Memento: The story of liberals who can’t seem to learn from reality…

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If you’ve never seen the movie Memento, I would highly recommend it… The main character, Leonard, is suffering from anterograde amnesia – the inability to create new memories – the result of a violent attack. Unable to create new memories, Leonard uses tattoos and notes to help him find the person he believes is responsible for the last thing he does remember, his wife’s murder. Throughout the movie we see Leonard writing himself notes and getting new tattoos to help him take the next step in his pursuit of the culprit. By the end of the movie Leonard finds and kills “John G” the man he believes is responsible for his wife’s murder. Or at least he thinks he has, and something we discover he’s apparently done before. At the end of the movie the viewer discovers that despite Leonard’s “system” there really is no correlation between his actions and reality. Even those memories he can recall are suspect. In a nutshell, Leonard is lost in a world where reality simply doesn’t exist. Friends and foes are interchangeable and he knows what he knows only because he reads it in his own handwriting. Actions have no consequences because lessons are never learned.

One has to wonder, is to exist in such a world really living? Think about all of the things you know, from when you first learned the fact that a hissing radiator is probably hot to the realization that not everything everyone tells you is true, most of us never stop learning. It’s how we grow, it’s how we discover what works in the world – and what doesn’t – in the pursuit of solving problems, finding pleasure and virtually everything in between. Without learning we don’t grow and are destined to face an endless cycle of reliving the same exact problems day after day.

Such is the world that liberals have created for themselves… and increasingly have imprisoned the rest of us in. They seem to be unable to make new memories. They seem to be stuck in a universe where reality is disconnected from what actually goes on in the world and they believe what they believe only because they read it in their own handwriting… or in this case the typed letters of the New York Times or the spoken word on MSNBC. Reality simply doesn’t intrude on their universe.

From the trope that throwing money is the solution to America’s education mess to the mantra that more government regulation is the solution to all problems, liberals never seem to learn. One can only look at the performance of American schools and know that money and performance do not move in tandem. What liberals don’t learn is what actually works and what doesn’t. The examples are legion. From the fact that tax cuts actually spur economic growth to the folly that massive government spending can spur an economy to the notion that “You can keep your health insurance”, liberals fail to look at what is going on right in front of them. Or maybe fail to look is the wrong characterization… maybe fail to recognize is more accurate. It’s like when you look at one of those optical illusions with the old lady and the young girl. Depending on what you focus on, you see something different. Liberals look at the economic juggernaut of Ronald Reagan and focus on his tax cuts “for the rich” yet somehow fail to see that 15 million private sector jobs were created under his watch and GDP was booming. That’s 15 million families with a paycheck rather than depending on the government for support and hundreds of billions of dollars in American’s pockets. Conversely they laud Barack Obama because of his concern for the poor and minorities while his policies have resulted in record levels of poverty and massive numbers of people simply leaving the workforce because they can’t find jobs, with minorities hit the hardest.

One has to wonder how is it that liberals consistently fail to learn from the stark failures that are in front of them and have been recurring for decades. Whether it’s the collapse of urban America under generations of Democrat rule to the inverse relationship between government regulation and economic growth, one has to wonder if, perhaps there is not some widespread mental problem there. One can certainly choose to support economic policies that put “fairness” above economic growth, but to proffer the notion that higher taxes, increased government spending and more regulation is good for the economic well being of the nation is to simply ignore the history of the last 40 years. To have watched as government regulation of the housing industry brought the meltdown of the economy and then somehow choose to double down on that very regulation suggests that a portion of America’s liberal’s brains have simply atrophied to the point where they simply no longer process the learning of new material. They find themselves stuck reading the same notes they wrote to themselves decades ago such as “fairness”, “more government regulation”, “higher taxes” and of course the ubiquitous target of everything liberal: “the evil capitalists”. Like Leonard in Mememto, who blindly follows his notes and ends up killing an uncounted number of John Gs, liberals in America follow their notes (or teleprompters) and kill jobs, opportunity, prosperity and perhaps eventually the American Dream itself. One can only hope that at some point they misplace the notes and forget where they’ve put them.

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Great article.

I personally think the entire blame is a product of the government takeover of our eduction system. The children that are products of this brainwashing appear not to be able to recognize the truth when they see it. We have lost an entire generation to this stupidity, and it’s going to take serious economic failure for everyone (like the great depression or Jimmy Carter’s malaise) for them to wake up to the root causes of economic failure.

I fear for the my grandchildren because it is going to be very difficult for them to succeed through hard work as I was able to being reared in the late 40’s to late 50’s. Almost everyone I knew at that time was reared in similar situations, yet we learned that hard work and honesty really did pay.

We need for government to get out of the way and let economic growth happen.

I can’t get past the thought that liberals merely make a show of caring about this or that problem/issue/program when the reality is they simply are using that hot-button-talking-point as a way to hire more of their own buddies and consolidate more power and money.
No wonder nothing ever gets done.
If it did, where would be the excuse to take more money away from everyone else?
A few years back a pundit opined that, because they soon leave office, liberals only ”plan” for getting through their own term.
I don’t know if that’s true.
Dems wouldn’t even have ever passed a budget had it not been for Christmas.
Now, they plan on coming back and undoing everything they just passed!
They don’t even plan for an entire term, just until next days off!

Liberals look at the economic juggernaut of Ronald Reagan and focus on his tax cuts “for the rich” yet somehow fail to see that 15 million private sector jobs were created under his watch and GDP was booming.

I’d say there’s plenty of “failure to see” from the right as well. Aside from the manipulated splashed on paint job of the Reagan years, Democratic presidents in the past 60 years have out performed Republican presidents on job growth by nearly 2 to 1. Opps, I guess Vince “failed to see” that?

And as far as GDP growth, let’s review some numbers.

1948-1952 (Harry S. Truman, Democrat), +4.82%
1953-1960 (Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican), +3%
1961-1964 (John F. Kennedy / Lyndon B. Johnson, Democrat), +4.65%
1965-1968 (Lyndon B. Johnson, Democrat), +5.05%
1969-1972 (Richard Nixon, Republican), +3%
1973-1976 (Richard Nixon / Gerald Ford, Republican), +2.6%
1977-1980 (Jimmy Carter, Democrat), +3.25%
1981-1988 (Ronald Reagan, Republican), 3.4%
1989-1992 (George H. W. Bush, Republican), 2.17%
1993-2000 (Bill Clinton, Democrat), 3.88%
2001-2008 (George W. Bush, Republican), +2.09%

Granted, Obama’s GDP record sucked at .8% but Vince seems “to be stuck in a universe where reality is disconnected from what actually goes on in the world” by trying to make some apples to oranges comparison to the economic conditions left to Reagan verses the economic conditions left to Obama by his Republican predecessor. And that doesn’t include the long list of obstructions and admitted economic sabotaging of the GOP to unseat Obama, let alone their unprecedented austerity demands.

I would ritually invoke “Cloward-Piven” and the fact that the Leftists-in-charge WANT to collapse the economy so that they can consolidate all power and wealth for themselves. Some of them might actually believe that a beautiful utopian socialist phoenix might arise magically from the ashes while others might only want a “Hunger Games” future where the 99% shivers and starves in the “districts” while they live it up in the Imperial City.

But that does not begin to explain the numbers. Depending on how many people consider themselves “liberal” I wonder how many of them have thought things through and realized the vast majority of them will not be among the favored few on top of the heap when the old order is destroyed. In his seminal work “Liberal Fascism” Jonah Goldberg observed how very few liberals actually know where and how their guiding beliefs came from. It’s usually just a set of rote attitudes and catchphrases that they imbibed from their families or in skool.

It’s really only now, what with Obamacare beginning to bite the individual insurance market and all holy hell about to unleash on the employer insurance market next year that the Beautiful People are really starting to feel the bite on their own personal backsides. It’s just possible that pure fear and self-preservation may overcome airy-fairy sentiment and bring down the Liberal Edifice.

We shall see.

@Doramin: I don’t get it. Stock market at ALL TIME HIGH–Real Estate markets up double digits last 2 years–some markets have set or approached all time highs. Unemployment at 5 year low. Inflation at 2-3%—–Happy New Year to all at FA.
Be HEALTHY Semper Fi

Seriously, Dude.

This administration’s employment and economy numbers are about as trustworthy as those of China’s.
Unemployment is officially down because so many people have given up looking for work and have been dropped from the “unemployment” rolls. Look up “U-6”.
As for Wall Street, it is now completely disconnected from the Earth. Stocks AND real estate are being artificially pumped up by Bernanke-bucks. We are spending half again as much as “we” take in. One way or another, this party will end.

@bwax: “Great article. I personally think the entire blame is a product of the government takeover of our eduction system.”

Really? Hmm, wonder what “eduction system” you were in? LOL!! Oh, you gotta love wingnuts. They just step in it so easily.

[Liberals] laud Barack Obama because of his concern for the poor and minorities while his policies have resulted in record levels of poverty and massive numbers of people simply leaving the workforce because they can’t find jobs, with minorities hit the hardest.

The leftist-leaning Mother Jones had an article about this just last week.

Charts: The Worst Long-Term Unemployment Crisis Since the Depression

One chart shows:

African-Americans and the poor make up 23 percent and 34 percent of the ranks of the long-term unemployed, respectively.

They conclude,

[C]ontinuing long-term unemployment isn’t just borne by the jobless and their families. It’s dragging down the entire economy—to the tune of $1 trillion a year.

A point added through a link about long-term unemployment shows that Obama has morphed historically cyclical unemployment into structural unemployment, a first in American history.
When we left So Cal we saw the last of those huge tent cities under so many of the freeway bridges and Los Angeles River overpasses.
But the media loves Obama so much there is no coverage.
As far as they are concerned there is no homeless issue under Obama!
Some poor guy froze to death trying to sleep outside overnight in Salt Lake City…..why he did it is unknown….the state has people who go around and pick up people to shelter them on winter nights. He literally had to evade some of them.
The last photo of this issue was in 2009 just a few days after Obama took office.
So happened a gunman shot 5 homeless people under the 405 freeway overpass and police were investigating. The encampment was ten times bigger by the time we moved away, but no coverage by Obama’s liberal media.

Vince, this “GOP presidents left holding of the bag” argument defies reality and history. Can you honestly claim that high interest rates of the late 70s were a product of the Carter Admin? Of course not and I’ve yet to find a constructive argument that validates that. Can you deny the 23 million job creation of the Clinton years and the economic downturn of GWB’s? Can you claim that Obama didn’t walk into an economic nightmare?

The very foundation you build your argument on, “reality”, is indeed fictional and defies history regardless of how you spin it and who’s opinion you find on the vast Internet.

I challenge you to read “Bulls, Bears, and The Ballot Box” by Bob Deitrick, co-owner of Polaris Financial Partners with 30 years as a financial planning professional and Lew Goldfarb, a CPA, attorney, and professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Law.

The book addresses a study of 1929 to 2009 from Hoover to GWB which were exactly divided — 40 years under Rs and 40 under Ds. The best overall economic performance was 1st place to John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, Clinton 2nd, FDR 3rd, DDE 4th, Truman 5th, Reagan 6th, No. 2 was Bill Clinton, FDR 3rd, DDI 4th, Truman 5th, Reagan 6th, and way down the scale GWB nudged Hoover out for 2nd place.

Of course, I’m not saying Deitrick and Goldfarb’s assessments in some parts can’t be argued but by and large, they’re consistent with history and the economic “reality”. Historically, Dems have always had an electorate edge on the economy while Reps held an advantage on military (although I’m not sure dub didn’t screw that up).

@Ronald J. Ward:
Both Obama and Carter inherited recessions.
It was their policy decisions that lengthened them instead of ending them.
Who else knows the rule that if you reward an activity, you get more of it?

Carter more than doubled our federal deficits, the deficit for the fiscal year 1979 totaled $27.7 billion, and then for 1980 it was nearly $59 billion.
Only late in his term did Carter allow more domestic energy production, instead he encouraged people to wear sweaters in their cold homes and ride bikes in the snow.
We had ”odd/even” gasoline rationing, too.
Literally the price of everything went up between one weekly shopping trip and the next!
Made budgeting very hard.
How long would the Iranian hostage crisis have lasted had Carter stayed in office?
We do know the Ayatollah freed all our hostages during Ronald Reagan’s Inauguration!

Now, what about Obama?
Obama took a ”safety net” program of unemployment insurance and turned it into a hammock!
In 99+ weeks you can really get out of all your good work habits.
Dems in Obama’s camp wanted to go on Christmas break so they passed (and Obama signed) an end to those extensive subsidies.
But Dems are now vowing re-introducing unemployment extensions will be their 1st order of busness when they come back to their jobs.
Obama out up billboards and made cold calls to people to encourage them to all get Food Stamps (SNAP) so, again, instead of a ”safety net,” with only a few really impoverished people being helped over 47 MILLION people are collecting Food Stamps!
Obama promised the 30 million who were uninsured that they would be getting FREE medical coverage.
So, what % of the 1.1 million who put a policy in their shopping carts are payers and what % are laying in their hammocks?
I had read that in some states it was 80% on the dole VS only 20% planning to pay!
Our unemployment numbers ”look good” on paper only because of changes to the way the numbers are arrived at.
Before the 2012 election big states like CA simply ”forgot” to get their numbers in on time to help Obama look better.
Obama’s policies have been very hard on employment.
More people are only part-time because of Obama’s policies.
A plan Obama is supposedly working on to equalize wages of workers VS owners is doomed to fail on many fronts.
Raising the minimum wage will only cause more unemployment.
A new law forcing business owners to compare their yearly income to that of their lowest paid worker is unworkable as well as it is incomparable because of the reality of their two types of jobs.
Inflation news is also jury-rigged by Obama.
All our regular purchases are omitted….foods, energy.
Things we only buy rarely are what the publicized rates are based on.

But if you love the guy because he makes you feel all smart and validated, go ahead.
Just recognize that according to Obama anyone can get an A for effort.
Just as turning off all your lights during ”Earth Hour,” costs MORE energy than not, the ”logic” of Obama supporters is that know that they are smart because they support a smart man and Obama knows he is smart because so many smart people support him.
Circular thinking is not correct thinking.
Turn off your lights come March 29th, 2014.
Don’t forget.

@Nanny G: Nanny, I’m not going to engage in your off topic attacks on Obama over unemployment or minimum wage hikes because for one, I’ve already expressed my views on other threads and I’m sure they’ll be future opportunities. For another reason, when the thread’s main argument is brought into question, the playbook strategy here seems to be to stray from that argument. So unless your arguments validate Vince’s claims of such things as “liberal’s stark failures that are in front of them and have been recurring for decades”, I see no reason to play along.

Yes, Carter’s problems really focused around the seizure of hostages of the U. S. embassy staff in Iran. This dominated the news but doesn’t represent his entire presidency. Even though he stepped into record unemployment, outrages interest rates, and a similar oil gouging that’s going on now, by the end of his term he was able to claim an increase of nearly eight million jobs and a decrease in the budget deficit. This is just another example of Democrats cleaning up Republican failures.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Even though he stepped into record unemployment,

When Carter entered office, the unemployment rate was 6.4%. When he left office, it was 8.6%. He didn’t clean up any thing. His presidency was, until the advent of Obama, the worst in our history. He also signed the Community Reinvestment Act into law, a law that would be put on steroids by Bubba Clinton and cause the crash of the housing industry, a crash many had predicted when Clinton decided that owning your own home in spite of lousy credit and no money, was one of those “human” rights we are all entitled to.

If it wasn’t for revisionist history, you wouldn’t know any.


Revisiting history is fine Retire05 but you once again defeat your argument by rewriting it. It looks like you stretched your numbers on both sides as per the U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Carter started at 7.5 and ended at 7.5, zero change. But let’s look into the history of presidents.

Jan 1949 -Jan 1953 start= 4.3 End= 2.9 Change= -1.4 Truman Democrat
Jan 1953- Jan 1957 2.9 4.2 +1.3 Eisenhower I Republican
Jan 1957 -Jan 1961 4.2 6.6 +2.4 Eisenhower II Republican
Jan 1961 -Jan 1965 6.6 4.9 -1.7 JFK/Johnson Democrat
Jan 1965- Jan 1969 4.9 3.4 -1.5 Johnson Democrat
Jan 1969 -Jan 1973 3.4 4.9 +1.5 Nixon Republican
Jan 1973 -Jan 1977 4.9 7.5 +2.6 Nixon/Ford Republican
Jan 1977- Jan 1981 7.5 7.5 0.0 Carter Democrat
Jan 1981 -Jan 1985 7.5 7.3 -0.2 Reagan I Republican
Jan 1985 -Jan 1989 7.3 5.4 -1.9 Reagan II Republican
Jan 1989- Jan 1993 5.4 7.3 +1.9 Bush, GHW Republican
Jan 1993 -Jan 1997 7.3 5.3 -2.0 Clinton I Democrat
Jan 1997- Jan 2001 5.3 4.2 -1.1 Clinton II Democrat
Jan 2001- Jan 2005 4.2 5.2 +1.0 Bush, GW I Republican
Jan 2005 -Aug 2008 5.2 6.1 +0.9 Bush, GW II Republican

That’s 80 years of 13 president, 7 Republicans and 6 Democrats. 6 of the 7 Rs increased unemployment while in office while all 6 Ds either lowered it or stayed the same.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Rs increased unemployment while in office while all 6 Ds either lowered it or stayed the same.

But wait, haven’t we been told that the reason for the high unemployment rate for the last five years is due to the administration of the previous 8 years? So which is it? Were those presidents responsible for the unemployment rates during their administration, which makes Obama responsible for the unemployment rates under his administration, or not?

@retire05: The last 5 years are indeed an exception as we’ve never in history seen such obstruction from the opposition party, intentionally sabotaging the economy with an outright admission to unseat or undermine the sitting President.

I would say “nice try” but actually that was pretty lame, exhibiting a hint of desperation. You maybe should have quit with your bogus Carter employment numbers.

@Ronald J. Ward:

The last 5 years are indeed an exception as we’ve never in history seen such obstruction from the opposition party, intentionally sabotaging the economy with an outright admission to unseat or undermine the sitting President.

Nice attempt at spin, RJW. But you seem to have forgotten the absolute blocking of the Bush administration by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. You also seem to have forgotten the administration of FDR, where he never did manage to bring the economy back until we went to war, and even then, he failed on the economy.

I have to give you progressives credit; you always have some b/s answer.

@Ronald J. Ward, #17:

I’m afraid I must agree with your assessment: Obama has had to contend with the most disloyal opposition in the history of the United States of America.

@Richard Wheeler:From the article:

suggests that a portion of America’s liberal’s brains have simply atrophied to the point where they simply no longer process the learning of new material.

Unfortunately the conservatives have just not realized that we are dealing with mentally retarded people. We communicate with them, at times, as if we actually expect them to understand what is said. Dealing with atrophied brains is basically something we need to learn to accommodate.

I don’t get it. Stock market at ALL TIME HIGH–Real Estate markets up double digits last 2 years–some markets have set or approached all time highs. Unemployment at 5 year low. Inflation at 2-3%

As you well know, because it’s been explained to you several times, the stock market is not an indicator of good times, it’s an indicator of investments because there is no other place to put money to make money. Real estate markets are still in total collapse in most parts of the country.
Real unemployment (including the 9 million that have left the labor market because there are no jobs) is at a decades long high. Inflation is not 2-3%, Colas were 1.5 this year.
That is the sort of thing you would recognize if it were not for the very problem this article was about. Dims never learn.


exhibiting a hint of desperation

The only [hint of] desperation I see lately is Democrats running from Obamascare as the 2014 elections get closer.

There was a seismic shift in this nation this year, RJW, but I doubt you are smart enough to recognize it.


has had to contend with the most disloyal opposition

Where are the rules written that the opposition has to go down with the ship? That’s the captain’s job.

@Ronald J. Ward:

1948-1952 (Harry S. Truman, Democrat), +4.82%

RJW, I’m reasonably sure that HST’s term ran from 1945-52. Have you been checked for this brain atrophy problem?

@Ronald J. Ward:

Can you honestly claim that high interest rates of the late 70s were a product of the Carter Admin?

You are proving the content of the article, brain atrophy.


I have ordered stops on all my stocks. And I am looking at doing something else (gold, maybe, but only in increments where it is not a reported purchase). Take a look at the DJIA history. It is scary. With the DJIA hitting 16,500, this is a market that I don’t trust. Increases this rapid are not a good sign.

Real estate markets are still in total collapse in most parts of the country.

You have to remember where RW lives; California. The housing market collapse saw values decrease by as much as 60%. So let’s do the math; if a house in California sold for $100K, then lost 60% of its value, it was then worth $40K. Even at double digit increases (10-99%) those houses are still values at less than the previous market prior to the housing bust. That same house, at a 90% increase in value would not be selling for $76K, still $34K less than it was in 2007. (the $100K example is just for math purposes)

But housing in California was always OVER valued. And it was doomed to fail. Read Dr. Sowell’s book Housing Boom and Bust to understand why and why Texas, and other states, did not see that crash.

The unemployment numbers are bogus. i.e. In June, 2013, the BLS listed a civilian labor force of 155,835,000 for an unemployment rate of 7.6%. By November, 2013, we had lost 541,000 from the labor force, over 1/2 million workers, yet the unemployment rate is reported to have dropped to 7.0%. Bogus. And people like RW and RJW just continue to buy into the spin.


@Redteam: Yes Redteam, HST succeeded the Presidency in 1945 when Roosevelt died in office. He was then elected in 48 and served 4 years.

How your pointing out of a minute glitch changes the argument is unclear.

@ #24,

Can you honestly claim that high interest rates of the late 70s were a product of the Carter Admin?

You are proving the content of the article, brain atrophy.

Aside from the childish and unprovoked insults, had my statement been incorrect, it would seem you could invalidate it with something of substance rather than assuming your “say so” has merit in a political argument.

@Redteam: Stock market—VERY good times for all that own stocks.” RE mkts in total collapse in most parts of the country.” Untrue. “Colas at 1.5%” even better than historically low ROI–thanks for confirm.
2014 elections approaching. Your Senate prediction noted vs mine—We’ll see.
05– Are your orders stop loss or stop limit?

RJW Tag team of RT /05 love to hurl insults.Too much time reading Cloward/Piven?
Happy New Year to all.
Aqua Good luck Noles!–Auburn should put up a hell of a fight. Did you see A&M/Duke? WOW

@Ronald J. Ward:

How your pointing out of a minute glitch changes the argument is unclear.

Because excluding what the economy did from 45-49 just after the war ended and the whole world lost their jobs might influence the numbers a little bit.

While you’re at it, look at FDR’s numbers from 33 til the war started and see what a total failure as president can do without starting a war to get employment up.

@Richard Wheeler: Did you have to read every book 3 times, in college, to figure out what it meant? Did you have to re’take your classes several times for it to soak in? I hope you didn’t have this atrophied brain syndrome back then, but it must have been starting. But, I’ll repeat it once again for you. The stock market is only doing well because a lot of money is being printed and it has to be invested somewhere and the ONLY place is the market, nothing else is making money. (just copy that and paste it the number of times you have to read it before you can understand it)

“Colas at 1.5%” even better than historically low ROI–thanks for confirm.

Sorry, that doesn’t work. COLA’s for last 20 years is 2.3, but 3 of O’s years have been 0.

RJW Tag team of RT /05 love to hurl insults.Too much time reading Cloward/Piven?/

I’ve never read anything by those two except as quoted by others.

Aqua Good luck Noles!–Auburn should put up a hell of a fight. Did you see A&M/Duke? WOW

Duke scored 7 against FSU and 48 against A&M, so let’s see a prediction of how many Auburn scores.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Can you honestly claim that high interest rates of the late 70s were a product of the Carter Admin?

You are proving the content of the article, brain atrophy.

Aside from the childish and unprovoked insults, had my statement been incorrect, it would seem you could invalidate it with something of substance rather than assuming your “say so” has merit in a political argument.

Well, Reagan didn’t take office til ’81, so it sure wasn’t his fault.


RJW Tag team of RT /05 love to hurl insults.Too much time reading Cloward/Piven?/

I’ve never read anything by those two except as quoted by others.

You should. You should also read Saul Alinsky, Marx, Lenin, the Frankfurt Marxists, the Fabian Socialist and most of the current crop of the members of the Democrat Progressive Caucus. It is best to know what your enemy is thinking. Just remember the concept behind “Rommel, you magnificent bastard. I read your book.”


You should also read Saul Alinsky, Marx, Lenin, the Frankfurt Marxists, the Fabian Socialist

Actually, I’ve read Alinsky, Marx and Lenin.

most of the current crop of the members of the Democrat Progressive Caucus.

I can only tolerate so much nausea in a day. (I’m a little afraid that it might start brain atrophy)

@Redteam: FSU has great defense–A@M had none till 2 key intercepts late 4th quarter, Johnny Football incredible once again.
Auburn will move the ball on the ground against FSU. Noles strong air and ground. Two great coaches.
FSU 38 Auburn 34–another great game.

@Richard Wheeler: Basically I agree, but add a little on FSU and their great defense should hold auburn to 28 So maybe 42-28
Auburn only scored 21 against LSU defense that is not as good as it was 2 years ago. (but then the Auburn QB is a little older now than he was 2 months ago) I’m saying here that Auburn is a better team than they were against LSU. What about Alabama-OU? I see a minor blowout in that game. Maybe 42-21

@Redteam: Great win for LSU over Iowa. MSU over Stanford was no surprise. Agree Tide big over Sooners. Mizzou over Ok. State and OSU over Clemson.
Look forward to play off system next year.With Colson back at QB Irish should finish in top 5.

@Richard Wheeler:

OSU over Clemson.

Don’t think so.

With Colson back at QB Irish should finish in top 5

Never happen. Even with the fact that ND is always over-rated, they have at least 4 games they will likely lose next year. Stanford, NC, Louisville, ASU, FSU, USC and maybe Michigan. They have a tough sched and it will take it’s toll.

Off topic, but watched an interesting story on TV, about Starbucks becoming huge. Couple of stories about early 80’s and someone going to Starbucks in Seattle and having the ‘first good cup of coffee I ever had’. They started up in ’71 but didn’t start selling ‘cups of coffee’ until about ’81..
The reason I thought it was strange is because along in 83-84, I went to Seattle and had heard of them so decided to have a coffee there. I wasn’t impressed with it at all, guess I was too used to Louisiana coffee. But they’ve been very successful, so I guess a lot of people agreed with them.

@Redteam: Notre Dame undefeated going into Tallahassee next year—11-1 going into playoffs–I can dream. N.C. over ND never happen. ND beat ASU and USC this year and should repeat with much improved team in 2014. Louisville much weaker without Bridgewater. Mich. and Stanford always tough but games are in South Bend.
Starbucks is a great story with dynamic, progressive, philanthropic CEO.

@Richard Wheeler:

Notre Dame undefeated going into Tallahassee next year—11-1 going into playoffs

Well, we’ll see, I think closer to 9-3 or 8-4.

@Redteam: remember this one:

OSU over Clemson.

Don’t think so.

Other than that, I think you hit them all. But I got that one also. I agree, great games yesterday, both of them watched them on two tvs’ side by side. Didn’t miss a play whether I was also on here at the time or not.