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Popularem Honesta (the Honest Democrat): an extinct species


a person who tells lies.

Obama, Pelosi, democrat

The honest democrat has gone the way of the dodo bird. Extinct.

We have previously established that Barack Obama is the biggest liar as President in modern history. Now we will establish that Nancy Pelosi is unrivaled for the title of biggest liar as a member of Congress.

And she suffers from CRS Syndrome. On July 1, 2012 Pelosi was on Meet the Press and she uttered these famous words:

“And everybody will have lower rates, better quality care and better access.”

See for yourself:


It was so obviously false that even the left leaning Politifact wasn’t buying. They rated her statement false, when in truth it should have gotten a “pants on fire” rating but those are usually reserved only for conservatives.

She also said we had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it:


Well, it was passed, via some legislative chicanery. And we found out that Obama lied, over and over and over. We also discovered that Pelosi lied. Over and over. And she lies about lying.


Yes, Nancy, you did say it, you disgusting liar. Let’s play that again:


What really set me off about her flagrant lies was a statement in this story:

Pelosi pushes back hard on dropped plans

In it, she says:

“No matter what people say about whether they like their plan or not, their plan was not going to be their plan. Everybody’s premiums were going up.”

Talk about audacity. How about that? Pelosi “pushes back hard” about her own lies. In two sentences, she admits that she, Obama and every other democrat are liars and the democrat plot was always to take away your insurance.

Obama’s aides also encouraged him to lie because the truth wouldn’t sell.

So here’s the bottom line, the democrat mantra- the end justifies the means. For democrats, honesty is second to design. They have told and will tell you anything in order to further their clandestine agenda and you are not entitled even to know their legislative goals until they are codified.

The honest democrat is an extinct species. When they know what’s better for you than you do and lie to your face repeatedly to accomplish their own agenda this is no longer a free society and we are governed by frauds.

What’s next? Forced abortions for conservatives as amendment to Obamacare? Euthanasia for the GOP under the guise of improving care? Forced sterilization for red states? Don’t laugh too quickly. Let me introduce you to Obama’s science czar:

President Obama’s “science czar,” John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet — controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.

That’s his science czar.

After all, you have to pass it to find out what’s in it, right? What won’t they do?

And how do you know? If they lie so freely and callously, why won’t the lie about? If they’re held accountable, why wouldn’t they lie again?

One cannot help but recall the Liar-in-Chief’s own hollow words:

“…don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

Don’t break it? What this country is about? AYFKM?

Obama and I have very different ideas as to what this country is about. Deceit and dishonesty are what democrats are about, but not what this country is about. This wasn’t a little lie. It’s a gigantic lie.

“Honest democrat” is an oxymoron.

So f**k you, Barack. Really. F**k you.

And F**k you, Nancy.

And f**k you democrats.

And f**k any of you who vote for any of them again.

This must not stand. I want my country back. Call it A Dream from my Father.

Think that’s strong? How would you know? How do you know they’re not lying now when they say they’re not lying? This is how democrats win elections. And also, this way:


Idiots. They know the true believers are idiots. Honesty and integrity are for losers. But there may be a glimmer of hope. Democrats lied to America. The goal is irrelevant. They have violated the trust of the voters and there may be harsh punishment for the wages of sin.

Are Democrat incumbents in trouble? While a pro-Democratic Party poll conducted by James Carville and Stan Greenberg’s Democracy Corps says no, Kevin Drum says otherwise at the liberal Mother Jones, Newsbusters’ Noel Sheppard said Friday.

Although the GOP brand has taken a beating thanks largely to constant propaganda and false reporting from liberal networks, Drum said that when one looks at approval/disapproval of actual members of Congress, “the picture turns sharply.”

“In Democratic districts, net incumbent approval has plummeted by 11 points, from +8 approval to +3 disapproval. In Republican districts, incumbent approval has gone down only 4 points. You see the same results when they ask a question about warmth of feeling toward incumbents: It’s down 7 points in Republican districts and 9 points in Democratic districts,” he said.

“This isn’t good news for Democrats,” he added.

Drum said that attitudes toward the GOP have “taken a bigger hit” than attitudes toward Democrats but, he added, “attitudes toward actual incumbents are exactly the opposite. And in elections, that’s what matters.”

We can only hope.

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