The President and his toady MSM continue to claim ignorance, that Obama was unaware of the various scandals of his administration as the following article discusses:
Blindsided’ President: Obama’s Loose Grip on the Reins of State
In fact, it seems as if Obama has been practicing a technique of systematic denial of responsibility, claiming that as each new story of his administration’s incompetence breaks, he himself is only learning of it the same way we are – through the news.
This indites him, at the least, of poor leadership. At worst, it suggests criminal dishonesty.
His technique goes at least as far back as the 2012 scandal of “Project Fast and Furious,” when the government sold traceable weapons which were later used to kill Americans. The administration claimed that Obama learned of this botched, unethical program through the media.
The indication is much worse than the article infers; IF we are to believe what the President claims is true, that he has been kept in the dark and uninformed, the only logical conclusion is that the President is a figurehead and has abdicated the majority of the powers and responsibilities of his office to others. As with much with this administration, this is unconstitutional. it is also a criminal dereliction of duty. IF the President is unable to fulfill the duties, responsibilities and powers of his office, though incompetence or laziness, he must resign, and the Vice President advances to become the President. The Constitution gives no authority to the President to authorize a surrogate such as Valerie Jarrett to assume the powers, duties and responsibilities of the office. The only other option is for the President to fire each and every aid, Secretary or official who has not kept him informed. If Obama only wants to be a celebrity, he should resign his office to pursue that lifestyle, and leave the governing to those for whom the “buck will stop.”
(emphasis added)
Well, there it is.
But Tom, how can he resign when he has so much left to accomplish!
@Dink Newcomb:
LOL. C’mon, Dirk. I heard way back in 2008 how the economy was going to get worse (somehow). and how our guns were going to be taken away by the new black panthers. And a million other things that didn’t happen (or the opposite did). So you have that, and you have Obamacare as a bonus. Just think how many people will live because of that, and you – as a passionate, engaged member of the electorate – deserve some of that credit.
I meant “he has so much left to accomplish” as in “since he has accomplished so little in 5 years”.
AND, in a non-partisan observation, I would say that the case FOR Obamacare saving anyone looking pretty bad at the moment.
So how is it that Obama says he heard about Fast & Furious in the press, yet extends executive privilege to Holder in the same case? There seems to be some kind of conflict there, but I am sure some progressive has an explanation… right?
How does Obama find so much time to watch TV?
First of all many scandals were only covered by blogs and Fox news. so is this an admission he watches Fox News?
Obama is on a pace to play more golf than Ike did.
And that’s not counting all the basketball he played before he got his lip split open.
Obama’s time (at work) is spent- not in the Oval office but – in a small office with a big screen TV and an overstuffed armchair where he limits briefings to 5 minutes or less.
He goes very casual, even wears flip flops!
Even his life-and-death drone strikes were based on info filling a playing card sized data bit.
Shortly after obama got elected the first time I figured out that he is just a marionette with many strings attached to him that are pulled buy many puppeteers. He is only told what he needs to be told. I don’t think he even reads most of his speeches before he READS them from the TOTUS.
He has that same computer voice he had from the beginning, with very little emotion involved in his readings. If he rehearses his speeches, wouldn’t he have known he was reading the prime minister of Ireland’s speech instead of his? He even thanked himself for being there, and still finished the speech. He had to be told it was the prime minister’s speech.
It really wouldn’t surprise me if he finds out about the stuff going on from the media.