post titled:

Libya Attack Caused By Homemade Movie On 9/11? Give Me A Break

Check it out but as you can tell from the title I didn’t buy the video excuse. I’m not trying to toot my own horn because almost no one brought that excuse. It was so incredibly unbelievable it boggled the mind how Obama and pals thought they could get away with it.

Now, as DrJohn wrote about yesterday, we learn that Obama was told within an hour of the attack that it was a terrorists attacking our consulate.

Austin Bay:

Yet Obama Administration officials continued to peddle the “video did it” canard for almost two weeks after the assault. Why peddle a blatant falsehood? Because “the video did it” narrative advanced a propaganda campaign supporting central Obama re-election political themes. Obama claimed his presidency would dramatically change Arab Muslim perceptions of America. Though he never equated killing Osama bin Laden with defeating al-Qaida, he implied al-Qaida was fading fast. The Benghazi disaster countered these touts. Obama had to leave the American public with the definite impression that the Benghazi assault was spontaneous. Why, that nasty video incited inexplicable anger!

The president calculated carefully. As his spokespeople blamed the video, Obama hedged and fudged by referring to Benghazi as “an act of terror.” His goal was — and still is — rhetorical wiggle room to blunt charges of deceit. However, at least three times during the campaign, Obama refused to call Benghazi an attack by terrorists.

The transcripts leave President Obama and his minions with a lot more deceit to blunt.

It was all about the campaign.

And now we find out exactly what Obama was doing during the week leading up to the 10th anniversary of 9/11. A anniversary that should of had our country at a high level of alertness for a pending attack.

What was our campaigner-in-chief doing?

Campaigning….and while campaigning missing five consecutive Presidential Daily Briefings leading up the attack:

Benghazi Timeline

This is just inexcusable.

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Great points, but we need to find a way to remove him from office before he continues his campaign to fundamentally change America as he sees fit. Because he is succeeding and that will ruin this country.

Impeachment, prove he is not legal, remove him because of all his lies, I don’t care, just get him out of there.

Then, you’d have Joey Biden…we’re effed.

@jim crane:

Then, you’d have Joey Biden

But, I understand he’s been practicing reading from a Teleprompter and actually now makes fewer mistakes per page than Obama does.

and two more on their last day, and probably more from those hidding in there,
those who where sworn to secret, and still are,

@Redteam: Obama’s not going anywhere.
Train your guns on HRC, and for God’s sake, find yourselves an ELECTABLE alternative.

yes I remember that one and what you said,I”LL TRY TO FIND IT AND PUT THE POST IN today’s time,
unless you can bring it faster than me, it would fit right in,

@Richard Wheeler:

Obama’s not going anywhere.

I know that. Too many complicit libs in the congress. I’m gonna guess they’re not going to like the makeup of the congress after next elections.
HRC’s not going to be the candidate, not that many damn fools in the world. (Tho she will have the complicit media backing her, but she’s gonna have a hard time living down ‘what difference does it make’.)
If we can keep the Rove’s and Morris’ out of our business, we might find a good one.

@Richard Wheeler:15 more dead persons can be laid on HRC’s doorstep for BenGhazi:

15 persons in Libya who were attempting to cooperate with the FBI investigation are now dead. Isn’t that convenient?

Does it matter now Mrs. Clinton?



Priorities. Remember, conservatives and Republicans are the real enemies here, as they stand in the way of the liberals’ domestic agenda. What are the lives of four men when it comes to the ambition of remolding a nation?

John Scotus

@Redteam: You are preaching to the choir.
My hope is Dems. will nominate a better candidate but I think not. I will vote Libertarian unless Repubs. nom. a pro human rights, pro animal rights, pro military, protector of our fragile environment.

“our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.”
Albert Einstein

@Richard Wheeler:

nom. a pro human rights, pro animal rights, pro military, protector of our fragile environment.

Interesting, I’ve never known of any Repubs that weren’t for all of those. Pro Human Rights, does that include unborn babies? I’ve never heard of an advocate for mistreating animals. Environment, everyone is for protecting it. Fragile, no way. when it can endure a dose of radiation such as in Japan, huge volcano’s spewing crap into air, then just a few weeks later, all back to where it started. Mother nature is Very Powerful, not fragile. But I’m certainly for protecting the environment. Who do you see as a viable Libertarian?

yes you got it right as usual,
i always like your answers and your SMART comments,

@Redteam: I’m not speaking of an advocate for mistreating animals but rather an ADVOCATE FOR their humane treatment. I assure you the ecological balance here in Cal. is very fragile–it ain’t pretty looking at the smog on the horizon and the polution in our ocean.
I’m personally opposed to abortion (rape and incest exceptions). I don’t feel I have a right to IMPOSE my opposition on a woman. I believe we should educate , promote adoption and make adoption much easier for qualified couples.
Don’t have a clue who is a viable Libertarian candidate. Can you give me a viable Repub. I promise I’ll check him/her out.

@Richard Wheeler:

I’m not speaking of an advocate for mistreating animals but rather an ADVOCATE FOR their humane treatment. I assure you the ecological balance here in Cal. is very fragile

You don’t like that multi-colored halo the smog gives you around the moon? Just kidding. I’ve seen the smog in Ca. As I said, I’m certainly for a clean environment, but such things as the ‘global warming’ crap is outrageous. I’ve personally been in a manufacturing plant (the Manager) when we got an environmental rule we had to implement, that seemed too strenuous and rigid. We did it. Easier than we thought and it resulted in fuel savings. But not all environmental rules are that reasonable. some are to just make money for some (a la Al Gore). Reasonableness should be a requirement. Most people are for the humane treatment of animals. I don’t hunt. Couldn’t shoot a deer for sport. Might be Bambi’s mom.
Feel about the same on abortion as you. (I think the woman’s situation should be considered strongly) If she really doesn’t want to be in that situation, she should be able to terminate up to about 3 months.

Don’t have a clue who is a viable Libertarian candidate. Can you give me a viable Repub.


It was so incredibly unbelievable it boggled the mind how Obama and pals thought they could get away with it.

The democrats are so used to having the propaganda media go along with whatever they say or do, it was automatic for them to believe the propaganda media would go along with them on Benghazi. If it weren’t for Fox News and conservative blogs, they could have covered the story up like they wanted to.

Since obama is just a marionette, it is possible he didn’t know anything about the problems with the consulate ahead of the attack. His puppeteers only tell him what they want him to know.

@Richard Wheeler: You might also mention finding a way to counter a fully-left wing media that supports any left wing candidate, covers their mistakes and attacks the right and a way to counter the now routine use of the IRS to attack conservative campaign groups. Romney was very electable and missed by a small margin; one small enough to be able to suspect he might actually have won but for the above issues and this administration lying about unemployment figures.

@Redteam: “Does it matter now Mrs. Clinton?” No. Not to her.

@Richard Wheeler: Who are the Republican ANTI-human rights/animal rights (?)/military/environmental candidates?

@Bill Burris: As I said, I’m looking for a candidate that is an ADVOCATE FOR human rights,animal rights,environmental protection and a strong military. Party doesn’t matter. Any names?

@Richard Wheeler:

ADVOCATE FOR human rights,

Does anyone have any idea what that means? I have to wonder if there are any humans, in the US, that doesn’t have Human Rights? (other than unborn babies)

he must be talking about the human right of the WHITES citizens,
being trip by the young gang of BLACKS, playing a dangerous game,
to make them fall down, NOT BEING ARRESTED FOR THOSE ATTACK repeated many times,

@Bill Burris: #18

Romney was very electable and missed by a small margin; one small enough to be able to suspect he might actually have won but for the above issues and this administration lying about unemployment figures.

Let’s not forget about the sates that allowed illegals to vote, and let people vote more than one time, and we can’t forget about the voting machines that changed a vote for Romney to a vote for obama.