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it remind me of what i heard at FOX today about WALLMART,
their insurance are shown to be very competitive compare to

@Redteam: Whoa RT You won’t find me defending what happened in Watts ugly. Are you defending the disgrace in Little Rock? Basically peaceful protesters you say–could have been hired by the unions?? C’mon who believes that? MIGHT NOT HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN SEGREGATIONISTS–sure.
You got over 1000 ADULTS screaming insults at 9 KIDS—hard to defend RT
BTW Wallace won both Ga. and La. in 68–that’s why I asked. I voted for Nixon in 68-would have voted for Kennedy in 60 if i’d been old enough.



As I referred to above, most demonstrations and agitations are caused by ‘outsiders’ that have been hired to create a disturbance so the someone gets financially rewarded. In this case, Union thugs, in the case of Central High School, imported outside agitators. It’s the tried and proven tactics of the Dimocrat party to insure more political payoffs.

good that we have the REPUBLICANS TO CLEAN THEIR SHIT,

@Richard Wheeler:

Whoa RT You won’t find me defending what happened in Watts ugly. Are you defending the disgrace in Little Rock?

So, it depends on who’s ox is being gored? You and Tom were using Little Rock as an ‘example’ of the racism in the South, I just pointed out that Watts was a whole lot bigger racial deal and it sure didn’t happen in the South. (well, South Cal, but that’s all part of the left coast, not the south) So when you want to point out racism, why not look in your back yard instead of all the way across the country?
I sure don’t defend the way the Federal government handled the Little Rock deal. Had they provided Federal security when originally asked, the whole thing would have been a non event. The school board had submitted their plan for compliance to the Supreme court and they ruled that the plan was in compliance with the Law. The school board then requested security assistance from the Fed gov and was denied it. The guard was sent there to maintain order. , so which part of that am I supposed to defend or not defend?

@ilovebeeswarzone: There’s been similar talk before. Usually by the Army.lol Never happen.
“union thugs” sure get blamed for alot around here.

RT Enjoyed your story in #148
# 156 You seem to be defending the 1000+ adult protestors yelling at 9 kids legally going to school. Tell me I’m wrong and we’ll be on same page.

Richard Wheeler
we”ll send them packing before it”s happpen,
that is the civilian sitting at the WHITE HOUSE,

@Richard Wheeler:

# 156 You seem to be defending the 1000+ adult protestors yelling at 9 kids legally going to school. Tell me I’m wrong and we’ll be on same page.

I guess you’re referring to 145,
in 145 I said:

You have a problem with people demonstrating over causes they believe in? Ever hear of the 2nd amendment, Freedom of Speech?

Is that what you’re referring to?
If so, my question would be: If those people wanted to have a lawful demonstration, don’t they have that right? While what they said might be in bad taste, it’s not in my nature to suspend the constitution because someone doesn’t like one particular message. All legal messages deserve equal protection. It’s not a demonstration I would have participated in.

@Redteam: 2nd Amendment Freedom of Speech??

@Richard Wheeler:

@Redteam: 2nd Amendment Freedom of Speech??

kinda depends on what you’re talking with, doesn’t it. You knew what I was asking, why did you avoid answering it. Everyone can make mistakes as in your comment 156 asking me about my 156.

@Redteam: Honestly, a strong Constitutionalist like you. Surprised you would confuse the 1st and 2nd amendments.
Free speech You good with all of Al, Jesse’s and Malcolm’ s demonstrations?
Adults spewing racial epitaphs at scared kids—cowardly

@Richard Wheeler:

Free speech You good with all of Al, Jesse’s and Malcolm’ s demonstrations?

Absolutely, my support of constitutional rights are not conditional on who the speaker is. If it’s legal speech, go for it.

2nd amendment provides for freedom of speech with a gun.

Adults spewing racial epitaphs at scared kids—cowardly

What about the black young people and their ‘knockout’ attacks on elderly white people? Would that also fit into your cowardly classification?

How was it you put that? Women are more likely to keep their knickers on than men are. You know some men that wear knickers, do you?

@Redteam: Lotta cowards out there R.T. Need more heros like those Little Rock kids,
Understand alot of Englishmen wear knickers. Don’t personally know any.

@Richard Wheeler:

Need more heros

apparently your definition and mine, of hero, is different.


“racist California”

I spoke of my funemployment. During sequestration they cut the English hours to reach funemployment operators to 8am – noon. But when you called, no operators were available, and then after a few minutes wait and a total waste of syllables, an automated speech says the lines are full. Please call back.

I called many times during the four hour period. I made it a hobby over days.

Then I found this nugget on the web and it worked perfectly.

This is for EDD in California…

How to get through to a live EDD rep on the Vietnamese language line…

wait for message to pause, then press 6
wait for message to start, then press 7
wait for message to start … then press 3
wait for message to start…enter SSN
wait for message to start…press 1
will hear music while waiting to speak to a rep

You will probably get through on the first or second try. Note: You must wait for the automated message to begin before pressing a number (though you do not have to listen to entire message before pressing the number…).

When you reach an individual (who will speak English) …

But to no avail. Once the operator hears you speak English, they tell you they can’t help you.

If you ask if they have calls in their queue, click – they hang up. Then if you call back, you are immedietly patched through. However, they hang up on you again and again.

Same person, no obvious queue and I got hung up on multiple times. That’s my experience.


@mossomo: You got time on your hands. lol When a telemarketer finds me–I ask for his home # and at what hour he has dinner. I promise I’ll call him then.
Often I’ll ask “Kevin” ” how’s the weather in Mumbai.”

My wife doesn’t find this too amusing. Maybe cus she’s from Bolivia?

@Richard Wheeler: Would JFK still be liberating women’s knickers, if he were alive today?

Ans. Yes, but not as quickly or as often.

@Skookum: He’d be 97 and still liberating women’s knickers. Will you confirm for RT that men wear knickers–surely no one you know.
Semper Fi Skooks

@Richard Wheeler: JFK was a late bloomer.

@Richard Wheeler:

Will you confirm for RT that men wear knickers–surely no one you know.

RW, you can keep that info between you and Skookum, it’s not something I need to know. I stay away from that community.