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Americans already knew that, WITHOUT this 60-Minute report…the “LIES” were so absurd.

I am glad 60-minutes at least to some extent stepped up to the plate to expose the TRUTH..

@FAITH7: #1
This is what impeachments are made of.

. . . . Finally, the obvious is slapping the liberal ideologues in the mouth. Far worse than what Nixon resigned for.

Still, CBS cannot bring itself to lay the blame with Obama or Clinton, or on anyone near either of these rejects.


This is what impeachments are made of.

Oh, How we wish!!!

Greggie, it’s getting harder and harder for you to be Obama’s book licker, isn’t it?

@retire05, #6:

Did you bother to read the incident report? Either the 60 Minutes account or the official incident report he made to his employer has to have been a total fabrication.


Did you bother to read the incident report? Either the 60 Minutes account or the official incident report he made to his employer has to have been a total fabrication.

He told the story to 60 minutes and was filmed telling the story. He denies making the statement that you linked to and said it is a fabrication. CBS is now trying the boot-licking route trying to make Obama look better, as if even CBS could get it wrong. Well, remember Dan Rather? CBS has proven that they use fabrication to make the Dims look good.
Greg, we’re not surprised you are kissing the CBS ring.


Greggie, it’s getting harder and harder for you to be Obama’s book licker, isn’t it?

LOL, nope, he’s enjoying it more each day. (he thinks it’s natural)

@Redteam, #8:

He denies making the statement that you linked to and said it is a fabrication.

According to the State Department, the incident report hasn’t suddenly appeared out of the blue to discredit the 60 Minutes story. They state that Congress was given a copy of this document during the course of the Benghazi investigation months ago—a claim that should be easy to disprove, if untrue.

From the U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing, November 4, 2013:

MS. HARF: So a couple of points to that, and obviously, there’s an ongoing investigation by the FBI so I can’t talk too much about this. But on September 14th, 2012, the State Department was in receipt of an incident report from the Blue Mountain Group detailing the account of their project manager in Benghazi that night. The incident report was shared with Congress months ago, along with more than 25,000 pages of relevant documents. That report appears to be the same one that has been reported on in recent days.

My understanding is that the Blue Mountain project manager was interviewed by the FBI as part of their investigation into the attack. I’d refer you to them for further questions on those interviews.

QUESTION: But on – so basically, your understanding of his whereabouts, whether he was at his villa or —

MS. HARF: I don’t have a comment on his whereabouts. I can tell you that we did receive an incident report. It appears to be the same document that’s been reported on in the press recently, the document that was shared with Congress. But no further comments on that.