Photo of the Weekend

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Official White House Photo by Pete Souza President Barack Obama writes a school excuse note for Alanah Poullard, 5, while visiting with Wounded Warriors and their families in the East Room during their tour of the White House, Sept. 19, 2013. Alanah asked for a note to show her kindergarten teacher.
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
President Barack Obama writes a school excuse note for Alanah Poullard, 5, while visiting with Wounded Warriors and their families in the East Room during their tour of the White House, Sept. 19, 2013. Alanah asked for a note to show her kindergarten teacher.

From last Friday:

Alanah Poullard, a kindergartener and the daughter of a wounded veteran, was visiting the White House for an event Friday honoring wounded military service members with her father.

There was one hitch: She needed a note explaining her absence from school.

President Barack Obama obliged, writing a missive to her teacher from the East Room of the White House as Alanah patiently waited.


This isn’t the first time the president has honored such a request. Minnesota fifth-grader Tyler Sullivan got a special note from the president when he attended a campaign speech last June.

In 2009, he also wrote a note for 10-year-old Kennedy Corpus, who missed the last day of school to attend a town hall event featuring the president in Green Bay, Wis.

On a piece of paper, he said: “To Kennedy’s teacher: Please excuse Kennedy’s absence. She’s with me. Barack Obama.”

No doubt seeing the president’s signature is a quite a surprise for those elementary school teachers.

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I’m sure every president does stuff like this.
But GWBush pushed reading.
Laura Bush made it her job as First Lady to encourage reading.
The Obama’s have spoken about eating sensibly, but they are always getting caught during one of the MANY exceptions of a fatty, greasy, sweet or savory meals.
When Obama is shown giving out school absence notes, he is setting the example that skipping school for any sort of excuse is OK.
Obama has already tried to make discipline ”more fair” by preventing blacks from receiving the lessons they need to become socialized into American society.
So, now he takes it to the next step.

Caption: Take this note to Mr. Putin and tell him this time, I really mean it!

@Wordsmith: NanG being NanG. There’s a few more like her at F.A. Pretty obvious who they are.
Laughable clowns who set back the Conservative cause.
Thanks for keeping em honest.

Semper Fi

The photo of the week should have been the one showing how Democrats walked out of a hearing, not wanting to give respect to the mother of Sean Smith and the father of Ty Woods.

Not some cutesy photo-op of Obama handing some little girl a note to get out of school.

But I’m sure Richard Wheeler, with his Semper Fi b/s, supports the disrespect shown to the parents of slain Americans by the Democrats.


If it were a Republican president who did this, I don’t think we’d hear from many on the right finding fault.

Somehow, Wordsmith, I think if it were a Republican president who did this, you would not have found it that interesting.

Each person should ask obama for an excuse note to get out of obamacare. That would be something FA could get started. Imagine millions of letters written to obama asking for that excuse note!

great idea,


Naw, it’s the cutesy things in life that prevents us from becoming so ratchety.

Perhaps therein lies the problem: we are more interested in “cutesy” than we are in what is actually going on.

If you can find a good, solid photo of dem Dems walking out, link it here! By all means, please do so.

Why? Is it so unimportant, as an author on this website, that you can’t find one?

@Wordsmith: Less Ratchety and
Stay positive and fit. It’ll keep you young. But you know that Word.

the CONSERVATIVES could not become as ugly as them,
even if they would try,
the CONSERVATIVES are the bright ones of this USA,
SMART, PLAYFULL, OPTIMIST, and the best friend one can depend on always,
one cannot be afraid of being cross by them,

Clandestine couriers, delivering top secret missives to foreign leaders, I love this cloak and dagger business. Putin, being KGB will appreciate it as well. Danger at every turn, but top secret government diplomacy goes on, just beneath the surface.

I should get a get out of obamacare note.

another of your good one,

@Wordsmith: #14
I’m with you on this one, it’s pretty much what we would expect from any president. I can’t criticize President Obama for this.
And there’s a sentence I never expected to type!

Obamanation leaves too much GOOD really BAD flotsam and jetsam in his wake to find fault with this picture. I agree with those who think this is a fine pic… wait for the good bad stuff, then pile on!