Oh yes, here it is.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Funny how Clinton never shut down the memorials in ’95 when the government shut down then.
@proof: Clinton had things to diddle during the shutdown, when barry gets rained out he gets vindictive.
@Rob in Katy: Vindictive is a word I’ve been using a lot the last day or two to describe President Barry Hussein.
Obama’s administration is malicious and mean spirited. They purposely do these kinds of petty obnoxious things to inconvenience as many Americans as possible, and then Obama blames it on Republicans. This petulant, arrogant ass still hasn’t opened “The People’s” White House up for tours.
Levin: ‘I’ll Bring Half a Million People’ to WWII Memorial if You Lay ‘One Damn Hand’ on Veterans
Levin went on:
This is about optics and they know it.
and another example
Many of us knew Obama has little to zero leadership skills, and everyday he proves it.
And when the LIVs put Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. and his Marxist minions into positions of power, was there any doubt in your mind it would be any different?
obama has always seen our military as his enemy. He has done everything he can to reduce our military, even wants them to have to pay for their own medical care. He doesn’t want returning veterans to have guns. He wouldn’t wear the American flag pin. He wouldn’t hold his hand over his heart when the National Anthem was played. He didn’t know how to pronounce “Navy corpsman”. He looks at our military the same way we do the terrorists. The way things are going, it might not be long before the military is obama’s enemy, and has to jump in and fight his national civilian security force.
Unfortunately, with the breakdown of true family values and true community spirit by these leftist dirtbags, it was all too easy for them to inculcate a mindset of chaotic selfishness in far too many people that makes them easily manipulated into believing that 2+2=5.
It will take a political cataclysm to reorient our nation to the principles our Founding Fathers built for this once great nation. So long as people of poor character can sell their votes to the government, paid for with money stolen from those with character who work hard to actually earn their way through life; so long as the tenets of Judeo-Christian faith are maligned as evil, while the barbaric history of a satanic death-cult continues to be white-washed admiringly into a “religion of peace”; so long as bizarre, shades-of-gray rationalizations for evil acts are the modus operandi of the self-labelled cultural illuminati (i.e. propagandizing the murder of the pre-born as a “woman’s right to choose”) — the foundation of our civilization cannot be repaired.
What the left continually pushes as the manner in which to improve society will have the same end result as that of a 17th century febrile patient whose physician insists on treating with bloodletting to remove the excess sanguinal humors.
This is how to start a revolution.
Tear down the barrycades.
In the words if the immortal Reagan: “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Attacking the Greatest Generation is a bridge too far.
@mathman: Funny you should mention that:
New wave of WWII veterans move barricades to access DC memorial
I’d say the Narcissistic Child in Chief needs a good spanking but I’m afraid he’d like it too much. Sadly it’ll be a while before he gets a well deserved timeout.