It’s amazing to say it but Vladmir Putin has been the only one with any common sense in the continuing war on terror. Russia knows full well the threat of fanatical Islam, our President does not. More proof that Putin was right came today:
American hopes of winning more influence over Syria’s fractious rebel movement faded Wednesday after 11 of the biggest armed factions repudiated the Western-backed opposition coalition and announced the formation of a new alliance dedicated to creating an Islamic state.
The al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, designated a terrorist organization by the United States, is the lead signatory of the new group, which will further complicate fledgling U.S. efforts to provide lethal aid to “moderate” rebels fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Others include the Tawheed Brigade, the biggest Free Syrian Army unit in the northern city of Aleppo; Liwa al-Islam, the largest rebel group in the capital, Damascus; and Ahrar al-Sham, the most successful nationwide franchise of mostly Syrian Salafist fighters. Collectively, the new front, which does not yet have a formal name but has been dubbed by its members the “Islamist Alliance,” claims to represent 75 percent of the rebels fighting to topple Assad.
Gen. Salim Idriss, the head of the moderate Supreme Military Council and the chief conduit for U.S. aid to the rebels, cut short a visit to Paris after the announcement of the alliance overnight Tuesday and will head to Syria on Thursday to attempt to persuade the factions to reconsider, according to the council’s spokesman, Louay al-Mokdad.
It seems everyone knew that the “rebels” were just an army of terrorists long ago, the evidence has long been there, but not our President. In fact he’s arming our enemy.
Obama believed the world would be better without Khaddafi in power, now they are an Islamic state ruled by fanatics. Obama believed the world would be better off without Mubarak in power and supported a fanatic Islamic leader to run Egypt. Now he believes that Syria would be better off being run by those loyal to al-Qaeda.
And the only one who knows better it seems is Putin.

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I disagree wrt our POtuS — B-HO knows exactly what he is doing and why — so do his symbiotic handlers — the muzzies and the commies (rooskies and chi-coms) are in a three way scorpion dance with the west in between.
Correct, Bud.
The only solace is knowing that AFTER we are subdued and or conquered the Muslims and the Russians and the Chinese will still be killing and trying to subdue one another.
Not much of a consolation, however.
Obama would disarm us and arm Islamists.
He would assist in instituting Sharia and Dhimmitude here.
But he would miss the bigger picture.
Islam is never done subduing others.
Even if all Americans were converted or dhimmis, and also all Chi-coms and Russians – those Muslims would fight one another for top dog spot.
World Caliph can only be one sect, and one man.
Lots sects and men want that for themselves.
Our best, most successful strategy would be to constantly point out how ”unislamic” one sect is, then another, then another.
Let them keep busy cleaning their own nest …..forever.
Putin gets it.
Even China, with its forced assimilation pogroms, gets it.*
Obama doesn’t.
*China sent Muslim men away from their homelands and forced the women to marry non-Muslim Chinese men.
Those male Muslims have been kept single and put in forced labor camps.
China is destroying the Muslim identity, much the same way their went after the Tibetian one.
Remember Elizabeth O’Bagy, the former analyst at the Institute for the Study of War who had been accused of fabricating qualifications and being in the employ of Syrian rebel advocates????
John McCain doesn’t care about her qualifications…..or lack of them.
He just has hired her as a legislative assistant!
He and she (he says) hold common views on Syria.